Hanzhou did not let him down.

This is indeed a huge city.

After a simple circle, Chen Feng initially estimated that the population of Hanzhou should be more than 300 million.

Shizhong District covers an area of ​​nearly 4,000 square kilometers.

The layout of the building is not dense, and it is not too tall.

Except for the collapsed high-rise residences, most of the buildings are no more than one kilometer tall.

However, the size of the building is very large, covering an area of ​​dozens of hundreds of acres at every turn.

Chen Feng looked at it briefly and was overjoyed.

He saw a lot of destroyed machinery in these large buildings, and even found a supercomputing center.

Chen Feng speculated that Hanzhou played the role of an industrial manufacturing center and a science center this time, which is just what he meant.

He first found the guest apartment according to the memory location and lived in it.

Finding this apartment is quite simple. After thousands of years, the layout of the apartment is no different from the past.

I wanted to come here again and it turned into a place of interest, which has been preserved intact.

Of course, the reinforced concrete buildings of the 21st century cannot be preserved for so many years.

Now there is still this style, and the building materials must have been changed a round.

Different from other large buildings, there is almost no future technology in the Kelai Apartment. It is almost exactly the same as when he settled back then. It is authentic, and even the electrical appliances are antiques that he is used to.

It is probably because there are not many products of post-modern technology in the cultural relic community, the degree of damage to the guest apartment is very low.

After simply settling down, he will be able to sweep the city with ease.

When dealing with big cities, you can’t go around like you do with small cities.

He first spent the entire day, dividing the Hanzhou site into four major areas: scientific research area, industrial area, accommodation area, and Commerce District, and at the same time, he divided these four areas according to the degree of damage. Divided into three different exploration priority levels.

That night, holding a teacup in his hand, he leisurely came to the eastern suburbs scientific research area with the highest priority.

He had noticed before that there was a huge metal column rising into the sky in the Eastern Suburbs Scientific Research Zone.

The cylinder has a diameter of more than 300 meters and a height of more than 4,000 meters. The shell is an all-metal structure with dozens of sections in total.

This is a super large optical telescope.

He didn't expect to see this kind of ancient things in this era, and it was still built on Earth. He was quite surprised.

What’s more surprising is that even though the central control SmartBrain is destroyed, the main structure of the telescope is still intact, and even the lenses inside are intact.

In the middle of the night, technician Chen, who was on the road to professionally manufacture explosions, initially repaired the function of telescope and successfully transferred the screen to a messy projector.

He finally saw the world beyond the stars through telescope.

There is a huge band of light between the orbits of Neptune and Uranus.

The light belt revolves like a planet orbiting the sun.

There are occasional arc flashes on the light belt. The energy contained in almost every arc is enough for thunderstorms on Earth to last for three days and three nights.

Chen Feng continued to magnify the magnification of the optical telescope, and was able to distinguish that the components of the light band were pieces of rag-like objects stacked together.

The arc is generated from these "rags", and then collides and circulates and is excited.

Chen Feng knows what it is, the "corpse" with the torn Dyson film.

He is very pleased.

The humans in this timeline have accomplished the feat of creating Dyson film 2500 years ago.

Although it is now a remains, the torn Dyson membranes have reunited and become a huge "sun ring".

But the traces of its existence can at least show that human efforts have not been in vain.

If everything is irretrievable, when other new races come to the solar system thousands or millions of years later and see the remains of these Dyson membranes, they may regard them as a new natural wonder of the universe.

These civilizations will make such a cry.

"Ah, this is a great life-like structure, a purely natural stellar ring with genetic information. The universe is incredible!"

But at this time in Chen Feng's heart , But only a thousand words can't speak with emotion.

Since the Dyson membrane has been man-made damage, then the human civilization in the solar system this time should be really not spared.

He had previously imagined that there may be humans on other planets such as Fire Star.

The corpse of Dyson membrane destroyed his fantasy.

Chen Feng shrugged and said to himself, "Forget it."

But somehow he came to another conclusion.

The emergence of Dyson film is of great significance to mankind, representing that mankind’s use of photosynthesis has completely reached the second stage, and there are almost inexhaustible energy and basic materials in the solar system.

