heaven knows how big the underground base is in Zone 52, the elevator finally stopped after another five minutes.

After the elevator doors were opened this time, the world that appeared in front of Chen Feng was another taste.

In the center of the spacious arc-shaped metal dome hall, the twin-axle ship is placed.

Under the bright lights, the streamlined twin-axle ship shines.

This ship is said to be a wreck, but its appearance is undamaged and brand new.

The shape of the ship looks like a sailboat supported by two floating boards on the left and right.

The straight-tube-shaped engines on both sides look like two torpedoes.

The engine is 33 meters long and has a closed structure with no turbine inside.

Chen Feng is very clear about the structural principles of this engine.

The first half of the straight tube is a force field generator.

The force field principle is similar to the curvature-like engine has several points of, but the performance is average, and the ability to isolate cosmic dust is not good, the maximum speed is only one third speed of light, and the acceleration time is long enough to make Human gesticulation.

The second half of the straight cylinder is an injection engine, and the main injection medium is the residual reaction material after the battery is burned for energy.

Yes, although this is an Ancient One, it also has a dual-engine structure.

Counting the Third Layer anti-gravity engine, then it is a three-engine.

The passenger compartment is in the middle, an olive-shaped structure 25 meters in length.

From time to time, a few researchers wearing lab coats patrol near the ship with instruments, and then put the instruments on to test the materials.

Chen Feng only briefly looked at the ship and didn't care much.

He paid most of his attention to the structure of the underground base itself.

There are dozens of doors in this hall.

Obviously, there is far more than this hall in the underground base.

He took a closer look at the dome structure, and subconsciously calculated the base structure, lighting, ventilation system, living materials supply, and so on.

Although Chen Feng piloted a twin-axle ship in the 31st century, the underground base was gone at that time, and he couldn't get a glimpse of the 52 area base that countless people wanted in the 21st century. , Very regrettable.

Well, he actually has a lust for voyeurism.

"Mr. Chen, as you can see, this is the most mysterious area in the world with the most cutting-edge research projects. We have more than 1,000 elite personnel from all walks of life around to crack this alien ship The research project service. I bet that no one on this planet knows aliens better than we do.” Mendelssohn said exuberantly.

Obviously, before Chen Feng came, he had carefully prepared the welcome speech.

But he was a little stuck right after he finished speaking, because he realized that Chen Feng’s description of quantum materials in "Madman’s Conjecture Collection 3.0" really accurately described the material nature of the shape of the ship. .

Mendelssohn believes that Chen Feng has never seen this ship, and never knew that there is such a terrifying material that can self-repair across space in the world. The problem was found only from a theoretical point of view. core.

This is the skill of the true Master.

I am displaying one's slight skill before an expert, making a joke.

Chen Feng paid attention to what he said about the scale of 1,000 people, and was silent in the heart. This almost means that the construction cost of District 52 is at least tens of billions of dollars, and the annual operation and maintenance cost must reach Hundreds of millions of dollars.

This has not taken into account the investment in cutting-edge analytical equipment, it is immeasurable.

If this base is built on the ground, the construction cost can be saved by at least 70%, and the operation and maintenance cost can be saved by 50%.

He is saddened by this.

Thieves will always think of others as thieves. They would rather burn money for nothing but do secrecy work to this point, for fear of being discovered by other countries in the world.

What the hell is it.

"Mr. Chen, this is part of my analysis report. I did not find any offensive weapons in this ship. Look at this half-life report again. This is when we found the ship’s hiding place. An analysis of the age of the impact terrain below."

Chen Feng looked down at the report in his hand. There was nothing new, he knew everything.

Mendelssohn is still enthusiastically analyzing, "As early as ten million years ago, this ship was already on Earth. And it hasn’t brought any weapons. This is my argument. Support. I think the civilization behind this ship is full of kindness to mankind. It should be an observation station, and it may also lead our civilization forward invisibly."

Chen Feng indifferent expression, and then pretend Unknowingly asked: "Where are the people in there?"

"There are no people and no corpses. We inferred the shape of an alien human body based on the structure of the chair. It is unmanned. It’s just placed on Earth, which is similar to the function of the detector we put on the fire star."

Chen Feng spread his hands, "Okay."

Mendelsson thought the universe The support of friendly arguments is here.

Chen Feng agrees with some of his views, the Mizu is indeed quite friendly.

Naihe good person doesn't live long, and harms throughout the ages.

Of course, the Mizu may just be wiped out by a worse villain before it has time to do bad things.

Chen Feng knows more.

Biaxial warships indeed settled on Earth ten million years ago, and reached 75 kilometers underground.

The crew of the ship has already left, but its internal SmartBrain has not been shut down. Instead, it quietly monitors the world through neutrino scanning, and then SmartBrain will transmit the collected information back to the Mizu through the quantum network Home planet, or somewhere else.

Chen Feng is not sure whether the Mizu ship played an important role in the birth and evolution of mankind.

But the future scientific researchers generally believe that the Mizu ship is very determined to play the role of pure observer, commonly known as doing nothing.

The ship's energy supply is mainly dependent on the spread of solar light wings.

Millions of years ago, the Mizu civilization was forced to engage in a fierce war with the compound-eye civilization, and was ultimately defeated and perished.

Since then, this twin-axle ship has lost contact with the Mizu master computer and has become a masterless object.

Perhaps since that time, Earth has entered the vision of compound-eye civilization.

