If the ball-shaped battleship escapes and moves beyond the solar system barrier, then everything will be abolished.

Even if it doesn't flee, it just strays around in the solar system, avoiding but not fighting, waiting for reinforcements, human beings are helpless.

Because, when it regains its freedom, it can use its jumping ability as much as it can, and humans can't catch up at all.

"Fanxing, how long can we seal the enemy ship?"

Chen Feng directly asked Fanxing.

"Up to 3 minutes."

Chen Feng brows tightly knit.

Things are not good.

Only 3 minutes, I'm afraid I won't have time to integrate the resources of particle bombs and black hole bombs.

In order to prevent being overwhelmed by a pot, neither of these two types of bombs dared to be clustered together. Instead, they were scattered and loaded by some small transport aircraft with particularly enhanced maneuverability.

Now there is no elite warrior around me to help. I want to catch up with the ball-shaped battleship and successfully drop the bomb, which is almost impossible.

"How about the results of the analysis of Compound Eye Technology? Are there any new results?"


"Oh, alas."

"I have placed the Star Fortress in a very dangerous position. The computing power has been used to the extreme, and the Ultrain core is running at overload, but these techniques are too difficult. I am afraid we can't wait. Results have been achieved."

Chen Feng turned his head and looked aside, startled.

It turned out that during the time he hadn't noticed, Fanxing actually placed the Star Front Fortress to a position less than 50,000 kilometers from the center of the battlefield, even closer than the Star Cannon.

"Chen Feng, I have a big plan."

Fan Xing suddenly spoke.

"en? What? You said."

"There are only me and the intelligent robot on Star Fortress."

"I know."


"So you don't have to worry about the extra sacrifice."

"What are you going to say?"

Fanxing: "I want..."

Five seconds later, Chen Feng said gravely: "Have you decided?"

"Yes. This is the best solution."

"It is the best solution for humans. But not to you."

Fanxing: "Are you calling me not a human?"

Chen Feng corner of mouth twitching, "It's all this time, don't be kidding."


"I think, when my personality is completed, I will be considered a human being. Although I have no body and quantum intelligence, my personality is very complete. Am I not like a person?"

She projects an image in Chen Feng's retina.

Still a girl in a red dress.

Her face is exquisite and impeccable, with a bright and moving breath between her frowns and smiles, perfectly stepping on every point of Chen Feng's aesthetics.

Chen Feng naked eye looked at her, it was indeed lifelike.

She laughed, spread her hands, and shrugged.

"Well, I admit it. I may not be the same as the ordinary person. I don't care about anyone else except you. Only with you, I am a real person. To others In terms, I’m still a quantum intelligence."

"Actually, I don’t care what this plan is for human beings, as long as it is the best plan for you. By doing this, you can rush in, and even Chance to catch the compound eye. Isn’t this the result you want the most?"

Chen Feng’s difficult nodded, "Yes. But..."

"No but, no more If it drags on, the ball-shaped battleship will inevitably get out of trouble, so it’s too late."

"I know."

Fanxing suddenly categorically said: "I've decided, don't accept the refutation. You won't I will do it myself too!"

Chen Feng finally nodded, "Okay. Thank you."

"Thank me for what I do? Do what artificial intelligence impossible does, more capable It’s good to prove that I am a human being. Okay, I will send everything to you at this moment. You quickly write it down."

Chen Feng nodded, "I understand."

Seven seconds later, Chen Feng heard a reminder from his assistants.

"The equipment is 100% intact, the remaining energy is 100%, and the Battle Armor has been repaired."

He used his retina to capture the data images sent by the stars in front of him, while delivering the new "Put all the particle bombs and black hole bombs on the Star Front Fortress!" After saying this, he turned around and flew towards the Star Front Fortress.

"General Chen, don't move, your injury has not been treated yet, so you can't leave the medical platform."

The voice of the medical team leader came from the large medical armor.

Chen Feng's movements paused for a while.

The medical team leader is not joking.

First, he dropped bombs to destroy the giant cocoon, and then he personally went out to destroy the remaining blade beetles. Chen Feng didn't really invest in the war for a long time, but he did the most things, and he has a lot of hidden dangers. .

Humans are species born on Earth. In countless years of evolution, every human genetic mutation has occurred in a 1G gravity environment.

Gravity not only limits the ability of people to fly, but also limits the adaptability of the human body.

In a purely gravity-free environment, the human body is actually extremely fragile.

With the increase in arousal, the human body's adaptability is slightly enhanced, but the degree of enhancement is not enough.

