Q tone has many data standards that can be used to quantify the market response of a song.

Retention rate, listening completeness, single cycle ratio, number of comments, number of reposts, etc. vary.

Of course, Q Tone will not release these data to the public, and Chen Feng is not very concerned.

He only followed up the changes in comments and on-demand times under the song for a while after the new song was released.

A total of five new songs were released at the same time as "Bored". Among them, the only one that received B-Rank resources was "Bored".

Think about it is the deliberate operation of Q Yin, so that "Bored" perfectly avoided the new works released by big-name artists and became the strongest in the same period.

Relying on the effect of frantic rallies some time ago, the gimmick of the strongest mysterious newcomer in history has stoked the appetite of fans. Since the official release, the number of comments and the number of on-demand "Bored" has been surpassed.

This is of course the desired effect. After all, it occupies so many resources. If you still can't play, it's not for Chen Feng's hard work to carry this song back after a thousand years.

At 12:30, the number of song reviews reached more than 1,500, which is more than the total of the other four new songs in the same period.

The number of songs on demand at the same time easily broke through 20,000, which also crushed the sum of the four songs.

The staff in charge of the copyright department of Q Audio and he contacted to express congratulations. The other party told Chen Feng that in the first half an hour, the user's comprehensive listening integrity was as high as 91.87%.

This data refreshed this year's record, and also refreshed the record of all newcomers and songs of Q Yin since it started streaming music on demand.

Chen Feng got up from the chair, stretched, snapped his backhand to turn off the computer.

This broken computer is too uncomfortable to use. It takes 30 seconds to respond to a Q sound card. He is really afraid that if he continues to use it, he will be anxious to get angry.

You can still see it with your mobile phone.

He took out the phone, but found that he didn't know when Zhong Lei had actually sent him a message.

This is rare.

Click on WeChat and take a look, Zhong Lei said.

"The people from Qyin just called me and said that "Bored" is going to be popular. Did you go to see the situation? I refresh the comment area every ten seconds. These people are too boastful. People."

Chen Feng laughed.

From these words, we can see that Zhong Lei is now immature.

Nowadays, she will still be irritated by other people’s evaluations, but after a few years, she will feel numb to all this, except for her own inner persistence and pursuit, no matter what Can't hold any other emotions.

Chen Feng replied the message casually, "calm, as expected."

Replied to the message and put down the phone, Chen Feng quietly squeezed his fist.

Yes, I'm going to make a fortune.

Qyin's distribution fee for the two is divided into 50%. After the taxes and fees are deducted, the two get another three or seven points.

Chen Feng seven, Zhong Lei three.

In accordance with this trend, according to the feedback from Q Yin, the traffic dividend that Chen Feng can get this month will definitely exceed six digits, but I am not sure what the number at the top of the line is.

Finally with income, Chen Feng feels more confident.

This really became the sentence Zhou Yunbo sent him before, here is no place for the master to keep the master.

He left as long as he wanted to. He left as long as he wanted, without any worries.

But Chen Feng does not intend to make the other party happy.

His attitude and behavior have not changed at all from the past.

The change was in his heart. Suddenly, his mentality was somewhat extraordinary and refined, and he looked down on the world.

Zhou Yunbo and Lin De struggled for that little bit of petty gains and frantic appearance, which looked very funny in his eyes.

Kuge platform headquarters, in the copyright department office, another surnamed Lin guy, supervisor Lin Youyi, is looking at the computer monitor with a cold face.

His blood pressure is a little high.

The picture on the screen is exactly the Q sound player.

The one who knows you best must be your enemy.

As soon as there was a big move on the Q sound side, some wind noises have been heard on the Kuge side.

Lin Youyi vaguely felt uncomfortable when he saw Q Yin’s promotional materials about mysterious newcomers.

Later, he not only arranged for someone to call Zhong Lei, but also made several calls in person. However, Zhong Lei didn’t answer at all. He called after changing the number, but once he heard the voice, or he called While expressing his intention, Zhong Lei will immediately hang up the phone.

At the beginning, she would find an excuse to stop her, but later she just hung up without finding a reason at all.

Now that the answer is finally revealed, it is no wonder that Zhong Lei's attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees. His previous guess was correct, and Zhong Lei did find another home.

I just killed Lin Youyi and never thought that what Zhong Lei was looking for was Q sound.

The resources given by Q tone are actually B-Rank.

Lin Youyi can't figure out what's wrong with this world.

Isn't Q sound always a big name?

How could they give Zhong Lei this newcomer such treatment?

Then Lin Youyi inquired about the sound of Q again, and finally knew the entire process of development, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

I was fooled!

It’s no wonder she suddenly changed her mind and didn’t want to sign a contract. She even said hypocritically that she went back to her hometown. In fact, she just wanted to get the contract from herself.

The special version of the B-Rank contract I provided to Zhong Lei, and used it for her to negotiate with Qyin!

And she still talked about it!

It's terrible! shameless to the extreme!

Do you think you really deserve the B-Rank contract?

I'm special, that's all to cheat you!

To think of this trick, there must be expert advice behind Zhong Lei.


Thinking of this, Lin Youyi is even more depressed.

After a while, his mobile phone rang and he picked it up to see that it was Zhou Ah who called.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter with Zhong Lei's new song?"

Even through the microphone, Lin Youyi could hear the anger that Zhou Ah on the other side was about to be overwhelmed.

"I am not very clear about the situation either. I have given very generous terms, but she is not sincere at all to talk to me."

Lin Youyi really doesn't want to admit the truth. .

He knows Zhou Ah very well.

Even if my original intention was to help him do things well, the end result actually helped Zhong Lei indirectly.

With the small belly chicken sausage of this rich Young Master, this time the favor is not sold, but he will hate it.

The two chattered for a while, Zhou Ah hung up the phone unhappily.

Lin Youyi breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn't take long for him to be called by the boss above his head.

BOSS pointed to the comment page of "Bored", "This is a new song just released by Q Yin, which has become a hit. As far as I know, this singer contacted us first, right? People are also Chinese From the local state, how did you run the Q sound now? Give me an explanation."

Lin Youyi was speechless in the face of his boss’s doubts.

With a bitter face, he took out the contract faxed to Zhong Lei, "Boss, look, this is my contract to Zhong Lei. I really tried my best. She did everything If you don’t sign, you have to go to QSound. I can’t do anything."

The boss glanced briefly, nodded, "Your contract is indeed very generous."

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