Referring to the technological level of the Dyson membrane and the productivity that it can bring, then humans must have built countless large-scale interstellar spaceships 2500 years ago.

There will only be more endeavour expeditions to charge ahead this time, and there should not be only two colonial ships of the expedition that can reach the destination smoothly.

Otherwise this is not logical.

So there must be many human colonies in Orion’s arms!

When I think of this, Chen Feng is happy again. Elated uses an optical telescope to scan the night sky and begins to imagine in the heart that there may be new humans in the star system in Orion’s arms. Looking in the direction of Earth.

"If people who went out knew that someone was looking at them on the home planet at this time, how would they feel? Moved? Happy? Immediately send a ship with the ability to fly with curvature The ship will come to pick me up?"

No one has been talking, Chen Feng is afraid that he will lose his language ability, and he has developed the habit of thinking about everything.


He screamed.

Yes, he thought of a new solution.

The smart device was completely destroyed. It is almost impossible and infinitely difficult to piece together a ship with aerospace capabilities in the ruins of Earth.

Even if the power problem can be solved by the bio-battery, he can't solve the calculation requirements of the curvature engine, let alone have the navigation ability and the aerospace shield.

A new problem has arisen. How can I send a signal to the people in the colony to let them know that there is another person on Earth?

Ten minutes later, he shook the head in frustration.

After getting used to quantum networks, he overlooked one thing.

The speed of light is limited.

Even if he really built a large radio signal transmission tower on Earth, it would take four years at the earliest for the signal to reach the colony at the speed of light.

But one year later, the prismatic fleet of compound-eye civilization will arrive at Orion's Arm.

Chen Feng doesn't know what the course of this war will be, whether it can last for three years.

Well, it doesn't really matter.

The human colony can receive his signal, and the compound-eyes certainly can.

Then with the battleship performance of the compound eye, the first summoned return is almost impossible to be a rescue ship for humans, and it can only be an enemy.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and finished his cup of tea in one sip.

Forget it, follow the original plan and continue to explore the history of Earth, try to pick up trash or repair the ship by yourself.

If there is an opportunity, you can also try to build an auxiliary SmartBrain by yourself, then the navigation and shield problems will be solved.

This thing looks like a fantasy story, but it's actually a thin line.

As long as you can find a smartBrain chip that is still intact, and two stable biological quantum structures used as database storage carriers, with his increasingly mature assembly technology, it can really Spell something out.

In the return to house room, Chen Feng brewed himself a cup of strong tea and wrote his diary again.

This time, he didn't write trivia in his diary, but only set two core policies for himself.

First, in one month, we will thoroughly explore everything in Hanzhou City and explore the history in depth.

Secondly, pick up more rubbish and try to build ships and artificial intelligence.

He stayed for another seven days.

In these seven days, the total amount of parts he collected exceeded 10,000, and hundreds of explosions were created.

But he is indeed getting more and more proficient. You don’t need to look at the nameplate. You only need to glance at the shape of the parts to know which is a variable voltage capacitor, which is an energy flow stabilizer, and which is gravity. Signal transmitter.

He even assembled an old-fashioned crawler engineering vehicle, and installed a gravitational wave detector with a scanning range of 500 meters on the engineering vehicle.

It's a bit sad to say it.

He is the complete frame of the gravitational wave detector found in children's toys that resemble the shape of the ultimate Battle Armor of the Galaxy War Pill.

This thing was only a child's scientific toy about five hundred years ago, but now it has become his powerful helper.

The reason why it was not destroyed, perhaps because it was just a toy.

In short, his garbage collection efficiency has been greatly improved.

He also improved the function of the quark meter, and finally was able to automatically identify objects with the characteristics of antimatter batteries, stop quark copying in time, and prevent short-circuit explosions.

His personal collection is also increasing, each meal can produce more than ten different flavors, and the quality of life is greatly improved.

Everything is changing for the better.

But there are hidden dangers. Chen Feng finds that he is more and more inseparable from the leftover tea from the autumn white dew made by himself.

