After teasing fatty, Chen Feng is in a good mood.

Even Ryan, who was next to him, showed a knowing smile.

This guy Ou Junlang is not really that waste, he is quite talented in singing.

As for other aspects, it is really difficult to talk about.

Chen Feng feels strange.

Because the fatty is just superficially stupid, the brain is still very good. When Zhou Ah was rectified, the trick of fatty tricks also surprised Chen Feng to fiercely, but I don’t know why , He just can't do things.

Maybe this is fate, the starting line of life is the end of others and exhausted his luck.

This may be fate.

Ignoring fatty, Chen Feng chatted with Ryan again.

The two first talked about the recent situation of the Xingfeng Research Institute.

"Those people didn’t come to look for trouble, right?"

"Nothing. It's all over this morning." Responsible, I didn’t participate much. You know, I’m not very good at dealing with these."

Chen Feng said with a smile: "With your mind, if you want to learn, there should be nothing in this world What you can’t learn. The so-called nature of politics is actually psychology and statistics."

"Since you don’t like it, then you can’t learn profound knowledge, so it’s meaningless. I No matter how serious it is, it’s not as good as some natural politicians. The so-called political sense is partly based on experience, and the other part is based on intuition. Some people are naturally good at it."

Chen Feng nodded, "So this is incredible for humans There is a place. Intuition is very important and allows us to do things beyond our ability."

Ryan: "For example, to defeat an alien invader that was originally impossible to defeat?"


Ryan sat down next to him, "Then what do you think is intuition?"

Chen Feng: "Let’s first guess what human thinking is. The ancients Think of it as the soul. Divine Consciousness is mentioned in Xianxia novels. Top programmers think that thinking is a particularly complicated program. Of course, in the 21st century, some people think that human thinking is actually the quantum collapse of the phosphorus atom. "

Ryan: "I agree with the last statement, but this is more metaphysical, and it can't be proven conclusively. At the same time, it also denies another technology that many people are looking forward to, that is thinking. The feasibility of transfer and mechanical immortality."

"I also agree with this statement. Because after a thousand years, I have seen a clearer statement, which is more complicated than the simple quantum collapse of phosphorus atoms. Many. Numerous ultra-low energy quantum collapses have gathered together to form a quantum thinking storm. The essence of our thinking is a quantum storm that is both regular and irregular. Our memory is the more regular one in quantum storms. Part, our temporary divergence is the irregular part."

"Neither part can exist independently, and must rely on each other to be considered a complete person. When we learn new knowledge , At first The quantum storm in the brain is irregular. But through training and strengthening memory, the originally irregular quantum storm begins to show a certain pattern, and then a memory is formed. Of course, the memory will also be forgotten. The reason for forgetting is that Quantum itself tends to be irregular. The law of forcible kneading can be maintained for a certain period of time, but this tendency from order to disorder is unstoppable."

Ryan, "But we You can also re-learn and work Repeated use in life to re-establish the law. "

Chen Feng nodded, "en. We can regard our fragmented memory as one small vortex after the quantum storm." Due to the differences in their learning and scope, these small vortex will belong to the same type, and they will have some seemingly non-existent connections with each other. It is usually difficult for us to realize this connection, but at certain specific moments, when our emotions have a special desire for something, the desire to solve the problem will become the driving force, and let this greater law come naturally. The emergence of this has become our intuition. "

Ryan: "So you think intuition should be based on a relatively complete knowledge system?" "

"Of course. Let me give you an example. Top programmers are usually very smart people, but if you let him do carpentry work. He was faced with a problem, and he couldn't think of a solution. But if you are a carpenter, the problem can be solved simply by divine light flashed. The reverse is also true. Let the top carpenter to program, even if he has learned a little bit of basic knowledge, but facing things outside of his knowledge framework, he can’t come up with a solution. Even if the programmer has not learned it, he can rely on the relevant field. Accumulate knowledge and complete a self-divergence. "

Ryan: "So the mysterious part of human beings lies in intuition?" We can always do things beyond our original ability, which makes our upper limit infinitely high. So the compound-eye civilization must destroy us? "

"Yes, think about it from another angle, our potential is so strong that I am afraid. But this is only one of the reasons. In fact, it is not only the Earth people that the compound-eye civilization wants to eliminate, they also implement the same strategy for other civilizations in the entire galaxy. "

Ryan: "Is that so?" Stocking? "

"Captive. "

"To what extent is it generally kept in captivity?" "

Chen Feng thought for a while, "There is no way to be 100% sure about this." You all know the solar system barrier, right? I speculate that if it is a civilization that was blocked by a barrier in advance, then they may at least let it go to at least two levels, but we have never seen this. The man who walked the farthest has only left the solar system for less than two hundred light years, and he hasn't even read the Orion Arm. As far as the ruins we found, they are basically in the vicinity of Level 1 civilization. "

Ryan: "Unexpectedly, you also use the outdated expression of Kardashev's classification." "

Chen Feng laughed, "It's easy to understand. You can understand what I call Level 1 civilization as the ability to master the ability to colonize across star systems." Level 2 civilization is understood as mastering the technology of mass-energy conversion, and the initial contact can reach the degree of curvature space and subtle quark control. "

