Hammersley Ridge is located in the continental southwest part of Australia, on the edge of the sea, covering an extremely wide area of ​​260 kilometers.

The mountain range is high and deep, criss-crossed.

More than a thousand years ago, this was an important iron ore base, providing almost 80% of Australia’s iron ore.

At that time, the vegetation of Hamersley Ridge was sparse, and only some tenacious meadows grew hard.

But although the topography here has not changed, the vegetation status is as different as heaven and earth.

The upper part of the mountains is covered with thick vines that are hundreds of meters long.

The vines roam like a dragon, and the wide leaves are like a fan, and the stems are as thick as one meter in diameter and several decimeters in diameter.

The fine roots pierce the ground like centipede legs densely packed from all over the vine stem.

The vines crisscross each other, climbing the top of the peak, almost becoming the ecological hegemon.

This is a plant that Chen Feng has never seen in the 21st century. It is probably a new species that has produced some strong mutations after climate change.

In the middle of the mountain range, there are mainly big trees with extremely strong branches.

The roots of the big trees are extremely thick. Even the thinnest tree must be surrounded by dozens of people. The thickest tree has a diameter of several hundred meters and a height of hundreds of thousands of meters.

The canopy of the tree expands like an umbrella, layered on top of each other, like broccoli stacked in a vegetable basket, so that there is almost no trace of the ravine from top to bottom.

If Chen Feng hadn't been able to scan the terrain with spaceship's detectors, he could almost park the canopy as flat ground.

Considering that Morrowind No. 1 does not have Energy Shield, it may be damaged by forcibly stopping into a ravine, and it will be troublesome to repair. He took a fission shotgun, put on a backpack, and walked out of the ship.

He has an iron box the size of a microwave oven in his backpack.

In the iron box is a small bio-battery energy storage that he completed after exhausting Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers. It is mainly used to power the "toy" gravitational wave scanner, and there is also a fist sized one. Micro-computing server.

He made a quark synthesis meal first, and then pressed the button on the side of the iron box on the back. Accompanied by the creaking metal noise, the two thick mechanical arms came from behind. The box pops up first, and the expenditure is more than one meter.

A 17-inch LCD monitor hangs between the two robotic arms.

Click, the joint of the robotic arm holding the display bends first, and then bends in two sections. The display is placed exactly half a meter above Chen Feng’s head and his eyes, making him look like he is carrying a student’s box. Ning Caichen.

Chen Feng raised his hand and pressed it on the monitor for a while. After the debugging was successful, a spherical space with a diameter of 50 meters began to appear in the screen, which was the image of the scanner.

The research and development of the wearable portable integrated detection auxiliary equipment is announced!

Oh no, the assembly is successful.

This is not over yet, he turned around again, at this moment a big iron box was being lifted and put down by the mechanical arm of Morrowind One.

Opening the box, it is full of colorful metal structures, which are all wearable equipment he has to assemble in his spare time.

I put it on one by one, and after five minutes, he became a mechanical warrior full of punk atmosphere.

Chen Feng simply tested the jet engines on the left and right sides of the waist and floated slightly.

Very good. With the support of assisted artificial intelligence algorithms, his flight is very stable, and his speed is also very sensitive when changing directions.

When he was ready, he walked down the hillside and plunged into the unspeakable jungle.

The deeper you go, the darker the sunlight in the forest.

Even if the sun is shining at noon at this time, it can't come down at all.

It’s no wonder that these trees have to grow so high and don’t move up a little distance, for fear that they won’t even be able to drink the soup.

The ecological environment in the forest is not simple. In addition to tall trees, there are countless large and small plants growing all over the ground.

The tall ones are like ordinary trees, and the low ones are bushes of different shapes.

These low trees, which are extremely difficult to reach the sun, do not have large leaves.

As for where does their nutrition come from?

You only need to look at the branches of the trees to understand. The branches grow to the giant trees.

If it weren't for the piercing holes that the branches broke through the bark of the giant tree, Chen Feng could treat these small plants as the roots of the giant tree.

In addition to plants, the animals in the valley also have a wide variety of different shapes.

There is a giant wolf with big ears that cannot be opened at all and is positioned by ultrasound, and there are also strong rays of light in the pupils. The head looks like a black bear with two large flashlights. There are swarthy snakes that can be wiped on the ground like lightning, as fast as a mouse.

The offensive of these animals is very strong. When I found out his movement from a long distance, they flies into the flame one by one and rushed forward.

Chen Feng secretly thanked that he was wearing wearable equipment and was able to fly over, otherwise he would have to go all the way and get rid of exhaustion, let alone search for human clues within the valley.