Obviously, the taste is very ordinary, but the tea is always in my hands, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't drink it for an hour.

And the buzzing sounds in his mind from time to time are getting more and more frequent, and the volume is still increasing.

Sometimes he will be woken up in the middle of the night, and the first reaction after waking up is to get a bite.

There is no doubt that there is a problem with my state.

This is addictive, and the addicted thief is big, just like those ship commanders who rolled hoops and played Gwent cards back then.

But Chen Feng is not panicked.

Anyway, people are always mortal, and these negative states will be eliminated after death. Why should you be afraid?

He is even actively increasing his intake.

He wants to know what the extra information captured by his brain is.

The nature of the biological battery of tea should be the same as the special parts in other animals, but the degree is not so strong, so this message should not only be directed at him, but those animals can also receive it.

Understanding the nature of the message, you may be able to get a new answer.

At this time, he hasn't reacted yet. Every time he drinks tea, the bioelectricity in his brain will be slightly strengthened, and his logical thinking will enter a highly active state, which makes his reasoning ability steadily increase, and at the same time Silently suppressed his emotions.

This effect is exactly the same as "Song of the Outside World".

He could have been immune, but because of drinking tea, it entered the body directly, and with the absorption of polyphenol organic matter by the digestive system, it entered the brain directly, and couldn't stand it anymore.

As for these messages, they are the signals summed up by his intuition after the invisible link between his highly active logical thinking and the wisdom of the universe.

This is the second time he has had a sense of connection with the wisdom of the universe, and it is very lasting. Compared with the last time he was hunted down by countless particle bombs, the connection between the brain quantum storm and the universe is stronger.

As the message continued to increase, he gradually understood the content contained therein.

This is a command.

The command has a very broad directional nature, but he still doesn't understand the specific content.

Unconsciously, more than half a month later, he finally completed a new device.

A string energy-level bottom gene analysis and detection instrument.

Without artificial intelligence, the detector can only give a long list of ordinary person information in the display that will make you dizzy at first glance.

But it doesn't matter, he can see naked eye and analyze it with human brain.

Chen Feng first measured his genetic arousal, and then based on experience, a little bit of comparison between the key parts of the genetic information listed and the detailed list he had seen in the past, and then turned pale in fright.


He didn't know what happened, his genetic arousal rate quietly broke through 40%, and he went a long way.

No wonder I feel that my brains are getting better and better recently, and the analysis of data is getting faster and faster.

He scratched his head straight, and could only attribute the reason to the tea.

Then he analyzed the genetic information of special objects such as snake gall and wolf teeth.

In order to make an accurate comparison, he went out for hunting and got a whole pair of fresh glasses poisonous snake, and at the same time compared the snake gall with other conventional parts.

After three days of difficult analysis, Chen Feng found something strange.

Snake gall with antimatter battery attributes has a special cause information more than other parts of the snake's body.

He felt familiar with this information, and relied on the picture memory to complete the comparison.

The similarity with the segment responsible for latent in S bacteria is as high as 44%, and the similarity with the segment responsible for the formation of swarm intelligence in Z bacteria is as high as 56%.

The case has been solved.

Humans in this timeline are defeated by a new type of bacteria that combines the capabilities of S bacteria and Z bacteria.

Chen Feng named it ZS bacteria.

He also knows the general content of the command.

The order requires bacterial carriers to search for and eliminate humans, and to erase key traces that can become human history, including energy cores, intelligent cores and historical materials.

On the surface, there is no essential difference between the ZS bacteria and the previous two bacteria.

Chen Feng can even approximate the direction of the war, lurking, controlling, developing the carrier, and starting the war.

The steps should be the same as the great extinction catastrophe in the eighth timeline, but one change is unprecedented.

Z bacteria cannot invade the human body and control human thinking.

ZS bacteria can.

Bacteria Z can only lurk in animals, and the war set off is also a race battle with a very clear camp.

But ZS bacteria can not only invade animals, but also certainly differentiate some humans.

Then in this war, normal humans have to face two kinds of enemies at the same time.

