Chen Feng got up, washed his face again, lay down on the bed, kicked his legs and stood upright.

After lying down, the sleepiness that he deliberately ignored came up, Chen Feng shook his head violently.

Not tired!

I am not tired!

Regardless of whether Fanxing can hear it or not, he snorts in disdain.

"What's this hard work? I look down on people, right? My old Chen Family are all iron men."

Don't say it, maybe it's the cowhide on the mouth. When the light is on, the body believes.

The tiredness is gone.

Chen Feng stretched out on the bed, and then said to himself: "Let’s do it tomorrow, I will put it together like this, and I have a clear conscience when I hang up. Anyway, if I lose, I don’t have to It doesn't matter who wins in the end, it's fine to hack to death."

Well, it was such a happy decision.

After his mind was finally free, Chen Feng began to open his mind and prepare to fall asleep.

"Oh, I'll go!"

Suddenly, he suddenly realized something and sat up from the bed.

Chen Feng's eyes widened, and his expression was shocked.

He finally realized something strange.

In the intensive and comprehensive teaching of Thirty Three Heavens, Chen Feng has seen many well-known masters in history, from all walks of life.

He hadn't paid much attention to the last names of these people before.

Now he suddenly reacted.

Many academics in history have the surname O!

The proportion is estimated to be one thousandth.

Ou surname is a rare surname, which is obviously extremely abnormal.

Chen Feng immediately began to look through historical materials in a targeted manner, this time focusing on fatty.

More than ten minutes later, the expression of the great philosopher Chen Feng changed again and again, becoming extremely complicated and distorted.

He is sometimes moved, sometimes speechless, sometimes didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After a long time, he silently gave a thumbs up to the air.

fatty, I will definitely help you burn the three sticks of incense when I look back.

Thanks for your hard work!

Compared with Fatty’s hard work and creation all his life, my hard work in just over a month and a few days can’t be considered.

Fatty Ou's life is a life of struggle, a life of hard work, striving to the utmost, a life that has passed since death.

It's really sing and weeping, and Chen Feng is deeply moved.

Actually, Fatty's social status in this life did not meet expectations.

Others have made great progress, but Ou Junlang's status in the world has declined.

Chen Feng clearly created the fourth more classic album for Fatty, but he may not even be able to match the "Folk Master" in the last timeline.

For a long time, the name Ou Junlang was not well-known in history books. In the early days, it was even deliberately avoided. It was always referred to as "Dísciple of Chen Feng", "Son of Ou Guohua", "Song Siyu" "Husband", "Father of Europe Astronomy", "Member of Salvation" and other prefixes are replaced.

When he died an untimely death, the funeral was not as grand as before.

It is not accidental that fatty fell to this point.

It's not that his album sales are not good, nor that his achievements in the music scene are not high. All this is caused because of his "private morality" at a loss.

As the only dísciple of the sage Chen Feng, Fatty Ou did not live up to the trust of the Master and used his only true talent vividly and thoroughly.

It's just that his talent is not well understood by the world.

Song Siyu conceived three times throughout his life, and gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

This is one of the big black spots of Fatty Ou.

After all, Song Siyu is not an ordinary woman, but a well-deserved second person in the field of artificial intelligence after Chen Feng.

Some people even think that Song Siyu's achievements in the field of quantum intelligence are better than Chen Feng.

Ou Junlang made her daughter-in-law pregnant three times in her life.

Many people accused him of dragging Song Siyu, saying that if he were not for him, Song Siyu's ultimate life achievement might be much higher.

Some people even criticized Fatty, saying that this is human life as grass, putting Song Siyu in danger.

Fatty really feels guilty for his wife. After all, the three seem to be a little too many, so he doesn't refute it, letting others say.

In addition, in addition to the boss, Ou Tiantian, and the second and third, the young couple has a total of ten babies, and a big family adds up to a total of 13 babies. You can also bring two in a football team. Substitute.

From Old Fourth to Old 13th, it was not Song Siyu who was pregnant, but a full-fledged test tube baby, which was born through some controversial surrogacy methods that are legal in some countries but are controversial in China.

This is again the second biggest black spot of fatty.

Such as hatred of the rich, accusing him of wasting social resources, disrespect for women, etc. have all come.

Because of such misdeeds, Ou Junlang has been scolded a lot throughout his life, and he does not refute all of them.

Whenever he was scolded at some public occasions, he was not angry, and only apologized time and time again, saying that he did not do well, and he did not set a good example as a public figure. In the future, we must do more public welfare activities to make up for the lack of personal ethics and make more contributions to the society.

Fatty has worked hard for a lifetime but has not been able to completely reverse the word of mouth, and finally passed away early with regret.

Until many years passed, as the rays of light of the Euclidean clan became more and more dazzling, his reputation gradually turned over, and the statuette belonging to him was qualified as one of the members of the salvation. Next to the huge statue of Chen Feng.

