"Fanxing, do you know why this is?"

"I am just a weak, humble and helpless artificial intelligence. You ask me this and give me I'm stumped."

"Then please show me the relevant papers of psychologists, many thanks."

Half an hour later, Chen Feng was very fast Scan the paper.

He got it roughly.

The reason is still on myself.

The War God project belongs to him.

This is undoubtedly an information cocoon.

I am tired of the interference of the War God plan with no opportunity, and want to come here to break the War God plan by changing something.

But there is also a larger warrior project that belongs to all mankind, which is invisibly shrouded in the sky above civilization. It is a larger information cocoon.

After eliminating the physical interference of "Song of the Outside World", Chen Feng personally planted the seeds of psychological interference and cultivated the current very strange social atmosphere.

The whole civilization is too hypnotized in its sense of mission.

Chen Feng, who formed the Three Views in the 21st century, is extremely disgusted with this stuff.

He himself is indeed the earliest perpetrator of this matter.

He wants leaders.

It must be that after he left the 21st century, his future self will use various artistic means to lay out a deep hidden remote influence, and now he seeks benevolence and benevolence.

Only after experiencing it personally, did he understand how stupid he was.

The vain attempt to cultivate the personality of a great leader through manual intervention is simply idiotic.

When a person lives in an information cocoon, his outlook on life must be based on the information that others have instilled in him.

No matter how strong this person shows, his thinking may not necessarily be his own thinking.

He has lost the ability to think independently.

This kind of person may be able to become barely qualified ordinary leaders, such as Lu Xianfeng and Naweilun and the others.

But this is not enough. If Yu Mengying's structure is true and the invaders are really terrifying, then this supreme leader must be powerful in all directions, strong enough to be unparalleled in the world.

This simple truth was put a thousand years ago, and many people understood and realized it.

But in the thirty-first century, normal people can't get out of this mental dilemma at all.

The greatest advantage of human beings is the invisible creativity and the imagination like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. It can stand on Earth, relying solely on observation of space and continuous thinking. Imagination and calculation can reveal the terrifying and innovative ability of the vast universe at a certain level.

In the five hundred years after the arrogant extinction, the full text clearly realized a strong sense of crisis, and completed a thorough and complete turnaround in an instant, fighting for a common goal for five hundred years until today.

The sense of mission to fight for the survival of civilization is also the core motivation that supports everyone's perseverance.

This is a good thing.

If it were not for this sense of mission to constrain the world, I am afraid that many people would give up early in the middle of the journey and live the act wilfully devil mentality of the end.

Things are divided into two sides, and the principle of the opposite of everything has never changed.

Old Ancestor taught the world the principle of yin and yang in Tai Chi.

It cannot be said that the sense of mission is wrong, the fault is only too extreme.

When a certain aspect of the ideology is too strong, with no opportunity, when everyone is still in their infancy, they will continue to instill, in fact, they have suppressed every individual that should have bloomed out of his own. rays of light.

This constitutes a huge information cocoon room spanning five hundred years and spanning the solar system.

Everyone has been surrounded by this from birth and cannot stay outside.

Chen Feng finished analyzing the environment, and turned his attention back to the details of the Lost City.

He previously decided to come to the Lost City in order to promote the strategy of the ancestor’s dream, fight poison with poison, using the dream of the sage Chen Feng to break the wall of War God’s plan.

Previously, Chen Feng believed that these people with a mentality of walking in the dark have more obvious emotional characteristics than ordinary persons, and they are the best audience for prophetic dream theory.

On the surface, he is trying to save the lost, but at the same time he is responding to the World Government’s War God plan.

He basically means, you see, how realistic and decent I portray the image of the sage Chen Feng, so that he can influence even the lost. I really have his dream.

So I have been trained by the sage Chen Feng for a round, so you can accept the divine ability.

