More than ten minutes later, he dragged the three-headed giant wolf back to the building.

Getting meat is the 1st Step to solve the food problem.

Second Step is to light a fire to make cooked food.

Although with his current digestive ability, even drinking hair and blood is not a big problem, his personal habits cannot be changed for a while, and cooked food is also more conducive to digestion.

Chen Feng jumped up and down in the building for a long time, obtaining a lot of things that can burn, such as bedding, clothes and other things that were not sealed and preserved.

These things are so crisp that they can only be burned.

He also used metal sticks to form a barbecue, and then sharpened the fruit knife he picked up again.

Fortunately, he found the kitchen in this building.

A well-sealed bottle of salt was also found in the kitchen.

It seems that this family's life is very tasteful and very particular. Even with the quark meter, they did not completely abandon the traditional cooking skills, which can be regarded as saving Chen Feng's half-life.

The surprise is more than that. This unopened bottle of edible salt has the production date written on it, September 28, 2519.

In the era when there was a quark meter, there were no manufacturers for these simple small commodities. If needed, they were all manufactured and synthesized by the quark meter.

This date of birth is handwritten with timeless handwriting, which shows that the former mistress of this family is very cultivated, but unfortunately it has become history.

Previously, Chen Feng thought of a lot of ways, but couldn't determine the date of the end of the catastrophe, but didn't expect important information travel far and wide looking for something, but now only to return and find it easily.

The sun dome descended on January 1, 2500, but there were still humans on Earth after 2519.

Then the probability of a successful civilized retreat is shattered.

Furthermore, since the hostess was still in the mood to make edible salt at the end of September 2519, and pursue a taste of life in personal cooking, it shows that the society at that time was still in stability and prosperity, and the catastrophe inevitably occurred in 2519. Years later.

Chen Feng is more than 70% sure of one thing.

Humanity was not so bad that it fell in the civil war, but it did not withstand the offensive of the compound-eye civilization through the solar civilization.

The probability of the arrival of the compound-eye civilization is still around 2520.

Otherwise, the date on this bottle of edible salt should not be accurate to 2519, and it may be more than a few hundred years later.

Chen Feng's reasoning logic is not rigorous at all, it can be called full of loopholes.

But foreseeing many important time points in advance, under the combination of the two, this small handwritten production date label gave him so much important information.

He was a little relieved, otherwise he would be very disappointed with the performance of future generations.

Of course, doubts still exist.

Is it the Z bacteria that forms the wisdom of the crowd that destroys humans?

The manipulated Z bacteria mutant animal destroyed all human corpses after defeating humans, and then implemented the civilization elimination plan step by step?

The more Chen Feng thinks about it, the more he feels that this probability is very large.

But since the mature quark meter has been used in thousands of households in the early twenty-sixth century, it means that the level of human science and technology in this timeline has reached the eighth level in 2500. This timeline is at least the level of the twenty-ninth century.

The "Five Hundred Year Plan" has basically succeeded.

Human beings become stronger, how can they be defeated in the war with Z bacteria animals?

Which link went wrong?

Where are the mutant animals that defeated humans?

Unable to figure it out, Chen Feng didn't think about it for the time being, and quickly adjusted his mood, began to elated the fire, and prepared to barbecue wolf meat.

The simple matter of lighting a fire can make him awkward. He took the alloy tube ding ding dong dong and knocked it for half an hour before successfully igniting the flammable cotton batting material with sparks from metal collision. .

Beep flames rose up, and the thighs full of vigorous meat were grilled to be tender on the outside, fat and oily.

He then twisted the salt with his fingertips and sprinkled little by little on the fleshy leg.

The 500-year-old authentic old salt is even better than the Lafite in 1982.

Unfortunately, there is no red wine to serve, and even the drinking water can only be boiled rainwater.

Because the sedimentation process will absorb a large amount of dust floating in the air, and is rich in toxic and harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide, rainwater in the 21st century cannot be drunk.

But now Chen Feng does not have this worry. After the rain in the thirty-first century boils, it is no different from dew, and it tastes like a mountain spring.

After eating two legs with a meal, Chen Feng hiccups, he is full of food and drink, and then sleeps beautifully.

After waking up the next day, he began to shuttle through the rooms of the small town ruins, trying to collect information while looking for available items.

He is plentiful harvest all day long.

He found a bunch of labels that could prove the time point, snack pockets, seasoning bottles, holographic equipment that limited the date of return to the factory for maintenance, and so on.

He also found a handy standard training saber. The material is self-repairing. The blade is 1.3 meters long, the blade is 48mm wide, and it weighs 21kg. It is still very sharp.

Then he used this knife to chop over a python and found a big surprise.