He did it.

He really relied on strength of oneself to create a huge family.

The Ou clan has never been defeated in this thousand years.

Even if the Ouhe Group changed hands, after the Ou clan gave up business, they never left the main stage of civilization development, and instead played a more important role.

On a certain level, the descendants of Fatty Ou in this timeline are more dazzling than Lu Family.

For a long thousand years, the huge Euclidean family has never lacked talents, and its performance in academia is particularly dazzling.

In its heyday, even a leader in the three major academic fields has at least one person at the forefront of cutting-edge science when it is weak.

Many descendants of Euclidean joined the Star Research Institute and other important scientific research units that have appeared many times in history.

In the huge team of Lai Wenming and Sergey, there are even three of them surnamed O.

Yang Guoding's Academician's enlightenment teacher, also surnamed Ou!

Up to now, in addition to Ou Qinglan, the descendant of shocking and stunning, the descendants of Ou Clan are also active in many scientific research fields.

Ou Qinglan’s cousin Ou Shenghe, cousin Ou Yuanming, Third Grandfather Ou Songlong, and the others are all important members of the Level 1 scientific research unit under the Scientific Research Executive Committee.

Fatty used his life's infamy and unremitting struggle to create a huge academic family spanning thousands of years.

In the new era, new weather and new changes that Chen Feng sees now, apart from his own credit, Sergei and Lai Wenming account for 20% of the rest, and the Ou clan must also account for at least 20%. !

When Chen Feng finally saw all this, his mood was really inexplicably complicated.

He doesn't know whether he should be moved, or should he scold Fatty too much for too much action?

Chen Feng opened Ou Junlang's memoirs again, and vaguely understood his feelings.

"Actually at first, I was really disappointed when I knew that the Master pulled me into the business to prevent me from harming Ouhe Group. But I think everyone is very happy, so I also follow , It’s always hard to discourage everyone."

"But afterwards, I always feel uncomfortable. Actually, my Master persuaded me to tell me not to. But I am not willing to, I have to do something , Otherwise my whole life will be too meaningless."

"I can't just watch everyone working hard, but I can't do anything about it. I really have no other good way."

"Since I am a member of the savior, I should be worthy of my identity and the trust of the Master."

"So, no matter what others understand or don’t understand. I don’t care. I have done so, and I hope my descendants will not let me down."

"The Master told me some attempts he had encountered that were not understood by the world, and I was still laughing at the time. Master's nerves are really big, you can handle it."

"Now I understand his mood. Actually I don't know what will happen in the future. Maybe my attempt is just a joke, and I'm sorry. My children. But what does it matter? Ask me ten thousand times, and I don’t regret it."

Chen Feng closed the memoir of the fatty.

He sighed.

Through these simple words, he can realize that Fatty's feeling of struggling in desperation and helplessness, and that Fatty is actually determined to make this attempt.

fatty implements the spirit of Master extremely firmly.

As long as the chances of defeating the enemy can be improved, it will be executed at any cost by fair means or foul.

Fatty must have tried to find his talents and innate talents, but in the end, there was nothing wrong, so he could only put his thoughts on descendants like Ou Qinglan.

This is actually a pain for him.

Although he looks naive, he is not stupid, nor is he really willing to waste his life purely by fate, otherwise he would not choose to sing instead of going back to inherit the family business. .

But Chen Feng's act of confessing the truth is actually a bit cruel to the fatty.

Because this, in a sense, deprives the fatty of the sense of accomplishment of working for another thing all his life.

So I still rely on luck!

Fatty might think so at the time.

It's no wonder that Chen Feng repeatedly emphasized not to ask about their futures, but he still couldn't stop talking.

He just hid the unspeakable loss and depression in his heart under the mask of hehe haha.

Chen Feng thought, maybe when Fatty made a decision, he just wanted to give himself a descendant like Ou Qinglan as an aid.

He absolutely did not expect that in this thousand years, the Ou clan would be so brilliant.

Chen Feng gave a thumbs up to the funny and funny photo of the fatty in the projection.

Fool, you succeeded.

Chen Feng slept fairly well this night, but he always dreamed that the round face of Fatty was dangling in front of his eyes, and his soul lingered.

fatty said: "Master, can you tell me a little bit more about my future? Really, I'm so unwilling. I really want to help you do more."

Chen Feng even dreamed that after returning home, this guy chased after himself and asked, "Master, can I help you this time? Did I help you?"

In his dream, Chen Feng was very impatient and didn't want to answer him.

He continued to grab and ask: "Master, just tell me, if I am more useful, just tell me. I will learn, I will do better!"

Then Chen Feng's dream continued to deepen and turned into a nightmare.

After he came over, Ding Hu became Ouhu, Pound became Ode...

Looking at it, more than half of the people in the world are surnamed Ou.

That's pretty scary!

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