The core of the new version of the story gathers from the depiction of the invaders to the depiction of people. By weakening the "Divine Spark" of the sage Chen Feng, the people in the Lost City realize that even if the ability and innate Talent can never meet the need to climb mountain peaks, but the climbing process itself is sculpting the meaning of life.

He wants to tell the world that we are impossible to be gods, but we can be people who satisfy ourselves.

At the same time, through an in-depth description of the humanized sage Chen Feng’s struggle and psychological changes thousands of years ago, a perfectly clear truth: your current despair is nothing more than pediatrics. The despair I saw has been diluted by the sage himself many times.

The anthropomorphic philosopher can hold it, then you should not sink into it easily.

Chen Feng's ultimate goal is to use acoustics, psychology, art, holographic penetration and other technical means as the carrier, supplemented by the expression of psychology, music, film and holographic art, to remind those who pursue their own pursuits Too high that the lost who are completely beyond the boundaries of their abilities return to reality.

The essence of the method is still one-sided information flow, and it is more explosive and destructive, commonly known as fight poison with poison.

Chen Feng does not expect to be able to instantly infect the people he asks for. He only plans to find some supporters first, and use his new story to make some people in the Lost City stand up again and have the will to match his goals.

To create a new story in an "overhead background" that is contrary to secular concepts, and to achieve this kind of effect, it is obviously impossible for a normal level of artistic creation to do it.

The details of human nature are too difficult to grasp. A small error will break the macro pattern of the entire show, make the atmosphere of the show very embarrassing, and add a lot of laughter.

That’s why Chen Feng’s job is to provide a reference for the creator Yu Mengying, and to correct detailed errors that are prone to appear when portraying him.

He did a good job the past few days.

Now Master Chen has a deeper understanding of his behavior. He realizes that it may be a mistake, or it may be a subconscious necessity. In short, he did it right.

The lost are really important.

Through the efforts of Navelon, the number of lost people has dropped from 1.8 billion to 700 million, but now it has unconsciously increased to 800 million.

These 800 million people account for about one-sixtieth of the total human population.

From the perspective of the three perspectives of the 21st century, this proportion is so high that it goes against logic. If, on average, there is one patient with severe abnormal spirit in every 60 people.

But in the thirty-first century of this timeline, people are used to this, and feel that as it should be by rights.

After all, the ratio was higher before, almost reaching one-fifteenth, but now it is much better.

When Chen Feng at first knew about the Lost City, he felt that something was wrong, but he never personally investigated it, so he did not easily draw a conclusion.

Now he is here, and he has really communicated with the lost again.

He got it.

Not only is the proportion of lost people abnormally high, but the way these people fell is also wrong, and the degree is even more weird.

Some stubborn, lost people have stayed here for more than a hundred years, which is simply terrifying.

Take the scholar who studies overclocking short tones as an example.

That man actually did his job to this point a hundred years ago.

Hundred years of time have turned him from middle age into a white haired old man, but the project still has no progress.

He didn't plan to come out and do anything else.

In short, the combination of Chen Feng’s earlier sense of violation and current fieldwork experience has become a new proof of the theory of civilized information cocoon houses.

Now Chen Feng believes that whether it is for himself or for the entire civilization, the lost should not be allowed to sink.

The lost have their own peculiarities. They just look like useless people, but they are not useless.

They didn’t really want to fall, but because they wanted to do better were too strong and overwhelmed the limit of willpower, they finally collapsed and fell into darkness, and then have no desire to improve .

The deeper they fall, the more intense their emotional breakdown, which means the stronger the obsession in their hearts.

This group of people has potential and great potential.

Once they help these people get out of the predicament, the power they can burst out will be considerable. For details, please refer to Lin Bu.

After 12 o'clock in the morning, Chen Feng was out.

The show over there is coming to an end, it's time for him to appear.

At this time, this huge newly built theater has long been messed up.

The acceptance of the new story by the Lost is very unsatisfactory, and even extremely disgusting.

Many people pointed to the stage and scolded.

Many people are even more excited and go crazy, wanting to rush to the stage to find trouble with Yu Mengying.

