Promoting the progress of various disciplines requires scholars to continuously provide fantastic ideas and artificial intelligence to complete the extremely large amount of calculations.

Using mathematical methods as the foundation, and then using physical methods to express some of the conclusions, constantly trial and error, constant calculations, and finally find the precise energy oscillation equation when activating quantum resonance.

This is the only feasible way.

Therefore, Fanxing and the work of scholars must go hand in hand. It is indispensable.

Using Fanxing’s current computing power and the overall research capabilities of the project team, Ou Qinglan and Fanxing’s judgment is that spare no effort will take at least 17 months.

Too late.

If you want to complete it in seven months, you must get the help of eight million blank personality subjects who have not yet escaped the mortal danger and have no possibility of recovery.

The blank personality experiment project with a population of 8 million people is the last group Chen Feng wants to see.

Many people lost their lives in the Hundred Years' War, but those who have passed away can always be forgotten.

But these eight million people are still alive, and they are not so real.

Every day these people exist, Chen Feng feels that this is like a silent accusation of history against him.

So as early as the day when he returned to Earth, he handed the matter over to Lu Xianfeng, and let Old Lu deal with it with Fanxing's cooperation.

But unfortunately, these people cannot be saved.

From the first second after a fertilized egg is born, a person with a blank personality is enclosed in a petri dish and grows continuously, but never moves.

With the help of the high-precision internal circulation nutrition chamber, these 8 million people do not need to breathe, eat, sleep, or even the heart beats.

Their bodies are nothing but false evidence that they are still "alive".

Of all their organs, only the brain is active for a long time.

Since they were born, they have no five senses and live in the eternal darkness and silence of the "world."

There is no social interaction, no communication, no idea who I am, where I come from, and what I exist for.

They were instilled a lot of knowledge by Lei using retinal projection and brain wave communication, making them extremely keen thinking, very knowledgeable, but completely ignorant strange life.

But what is so wonderful is that even if the blank personality has been twisted into such a form, the will to resist has never been extinguished.

They don't know why they have to resist, but they never give up the confrontation with Lei in the heart.

Then Lei began to play "Song of the Outside World" to their ears, and during the interference and influence of "Song of the Outside World", she forced her to obey herself in a disc-like operation. Enter the bottom of the mechanized thinking structure of these people.

Now, scholars cannot even define what they are from biology and sociology.

Lu Xianfeng tried to rescue dozens of people, but found that the emotional quotient of these people with extremely high IQ and extremely fast brains is absolutely zero.

They are extremely afraid of the world, ground, and air outside the nutrition warehouse, and they are extremely afraid of the sky and stars.

After they leave the nutrition warehouse, they often die quickly in less than ten seconds.

It is not a sudden death when the heart stops beating, it is the sudden loss of all consciousness in the brain, all the low-energy brain waves that are always released to the outside are interrupted, and the never-ending brain quantum storm is completely stagnated, and there is no more The possibility of recovery becomes a completely hollow body.

All the internal circulation processes of this body, including heartbeat and blood circulation, will slowly stagnate like a razor whose battery is about to run out.

To use the ancient superstition, that is their soul drifting away.

They have become mechanized wisdom under the influence of the deep penetration of "Song of the Outside World", but they also have certain personality characteristics due to the existence of eternal loneliness since their birth.

Chen Feng at first heard Ou Qinglan talk about this matter, he was very reluctant to intervene.

He said: "Fanxing completely inherited Lei's database, can't you just let Fanxing mobilize them? Why let me go?"

Ou Qinglan did not answer, but Fanxing In his mind, he said: "No, I tried. I can't do it. After I completed the logical reconstruction in Zhong Lei's nerve cells, I did have a fundamental difference with the past Lei. They no longer obey me. Order, resist every will that tries to interfere with their thinking."

Chen Feng was taken aback, and suddenly remembered that in the last timeline, he took a giant spaceship with himself to the end of the solar system barrier. The more than 20,000 mechanized perfect logicians thoroughly controlled by "Song of the Outside World".

At that time, this group of people had completely lost their sensibility, but still followed his orders, charging towards the tower of mathematics at the cost of burning the brain’s lifespan, and assisting in deciphering the first collection of Limbu’s brain. Song of the Outside.

At that time, more than 20,000 people instantly increased the human computing power of the previous generation by ten times.

Humans are really wonderful creatures. They have been forced to give up everything. They no longer have a complete personality. They don’t care about anything. However, they are still full of fighting spirit to resist the fate of others. Follow the leader without the slightest hesitation and move forward courageously.

This kind of will is immortal and is with the family.

After figuring it out, Chen Feng sighed in his heart, "so that's how it is, Fanxing, you are indeed no longer a bud."

