He was pleased with the huge scale of the Orion Arm human beings, and was disappointed that he did not see higher technological development.

The expansion of the empire's territory is mainly due to the fact that some of the Endeavour that broke out of the solar system five hundred years ago took root and sprouted in different places.

In addition to the quantum folding gate, the new technologies created by mankind are generally within the scope of Chen Feng's imagination and reasoning.

He can understand now, which means that the level is not enough.

Currently, the total human population is approximately 305 trillion, and the average population of each planetary system is 2.430 billion.

There are more than 100,000 Stellar Rank Dyson membranes built by humans.

The population seems to be huge, and the total amount of energy mobilized is amazing, but it is still a quantitative change, not a qualitative change.

If the enemy is still just a ball-shaped battleship, perhaps Chen Feng can already declare victory in advance.

But now Chen Feng’s imaginary enemy has changed from a spherical battleship to a million prisms of compound-eye civilization located in the boundaries of the Milky Way. He even considered the potential threat of the compound-eye parent star located in the Virgo’s local galaxy group. At this time, obviously it was not time to celebrate in advance.

There is another layer of his disappointment.

He didn't expect that he didn't even see a familiar name.

Tang Tianxin, Ding Hu, Lin Bu, Scott, Ouyang Zhenghua, Ou Qinglan, Dong Shan, Lu Xianfeng, Pound, Ye Luming and the others didn’t have any of them, even with Weilun and Ma Tilde, Gaius, Charles, Lawrence, Bernstad, none of them were seen.

This time the development of human civilization has changed so much, and the solar system has suffered even more genocide. Chen Feng has thought that some people will definitely be lost.

The ancestors of these acquaintances may partially remain in the solar system, and then died in the ZS doomsday catastrophe.

But none of them is too much.

"Weixing, search for these people again..."

He added more candidates.

Chen Feng's memory is very good, and he is deliberately trying to remember more useful people. At least there are thousands of names and thousands of people's voices and smiles in his mind.

He gave all his names out of his head, and at the same time, he used the method of constructing pictures in his mind to output facial photos with the intensity of nearly a hundred faces in each picture.

When the last wave of mankind left the solar system, 37 billion people lost 21 billion, accounting for more than half.

Even if you only consider the most basic probability statistics, the ancestors of so many acquaintances should always go out.

Two hours later, Wei Xing: "Sir, the preliminary search has been completed, but the corresponding person has not been found. Do you want to continue?"

Chen Feng: "Huh?"

I don’t have any acquaintances!

This is not in line with his personal logic of the seemingly absurd, but the truth, which he summed up with experience in the continuous journey for a long time.

Can't the ancestors of all the people I care about stay in the solar system, or the Endeavour on board overturned the ship?

What kind of unlucky situation will this kind of comprehensive small-probability event happen?

Chen Feng rolled his eyes wildly.

Fuck me!

It's a ghost.

He does not want to accept this fact, but the reality is not shifted by his personal will.

"Distribute 10% of the computing power, open the long-term search, notify me if there is news, and keep looking for it if there is no news. Other computing power will continue to focus on the analysis of technology and the status of the Morrowind Empire."

After re-ordering, Chen Feng spent two full hours to complete the psychological construction and barely walked out.

He briefly read other important historical materials.

For example, after the solar dome disappeared from the solar system in 2589, it reappeared in the neighboring galaxy in 2599.

The basic population of the neighboring galaxy from the solar system is close to 50 million. After more than two hundred years of development, by 2599, the neighboring galaxy already has a population of more than tens of billions.

At that time, mankind took the lead in completing the fifth generation of Dyson’s membrane on the Proxima Centauri galaxy, and there were still three. Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B and Proxima were all used. stand up.

The South Gate galaxy, which contains Proxima Centauri, is the second pole of human civilization in the parent star solar system, and it is considered to have extremely high potential due to the existence of the Samsung system, which has sufficient energy.

But all this came to an abrupt end after 2599.

The dome of the sun became the dome of Proxima Centauri, and ZS bacteria were reintroduced in the same way.

This time human beings are prepared. From the very beginning, they will implement strict quarantine and quickly eliminate the planets, and completely annihilate the infected space stations and ships. Therefore, the Proxima humans quickly made a small sacrifice. The threat of ZS bacteria was extinguished, and the span was less than five years.

The result looks good, but the time for Proxima Centauri to tamper with the rules to maintain the existence of ZS bacteria is too short, and the energy does not seem to be exhausted.