The thinking is controlled by ZS bacteria, but they are fully aware of the same race of human technology and mutant animals with powerful special abilities.

Human beings have become more technologically advanced, which does not bring intuitive advantages in warfare.

Because ZS bacteria people also got this knowledge.

As the war deepens, ordinary person cannot get rid of the probability of being attacked by the ZS bacteria. There will only be fewer and fewer people, but more and more enemies, which is endless, so this war from The very beginning starts, and it is almost doomed.

Chen Feng sighed after clarifying his thoughts.

He has guessed it.

With the unique ability of compound eye civilization, it may not be possible to creatively invent new strains that combine the characteristics of bacteria Z and bacteria S.

So this thing must also be a product of the Ultra Grade civilization that clearly understood the physiological characteristics of the Earth people.

In 2500, the compound-eye civilization initially observed the status quo of mankind through the sun dome, which produced a strong sense of crisis and asked for help again.

Chen Feng found a sad logical dilemma.

If we don't make every effort to promote technology, human beings cannot win.

But if you continue to advance science and technology and successfully steal it for another five hundred years, compound-eyes will come up with the desperate ultimate weapon of ZS bacteria.

What should I do?

The first five hundred years of low-key, wait for 2500 years to break out?

But is it useful?

As long as the solar system is shrouded by the sun dome, no matter how it erupts behind it, it will not be able to break through the sun dome in one day, or it will have to be locked up and waited for death.

Let the colony’s science and technology explode, and the local solar system pretends to be stupid and cute?

This is also a way.

But Chen Feng really doesn't know how to achieve this kind of precise control over five hundred years. It's too embarrassing.

In addition, with the ability of teleportation solar dome of compound eyes, even if the pretending plan is successful, as soon as the fleet of compound eyes civilization arrives in the solar system and finds that the strong enemy is in another planet, it backhands the solar dome to Great Heaven and Earth Shift. The more technologically advanced galaxies have implemented blockades, and the results are basically the same.

No matter how he thinks about the way to seize every opportunity, he can't solve the problem fundamentally.

Thinking about it, Chen Feng made the decision.

Don't think about shortcuts, let's do it stupidly.

I believe that there is no road to heaven, no matter how invincible the ZS bacteria is in theory, as long as you can eat it thoroughly in advance, it is not impossible to prepare targeted restraint methods.

Because the total amount of energy that the solar dome can be mobilized is limited, the ZS bacteria that combines the advantages of the two bacteria must have some defects.

What human civilization will confront in 2500 is not essentially any naked eye visible enemy, but the energy that can be mobilized in the sun dome.

Humans have to use the power of the whole family to fight against these energies.

Since the energy is limited, the formidable power indirectly displayed by the compound-eye civilization must have an extreme.

As long as human beings' abilities are so powerful that they exceed a certain range, no matter what means they can handle, the problem will naturally be solved.

Or, every time a new method appears, I will crack it on my own side, and then continue to add new confrontation methods to the kit, then one day I can squeeze the opponent’s imagination. There is also a chance to usher in a head-on battle again.

After straightening out this line of thought, Chen Feng's long-term confusion was wiped out, and he cheered up again and continued to work overtime.

These days, he has slightly enhanced the performance of the airborne motorcycle. The top speed of the motorcycle can reach 1,000 kilometers per hour, and the motorcycle has been transformed into a closed cockpit, no longer using the face to block the wind.

After sweeping the Hanzhou ruins almost, he once again enlarged the scope of exploration.

He discovered a huge radio telescope in a mountainous area 3,000 kilometers away from Hanzhou, which is beyond human imagination in the 21st century.

This once again proves that before the complete exploration of quantum entanglement is mastered, electromagnetic waves are still the main carrier of the largest amount of information in the universe, and future generations will still pay attention to it.

The reflector of the radio telescope was badly damaged, scattered all over the place.

But it doesn't trouble him.

Chen Feng personally started, driving the construction machinery piece by piece.

Unconsciously two months later, he used the repaired radio telescope to determine a key piece of information.

The sun dome disappeared.

This day is February 12, 3020.

In the beginning of spring, it is finally a good time to pick tea.

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