This python snake gall has the characteristics of a very stable antimatter engine and bio-battery.

The problem of energy supply has been solved.

Then he followed the trail of python crawling on the ground again, and then found the snake den in a huge underground warehouse.

Take away another super-large python and more than ten small pythons. Chen Feng collected two large and thirteen small "biological batteries".

At the same time, he also found a pile of small aircraft wreckage in this warehouse that had been targeted for damage.

The damage to the aircraft in the underground warehouse is slightly less than that on the ship. Although none of them can be used, Chen Feng fought hard for the whole afternoon and still didn’t know how to master it. Skilled mechanics know Taobao to find some parts that seem to be complete.

It's a pity that he couldn't figure out the functions of these parts for a while, so he couldn't try to combine them.

Chen Feng found the destroyed energy core in the underground warehouse, put in a small snake gall bladder battery, and tried to connect it.

The lighting system resumed its energy supply, and the lights in the underground warehouse turned on.

Unfortunately, the artificial intelligence system is still silent.

Chen Feng was not disappointed, he did not hold out his expectations.

He returned to the large warehouse, looked at the hundreds of parts piled in the corner of neat and tidy, and sighed.


When the book is used, I hate less.

Chen Feng regretted being lazy and didn't learn more from the chief scientific technician Ouyang Academician. Otherwise, he would not be able to just blindly touch the elephant at the moment.

If you can see Ouyang Zhenghua Academician next time, you must be more enthusiastic about him, learn more, and you can't always count on others to help take care of your equipment.

Next, Chen Feng first found the second kinetic energy control center in the underground warehouse, switched all to manual mode, and tried it.

Along with the loud rumbling, the upper passage opening of the underground warehouse that has not been opened for hundreds of years slowly opened.

He lifted his head and looked forward. The mud and the sun after the rain fell at the same time, and one piece of vines hung down.

Very good, since the top cover can be opened, then I can put the new base in this underground warehouse.

In order to save energy, he stopped using lights. Instead, he dragged everything near the place where the sun was shining. He started to twist the Rubik's Cube like the same sect layman, and slowly tried to splice the parts together.

Start things simply.

When it got dark, he closed the passage again, and then drilled out along the ventilation duct when he came in. He had initially completed the splicing work of the frame structure of this small aircraft.

Returning to the "bedroom", Chen Feng began to read his diary while reading.

Since the compound-eye civilization does not want words on Earth, he has to write something to record his life.

"October 27th, 3019 AD.

The second day I came to this era.

Today I ate two wolf ribs, two A wolf's leg.

Although the weather is late autumn and the temperature is not high, the other two wolves can be dealt with in a short while, and they will have to be thrown away in about two days.

I was worried, but fortunately I found an underground warehouse with a cold storage.

There is also good news that the snake gall of colorful python has the function of bio-battery and can be used.

In addition, I feel that I am still an innate talent of mechanical technicians. In just one day, I have assembled an aircraft frame the size of a yacht, but I still don’t understand the details for the time being.

Sooner or later, I will succeed.

Compared with the 21st century, the flora and fauna on Earth have changed a lot. It seems that the characteristics of Bacteria Z still remain, but it may also be the result of the fierce war on Earth. The radiation caused a lot of biological mutation, and it may also be the interference of the sun dome.

In short, the evolution of non-intelligent creatures has been accelerated, and continues to advance towards stronger athletic ability.

The color spot python I named does not have any special ability, but it is more agile and stronger. It is suspected that the color spot python can partially use the energy of the bio-battery in its body, but the specific effective mechanism is still unknown.

According to my speculation, when non-intelligent creatures have overly powerful abilities, just like dinosaurs before the Cretaceous period dominate the Earth ecology, there is no room for intelligent creatures to evolve and multiply.

This may be A means for higher civilizations to restrict the development of lower planets that may give birth to civilizations.

The means are very insidious and contemptible, and they can control the planet for tens of millions of years without destroying the planet.

I can be more certain that the compound-eye civilization did not arrive in the solar system ahead of time, and it is still on the way to this side.

It is temporarily unsure whether the compound-eye civilization will arrive as scheduled, because I cannot Determine the extent to which the human colony has developed within the Orion’s arm.

The compound-eye civilization may go straight to Earth, or it may first gradually cut off the human power in the colony."

Chen Feng finished, Close the notebook again.

Then he went to the quark meter to restore the basic energy supply, first turned on the mirror reading device, let the quark meter analyze the white water next to it, and then made a new glass of white water.

Then he took the white water he had previously used as a copy of the sample.

This new glass of white water was left beside the quark meter.

Without the quark meter supported by the SmartBrain chip and the quantum network database, it is so embarrassing. Before making a substance, the target must be analyzed and copied.