He is also lamenting, but unfortunately the high-precision gravitational wave detector is gone forever.

There are parts, but because of its limited ability, it can’t be repaired.

Otherwise, follow the performance of the Galaxy Battle Armor in the last timeline, float in the air, scan a scan, and then you will be able to lie down peacefully with the stars and give the analysis results.

After a long time, it was getting late outside, but it didn't make a difference to him. He had already descended to the bottom of the valley, and it had already turned into a dark and invisible world.

But nature is not dull, his vision has actually improved.

In the densely packed heterotrophic forests, there are countless shining radiances floating in them, all of which are all kinds of Insects that can emit rays of light.

These Insects each chased the streamer, sometimes converging, sometimes spreading, and sometimes walking through the trees like a Milky Way across the sky.

The picture looks dreamlike, as if being in Immortal Realm.

Some small birds that live by swallowing insects pass by lightning from time to time, and the river in the sky brought out by fluorescent insects suddenly loses a piece.

Chen Feng didn't turn on the lights, he had already put on a simulated helmet, and relied on the projection that used the principle of ultrasonic feedback to distinguish the azimuth.

He walked all the way, looked all the way, investigated all the way, bombarded the animals that couldn't escape, and collected some biological batteries from time to time.

The terrain in the mountains is complex, the density of animals and plants is extremely high, and the amount of information is horribly large.

Also, even if there are traces of human activities, such as footprints or embers from a picnic, they cannot be stored for long under the influence of a large number of animals' high-frequency and high-intensity activities.

With the strength of these animals, Chen Feng estimates that an ordinary galaxy warrior without equipment will not survive here for three days.

Since Sergey’s secret base can be hidden for nearly five hundred years, it will definitely not be stupidly laid on the ground. If you want to find it, you have to work slowly.

Chen Feng didn't daydream, didn't stupidly think that he could do it overnight, and he was psychologically prepared for a long-term war of resistance, so he lived in this valley.

Time flies, and three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three months, Chen Feng has ploughed up and down Hamersley Ridge more than ten times.

His database is full of huge and miscellaneous information, accurate to every plant, every Insect, and every animal in the mountain range.

He can also simulate and predict all the dynamics of animals and plants, even accurate to when these plants take root and sprout, and when they will wither.

He also used the gravitational wave detector to complete a complete terrain simulation, descending to the extent of three kilometers underground.

Within a range of three kilometers underground, the flow energy of soil and rock in the earth's crust is accurate to within a module with units of grams.

Countless small modules are combined together to become a simulation modeling like ocean currents.

In addition, although gravitational wave detectors can only accurately scan the ground down to a maximum of five kilometers, Chen Feng has swept the world and assembled some technology that is not so high and the accuracy is not so high. Accurate conventional geological exploration equipment.

The types of equipment include geophysical and geochemical exploration, trench depth, drilling, large-scale Earth physical exploration equipment, and so on.

In the field of geological simulation modeling, physical exploration is the main method, which mainly includes gravity exploration, magnetic exploration, electrical exploration, seismic exploration, radioactive exploration, etc.

In short, what means is there, Chen Feng does not require absolute accuracy, but only uses more detection methods to collect more and more comprehensive data.

So the geological data in his hands is still 18 kilometers underground, but the range of three kilometers underground is the seventh timeline of the technology level of the 31st century, from three kilometers to ten. Kilometers are the level of the 25th century, and 10 kilometers to 18 kilometers are the level of the beginning of the 22nd century.

Such a huge amount of data makes his specially expanded large data storage library almost impossible to fit.

It doesn’t make sense to continue to strengthen the collection. On September 3, 3020, his raids were officially stopped.

With his current computing power, it is impossible to transform these data into a picture that can be seen by the human eye.

The card function is stuck to him not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death, any angle of view can remind me of being dominated when he opened the QQ of 19 years with a computer in 2008 fear.

So he wrote another algorithm program and gave it all to the server to calculate in the background.

As for himself, he started to make chips again, biting into the server piece by piece.

Less than sixty days before October 27, 3020, Chen Feng's sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger.

Up to now, he has initially completed the construction of a new aerospace-class spaceship, which is located in the suburbs of Hanzhou.

The spaceship is about 5,000 meters in length, 1,100 meters in height, and 2,000 meters in width, with a traditional spindle shape.

It's not that he doesn't want the triangular-pointed-cone ship or the snowflake ship, but because of his ability, he can barely design a spindle-shaped, stable curvature-like film layer.

