With a new topic, and the new imaging technology he is most interested in, James doesn’t talk about scripts with Chen Feng anymore, but starts with Chen Feng’s new technology. .

Chen Feng is not bragging at all. He describes the performance of the first-generation self-training engine almost as he remembers.

"Diaz, have you seen the quantum computing programming ideas I mentioned in "Mad Man’s Conjecture 2.0"?"

"Have you seen it."

"The core framework of the so-called self-domestication engine is based on quantum programming. Diaz, you are not a practitioner in the field of artificial intelligence, so I cannot explain it to you in detail. You just need to know the program I built The core is exactly like the DNA of our human body. Data is its nutrient. It can automatically capture the required data, continuously copy around the core and split it in directional operations to obtain more and more powerful analog rendering capabilities. The virtual reality based on this engine structure will More and more fakes and real ones."

James Diaz carefully tasted Chen Feng's words, some of which have one's hair stand on end inexplicably.

After all, it is a sci-fi movie giant. In his masterpiece there is an artificial intelligence mutiny theme like "The Ultimate". He immediately asked: "Will this be the birth of a super artificial intelligence with self-awareness? This Will it be...too dangerous?"

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, opened his eyes and said nonsense, half true and half false, saying: "Data is data after all, and the chip CPU is a chip after all. Artificial intelligence computing Built on the core of computer computing that is always regular, its randomness can never catch up with the quantum collapse of the human brain. Artificial intelligence will not produce truly free thoughts, so your worries are excessive."

James: "But there will always be some risks?"

Seeing the confusion, Chen Feng simply said: "The flame may burn people to death, may burn houses, may cause forest fires, but if the primordial people do not take the initiative to control flame , Can the average lifespan of human beings break through 20 years old? There is a Chinese saying that we should not avoid doctors. Risks will always exist, but can we give up progress because we are afraid of risks? Another example is nuclear bombs. Now you think nuclear bombs have brought our civilization Regression or progress?"

James stopped the question, "If an out-of-control war does not break out, the meaning of nuclear bombs is actually progress."

"That's right. "Chen Feng said, "Have you ever had an illusion? Why in the Early-Stage of the 20th century, our great scientists emerged endlessly. In the 21st century, although science and technology are still advancing, there are still a group of people every year. Won the Nobel Prize, but we can clearly feel that there are fewer people who can bring qualitative changes to the world. Scientists who are worshipped by the world seem to have become scarce items, just like Einstein, Fermi, and Von. There are fewer and fewer academic idols like Neumann and Qian Xuesen. It’s really just because the ordinary person has been exposed to too much entertainment culture, has the pursuit of academics weakened?"

James thought for a while," There are certain reasons, but the essential problem lies in the fact that what scientists create is that they are too far away from the ordinary person’s life, and that they cannot be as they were in the past. Every time they move forward, naked eye can visibly change the world and change the science of mankind. View."

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, do you want to know the reason? Do you know?"

James Diaz took a heavy sip of coffee, "It’s because As human beings explore the mysteries of the universe more and more deeply, the amount of calculation that needs to be completed every time we move forward is getting larger and larger. The improvement of our computing power has dragged down our thinking. Therefore, we can no longer easily create qualitative changes. Can only a little amount of use change into a qualitative change?"

Chen Fen g smiled, "Yes. "

"But this problem was solved this year, Mr. Chen, you are changing the world. "

Chen Feng: "Don't pay attention to those details. Me and ordinary scientists have no comparability. "

"Yes, you cannot copy. "

"cough cough. "Chen Feng's face is slightly red, "In short, we know that artificial intelligence may be poison, it may be drinking poison to quench thirst, or it may bring about the end of the future such as intelligent warfare. But if mankind does not want to wait until the resources in the solar system are exhausted and then slowly die desperately under the stars, mankind must personally create artificial intelligence that can replace us to complete a large number of calculations, regard it as our sub-civilization, and cooperate with it. . "

"Let me give an example, our cosmic spaceship wants to fly across the open space between the solar system and the neighboring galaxies, and it needs to travel a distance of four light years. Assuming that we can create a cosmic spaceship that can reach one-tenth the speed of light in a hundred years, it is actually not enough. "

"You should know how powerful a small dust in the universe hits the spaceship at such a high speed? We can't even cross the Kuiper Asteroid Belt safely. Therefore, in addition to accurately controlling the engine, adjusting the direction of travel at any time, and making perfect rehearsal calculations on the forward route, we must also construct a strong enough antimagnetic field shield in the front of the ship to protect our spaceship. "

"The computing power required for a spaceship that can fly out of the solar system at a high speed and safely is at least equivalent to 10,000 times the total computing power of all supercomputers in mankind. If we don't rely on quantum computing and artificial intelligence, what else can we rely on? Use a human brain? impossible. "

James Diaz gradually understood Chen Feng's intentions, "So your self-domesticated special effects rendering engine, on the surface, looks to be for the special effects of movies in the new era, but in fact it is to really set off artificial intelligence. And the future of big data algorithms? Do you want to change the world? "

"Yes, but creating a new thing from scratch cannot be born out of thin air. It needs the support of the industrial chain. Because research and promotion of new technologies require money and investment. The more important and newer the technology, the greater the amount of capital required. Therefore, technology cannot exist in isolation from reality. After all, artificial intelligence exists to serve human computing needs. "

"So I chose to cut into the field of movie special effects, which is relatively extensive at present, and allows ordinary persons to quickly experience the changes it has caused to the times. Diaz, come on, join me with new technologies to change the future of movies and the future of mankind. Isn't this what you want to do most? "

Although Chen Feng doesn't like politics and never pretends to be a politician, his speech is quite provocative.