If it hadn't been blocked by the force field shield already prepared, I'm afraid it would really evolve into a bloody conflict.

The atmosphere on site is very bad.

Chen Feng put on the basic armor of the Galaxy War Pill and floated over, and the recognition system of the force field shield automatically let him go.

The screen projection focused on him, and his avatar, about eight more than a hundred meters tall, appeared in the center of the stage.

"Chen Feng, the sage" himself went off the court in person, arousing amazement, and the situation quickly settled down.

Chen Feng laughed, "Hello everyone, I’m Chen Feng."


Chen Feng immediately said: "Don’t panic, I Not an ancient person, just having the same given name and family name. I believe many people have heard of me. When I participated in the trials a few days ago, many lost people should have seen my first perspective, right? "

Many people stood up from various places and held up their watches, which is a proof of Chen Feng's identity.

At the same time, Chen Feng's amazing performance in the battle strength assessment phase of the trials was quickly put in front of everyone.

36.36% of his arousal rate singlehanded down thousands of eight-legged beetles in a simulated battle, which is no joke.

After the two million people present had read his profile, Chen Feng said again: "I understand that you have opinions on the teacher's script, but she is not to blame. Because the script is me Written. Yu teacher is the performer, and I am the real creator."



"How do you You can..."

"Fortunately, you still have a face exactly like the sage!"

Many people suddenly became angry and wanted to scold him, but they reacted. The real identity of others is an excellent warrior. When the war starts, everyone will be born and die for everyone on the front line, and he will endure it again.

Warrior and artists are indeed different.

The closer the war, the more respected the warrior.

Chen Feng knows everyone's reactions well.

Very good, everything is under control.

Now he can also be said to be an artist in charge of people's hearts.

"I know someone is dissatisfied with me, let me explain why. Have you...have heard of the wisdom of the universe?"

He didn’t prepare a speech or something, Play all on the spot.

He is very confident in his speech.

In the last timeline, the target of his speech was the high-level personnel of the Free Front Alliance, and his words on the spot can achieve excellent results.

This time the audience's rank is much lower, and the mood is more susceptible to infection. Master Chen believes that it will definitely create another glorious future.

"...In short, what I want to tell you is that the creator of the so-called new script is not me, but the wisdom of the universe. What I want to express is..."

" Wait a minute!" Just when Chen Feng was very happy, he was interrupted.

An extremely military-like lost man stood up and said, "Captain Chen, I personally understand your thoughts, but you should not try to raise our expectations of ourselves by attacking the image of sages. "

"Yes! I admit my failure, but this is my own problem, not a philosopher's problem!"

"We appreciate your courage to become a warrior, but we don't approve it Your so-called cosmic wisdom!"

"Yes, we hope you are worthy of your identity and don't make fun of sages!"

Chen Feng sprayed people very badly.

He is a little stiff.

I made a mistake.

The chicken soup that once worked has failed.

He thoughts are revolving and quickly analyze the situation.

After eating and gaining wisdom, he quickly found the reason.

I swelled after being a leader once.

The level of his speech in the two timelines has not changed much, but he has become a recognized leader last time, and this time is just a potential warrior.

Lost the blessing of the leader's aura, his words are no longer golden rules, they have become ordinary chicken soup.

Moreover, those who fell into the Lost City wanted to come and read a lot of psychological counseling books, per capita Chicken Soup Master.

The chicken soup is naturally not so good anymore.

"Captain Chen, we know that you are kind, but we know it very well in our hearts. Forget it this time, as long as you don't do this drama again, we won't blame you."

"Yes, that's it for today."

"Let’s go back first."

When people see Chen Feng stuck on the stage, they will not hold him accountable. Disperse separately.

Yu Mengying's communication device also came to the War God plan to execute the evaluation.

"A bad speech may seriously dampen his confidence. D-Rank evaluation. Suggestions for improvement plan: Before Chen Feng's silhouette reaches the standard, the new script performance should be terminated to eliminate the influence. "

Yu Master feels wronged.