It would be his life if he wanted him to form another shape, or to fit the structure covering the surface of the ship perfectly.

Spaceship was named Morrowind II.

The second is equipped with two sets of high-performance curvature large engines without intelligent assistance, as well as a set of force field shield generators that lack the support of intelligent algorithms, and a set of hand-built large-scale bio-batteries for energy. system, a set of Dyson-like solar wings that cannot accurately and stably control energy conversion without a chip, and hundreds of small and medium-sized equipment related to scientific research and production.

Chen Feng also placed a lot of robots of all ages, without chips, but with other parts basically complete.

On the entire Earth, more than 60% of the usable parts with certain technological content have been collected by him in the eight large warehouses next to Morrowind 2.

About 70% of them have been assembled into different things and stuffed into the number two.

Theoretically, after Morrowind 2 flies out of the Kuiper Asteroid Belt, it can continue to accelerate in the universe, and it will reach a stable twice the speed of light within a month.

If Chen Feng can find a more complete database and build a quantum SmartBrain with sufficient performance, then he can also upgrade the curvature-like flight of No.2 to curvature flight, bringing Morrowind No.2 to 9.999 ...Times the speed of light.

Now everything is ready, only quantum chips.

Even if he can only find one piece, he can try to synthesize more with the best high-precision quark meter, then the problem of artificial intelligence computing power demand will be solved.

Space compression and mass-energy conversion technology will also recover most of the time. In addition to leaving the solar system on the second, Chen Feng can at least build himself a single-soldier equipment comparable to eagle armor.

He put all his hopes in Sergey's secret base.

Three days later, Chen Feng built a three-hectare modular supercomputing center on the central ridge of Hamersley Ridge.

The comprehensive computing power of the supercomputing center is approximately equivalent to the full computing power that humans have in 2050 in the eighth timeline.

In the past four days, all the calculations finally converged into one answer.

The answer is a small bag of more than ten meters.

In fact, Chen Feng had passed by this soil pack more than once before, but he didn't take it seriously.

There are no two thousand and one thousand similar soil packs in the bottom of the mountains and valleys, which is not worth mentioning.

However, after a double calculation of statistics and probability, and then a comprehensive summary of the geological creeping tendency of the tiny plates, a conclusion that is very contradictory was calculated.

The probability that this soil pack is a natural change of the crustal plate movement is less than 1%, and it takes countless chances to form.

If you have to find something unnatural and anomalous in Hamersley Ridge, it can only be this dirt bag.

Chen Feng acted decisively, collecting samples, testing the half-life and substance composition.

The conclusion came out soon.

The soil in the soil pack looks no different from ordinary soil, but it is actually mantle material.

Re-measure the half-life, it shows that Chen Feng collected from different depths of soil in different ages, and violent chemical reactions occurred in different ages, and the change time node from the outer layer to the inner layer showed a multi-gradient progression. Changes from thirty years ago, to fifty-six years ago, to seventy-two years ago, to 420 years ago.

The case was solved successfully.

Sergey’s base is located directly below the mantle.

He first returned to the base and began to manufacture manned drilling and exploration machines.

Two days later, he returned to the place and started digging.

The drill bit has been rumbling down along the position of the soil bag.

The powerful superalloy drill bit breaks through the soil layer all the way, then the rock layer, and hits the iron ore layer and the silicon-magnesium layer head-on, slowing down a little, and then moving on.

Fourteen hours later, the exploration drill reached a depth of 50 kilometers underground.

At this time, he has completely entered the mantle and is in the molten structure of lava.

This is not the first time he has been underground, and he is familiar with it, but this time his vehicle does not have a composite shield. Although the outer structure of the alloy drill bit will not melt easily, the high temperature inside is slightly It's terrible, even his carefully formulated temperature control system can't hold it.

The cabin inner Qi Wen is rising rapidly, Chen Feng brow beaded with sweat.

His judgment is correct. Indeed, a huge metal structure was found here, but the outer shell of this structure has a composite shield, so he can't get in.

Even if he maximized the power of the drill bit, he couldn't make any further progress.

After five minutes of hard work, the temperature in the cabin has exceeded one hundred, and the temperature control system has also been overloaded, and it will be down after half a minute at the latest.

Chen Feng was so angry that he wanted to yell at him.

My dignified galaxy warrior will never fall in the ground of trifling earth, right?

I think back then, let alone the mantle, I have even been to the center of the earth.

Otherwise, I will withdraw first and get the equipment more advanced before coming down?

Chen Feng quickly rejected this idea.

Although the drill is his hasty work, he has indeed filled up all the parts that can be used. Without a shield, this can only be done.