"There are eight million here now. People are four hundred times the timeline of your previous generation. Now our computing power has been strengthened a lot. Using the blessings provided by these 8 million people can increase our current computing power by about one to 1.5 times , There is a chance to complete the project within seven months."

Chen Feng nodded, he said again in his heart: "Is the total increase in computing power within the three-generation timeline 2666.67~4000 times?"

Fanxing: "Not only, because people in this generation have a higher degree of gene arousal, and under Lei’s extreme squeeze, they have a stronger potential. Our blank personality of this generation can provide computing power per capita than your machine back then. The logical person is much stronger. The total increase of the artificial intelligence computing power of the three generations of timelines has exceeded 10,000 times. This is all your credit."

Chen Feng shook his head and muttered in his heart, "It is also my sin."

The previous Ou Qinglan finally spoke, "No, I tried it. Fanxing said that maybe only you, the recognized leader of human beings, can convince them."

Chen Feng frowned, "Convinced? Can they communicate now?"

"Due to the disappearance of Lei, the obedience code engraved at the bottom of their consciousness has been loosened, and they have a little bit of collective personality. Now their collective personality is making a Crowd calculation."

Chen Feng: "Calculate what?"

"Calculate whether you still have the meaning of living. Fanxing doesn't know when they will calculate the result, but If they decide to end their unfortunate lives, these 8 million people will instantly become empty bodies. I beg them to stay and make a little contribution to mankind. But their collective personality asks me, why? I can’t answer this question. Fanxing is even more unable to answer."

Chen Feng fell silent again.


This simple three-character question turned him over.

"I'll try it. Go now."

Chen Feng stood up.

Tang Tianxin came over from the side and took his hand, "Shall I go with you?"

Chen Feng shook the head, "No, rest assured, I am super strong . Eat cakes at home obediently, and wait for me to come back."

After talking, Chen Feng raised his pocket.

Here is the strawberry cheesecake he personally made by passing by the reconstructed Seoul City on his way back to the newly opened handmade dessert shop.

Actually, Chen Feng wanted to do this a long time ago. Otherwise, I am sorry that she had worked so hard to learn for several days in order to get her.

When Tang Tianxin saw this, his fingers trembled and his heartbeat accelerated.

Although he once said that he likes desserts and even knew that he likes to triple the sweetness, he never told him that his favorite is strawberry cheesecake.

The logic of ordinary person is even more unimaginable. The favorite dessert of the coalition government fleet commander under one person above ten thousand people is this.

Seeing Tang Tianxin's blushing look, Chen Feng said that the hard work of this half hour was worth it.

She took a sip, "It’s not the taste of the quark meter, there are many more changes, you made it yourself?"


"Thank you "

The Ou Qinglan next to him is sour, "I want to eat too, Sister Tianxin divides me a little."

Chen Feng pressed Ou Qinglan's forehead, "Nothing for you! "

While Chen Feng and Ou Qinglan boarded the micro-curvature aircraft, Fanxing suddenly said in Chen Feng's mind: "You are so kind to her."

Chen Feng slightly nodded, I thought: "Yes."

"But you are too cruel to Zhong Lei."

Chen Feng stiffened, don't turn your face to look at the horizon already in the distance The last glow of the setting sun.

"I'll say sorry to her."

"If I'm sorry, what should the police do."

See Chen Feng and stop answering.

Fanxing said again: "I know that you are afraid that confessing to her in advance will affect the birth of "Morrowind". Why not write a tip before you come next time, try to give history another new Is it possible? Even if you lose, you only lose once?"

Chen Feng thought for a long time, until he arrived at his destination in America, he said, "Actually, that is not necessarily a kind of happiness."


At a depth of more than 3,000 meters underground in the Americas continent, in the huge all-metal frame structure, the dark indicator lights are shining brightly.

The metal hall is so huge that there is no end in sight.

Eight million transparent cabinets, three meters long, 1.2 meters wide, and 1.2 meters high, are placed in half suspended layers of neat and tidy under the support of the alloy frame.

Countless roots are full of mechanical beauty, and they can be called criss-crossed channels for the gospel of the compulsor.

In every cabinet, there are young people, young people, middle-aged people, or old people with blank personality.

Men and women, densely packed, countless and eye-catching.

The cabinet is filled with transparent liquid.

People closed their eyes, lips closed, silent, and there was no ups and downs in their chests.

Chen Feng tried to breathe the quiet air in the hall.

Obviously no one was speaking, but he seemed to hear a silent roar.

There is not much anger in the roar, nor is there any sadness of despair, but some are just inexplicable indifferent thoughts.

This is the will of the collective personality quietly telling the universe about its numbness and loss.

Ou Qinglan opens the information monitoring dashboard.

She looked at the schedule above turned pale in fright, "Not good! Their group calculation is almost complete!"

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