Fatty Ou only had some vegetable and fruit salad tonight.

He famously said that weight loss should start with diet control.

Then, he kept humming on the sofa on an empty stomach until 7 o'clock in the evening, wailing self-encouraging words of "hungry", "nothing", and "persistence is victory".

Song Siyu persuaded him to step by step, but he would not listen.

He also told Song Siyu that he was going to exercise and went downstairs to the gym.

Song Siyu didn't know anything about him, so he had to continue to study Chen Feng's quantum programming algorithm in the study, and let him go.

At 8:58, Song Siyu saw that Fatty Ou hadn't gone upstairs to take a bath, and was puzzled.

Usually fatty runs can last for less than ten minutes, and then you have to groan and stop cooking.

This time there was no movement for almost two hours, which is strange.

Song Siyu hurriedly went downstairs to look, only to find that Fatty Ou, wearing a vest and sweating all over, was lying head-on next to the elliptical machine.

She hurriedly rushed over.

Fatty seemed to have just fainted, and sweat dripped down his vest to the ground, soaking the carpet into a figure.

Song Siyu knows first aid knowledge and can also resuscitate cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

But the fat on Fatty's body is too thick, and her strength is so exhausted after turning the person over, she can't press it at all.

Song Siyu hurriedly called Uncle Long who lived in the villa next door, and then called the emergency center of Jiangnan No. 1 Hospital that Ou's long-term cooperation.

Uncle Long rushed to the scene after one minute.

But in this one minute, Ou Junlang's heartbeat and pulse became weaker and weaker, until it stopped completely, Uncle Long finally rushed over and began emergency rescue.

After asking about the situation and hanging up the phone, Chen Feng's hands were freed, and the speed of running and prancing increased by three points.

His expression is extremely solemn.

There was no crafty plots and machinations and sneak attack assassinations in the whole incident, and the whole thing was nothing but an accident.

The fatty who has been short of exercise for a long time doesn’t know the wrong tendon in his mind. Suddenly, after work hard, he wants to take the initiative to exercise. As a result, the amount is too large and the cardiopulmonary function can’t keep up, triggering a cardiac arrest. NS.

This has never happened in the past timeline.

Fatty is always in the state of being very scratchy and salty. Every time I talk about weight loss, it is actually a pure mouth.

Chen Feng consciously has completely seen Fatty's urine in many historical materials.

So he has never worried about this, he has never considered this possibility at all, and he is completely unprepared.

But this time there was an accident.

Chen Feng knows the reason, and the root is still in him.

He triggered the backlash of time and space again.

Fatty has received too many invisible blows these days.

The gap between reality and ideals has been impacting Fatty's mind.

He was eager to escape the shadow of father and prove himself since he was a child.

So when I was facing Chen Feng, fatty without the slightest hesitation pounced and hugged this thigh decisively.

He didn't know, this was just coming out of the wolf's den and entering the tiger's den.

The thigh is hugged, but this leg is too thick, and the shadow is covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

This is all right, he lay down to win more thoroughly, without struggling.

Fatty has never been reconciled.

The more so, the more anxious he is.

Until the huge gap pressure passed the critical point of his psychological endurance.

In short, fatty's mentality collapsed.

But his collapse was not just decadence, but decided to face reality and work hard.

He decided to accept the fate of being a thoroughbred and prepare to become a better stallion.

He wants to improve the quality of the statics by strengthening exercises to improve his cardiopulmonary function and his metabolism.

The idea is very good, but he overcorrected and was not prepared enough. He did not allow professionals to guide the training, and he fell into a dying situation.

Chen Feng looks calm on the surface, but his heart is both nervous and self-blaming.

To play with the essence of time is to play with fire.

In addition, he still wants to control the unpredictable human mind, and he is standing next to the oil drum playing with fire, and anyone who is not paying attention will be quietly eaten by Time and Space Storm. .

When he had the illusion that I could control everything, he was already standing on the edge of a dangerous cliff without realizing it.

Now, Chen Feng has paid the price of inflation.

Chen Feng fiercely punched himself in the chest.

I'm a terrible pen!

Being called by Master Chen, Teacher Chen, President Chen, sages, and leaders all day long, I really believe oneself infallible God, he can know and be omnipotent.

I should pay attention to Fatty's mental state earlier, and shouldn't always hit him like that.

It can’t be said that fatty has a cowardly character and can’t stand up to blows.

This is really an accident you can't guard against it.


Chen Feng secretly sighed then said, and gritted his teeth and continued to rush forward with his legs.

Thank God.

When Chen Feng was about to arrive at the Hanhua Spring Villa area, Song Siyu called again and told him good news.

After being broken three ribs by Uncle Long with a pacemaker and two hands for resuscitation, fatty's heartbeat and consciousness gradually recovered.

Chen Feng's heart fell to the ground.

He only felt the sou sou coolness on his body, and it turned out that he was already dripping with cold sweat.

Good risk.

Although this time-space backlash is not as thrilling as when Zhong Lei was near a car accident before, the danger is not at all.

If fatty really breathes one's last, then it will be more injustice.

Heaven knows how to write history books after a thousand years.

The emperor was reborn well, but forcibly lived a funny tragedy.

If the Fatty Spring knew about it, he would definitely die.

As the top luxury mansion in Hanzhou City, Hanhua Spring’s property security is very professional, and there are almost no blind spots in the monitoring of the community.