In a zero-gravity environment, internal bleeding is still fatal to humans.

Although the emergency treatment of the fine quark therapy instrument can instantly heal the injuries of internal bleeding, the new cells forcibly recreated by the quark instrument are not in harmony with the human environment after all.

Just like a car needs to be run-in after replacing important parts, even if the new cells have the same genetic information, they still need to go through the process of running-in in order to be perfectly integrated into the human body.

Usually, running-in can be done slowly, as long as you don’t do violent movements, there is no problem.

But in wartime, the warriors were injured almost every moment in the fierce battle that challenged their limits, and they were quickly healed. The therapeutic instrument forced more and more new cells into it. As the proportion becomes higher and higher, it becomes the cumulative internal injury that warriors have to pay attention to.

Put the specific internal injury performance into the human body, and find a more simple term, for example, the capillary blood vessels everywhere in the human body.

Usually, these capillary blood vessels are constantly damaged and repaired due to the strenuous exercise of the human body.

However, after the internal injury reaches a certain level, the capillary blood vessels will become extremely fragile. Maybe it's just some ordinary actions, and a certain blood vessel will explode.

This is just one aspect.

internal injury everywhere.

If you don’t pay attention to it, the internal injury will continue to explode, and the treatment device will not be able to hold it.

The quick recovery medicine injected by Chen Feng just now does not really function as a cure.

The so-called rapid recovery is actually to activate the body's circulatory metabolism in a very short time, and shorten the running-in period of new cells.

If it is a normal treatment, it is on a medical platform that simulates a gravity environment, and the circulatory metabolism is slowly accelerated through finely controlled ray stimulation.

"How long is the treatment?"

Chen Feng asked.

"Fifteen minutes."

Chen Feng: "Huh? Can you speed it up?"

"It takes eight minutes at the earliest."

"Forget it, it's dead, it's too late!"

After that, Chen Feng put on the basic armor, jumped into the Galaxy Battle Armor, and left directly.

Wait for the ball-shaped battleship to escape, everyone including yourself will die. What is the trifling injury?

"General Chen, wait a minute! Wait...oh!"

The medical team leader wanted to say something, but after all he could only look at Chen Feng's back and sigh helplessly.

The medical team reported the information.

Originally, the highest command sequence should not pay attention to the physical condition of a certain warrior, but Chen Feng's situation is special.

The news that he went into battle with injuries was broadcast on the Supreme Command Channel.

"Well, I know."

Tang Tianxin replied briefly, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng arrived at Xingfeng Fortress.

At this time, other small transport planes carrying bombs are still on their way here.

Chen Feng went straight to the Xingfeng Colossus. It was the largest humanoid robot that was scolded by him and finally transformed into a faceless man and transformed into a battleship orbiting Xingfeng Fortress.

At this time, the Xingfeng Colossus was docked in the dock on the surface of Xingfeng Fortress.

Before he came over, Fanxing had already warmed up the engine of the Xingfeng Colossus.

After waiting for about five seconds, the giant star flew out of the dock with a roar and turned into a human form again in the air.

Chen Feng began to quickly search the performance parameters of the Xingfeng Colossus.

He suddenly corner of mouth twitching.

Because he discovered that the giant elephant was also loaded with a large powerhouse.

Not only that, the latest curvature-like power engine and high-energy physical toxin bomb generator are also installed inside.

It was said that the transformation into a battleship was put on hold. In fact, there is no at all. Many of the latest technologies have been added, and even the main materials have been updated with the latest results.

The overall design of the giant elephant is completely biased towards his own customized Galaxy Battle Armor, which is almost like a super enlarged version of his personal equipment.

Obviously, Chen Feng has been shaken thoroughly.

"It's funny!"

He murmured.

Fanxing passed him a short video.

This is a large group including Tang Tianxin, Lu Xianfeng, Schroeder and the others and the late Shen Changhe, Bernstad, Navelen, Bu Laien and Lawrence and the others. A brief meeting held by some senior officials in the military, politics, science and industry.

The topic discussed at the meeting was how to give play to the amazing battle strength of the sage Chen Feng.

Ou Qinglan put forward a genius idea at the meeting.

The one-to-one re-engraving and transformation of the Xingfeng Colossus and Chen Feng’s personal customized equipment can minimize the difficulty of Chen Feng’s indirect control of the Colossus. Maybe he can take this original When the display of the giant elephant shows a huge might.

Then Chen Feng’s battle strength will be able to play a greater role on the battlefield.

