The hundreds of kite-sized flying vehicles that flew over were arranged in a line, making a harsh rustle tearing the air.

The flying machinery is coming very fast, flying up and down, like a silver-white dragon in the air, shooting from side to side all the way.

The gunfire exploded.

Heat waves and blazing flames.

The fire dazzling of the explosion dazzled this small area so that the naked eye is almost impossible to see.

The eagle armor tactical helmets worn by the warriors are automatically adjusted to the holographic monitoring mode to protect the warrior's eyes.

In the holographic monitoring, various energy weapons and live ammunition weapons are pouring rain.

Both sides hold up shields of different colors, you come and I meet.

Every time a firefight bursts, it shows a spooky firework shape in the holographic monitoring.

It looks beautiful, but it kills people.

Chen Feng's idea of ​​thinking it was an exercise was disillusioned in less than ten seconds.

"Kite" suddenly launched a fire collection, tearing apart the combined shield of the three warrior shields on the flanks once, and hitting three of them.

This is not a single shot.

In 0.2 second after the shield was damaged and could not be reopened in the future, dozens of kites instantly turned their muzzles and aggregated them with an average of tens of thousands of pulse energy cluster attacks per second. The killer offensive.

The three people who were hit did not have time to scream, they were evaporated on the spot together with the eagle armor until they disappeared.

The ultra-high voltage bio-battery mounted on the Eagle Strike Armor was detonated, and it burst into a commotion, which in turn caused several warriors to evaporate in place, causing a chain explosion.

The formation fell into a brief chaos, the third team Captain issued orders one after another, and finally stabilized the situation again.

Chen Feng realized that this is really deadly.

So it's definitely not a drill.

But he also felt that the war of the invaders should not be in this mode.

With the technology mastered by the invaders, if the battlefield is transferred to Earth, there is no good thing about shooting at each other and struggling to death.

Everyone died a long time ago under the kind of weird attack that could break the human body.

Forget it, since he can't figure it out for the time being, he simply doesn't think about it, he can do his own business with peace of mind, and make plans after he has overcome this difficulty.

Chen Feng condensed his mind, and started to form a so-called double-X firepower net by diffusing into the air like other people, while turning off the holographic system, using the naked eye belonging to the galactic human to forcefully observe the battle.

After all, he is not used to the simplified vision of the holographic mode.

No matter how fast the computer is, from receiving information to transforming it into a visual screen, to being captured by the human eye, after all, there are more links and processes.

Moreover, the amount of information reflected in the tactical helmet is less. After other people have been trained, they naturally feel that the fight at close quarters in the ground environment should be like this, so they use the holographic mode habitually. .

But Chen Feng doesn't think this will work.

The flashing light made his eyes a little uncomfortable, but it was still bearable.

Just less than two seconds after he turned off the holographic mode, the shield in front of him was suddenly torn.

In the next instant, the muzzle of more than fifty "kites" was aimed at him.

The dangerous smell made Chen Feng hair stands on end. He pressed on his body fiercely, and rolled on the spot. The power engine on his shoulders was full of thrust. At the same time, he adjusted the live ammunition gun to the maximum power with his backhand, and fired one after another.

With the thrust of the shoulder engine and the recoil of the live ammunition gun, Chen Feng successfully avoided this round of fire.

But the comrades around him were not as capable, and sacrificed two people one after another.

Chen Feng went back and rushed back, redeploying all the energy to the shield generator, and withstood the gap again to avoid being enlarged by the opponent.

"How are you Chen Feng?"

Not far away came Ding Hu's nervous cry.

Chen Feng breathed heavily, "It's okay Brother Hu, be careful yourself."

Chen Feng squinted his eyes again, and looked at the close proximity, no more than Numerous five-meter "kites".

Soon he found the strangeness again.

No wonder from the very beginning Tang Tianxin ordered not to use energy weapons, only live ammunition weapons.

He understood.

The ripples reflected by the refraction of strong light on the silver metallic luster of these flying machines made him very familiar.

