After posting the article, Chen Feng continued to be Divine Immortal, waiting for someone’s response.

Half an hour later, he suddenly received a prompt, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Surprise is here.

In the last timeline, Fanxing left him a collection of essays covering nine major sections.

The simplest first section is the complete particle bomb manufacturing and detonation plan, which has been completed in advance by Wang Huaqiu.

This time, the level of human science and technology in materials science has surpassed the last timeline, and the results that have exhausted countless blank people's vitality have been perfectly clear.

The second section relates to the human gene awakening technology. This Chen Feng has long been in the "Madman's Conjecture Collection" series of books, and has now been realized in the form of a brain wave synergistic resonance training device.

The third section focuses on the analysis of the physical toxin bomb of the Dragonfly fighter.

Surprises began to appear.

After a joint calculation by technicians and Fanxing, who has initially recovered computing power, within three months, the Particle Weapons Research Institute can digest and absorb all the information in the paper, and improve the performance of the existing physical toxin bombs in humans. Times, reaching 80% of the original Dragonfly fighter.

The fourth panel analyzes the performance of the attached energy field on the Dragonfly fighter.

Within four months, eight scientific research institutes, including the Institute of Power Engineering, the Institute of Basic Forces, and the Institute of Energy, can digest and absorb the knowledge points inside, and can use the curvature-like engines on human battleship and Galaxy War Pills Performance increased by 30%.

The fifth plate is also related to the dragonfly fighter, involving the internal structure of this biological combat unit and the biological enzymes that were originally impossible in the solar system.

Originally, even if humans understood this paper, it was useless, but this time humans absorbed Z bacteria.

Even now, in the joint space research station of the Academy of Biology and the Academy of Genetics, which is undergoing the development of the colonial warfare, the development experiment on bacteria Z has never stopped.

Now it is possible for humans to use Z bacteria to create unique biological enzymes in the dragonfly fighter.

The biggest feature of this enzyme is that it can convert negative electrons into positrons without any cost and stability.

This verifies the conjecture that the stars of previous life failed to complete, using biological enzymes to output antimatter in batches and stably.

This is another way to develop and utilize antimatter, which is different from the explosive weapons involving particles.

Mankind has found a shortcut by absorbing the technology of compound eye civilization.

If the final demonstration is successful and anti-material energy media are produced in batches, then human power technology will achieve revolutionary progress.

The content of the fifth panel has another effect. By guiding the new Dyson film composed of countless space microorganisms to mutate in a unified direction, it can obtain stronger solar energy absorption efficiency and higher current supply. And higher bio-battery power supply.

The sixth panel is the analysis report on the dark energy black hole bomb of the intruder.

This report completes the last step of the black hole bomb research.

This means that Ou Qinglan can use the existing resources in the Research Institute of Heavy Demolition and New Weapons to develop the first black hole bomb belonging to mankind within half a year.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth plates are for spherical battleship filament beams, dense fog shields, quantum entanglement killing, repulsive field, super electromagnetic interference, and teleportation related technologies. Intelligence analysis.

Although these things have long been reflected in Chen Feng's memory, naked eye observation can always only see the appearance, but technical analysis can figure out its essence.

In addition to the things Chen Feng brought back, Chief-In-Charge, the three project teams in the Ship Research Institute, the Institute of Biology, and the Institute of Gene Call the genius idea.

These three projects, Chief-In-Charge, have absorbed the principles of colonizing War God, colonizing magic warfare, Z bacteria gene analysis, and dragonfly fighter Dissection at an extremely fast speed, and finally put forward the following plan.

Bacteria Z is proliferated in a purely intelligent space station in an animal-free environment, and a large amount of ordinary metals can be transformed by the transformation of Z bacteria to transform it into a metal culture medium.

The spaceship and personal equipment are "planted" directly in the culture medium.

This smart space station can be built near the extreme space station of the Dyson membrane, shortening the transportation distance.

Its advantage is that it can be integrated and mass-produced at a high speed.

As long as the energy supply can keep up, humans can exhaust all their energy reserves in just one year, reaching an average terrifying force scale of one fighter for one fighter.

Of course, the research and development of this technology is very difficult, and it is completely different from the warrior.

Reconstructions such as demon warfare are not constructed out of thin air, but biochemical transformations relying on the human body.

To grow arms directly, it is necessary to guide the Z bacteria artificially, and it is necessary to design the "gene information" of the spaceship or equipment.

If we replace nature’s formidable power with human power, we can design and create new “creatures” out of thin air.

Mankind has had a successful experience, it is Dyson membrane.

But the structural nature of Dyson membrane is actually very simple. It is just the continuous self-replication of the same gene and does not involve the directed expression of more complex gene information.

Apart from this, in this realm of God, mankind has nothing to do.

The theoretical development of this technology took decades to complete.

If Lai Wenming and Sergey come alive, these decades can be shortened to 20 years, but it is still not enough.

At the same time, mankind currently does not have much energy reserves. Even if the research and development is successful, there is not much use in this timeline.

But this inspired Chen Feng's thinking.

He believes that this technology should be mastered.