With his abilities alone, he really can’t do innovative technology, and it’s useless to go back.

It’s not long before October 27th, and the time is not and the others.

Just when he felt that there was no way to go and no doors, the front shield suddenly changed.

The drill bit slid in without hindrance, entered an empty space, and fell to the metal shell a hundred meters below.

Chen Feng is wondering whether to abandon the cabin to escape, so as not to fall into a sandwich, but dozens of metal long arms are supported underneath, and the drill bit is firmly grasped, and then put down steadily.

After waiting for a stable stop, Chen Feng tried to open the hatch, and found that the outward hatch was held down by the metal long arm that wrapped the drill bit.

He turned on the intercom communicator and dialed the radio communication of the full-frame channel, "Anyone?"

"Come with me."

In the intercom There was a young boy's voice, in Chinese.

Chen Feng is taken aback, what do you mean?


He asked again.

The young man answered again: "Come with me."

Chen Feng was so angry, "Then you let my door go!"

The answer to him was "follow me" again.

Chen Feng can be sure that this is not a replay. There is a person on the other side who is talking, because the tone and tone of each "come with me" are slightly different, as if they are getting more and more impatient.

He was also anxious, trying to forcefully kick open the hatch, but this alloy can withstand the weight of the mantle, but he thinks too much about kicking with his feet.

"I know you are Sergey, don't sell it, I am Chen Feng, open the door to me, I can't get out."

Chen Feng thought about it, so Said.

About ten seconds later, those long metal arms that were stupid and dumb finally released.

Walking out the door, Chen Feng first looked up and saw that the red and black mantle material was shielded from a hundred meters away by the shield. Under the dim red light, the world was a dark red.

Two meters in front of him, a square hole was being opened, and then an elevator-like thing slowly emerged from below.

There are two small black round holes on both sides of the elevator, about the thickness of a thumb, and they look like shooting holes for guns.

An electronic sound plays.

"In the identification system identification, the identification was successful. Human, male, Han nationality. In the historical gene pool comparison, the comparison was successful. Chen Feng, the founder of the Salvation Society. Threat level, 0. Trust level, the highest "

Listening to the electronic sound of reviewing and verifying his identity, Master Chen burst into tears.

It's not easy. It's been almost a year, and finally I heard the voice of artificial intelligence with autonomous mobility.

This signifies that there are really smart chips in Sergey’s secret base, and possibly a complete artificial intelligence!


The elevator door opened slowly with a sound of pu chi.

A pale and thin teenager stood inside.

The teenager is less than seventeen years old, his eyes are dull, his face is dull, his cheekbones are prominent, and he is very malnourished.

Chen Feng recognized him with a dazzling glance.

Really a young version of Sergey Ponommarenko!

Chen Feng is looking at each other, and the other person is also looking at him.

The two looked at each other for a long time, but Chen Feng took a step forward and asked, "Is it Sergey?"

The young man turned his head, his eyes were more intense. At a loss, he smiled silly, and then said in a hasty tone: "Follow me."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes.

I have heard that human cloning is not sound enough in all aspects.

I don't know what kind of education this young version of Sergey has received since childhood.

The guy's logical thinking ability seems to be really flawed, he has to press the button after he finishes talking, regardless of whether Chen Feng follows up or not.

Fortunately, Chen Feng moves fast, otherwise he would have to shut the door.

Chen Feng knew that he would not get any information after asking him again, and he would not waste much time talking.

The other party will only say "follow me", so you must guide yourself to a certain place, and everything will be revealed when you get there.

About one minute later, the elevator car stopped, and what appeared in front of Chen Feng was a large and empty workshop.

Hundreds of pill-shaped life-sustaining capsules are distributed in the workshop.

Each life-sustaining cabin is about 2.5 meters high, which is quite similar to the internal circulation simulation cabin he himself once lay in.

Most of the liquid in the life-sustaining tank has been emptied, and only a few are still filled with pale-yellow nutrient solution.

"Where are we going now?"

He asked again.

The young man no longer walked forward, but sat down and said again: "Follow me."

Chen Feng shrugged and looked like here It's the destination.

Chen Feng tried to take two steps forward, but the workshop changed again.

A three-dimensional projection beam shone from the lamp holder on the ceiling and fell in front of him.

A balding middle-aged Slav in a white coat appeared in front of him. It turned out to be Sergey, but a middle-aged version.

Electronic sound prompt: "Chinese? English? Russian? Little Yu kind?"

Chen Feng: "Chinese."

The next second, it's still The image of Sergey suddenly became vivid.