It is clearly the special material for the personal top version of the Morrowind system that he used last time!

This thing is adaptive to energy, so energy weapons are useless at all.

But the opponent's flight speed is extremely fast, and extremely flexible, and can even capture the ballistic in advance according to the change of the muzzle, which is extremely difficult to hit with live ammunition weapons.

Not only that, as everyone got closer and closer to the exit of Changheng Valley, more flying machinery came from behind.

Some big guys went to the front one after another, it should be planned to block the way forward.

Beside the "Kite", there are a lot of palm-size "Sparrow" flying machines.

These broken things are more ruthless, the muzzle is thinner, but the barrels are more, and the offensive is more fierce. It can be called all-round without dead ends, and it forms a more perfect wave with the "kite". Shaped superimposed firepower net.

Once there is a loophole in the human formation, they can even instantly lock hundreds of different units, and form an explosive saturation suppression to cover the blow.

In the face of a human counterattack, whether it is a sparrow or a kite, they have mastered unimaginable tactical evasive flight movements and are extremely difficult to be hit.

The battle strength of these things is far stronger than the command-type Star Peak warrior or Morrowind warrior that Chen Feng has dealt with.

Heaven knows Behind the unmanned machine cluster is how abnormal computing power is supporting it.

The details are too perfect, so perfect that it makes people almost desperate.

This kind of penetration attack with no opportunity is extremely powerful and overwhelming, and it even has the flavor of an intruder.

Of course, human beings are not completely unachievable.

Even if it's a big luck, the firepower that humans hit in turn can occasionally penetrate the opponent's shield, hitting the body of the flying machine, and the damage caused is particularly considerable.

Basically, as long as one hit, these delicate things will fall to the ground out of control and explode.

On average, the battle damage ratio between the human warrior and the flying machinery on the left front of the third team is 1.5:1.

Very tragic.

The situation of the first and second teams is slightly better. Although the combat units they face seem to be more powerful, the warriors over there are indeed stronger in all aspects of comprehensive literacy. The loss ratio can barely reach 1:1.

However, the situation will soon change.

Because Chen Feng has completed the battlefield observation.

He understood the behavior patterns of these flying machines.

The size of these things is generally small, but the firepower is so fierce, and the power of the shield is still so large, which is too unreasonable.

The pressure resistance of its internal circuit is too strong, there must be a problem.

So, under Chen Feng's naked eye observation.

He found that the reason these things were hit and injured every time they were particularly severe was simply because when they released their firepower to the extreme, the defensive power of their own shields had almost completely disappeared.

This time is short, fleeting, but it has always existed.

Machine relies on the amazing computing power far beyond the human brain to complete the optimal distribution of energy to achieve this effect.

What’s more cunning is that when they take away the energy supply of the shield generator and tilt the firepower with full force, they will release another layer of slightly different color, but the effect is almost equal to no fake shield. .

The energy state of this fake shield is very unstable, and the leaked radiation fluctuations are exactly the same as the high-strength real shield, completely blinding the battlefield monitoring of the holographic system.

If it weren't for Chen Feng to force the naked eye to distinguish by relying on the human body of the galaxy, he would not be able to find the strangeness at all. He could only regard accidental hits and shoot them down as a sign of luck.

Chen Feng secretly marveled at the horror of the enemy commander.

The opponent knows all the behaviors and trends of human beings, and it is considered exhaustive.

Under the battle of this kind of scene, in theory, everyone can only use the holographic mode.

Squeeze this key point to death, then the opponent can easily obtain the maximum result with the least cost.

Reflected in the battle situation, that is, the entire human team faces an unmanned machine that is three times its own, and is at a disadvantage in an all-round way.

The new equipment Eagle Armor has been basically adapted, the battlefield dynamic capture has been completed, the enemy’s combat style has been understood, and the enemy’s fatal flaws have been discovered.

Chen Feng breathes deeply, decided secretly, no longer, it's time to act!

He concentrated one's mind and began to fight back.