James' emotions are slowly being mobilized. Now.

"So, Mr. Chen, what effect can your engine achieve? "

Chen Feng clicked on a blockbuster known for its special effects in the past two years, and said: "The accuracy, fidelity, and expressiveness of the picture must be measured by data, I can at least achieve this Three times the level. As for the rendering speed, it should reach the current highest level... well, 10 times. In addition, the difficulty of modification will be reduced a lot, and you can even generate a simulation environment directly on the basis of the original painting, and then fine-tune it as you want. "

James Diaz is hearing this, pondering for a moment, and he screams, and proposes another thing.

Chen Feng then knows what he was upset just now.

It is the post-production special effects of the film he is shooting.

James Diaz built a large and professional technical team around his own needs many years ago. A large post-production special effects team all over the world maintains in-depth cooperation.

In the technical level of the postmodern film industry, he considers himself second, and probably few people dare to claim first.

But even so, his desire to do better has never been satisfied.

He will always remain critical and dissatisfied.

There are some details this time. Some things stumped him.

Being someone else would definitely be willing to confuse him, but he would not.

If you want to achieve the perfect effect in his ideal, you have to In addition to the additional investment of more than 50 million U.S. dollars, it will take about four months to increase the production cycle after it is completed.

According to the movie release plan, time is too late.

After listening to James’ demand, Chen Feng personally decided to take over the job at a price of 20 million dollars and compressed the delivery cycle within one month.

Although Mr. Zhan’s opinion of Chen Feng Ability is absolutely trustworthy, but Chen Feng still made huge concessions in the payment model out of business considerations.

After all, Guangying Studio has just built a framework, and there are not many employees.


The order for this first business is as high as 20 million U.S. dollars. The contract is too harsh and unfair to others.

Chen Feng stated that no deposit or advance payment is required until the finished product is available. And after being fully approved by the investor team, the production team and the director team led by Director Zhan, the payment is required.

Of course, he is not afraid that others are obviously satisfied and deliberately pretend to be dissatisfied. renege on a debt, play with him.

With Chen Feng’s huge influence in his hands, there is a huge industry behind him that is large enough to grasp the direction of technological development in several decades. Unless someone else takes the wrong medicine, he will be froze with him for 20 million yuan.

The two also wrote a letter of intent.

If the new technology described by Chen Feng really works The perfect solution to James’ current dilemma, the content produced by Xingfeng Light and Shadow Studio appears in the final film, then James Diaz will direct "Cross and Crossing Stars" without trying to add any personal thoughts.

He will follow the script exactly, and even the storyboard will fully correspond to Chen Feng’s needs.

He will only act as a faithful transformation of the script As the performer of the screen-commonly known as the tool man squatting on the position of the director.

If this matter spreads out, I don’t know how many people’s jaws will be shocked.

Zhan Shen has fallen and succumbed to reality.

The business is almost done, and after entering the chat time, Chen Feng went to the shooting site at the invitation of James.

It took nearly ten minutes to reach the large-scale studio from the office building. Chen Feng saw many real-life shooting scenes along the way.

James is very proud to explain one by one.

Which hill bag was dug out by him. In order to make the vegetation on the hill bag logical, he even spent a lot of money to buy a lot of real plants on it. In order to take care of these plants, how many gardeners did he hire? And so on.

In the actual shooting process, this small mountain bag will be the main setting for the actors to promote the plot, and a big green screen will rise behind the small mountain bag to facilitate the later production.

Chen Feng expressed admiration.

It’s no wonder that other people’s A-Rank blockbusters have such a strong picture quality, they are really willing to pay for it.

Arrived in the studio where the set is being set up, and the scene looks in a frenzy.

The huge workshop has been built according to the plot needs as many as more than ten rooms of various types, representing the various functional sections of the spaceship.

At this time, there are more than 400 various staff members.

In some medium and low-cost sci-fi American dramas, similar sets are often rented and then remodeled appropriately. Therefore, careful audiences can easily find the scenes of a certain film and other certain dramas when watching the drama. The picture seems familiar.

This is not an illusion, it is a fact.

But how can James, who is nitpicking and rich and imposing, tolerate other people's sets appearing in his own films?

Of course he has to design it himself and strictly control it.

In addition to personally finalizing the theme, and inviting well-known artists as visual art directors to be responsible for the sense of art, he also recruited nearly two dozen graduated Academicians and PhD students from the University of California, Berkeley. Scientific advisor.

In order not to delay the studies of these students, James of Cunning also set up a research group with Berkeley for his own film. The project is called "How to Perfectly Apply Strict Science to Science Fiction" Movie works".