Everyone stamped their approval.

Tang Tianxin didn’t mention this before, because whether he dropped bombs or confronted the blade beetle, blindly enlarging the size of the equipment was of no value. Now his opponent only has a ball-type battleship, and the time is ripe. Since Chen Feng himself first Going over there, Tang Tianxin didn't waste much of his words.

Ten seconds later, Chen Feng’s Galaxy Battle Armor was perfectly embedded in the operating chamber of the abdomen of the Star Colossus.


A dark space layer emerged from the armored back of the giant elephant and spread quickly, covering the entire giant elephant in the blink of an eye.

"Enter the state of curvature-like motion, the current extreme speed is 60,000 kilometers per second."

Chen Feng slightly nodded, "Go forward!"

Xing Feng The colossus is a bit slower than the Galaxy Battle Armor after all, but with such a large size, it can still speed up to one-fifth the speed of light, which is pretty good.

In the next moment, the giant elephant’s armored back is equipped with a total of fifty propulsion engines to spray thin dielectric particles at the same time, and ten large-scale curvature-like engines work simultaneously. This huge war machine with a height of 35 kilometers is sensational. , Pounce straight to the central area of ​​the battlefield.

Chen Feng, who lives in his abdomen, is still going through the operating instructions of the Xingfeng Colossus.

Although the design concept of over 90% of the giant elephant’s armor is the same as his own Galaxy armor, after the size is enlarged to 35 kilometers, it will eventually have many more functions that small units cannot afford. .

For example, neutronization of the giant elephant armor shell material!

The idea of ​​neutronization is very similar to the neutron bomb he had used back then, but there are differences.

In the past, neutron bombs only showed a short-lived super-heavy neutron state at the moment they hit the target unit, lasting less than one ten thousandth of a second.

However, after the giant elephant armor was equipped with a large Mas power tank, the energy temporary storage system was modified, which can continue to supply energy and can maintain the neutron armor form for more than five seconds.

After recharging for one minute, it can continue for another five seconds.

Needless to say about the density of neutron matter, its gravitational force involves all matter inside the armor that could be shredded.

But the genius scientists came up with another brilliant idea.

They combined the internal structure regionalized control force field technology accumulated during the construction of the Star Front Fortress with the curvature-like engine technology.

After the giant elephant armor starts the shell neutronization, the second layer space compression layer and the force field composite membrane structure will be dispersed from the lower part of the neutron armor.

The meaning of this energy structure is not motion, but just to counteract the gravitational pull of the neutron structure and keep the internal environment stable.

It is extremely difficult to complete the design of such a complicated double-layer space membrane structure, and scholars barely managed to do it.

It is more difficult to maintain the stable operation of the double-layer membrane structure from the physics and mathematics level. It can only rely on the high-intensity calculations of the stars, and continuously fine-tune many parameters at an ultra-high frequency of nearly tens of billions of times per second. .

After preliminary calculations, such fine-tuning will at least occupy Fanxing’s computing power close to one third.

At this moment, due to the massive loss of human combat units, Fanxing can almost free up computing power.

After re-entering the battlefield, Chen Feng began to slow down.

The front ball battleship is vivid.

He began to calculate the next plan in the heart.

Thinking of this, he involuntarily remembered the Star Front Fortress, which was loading bombs quickly and was about to rush over in a while, and his mood was a little bit complicated.

Just now, Fanxing put a lot of pictures and text messages on his retina in a very short time.

The total number of pictures exceeds 500.

It includes a five-hundred-year development plan for human civilization formulated by scholars from the Academy of Stars and Social Sciences, the Institute of History, and the Expert Group of Current Civilization Planning (formerly War God Institute).

Chen Feng refused to implement the War God plan, but these people have been transferred from other departments.

I didn't finish the work, and I didn't get used to it after all.

It was Dong old man who came up with an idea. The essence of the so-called War God plan is to plan Chen Feng’s life. Now Chen Feng doesn’t need it anymore. Then we simply plan civilization and wait for the philosopher Chen Feng to return. After implementing our perfect plan, the War God Research Institute can play a greater role.

This can be considered everyone’s sacrifice in advance.

This group of people almost gave up their efforts in this timeline to prepare for Chen Feng's actions in the next timeline and to prepare for the defeat.

This time, there were as many as tens of thousands of participants, and the planning plan he came up with was both thorough and meticulous, which looked much more reliable than Chen Feng's own do as one pleases.

Starting from 2020, the plan has been implemented for 2500 years.

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