After Mengying’s voice fell, her fingers moved slightly, and the large armor floated to the ground and deformed, turning into a floating stage.

The projection equipment in the large theater in the distance was turned around and turned into a larger canopy covering the sky.

The picture quality of this kind of projection is not as fine as in the theater, but at this time the focus is not on fineness, but on rendering the atmosphere.

The music gradually rang.

It's not that Yu Mengying is playing, she just played a song.

"Sleepwalking Virgo".

Yu Mengying was sitting on the stage, and a very complicated CNC panel projection appeared in front of her.

Below her is a beautifully crafted chair.

There are countless slender wires spreading up on the chair, converging in the shape of a helmet on her head. This is a brainwave command capture device, which is similar in function to the tactical helmet of Galaxy War Pill.

She moved her hands together, and her brainwave commands were issued one after another at a speed that did not lose to the top warrior.

A magnificent space scene began to appear in the sky.

This is exactly the picture Chen Feng had conceived in his mind when he first heard "Sleepwalking Virgo".

Almost all people with rich artistic association ability will associate a similar space landscape when they first listen to "Sleepwalking Virgo".

The specific pictures of the landscape will be different according to each person's different world view and knowledge. What Yu Mengying thinks and sees is very similar to Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng can only figure it out on her own, but Yu Mengying can use post-modern technological means, combined with her own artistic expression ability, to concretize it.

Along with the singing, the music changes, and the scroll in the air also rotates in the light and shadow.

The magnificent Starry Sky Chart rolls in the rendering of music and catches everyone's eyes in an extremely impactful way.

This original soundtrack from a thousand years ago is reproduced in the world and has an audience of 800 million.

Almost ten minutes passed, the music gradually ceased, and the light curtain in the sky dissipated.

Yu Mengying said again: "A thousand years ago, when humans only mastered the primary level remote observation method of radio telescope, Zhong Lei Master accurately portrayed the Virgo super galaxy in her works. The astronomical phenomenon in the group. For example, the scene where these two black holes collide and explode. Look at her specific description of the change of light and color in the lyrics..."

"How many years later did humans accurately capture What about this abnormal color progression? 2439!"

"So, the human brain has incredible potential. Human beings can see what they couldn’t see by imagination alone. The true meaning of the universe. We can hear the voice of the wisdom of the universe, see the images of the wisdom of the universe transmitted to us, and get enlightenment."

"Humans are the darlings of the universe. The universe has high hopes for Earth civilization! No! Let us die easily!"

"We are indeed facing a crisis, but we are not desperate. The sage Chen Feng is the universe'seeing' the crisis of human extinction, a glimmer of survival given thousands of years in advance. "

"The script created by Captain Chen Feng and I is not an ugly sage, but a'fact' that even I can't believe. Whether you believe it or not, the fact is the same."

"So what Captain Chen Feng wants to say is that the sage has been looking at a more desperate situation, and then he has personally created the future and created a glimmer of light for us. The sage entrusted a dream to me and Captain Chen Feng, too I want to use his own body to tell us that he is a person who can be chased, not a god."

As Yu Mengying said, the huge Chen Feng statue formed by the light curtain in the sky began to fragment. crack.

"He laid out a thousand years ago and did all he can do in his life, but we leave the rest to us. Do you want to sink yourselves into despair and waste the life of a philosopher? You guys? Do you want him in the wisdom of the universe to be disappointed with you?"

"The universe has never abandoned mankind, but in the future we have to fight for ourselves. The ancient sages have seen the distance for us, and now we have to Grab the rope climbing into the distance!"

Yu Mengying said loudly.

The square fell into dead silence again.

On the top of a distant mountain, Chen Feng, with his head resting on his head, looking up at the starry sky, thought.

I was wrong.

Lin Bu is even more wrong.

Lin Bu is wrong to believe oneself infallible.

His power and torture are meaningless.

He tried to use hatred to force the lost to forge ahead.

His indifference and perversion may seem appalling, but it is not enough.

He didn't really kill his clan for a day, he was just a mouthful.

The pretending to be fierce, can't bluff people.

Lin Bu's training is far from reaching the bottom of human nature, and there is no essential difference from ordinary training.

But once Lin Bu started the killing ring, the potential warrior among the 800 million lost people was already dead in his hands, and he himself was executed by the military court.

So Lin Bu’s strategy from the very beginning has entered a logical dead end, meaningless.

Chen Feng didn't have any special plans when he taught Lin Bu.

At that time, his thoughts were very simple, you think you are the strongest in the world, then I will tell you how to write strong words.

You are talking about worshiping the sages, but you think of yourself as a god, trying to control and distort the fate of others, but you dare not truly be a demon that promotes civilization to enter the war in advance.

You can't afford the psychological pressure of killing your fellow clan.

You don't behave well when you are a man, you are even more incompetent when you are a god, and when you are a devil, it is more like a joke.