He said with vicissitudes of emotion: "Since you can appear here without causing an explosion, then you must be a human being returned from afar. Are you?"

Chen Feng thought for a while, "Yes."

"Welcome you, my younger generation."

Chen Feng: "..."

Okay , Now you die early, whatever you want to say.

"Everything you hear next is my recording. I don't need to answer your questions. You first get a brief understanding of the situation from me, and the rest of the information is in the reading room in front of you. You are patient Listen to me slowly..."

About half an hour later, Sergey's projection disappeared.

Chen Feng looked back at the young version of Sergey Sergey, who was sitting there like a sculpture, but he knew everything in his heart.

The case has been solved.

First of all, humans in the solar system in this timeline have indeed perished.

The exact time of death is 2589.

The landmark event of the demise is that there is only one surviving human being left, and it is Sergey.

He didn't work as a deserter. Instead, he worked on new weapons research and development in the last base until the very last moment.

No matter how fierce the fighting outside, it did not affect his dedicated work.

Then ZS humans rushed in with individual weapons, massacred and killed everyone in the Australian base, including his respected senior biologist Lai Wenming.

When there was really only Sergey left in the human race, the ZS human suddenly stopped and walked away quietly, and never appeared again.

1 month later, an explosion occurred in a super large space station 30 million kilometers away from Earth.

In this explosion, all ZS humans and enhanced mutant animals disappeared at the same time.

This is not the credit of Sergey, but the independent choice of ZS bacteria life.

Since then, there is only one intelligent life left in the entire solar system, Sergey.

He didn't understand why he was left behind.

This may be a mockery.

Or maybe it's just a scientific experiment.

The super-high-level civilization that controls the destiny of mankind wants to see what kind of creation the smartest humans can make after being alone.

He didn't understand why he had never been infected by ZS bacteria.

Subsequently, Sergey tried parthenogenesis, but failed.

He seems to have seen the end.

I will live alone in the solar system forever.

He has considered whether to leave and go to the colony.

In the end, he did not set sail, but spent all his energy on rebuilding artificial intelligence and creating this underground base.

He rebuilt the base and hid underground.

He spent his entire life on analyzing ZS bacteria, analyzing history, and deducing the future.

He wants to understand what the enemy is, and why it can destroy mankind so easily.

He also wants to know how to defeat the opponent.

The humans in the solar system are defeated, but Sergey is still eager to leave something behind. Maybe there will be people from the colonies back in the distant future and see it again?

As time goes by, he gets old fast day by day, but he is still far away from success.

Sergey began to absorb the biotechnology left by Lai Wenming and implement a self-cloning plan.

He knows that he will die sooner or later, and he also knows that clones are likely to have innate diseases of this kind, impossible to reach his own height, but what about?

A little bit can be done.

In 2600, Sergey, who knew he was about to die soon, completed all the preset settings. He rode a small shuttle to the ground and tore his soul back to his hometown by the ferocious animals.

Before he died, he collected more ZS gene signatures in mutant animals that were weakened from the outside and passed them back to the base.

He also fiercely mocked the waste.

"You are so stupid."

A little bit of time goes on, thirty years later, another one is only twenty-nine years old, looking still young, but his organs are declining and about to die. Sergey rushed out of the ground.

Hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

One generation after another metabolite Erga fell to the ground from the gu gu in the life-saving capsule, and grew up and developed into an adult under the support and teaching of intelligent robots, promoting the unfinished business of the elementary metabolizer Ergai.

Of course, accidents always happen frequently. Some cloned embryos don’t even wait until they grow into a human form and declare their genes to disintegrate.

Some clones died for no reason when they were one or two years old.

Even successful clones seem to be eternally limited by lifespan, and they will not be more than thirty years old.

And as time goes on, the time span of frozen stem cells is getting longer and longer, the activity and gene stability continue to decline, the performance of clones does not enter the next generation, the IQ is getting lower and lower, and the learning ability is increasing. The worse the lifespan is, the more unstable the lifespan is.

Until now, there are only a few remaining life-sustaining capsules.

The new generation of Sergey that has been cultivated recently has even learned the only one sentence that must be said to the returnees, "Follow me".

At this point, Sergey's deduction has already failed.

The meaning of "follow me" is only to prove to the returnees that humans in the solar system once existed.

Or just discovered by other civilizations, hoping that other civilizations can take away everything about the Earth people.

In this way, the era that belongs to mankind will not quietly disappear like a bubble in the universe.

In the end, Sergey did not wait for his compatriots returning from the colony, but Chen Feng.

He waited for four hundred and twenty years.

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