"Well, in other words, civilizations that can be locked up by compound-eyes in advance, they will let it go for a long time. But they only had one cover, so most of them were wiped out before traveling across the star system. "

"Yes. "

Fatty Ou, who was listening to the cloud next to him, could finally insert a sentence, "Then I don't think they are very fierce, they can make people develop for so long." "

Chen Feng rolled his eyes, "You know what a fart." When the Earth people were first spotted, they developed at a normal speed, and they were at least nearly a thousand years away from the voyage across the star system. "

fatty: "Then it's normal for them to lock us up in advance." "

Chen Feng doesn't deny this, "Shut up, you're a normal fart!" None of them intend to leave us any traces! "

About this matter, the Planning Institute, who read his memory in this timeline, once calculated it.

According to the technological level and development speed of the first timeline, mankind It will take at least one thousand to two thousand years to achieve a stable cross-stellar colonization.

With the habit of compound eyes, then we should give humans at least another thousand years, and wait until about 3,500 years. Put on the barrier and reap the harvest in 4000 years.

Don’t look at the gap of just one thousand years.

But Chen Feng got another one from the feedback from the Proxima Fleet. In conclusion, the compound-eyes only have a solar system barrier.

Then, if they act a thousand years in advance, they will equivalently occupy another captive civilization that is locked up by the barrier to provide them with technological inspiration.


So Fatty doesn't understand anything and compares the analysis, purely messing up.

"But I still don't think it's clear. If the compound-eyed person is as ruthless as you said Master, you should see one and destroy the other. It was time to trouble us in ancient times. "

Chen Feng continued to roll his eyes frantically, "Then I ask you, will the gorilla in our zoo now smash a walnut with a rock?" "

fatty: "Yes. "

"Look, the gorilla has already used the tool in Initial Mastery. Suppose that from now on, humans evaporate out of thin air on Earth. Do you think it is possible for gorillas to evolve their own words in a million years and become the next civilization on Earth in a few million years? "

This question is a bit complicated for Ou Junlang. He thought about it for about ten seconds, "It's possible. "

"That's right. We know that gorillas have a chance to replace us, so why do we let it exist? "

fatty: "Too weak, can't pose a substantial threat to us?" Everything is under our control? "

"But if one day the gorilla learns to preserve the fire, and use wooden sticks to skew meat to eat cooked food, and then invent his own words, using hieroglyphs to record which kind of meat is delicious and to be grilled To a good degree. Then they made marks on the stones to record the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They also learned to use wooden sticks and stones to reclaim the land and plant the seeds saved last year. What will we think? "

Fatty Ou decisively said: "I will panic to death, and quickly enter a difficult decision. "

Chen Feng spread his hands, "That's right. "

"Then why can't two civilizations coexist?" We are stronger, should we take care of the weak. In the future, if there is a chance, we can go out, and land, energy, and so on will not be a problem. At that time we won't mind the gorilla inventing words. "

Ryan couldn't bear it, and patted his head, "Because humans and gorillas have inevitable segregation in aesthetics and reproduction. If we really go out first, and the colony is full of orion's arms, then we can let the gorillas develop, but haven't we gone out yet? "

Fatty finally understand now, everything must be phased.

Ryan and Chen Feng no longer pay attention to these two goods, and only briefly talk about the future. .

Ryan tries his best to avoid the principle of detection, but he still has to be curious about the technology that he can't achieve in all aspects of human life in the future.

Especially when he hears that Mercury has become extremely large When he was in the Star Front Fortress, Ryan even sighed in awe: "If Mercury was also conscious, I would definitely feel wronged. Our descendants are too greedy. "

Chen Feng hehe said, "Don't talk about others." Think for yourself who is to blame for this? "

Ryan pondered the microwave power transmission and ultra-high-efficiency solar panels he was preparing to develop, with a slightly embarrassed expression, "That's right, blame me." "

Fatty really doesn’t understand, and I left in a desperate way.

Ryan continued to say with interest: "Listen to you, Dyson Cloud was built by me. Many years after death, right? "

"Yes. "

"Ai, I'm really unwilling. Is there a way to make our pace go faster, so that I can see that day in my lifetime? I also want to die in space like you. "

Chen Feng said after some consideration: "It is indeed my goal to continue to accelerate the progress of civilization. As for whether this can be achieved, it is difficult to say. "

Ryan suddenly became extra serious, "Then we must seriously solve a big problem. "

Chen Feng knows what he is talking about.

We must resolve the conflict between the two ideologies in today’s world, eliminate unfairness, eliminate exploitation, and accelerate The speed at which humans are twisted into a rope.

Of course, this is also mentioned in "Planning".

The way "Planning" realizes the unification of the community of destiny is to overwhelm his personal reputation. Everything, and finally eliminate strong differences.

Chen Feng does not approve of this central idea very much.

He believes that this is really going to be done, and that is waiting for him in the thirty-first century. It is no longer a thinking cocoon, but a cage.

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