You are nondescript.

So I will cure your disease.

Of course, now Chen Feng is very depressed, he has not been cured, and he is even more ill.

He laughed at Limb for not being ruthless enough, and in the end he was not much better.

I really beat the girl to death, maybe death ends all one's troubles.

Unconsciously, Chen Feng's eyelids became a little heavier.

Although he was crazy and arrogant in his mouth, the first few battles with Lin Da yesterday were not as easy as it seemed on the surface.

Chen Feng simply fell asleep on the stone, what to do next, I will figure out what to do after waking up.

Eight hours later, Chen Feng woke up and found that it was Heaven and Earth turning upside down outside.

One after another heavy news is backlogged in his communication device.

The 800 million people in the Lost City came out.

Among them, 40 million warriors were reorganized on the spot to form Legion.

Nearly one million of these 40 million people who were originally stuck at the critical point of 34.99% arousal have already crossed the 35% limit and become a quasi-galactic warrior.

As long as the new equipment is successfully installed, these quasi-galactic warriors can embark on the journey wearing Battle Armor.

However, the original production capacity of the Galaxy War Pill was insufficient. Including Chen Feng’s recruits, there are already hundreds of thousands of quasi-Galaxy warriors on standby. The arsenal is working overtime. It is expected that When the war came, it just happened to make up enough capacity.

But this problem has been solved.

It is also a researcher in the Lost City who successfully completed the breakthrough of the research project.

This person pulled the idea of ​​reproducing War God from the pile of old papers, and proposed an innovative idea.

Intercept and modify the gene fragment of Z bacteria, implant it into the human body like the War God transformation of the year, and then let the person lie in the culture solution, which can make the body huge and grow directly Into a form similar to the almighty warrior of the Galaxy War Pill.

This scholar named this kind of warrior the demon war.

The reason why it is a demon war is because it is really necessary to become a demon.

The disadvantages still exist, and they have worsened. People who undergo the transformation will completely lose their wisdom. It is speculated that the total length of lifespan is even less than three days.

The cost of becoming a demon war of colonies is extremely heavy, but the benefits are also obvious.

This new technology can lower the arousal standard of the Galaxy warrior to 34%.

The battle strength obtained is also very intuitive. The 34% arousal is almost equivalent to the authentic Galaxy warrior with 35% arousal.

If the authentic galaxy warrior with 35% arousal degree is willing to accept the transformation, there is even a chance to burst out of 35.5% strength.

Currently, the new warriors whose awakening rate is over 35% can wait for Battle Armor's production capacity. If they can’t wait, they will directly transfer to the battle armor when the time comes.

In short, the number of human galaxy warriors skyrocketed from more than four million to tens of millions overnight!

Apart from this, the residents of the Lost City have produced more than a dozen revolutionary achievements that are less important than the demon warfare in this short eight hours.

Chen Feng himself was recognized as the leader of Legion Legion, and his rank was raised at least, and he entered directly into one of the highest military command sequences.

Currently, the base of the broken cauldron Legion is being built at a very fast speed, right next to the Great Snow Mountain base, but it is larger in scale and has a larger number of people.

The Great Snow Mountain base and the other seven large bases will each provide hundreds of thousands of senior instructors to assist the broken cauldron Legion to complete the reintegration as quickly as possible to form a battle strength.

After reading all the news, Chen Feng was confused in his mind.

He couldn't believe it himself.

He was lost in thought, what did I do yesterday?

Really, I knew that releasing the big head of Lin had this miraculous effect, I had already started it!

But he changed his mind to think that the new drama he and Yu Mengying collaborated with also played an important role in it.

He started to look at the file again, and then saw Yu Mengying's newly added live performance, and he suddenly realized.

It turns out that "Sleepwalking Virgo" is really so important.

A lingering smile gradually appeared on Chen Feng's face.

Zhong Lei fulfilled her promise.

A thousand years have passed, and she is still standing with me.

On the way back to the Great Snow Mountain base, Chen Feng passed the ruined cauldron base under construction. Hundreds of thousands of large construction machinery on the construction site below are in full swing and building construction.

It is worthy of the 31st century of productivity explosion. According to this progress, the base will be declared complete in seven days.

Divine Vestige in ancient Rome is now as ordinary as eating and drinking soup.

"Your vacation time is a little longer, General Chen."

Sitting in the office chair, Tang Tianxin said in a playful tone.

Chen Feng smiled awkwardly, "Fortunately, it's okay."

Tang Tian looked at him up and down, and said embarrassingly: "Now you are not mine. The security officer, hey, what can I do?"

Chen Feng knows what she means, shrugged, "This will not affect your matching plan, anyway, it will automatically take samples."

Tang Tianxin stood up suddenly and approached him, "Do you really think so?"

Chen Feng stepped back slightly, and the heartbeat began to accelerate.

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