But humans at that time were just erect apes who had just learned to collect wildfires, and Earth was in a complete civilization vacuum, and there was no value in being kept in captivity.

Although the dual-axis ship has lost its controller, its SmartBrain still faithfully executes the observation commands.

In 1947, the twin-axle ship should leave Earth according to the original plan and return to the Mizu base.

It quietly drilled to the ground and floated into the atmosphere. At the same time, it sent a signal to the parent star or base through the high-frequency quantum network, waiting for positioning and pulling.

Something happened.

It did not wait for the signal from the parent star or base, and at the same time encountered extreme lightning weather at night.

Because of the tens of millions of years of lurking underground, the ship’s energy is insufficient. After being hit by lightning many times, it is hit by lightning many times, which automatically activates the shield, which eventually leads to insufficient energy supply .

It began to return to the Earth ground in accordance with the predetermined self-protection procedures, and at the same time stretched the solar wing to use the low light at night to recharge, and will re-lift in the second day during the day to escape the atmosphere.

But the black swan effect continued to take effect, and during the fall, it was concentrated by the anti-aircraft missiles.

If the shield has sufficient energy, the destructive power of this anti-aircraft missile will not even be worthy of tickling it.

However, at this time, it just lost its shield due to lack of energy.

The missile destroyed its solar-powered wing and directly caused it to crash in Roseville, where it was "captured" by the federal army.

This is what Chen Feng saw about the world-famous "Roswell Incident" a thousand years later, and added his own understanding of the fans and added speculations, and finally Analytical conclusions drawn.

Master Chen believes that this is basically in line with the facts.

While chatting, everyone walked under the twin-axle ship.

Chen Feng looked at the door opened in the crew cabin of the ship, and said, "It's pretty good, no wonder you know that there is no weapon system inside. By the way, how did this door open?"

Mendelssohn said in a slightly embarrassing manner: "It was exploded in a nuclear test. The door was badly damaged at the time, but it was repaired by itself. However, opening and closing belong to its normal state, so We just kept driving. If Wan accidentally turns it off, I’m afraid it will blow up again."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and wanted to give Mendelssohn a thumbs up.

You are cruel enough, and you are not afraid of being blown up.

Well, he finally knows the secret that could not be found in the historical data a thousand years later.

The nuclear test is open.

Yes, very beautiful.

I think it must be too embarrassing, so I didn’t save any paper documents, it was just passed on by word of mouth.

"Alright. If the artificial intelligence in the Mizu ship is completely shut down and self-destroyed due to exhaustion of energy, then you must do a great job in this explosion."

Mendelssohn's face turned redder.

Iren is particularly good at capturing the information in Chen Feng’s words, and he quickly asked: "Mystery?"

Chen Feng lightly coughed, "We don’t understand the alien race, just It's like a puzzle, so I just named the other party Mizu, how about it?"

Iron and Mendelssohn were nodded at the same time, "Great."

The assistant even quickly took out a pen and paper to write down the name "Mizu".

Several people entered the cabin.

The wall structure is made of silver white metal, which gives it a silky coolness to the touch.

Mendelssohn introduced: "This kind of metal is incredible, it is like life."

Chen Feng laughed, indifferent expression.

If the artificial intelligence inside is still "alive", then in a sense this ship is really a life.

The space in the cabin is very narrow and compact, and there is no living area. It is full of workshops filled with all kinds of integrated equipment.

The door of the workshop is very narrow, only half a meter high and only twenty centimeters wide. Obviously, it is not for people to enter. It looks like a common inspection port on industrial equipment.

Chen Feng knows why.

In fact, under the crew compartment of the Mizu ship, there is a storage bin filled with various types of robots.

If there is a problem with the equipment in the function room and manual rest is required, the Mizu should be able to directly control these robots through brain waves to drill in and implement semi-artificial and semi-intelligent repairs.

However, the embarrassing 21st century scholars couldn't open the door of the storage bin, so they didn't know it at all.

They can't experiment directly inside the ship, right? That's too much.

Walking a bit inside, everyone took possession of themselves, drilled through a small doorway, and finally entered the cockpit.

The cockpit of the Mizu ship is completely different from the cockpit of the human ship, and there is no visible horizon at all.

The analysis of later generations of technicians may be that the vision imaging mechanism of the Mizu body is different from that of humans.

Humans have always maintained a high degree of dependence on naked eye observations, while Mizus are more superstitious about cameras or data reference provided by monitoring instruments.

Six or seven people squeezed in the cockpit, which seemed very crowded.

However, the cabin space is different from the human aircraft of the 21st century. There is no complicated operation dashboard at all, only a few strange metal balls are placed.

In front of the round ball array is a small chair.

The chair is a hard pure metal structure, and the comfort of people sitting on it is so bad that it is fascinating.

The technicians also guessed and simulated the body shape of the Mizu based on the shape of the chair.

Mendelssohn put his hand over a sphere, and hundreds of tiny electric arcs that looked like silk were protruding from the sphere.

"Mr. Chen, you can try, this arc touches the palm of the palm a bit numb, we speculate that there may be information transmitted in it, but we can't recognize it."

Chen Feng's pupils shrink, Interest finally came.

He knows this arc very well, which is a kind of neural linking method, and there is indeed a lot of information in it.

But by the twenty-eighth century, when humans could read this information, the ball was really just a ball, and there was no reaction at all.

This phenomenon means that the SmartBrain in this ship has not completely stopped!

He quickly pulled Mendelssohn's hand away, "Don't touch, don't waste energy! Let me come."

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