Chen Feng gave instructions, "This technology has far-reaching application prospects and is of great value. I hope you will do your best. If this battle can be won in stages, it is expected to become an important ordnance technology for our side. "

He didn't say everything.

The remaining half is that even if it fails this time, the cultivation of battleship technology will still be effective for the future timeline.

Not long after, Dong Shan sent a voice to Chen Feng.

The old man said in his voice: "Although I have infinite expectations for the knowledge you bring, I am still shocked. You are always weakening your image, but I will always respect you ."

Chen Feng smiled knowingly.

Old man can really talk.

"Thank you, Grandpa Chen."

Chen Feng: Gan.

Not long after, Lu Xianfeng also sent a message, briefly talking about the changes in military thinking within the military system.

The intervention of the political and work links is intensively followed up. Although there are still ideological problems in the military system, Lu Xianfeng played a trick and asked Fanxing to make it as quickly as possible with the little recovered computing power. The holographic link Number One Person calls the perspective experience "game".

Lu Xianfeng ordered the soldiers to enter Chen Feng’s combat memory in multiple timelines to personally experience his own war experience.

In this Number One Person perspective experience, the warriors can see Chen Feng's emotions.

The image of Chen Feng in the hearts of warriors will gradually become more three-dimensional.

This will reduce Chen Feng's Divine Spark, but at the same time it will continue to elevate his personality.

He is no longer a god living in history, but a living person by his side.

Lu Xianfeng finally said: "The whole army has passed the psychological test in the broken cauldron Legion. Forty million soldiers are looking forward to it and waiting for your dispatch."

Lun and Schroeder also briefly reported the situation.

Although Chen Feng did not give these people any decision-making guidance, they still developed the habit of reporting information to him somewhat.

Chen Feng doesn't bother to force others to ignore him.

They just can't do it.

Unconsciously, after a whole day, Chen Feng jumped off the brain wave synergistic resonance training device again, and his arousal rate reached 36.8%.

Fanxing, whose computing power has recovered to about 70%, suddenly sends him a sound transmission.


Chen Feng was taken aback, "Hi."

"I have a good news and a bad news to tell you, you want Which one should I listen to first?"

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Good news."

"I reanalyzed your memory, and also worked with Ou Qinglan to decompose the essential algorithm of the black hole bomb. I am right Dark energy black holes have a new understanding. Then, just now, I captured a small amount of information reflected from a mirrored planet 500 light-years away. I got some parameters, just completed the calculation, and came to a conclusion. So, I can confirm the whereabouts of Voyager 2."

Chen Feng was shocked, "Traveller 2? Are you kidding me?"

From 31 When Century’s Quantum Wisdom heard the name of Voyager 2 launched in 1977, there was a sense of time and space travel inexplicably.

The image of the starry girl in the red dress changed in the shuttle, nodded, "Of course."

"Is the good news finished?"

"Well, That's it."

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that you will never find Voyager 2 back."

Chen Feng anxiously said: "Impossible! As long as it is still flying, as long as it can be located, I will definitely be able to stop it next time!" p>

"What the hell do you mean?"

Fanxing: "On April 29, 2020, a physicist named Edward Witten published an article. He believes that There may be a planet X near 500 astronomical units from the sun, or it may be a primordial black hole. Do you know this article?"

Chen Feng shook his head nonchalantly, "I have heard of this person, but I don’t know. What article did he post last month. You mean he was right, Voyager 2 was sucked into the original black hole?"

Fanxing shook his head, "He's right, but he may not be all right. The exact distance is not five hundred astronomical units, but 487 astronomical units. That is not a natural primordial black hole. It is an artificially generated stable black hole with the size of only one electron. Its main component should be It’s string-level dark energy."

"As early as when Voyager 2 was launched into space, the unnatural black hole was already waiting there. In 2025, it will be Voyager 2 and Earth. The year when the contact was completely lost. After the capture of Voyager 2, the artificial black hole disappeared."

Chen Feng made simple mental calculations, and then fiercely shook his head, "Impossible! In 2020, Voyager 2 will only Flying out is less than 20 billion kilometers, and 487 astronomical units is more than 70 billion kilometers. How could Voyager 2 reach a black hole in 2025! This cannot be..."

Later, Chen Feng suddenly shut up.

After a long time, he changed his words and asked: "You mean, we were targeted as soon as Voyager 2 was launched?"

Fanxing nodded, "Maybe not Staring at us accurately, it's just a monitor randomly placed in the universe by higher civilizations. I guess that it is a spy that was randomly dropped into the universe by higher civilizations in large areas in order to control the situation in the jurisdiction. As for the second, the last moment crossed The sudden acceleration of tens of billions of kilometers is easier than the solar dome? The evidence I got is also very conclusive. Because the trace information I just captured, the material that matches the weight of Voyager 2 is sucked into the black hole. The intensity of the rays released later, and the stronger ray fluctuations that were released when the black hole finally disappeared."

After Fanxing said this, Chen Feng's whole body was icy cold, like ice water poured over his head.

His teeth are fighting.

The only shortcut to escape the war was extinguished.

"So, is this the inevitable of fate?"

Chen Feng is asking Fanxing as well as himself.

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