In a set room, two youngsters and a long-haired old man are holding a surveying instrument against a pair of images on the wall.

This image seems to be a galaxy simulation of a binary star system.

Master Chen gave a dazzling glance, super brainpowered to calculate habitually.

This star chart is too much.

There are so many golden ratios. How serious is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the person who designed this picture?

What's more sad is that these tangents representing the gravitational field, planetary revolution orbit, and yellow equatorial plane are combined together, but they are full of artistic sense.

The most sorrowful thing is that Chen Feng has really "seen" a galaxy exactly like one of them.

The mother star of the fan family.

According to the description of the remnants of the Mizu, the mother star of the Mizu is indeed such a binary star system.

However, based on the scientific level of human beings in the 21st century, it is basically impossible to see the mysterious home planet located in the horizon isolation zone behind the Galactic Center, which is another 100,000 light-years away.

When James saw Chen Feng's interest in this painting, he said proudly: "This is the dual star system of the home star of the Bonut family that I set in this film. How is it? Is it beautiful? "

"Very beautiful. What kind of race is the Bonut tribe?"

"A kind and gentle cyborg life race, in my story, it is the same as the Earth Human Race Close partner."

"I remember seeing it in the news before that this script is Diaz’s original original?"

"Yes, but also the screenwriting team and The result of my joint efforts."

Chen Feng gave a thumbs up silently, "A great job, you did a great job, incredible."

"This is mine Visual art director Martin, he designed the concept of star map art." James pointed to the long-haired old man introduced.

"These two...In short, they are young scientists from Berkeley University. They are responsible for perfecting the scientific evidence for this galaxy map."

James would like to introduce two other youngsters, But I can't remember the name.

Chen Feng is sharp-eyed and saw the badge of these two people.

The name of the blond white youngster is Smith Aslan, and the black hair youngster with some Asian features in his face is called Kad Ivanov Liu.

Well, a Chinese-Russian mixed-race child, and if he guessed right, his father's surname is Liu.

Wait...this name.

Chen Feng gave a thump in his head.

He thought of a character profile.

Kader Ivanov Liu, a Chinese-Russian child born in May 1995 in the San Francisco Bay Area.

In 2025, he received an Academician degree in astrophysics from the University of California, Berkeley, and then worked for NASA in theoretical calculations.

It looks unremarkable here, but the next sentence immediately changed its flavor.

In 2043, at the age of 38, Liu Card resigned from NASA and went to teach at the University of Berkeley, where he wrote science fiction in his spare time.

Liu Card’s interest in science fiction comes from his experience as a scientific consultant on the set directed by James Diaz when he was studying at the Academician.

From 2020 to 2025, he has joined James’ screenwriting team many times.

James planted the seeds of science fiction in his heart and told him the meaning of using scientific thoughts to imagine the future.

After creating a lot of unsatisfactory works, he began to create the "Sparking Fire" series in 2065.

In this magnum opus, he applied his personal imagination of the universe to vividly and thoroughly, and perfectly integrated the profound and comprehensive knowledge gained from his long-term professional work into the novel. .

In his story, it is described that after human beings became the Sovereign of the galaxy, they rushed out of the galaxy with all their strength, fighting wits and courage with various powerful and hostile races that conform to the Universe Rule, and In the end, he defeated many powerful enemies and obtained the qualifications to stand in the universe, a grand story that will last forever.

His story is logical, exciting, and wonderful.

And most of the theories he fantasizes in the book can find sufficient scientific basis in the 21st century.

Until the thirty-first century, scientists were even more amazed at their discoveries. His description of future technology was at least 50% accurate.

He is one of the best science fiction writers in the 21st century, and perhaps one of the best science fiction writers after the 21st century.

His "Spark Unbreakable" was adapted into a famous film series. The first one was called "Across the Stars", which was released in 2115.

This character profile, since the sixth timeline, has not appeared in the seventh and eighth timeline.


Of course, since then, Master Chen himself began to copy the "Sparking Fire" series of movies, and every time the "Cross and Crossing Starry Sky" was shot in advance, and it was released in 2025!

Chen Feng thinks it.

Didn’t Liu Card often work for James until 2023?

Maybe in the sixth, seventh, and eighth timelines, the master was mixed in James' team at all, and he had already participated in the scientific advisory work during the filming of "Across the Stars".

It’s no wonder that every time I took photos before, the hand feels so good, the lens feels so good, and the combination of fantasy and reality is so tight. Card, the master is also in his team!

Xiao Liu definitely admires the script of "Cross and Crossing Stars".

But I just don’t know. If he were to understand that the original author of the script was himself, how would he feel?

In the later timeline, Liu Card’s name did not appear in the historical materials of science fiction works at all. About this man’s creativity was moved away, Jiang Lang was exhausted, and he failed to write the hard stuff. Everyone has gone in history.


Master Chen, who was supposed to be "insensitive" as a copyist, suddenly blushed.

He is quite familiar with planting and stealing melons from the fields, but he was caught by the host family with a current illusion.

What's more sad is that at this moment Liu Card is looking at him with a look at Divine Immortal.

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