She did nothing wrong.

"Look, I said it’s not that simple. But you don’t blame you, you have your understanding, but you shouldn’t use your own understanding to try to change the world view of others."


Yu Mengying persuaded her.

Chen Feng neither nodded nor shook his head, "It's okay, it's just a waste of months of my time. This time I trouble you, many thanks for your trust and help for me."

He plans to return to the Great Snow Mountain base.

He was a little disappointed, but the problem was not big.

I wanted to use this method to quickly improve my social status. There are a lot of things that can be done next, which can save a lot of accumulated time.

Since the shortcut is not available, then go back to the base obediently and honestly to go the old way, and the crazy liver brainwaves cooperate with resonance training to improve arousal.

Now my arousal rate is 36.70%.

In one hundred days, it will reach 37.70%.

Then hepatic for 30 days, reaching 38%, returning to the peak height of the full-text arousal.

By then, speaking and doing things by yourself will always be more useful.

After greeted Yu Mengying, Chen Feng flew out of the theater.

He just floated out, only to see the chaos outside, he looked up.

At some point, the open ground outside the theater was shrouded in a huge circular dome shield.

The intelligence function of the Galaxy Basic Armor shows that this is a very basic force field shield. Not to mention the Galaxy War Pill, Tamron's armed forces can easily break it.

Then the intention of this force field shield is very obvious, trapping other unequipped losers.

A dozen people floated in the sky beyond the dome shield in the distance.

One of them has a particularly hideous appearance. Its versatile Battle Armor is up to fifteen meters high, and it is loaded with a huge weapon box that is not available in the standard Battle Armor.

Behind these more than ten Galaxy warriors, there are hundreds of thousands of white medical robots, and as many as tens of thousands of unmanned base armors loaded with Galaxy Pills.

"Damn it, why is this guy here again?"

"This month is not up yet, is he crazy?"

"Yes Oh, isn’t it the day after tomorrow? When I went out, I told my wife to go home and eat supper. This is terrible."

"Ai, what should I do?"

Below Chen Feng , Many strong people are getting together, looking very embarrassed.

Chen Feng knows who is here without asking.

A model worker with the task of sharpening the lost warrior, Comrade Lin Bu.

He has come again to conduct a monthly cleanup.

Is it so fate to even bump into the scene for myself?

"All the lost in the original battle sequence will stand up for me!"

Lin Bu's calm voice resounded in the ears of everyone present through the help of the auxiliary system.

While speaking, Lin Bu floated into the dome shield with tens of thousands of galactic basic armors behind him.

Other innocent melon-eating people took a step back one after another, and tens of thousands of people walked forward one after another, forming a neat and uniform team of four.

The distance between each person is three meters, which shows that most of these lost people are well-trained, and they were all real veterans.

"Old rules, Battle Armor will automatically recognize and match your level, and won’t really let you die here. You put them on, and then do your best to attack me until it all falls into my hands, and Or until I knock me down."

"I will not bully people with equipment. No matter who attacks me, my special instructor can recognize your current level and my equipment. They will automatically synchronize to the same level."

After Lin Bu finished speaking, tens of thousands of Galaxy Basic Armor began to float forward.

But his gaze suddenly turned to another place.

Chen Feng is floating there watching the excitement.

"Who's over there! Come here!"

Lin Bu said with all his voice.

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, "Huh? I'm not a lost person. If you practice them, just practice. Why do you tell me?"

Lin Bu grinned, very deep, "Which unit of your organization? Now that you have put on the equipment, you come too. You are very lucky. Normally, my teaching lectures can't be mixed with anyone."

At this moment, a warning from the War God Research Institute sounded in Lin Bu's communication system, "Lieutenant General Lin Bu, that is Chen Feng! It is the War God plan..."


Lin Bu silently crushed the communication equipment on the base armor.

Of course he knew that it was Chen Feng.

Otherwise, why is he here today?

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