Time is tight, Chen Feng didn't bother to ask the guard to report, and decided to go directly over the wall and enter.

The security measures that can prevent 99% of thieves in the world are useless in front of Chen Feng.

He only jumped lightly, crossed the iron fence high wall, then stepped on the ground, the silhouette flashed again, and went straight to the fatty single-family villa.

The 24-hour manned surveillance system cannot even respond to automatic alarms, let alone the naked eye of the inspector in the surveillance room.

From receiving the call to arriving at the scene, Chen Feng took two copies and 37 seconds.

"How is the situation?"

Chen Feng opened the floor-to-ceiling windows of the gym on the first floor and hurriedly stepped inside, asking in his mouth.

The fatty face, who is still lying on his back, is half white and half red, with fine sweat beading from his forehead, and he coughs twice from time to time, but he tries his best to restrain the urge to cough and hum in his mouth. Humbling.

Broken three ribs, it's not a joke, it must be painful for the thief.

Song Siyu sat next to him nervously, only looking at the fatty with a worried look.

She herself is pregnant now, so she doesn't dare to take any risks.

Uncle Long, who was about to turn around to pour water, was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, "Mr. Chen?"

"Well, it's me."

Uncle Long Swallowing, "No...it shouldn't be a big problem."

As a professional bodyguard, Uncle Long is familiar with the terrain of the entire Hanzhou City.

He is also familiar with Chen Feng's location.

Now his mind is a little dizzy.

The distance he rushed over was ten kilometers long, right? Song Siyu had just called him for a few minutes, so why did he get there?

Even if the helicopter goes from take-off to landing, it is not so fast!

Ou Junlang heard Chen Feng’s voice, and his mind was slightly drowsy due to the severe pain, "Master...Master, I’m fine."

Chen Feng left. Come over, first detect his hand and squeeze his pulse, "It's okay, but it's a bit too ridiculous if you say it's okay. Oh, really... I don't know how to say you are good. If you want to lose weight, don't mess around like this, do things a little Plan."

After that, he felt that Fatty had just escaped from the dead, which was not a good lesson.

"Forget it, take a bite to gain a wit, and then you will increase your memory. I would rather you be so fat. Didn't I tell you, you just don’t see any difference, there is no need Too harsh on yourself."

Fatty's situation is more complicated, and Chen Feng doesn't know how to comfort him, so he can only say a few words like this tentatively.

Ou Junlang in a low, muffled voice said that I understand it, but it’s hard to tell if I don’t really understand it.

Wait for a while, Uncle Long held a water glass in his left hand, and his right hand took a painkiller and gave it to Fatty.

Pain relievers are not ordinary goods. They are the life-saving guys of Uncle Long when he charged overseas. Even the gunshot wounds can barely suppress a town, and the effect is very impressive.

Without one minute fatty, I no longer muffled, but my mind is a little drowsy and looks a bit drunk.

A few minutes before the ambulance arrived, Ou Guohua is also rushing here from the Ou Family Mansion.

When fatty's eyes gradually narrowed, she seemed to be asleep.

Chen Feng whispered to Song Siyu to look back at him a little bit, lest he die again.

Unexpectedly, Ou Junlang suddenly opened his eyes and wailed loudly, "Master, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry for causing you trouble. I’m sorry for my daughter-in-law, but I’m so scared. I’m sorry, Uncle Long, I’m really sorry. ...I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I..."

Maybe he was really sad, or maybe the painkiller with a psychedelic effect broke his psychological defenses and made him a little broken. Unreservedly exposed.

Chen Feng sighed then said, "Oh..."

By this time, he knew where he was wrong.

It was his mistake to put Fatty Ou on the battleship of salvation.

Among the six people who saved the world, Zhong Lei, Lu Wei, Lai En, and Meng Xiaozhou are not the general ones, they all possess powerful will attributes and amazing talents.

Several people are good at winning, each has its own merits.

Compared with these few people, Ou Junlang, who was born in a wealthy family, is more like a mediocre mortal.

It's not that Ou Junlang is really incompetent.

Fatty's talent is already very good, at least it can surpass 99.99% of the people.

His Divine Grade quality can surpass 99.99% of people.

But this is not enough, because the other five people in the salvation have a comprehensive literacy that exceeds at least 99.9999%.

The decimal point is two points away. The difference seems to be small, but in fact the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Although Ou Junlang is excellent, it is still not enough to bear the heavy responsibility of savior.

He can't bear this psychological pressure, so that he is out of balance in his judgment, and he is eager to achieve success in losing weight, forgetting step by step, and committing a major mistake.

"You all go out first, I will chat with him alone."

It is not time for Song Siyu and Long Uncle to know, let Fatty Ou continue to play like this Sooner or later, he had to leak his mouth, Chen Feng said calmly in an irreversible tone.

Uncle Long's lips trembled, trying to refute, but after all, he didn't say anything.

Song Siyu is a little worried, but Chen Feng is watching, and nothing will happen.

After the two left, Chen Feng sat on the ground.

"Okay, I know you are wronged. Both of them were called away by me. You can vent it. But don't move too much, lest your ribs are misplaced and poke your lungs."


Fatty Ou was taken aback first, and hurriedly reduced the range of breathing, only wu wu wu non-stop.

Almost half a minute passed before he whispered, "Master, I'm so unwilling. I want to help you too. I want to do something, but I don’t have to do anything. Can’t do it well. Why am I such a waste."

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