On the surface, he still performs air diffusion like everyone else.

He did not change the formation structure of the Firepower Net, but his preview was slightly clumsy. Compared with a skilled warrior like Ding Hu, his shooting rhythm was not so well controlled, even Pang Outstanding students like Germany can't match it.

Ding Hu noticed this, but didn't blame him.

This is the normal level of the recruits. The equipment that was fast enough to start up with abnormal data must be an accident or a bug.

Chen Feng has no time to care about others, only constantly improving his neural response speed and thinking intensity.

Every time his seemingly aimless shooting, in fact, he constantly deepens his understanding of the changing laws of enemy aircraft shields.

As long as you have shortcomings, I will be able to see through it!

Chen Feng thought to himself, quietly bent the barrel, raised his hand and threw away to take a shot.

The black bullet pierced a five-meter space in the air, as if passing through tofu dregs, and pierced a pseudo-shield that lasted less than 0.05 seconds.


The metal shell of this "kite" was torn apart, and the central control chip inside was punctured.



This is the first "accident" created by Chen Feng.

There will be a second time and a third time...

The confrontation continues.

During the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides, the long team continued to rush forward, getting closer and closer to rushing out of the Changheng Mountain Pass.

The opponent's offensive is even more fierce.

Someone keeps falling down along the way.

The second team in charge of the queen also paid a painful price. The chasing flying machinery they faced had incomparable super firepower, which made their combined shield consume extremely fast.

The first team at the front of the formation is not easy.

The large machinery they face not only has heavy firepower, but the dragonfly-sized miniature machinery coiled around is with no opportunity.

The first team paid the price of downsizing more than 50 people, and finally broke through the blockade ahead. The team's forward speed accelerated again, but the pressure on the second team behind it increased sharply.

The comrades around me disappeared one by one, but no one screamed lose one's head out of fear.

The atmosphere is dull and solemn, and the team still press forward in silence.

Everyone has only one very pure belief.

Kill out!

But the enemy's firepower is suppressed too fiercely. Under too strong pressure, people will always make mistakes. The sign of mistakes is that they have not been able to adjust the energy output in time, which leads to a gap in the shield.

Even a senior warrior like Ding Hu.

Suddenly, Ding Hu trembled fiercely. In order to take another shot, his engine was overloaded for a short time and the shield was torn.

The defense in front of him is empty!

In the next instant, two "kites" and five "sparrows" aimed at him!

Ding Hu hair stands on end, so nervous as to pop out of his throat.

He knows what will happen next.

We are about to greet ourselves with a small-scale salvo to prevent other teammates around me from rescuing the expanded shield fusion, and then more than one hundred flying machines will initiate a round of crushing dry against this gap. A volley of weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Ding Hu opened his mouth and wanted to shout to keep others away from him.

But it's too late.


In an instant, a tall black figure stood in front of him.

This black shadow's two-handed weapon has been switched to a multi-barrel rolling cluster gun!

Quickly quickly...

The cluster heavy machine began to shoot wildly, pouring out firepower!

Ding Hu was shocked. This is a space cluster charge form of Eagle Strike Armor. It is known for its huge might power output, but it is not suitable for such a small-scale battlefield at all, because its accuracy and sensitivity are simply not enough.

But... the "kites" and "sparrows" that had caused him a fatal threat actually crashed one after another extremely strangely.

Ding Hu raised his head and glanced at the number behind the eagle armor in front of him-TX-虎-007.

It's Chen Feng!

But what the hell is your control ability!

Can the charge form have such shooting accuracy?

How did he easily pierce the opponent's shield with every shot?

The legendary free front is the strongest warrior Lin Bu is also just this, right?

But this is Chen Feng!

Ding Hu is extremely at a loss.

After Chen Feng cleared the field, the other teammates next to him put up the shield again.

The situation has stabilized.

Chen Feng turned his head and waved his hand at Ding Hu, "Brother Hu, hold on. The bait is good, otherwise I don’t have such a good chance."

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