After completely losing all conveniences, living alone on the planet is so powerless.

No rain tonight. Moon stars are bright.

Night insects neigh in the ruins of the green town, and from time to time, you can hear the croaking of off-season.

Only two days have passed, and there are not many large animals near the center of the ruins. Even animals such as wolves or foxes run thoroughly.

The animals seem to have a strong prediction of danger, knowing that a new mountain king has arrived in the town.

The moonlight spreads across the room through the vines.

The rays of light are a little bit strong, but Chen Feng doesn't want to sleep in a dark place.

The second day when no one spoke, he gradually felt unwell.

He once thought that he could become an otaku who didn't care about the world. As long as he was given a network cable and a computer, he would be able to stay away from people for several months.

But when he was the only one left in the entire world, I realized that things were not that simple.

The feeling of loneliness is too strong to be unreasonable.

Three days have passed.

In order to build the central control system of the aircraft, Chen Feng created a total of 36 explosions in the underground warehouse. Seventy-one short-circuits caught fire, and 263 parts were burned.

He didn’t know whether the way he assembled and spliced ​​was wrong, or there were hidden dangers in some seemingly intact parts. In short, after working hard, he tried to power up and instantly BOOM went to the Martyrs’ Wall. , Extremely tragic, exactly like brat with a strong exploration spirit. After disassembling and recombining the TV, it was found that there were more pictures of N parts.

In the face of high-tech products manufactured in a hyper-refined society, there is no manual, no maintenance report, and Master Chen is also blind.

He had to walk out of the underground warehouse and search around in the ruins.

His experience as a trash guy has gradually enriched. This time he focused his main target on some low-rise buildings in the center of the town.

These buildings look like villas. People who can live in the villa area can always have some personal vehicles.

After all, rich people advocate enjoying life.

In the past two days, he found a vehicle that looked like a motorcycle, only four meters long, and could ride on it.

Except for the destruction of the smart chip, anti-gravity engine and force field shield engine, the overall energy transmission channel is intact.

Master Chen is keenly aware that this is the closest he has been to success.

He began to carefully check the parts in the floating motorcycle, and then went to the bottom floor of the underground warehouse to overturn the cabinets.

The previous BOOM experience so many times has taken effect. Although he is not sure how to spell the correct answer, at least he can continue to eliminate the wrong answers. After two more days of fighting, he really gave him little by little spelling. Come out a miniature anti-gravity engine!

This anti-gravity engine and floating motorcycle are not the original equipment, but can be put in, the interface standard is still the same!

Without a smart chip, it can only be controlled manually, which is not a big problem.

Without a force field shield, the wind will blow your face when flying, but this problem can be solved by the helmet.

Chen Feng cautiously installed the engine, turned on the power, and then gently pressed the switch.

Amidst the sound of Buzzzz~, the floating bike floated up.

Master Chen squeezed his fist, "NICE!"

Stabilized for a few more minutes, Chen Feng, who has a wealth of Battle Armor driving experience, slowly rode up, feeling swaying and floating The feeling of getting up is really comforting.

The hard work pays off!

If there is a smart chip, this motorcycle can automatically read his brain wave consciousness and fly around at will.

In the face of some changing terrain, the motorcycle can also automatically correct and adjust the route.

Now without the assistance of artificial intelligence, he has to control it purely by hand.

There are only four manual control functions, acceleration and deceleration, and increase and decrease the power of the anti-gravity engine.

But he couldn't be troubled. After a simple adaptation, Chen Feng was able to use the adjustment of his own center to coordinate the lifting and lowering and changing direction of the floating motorcycle.

If he wants to turn to the left, he slams his upper body to the left first, then uses his foot to go to the injection port of the other medium engine to forcefully complete the turn.

The equipment is very advanced, and the control is primordial, which is more ill than horse riding, but it can be used at any rate.

After flying around the town at a low altitude, Chen Feng determined that the top speed of the floater could reach 500 kilometers per hour.

Now I can finally move long distances without relying on my legs.

He checked the consumption rate of the gall bladder battery. Each small gall bladder battery can run 20,000 kilometers. The stock in his hand is enough for him to fly six and a half laps around Earth, which is enough.

Chen Feng stopped the motorcycle next to the collapsed building and considered two minutes.

It's time to leave.

This small town with a population of about 500,000 people has been turned upside down by him.

It's pointless to stay here.

Two hours later, he packed all the things he could use on the back seat of the motorcycle with the saber pinned to his waist.

A large refrigerator with a volume of two cubic meters is hung under the motorcycle.

The motorcycle took off slowly and went straight to the direction of Hanzhou in his memory.

If there are still very large cities in this era, then the most likely location should be his home, Hanzhou.

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