Since then, Proxima Centauri dome has not disappeared, and the Samsung system has been shrouded until now.

Humans in the neighboring galaxies can no longer receive external information, their potential is suppressed, and their development suddenly slows down.

This situation is slightly different from the solar system in the last timeline.

In the eighth timeline, the human leaders of the solar system are not even sure whether the humans who left have successfully built colonies, and at the same time they are unwilling to expose the existence of these colonies, so they have never announced their own technology. .

In this timeline, Proxima Centauri still insists on publicizing its research results through radio signals, in order to help the Orion humans outside.

Unconsciously, the Proxima civilization has already fallen behind the Orion Arms by several generations of technology, but they don't know that they are already seriously behind.

The Proxima humans are still tirelessly publishing information to the public once every ten years on average.

The most recent announcement occurred in 3015.

However, almost all the fields involved in the scientific and technological information database provided by Proxima Centauri, the outer Orion arm humans had all conquered them as early as 2900 years ago.

But no one laughs at the "ignorance and backwardness" of Proxima humans, but feels distressed.

They were supposed to be the most potential tribesmen, but they had to bear the greatest pressure for all mankind and became caged birds.

The Orion Arms humans also saw the power of the invaders on the Proxima Dome, and they have never stopped trying to crack the dome, but they have been unable to find a clue, and there is still no way to get the dome.

This dome is obviously a miraculous existence in the universe beyond human understanding of the Grand Unified Theory.

Chen Feng got an important reminder from this seemingly trivial piece of information.

This proves Sergei's second conjecture about the sun dome.

Maintaining alienation rules that do not conform to the natural laws of the universe will indeed continue to rapidly consume the reserve energy of the dome.

When the energy consumption reaches a certain level, the dome will temporarily fail and disappear instantly.

Before, Chen Feng also suspected that the compound eye had directly removed the dome and transferred it to another galaxy.

Now that 10 years of blank time have been exposed, it means that in these ten years, the solar dome should be recalled and charged.

This is certainly good news.

This exposes the upper limit of the stellar dome's ability. It shouldn't be a stronger means than ZS bacteria.

At the same time, this also partially exposes the upper limit of the means mastered by the compound eye civilization.

Mankind has established so many colonies, and Proxima Centauri is only one of the more outstanding at the time.

However, the compound-eyes always only put a Proxima Centauri dome.

They don’t want more?

Obviously, it is impossible. For such a useful thing, the more the better.

Chen Feng made bold assumptions and then decisively guessed.

Only put one, because they only have one in their hands.

Chen Feng even speculated about the mode of attack launched by the prismatic fleet this time.

The long-range route preset by the compound-eye civilization must point directly to Proxima Centauri.

After arriving, the compound-eye civilization should adopt a strategy of dividing forces.

Only send a small number of warships into the Proxima dome, complete the harvest in a few years, and transfer the dome to the next planetary system for blockade at about the same time.

Most of the other prismatic ships will spread out and pounce on different human colonies. They will use the ultra-long front to create a huge meat grinder, which quickly consumes the vitality of mankind and uses it. With super strong mobility and search ability, first complete the clearance in the Orion's arm, and then pursue the humans who fled outside the Orion's arm.

This model is exactly the same as the war between the compound-eyes and the fans.

It's just that the battleship of the compound-eyes has undergone a renewal and has become the current battleship.

Now Chen Feng has enough knowledge of the respective technological levels of both parties.

Based on his understanding of war, he believes that the humans in Orion’s arms can last for about one hundred to one hundred and fifty years.

The main scope of human activity is only 5,000 light-years in diameter, which is much smaller than the original Myriad territory that spread throughout the Milky Way, and the population is much smaller.

This battle will definitely not last for thousands of years, and it will certainly be lost.

As long as mankind cannot destroy the prismatic battleship, mankind will be defeated in the end.

Perhaps the real stellar cannon or a large number of black hole bomb clusters can pose a threat to the ship, but this is a bit taken for granted.

In the previous timeline, the reason why humans can always easily trap the ball-shaped battleship and successfully restrain its instant jumping ability is because the compound-eyed individuals who manipulate the ball-shaped battleship made a very personal Judging by nature, he firmly believed that humans could not break through the protection of the ball ship, and made a mistake in judgment.

And the main function of the ball ship is only patrol, not the main battle equipment of the compound eye.

When humans rushed out of the solar system ahead of time and quickly developed into today’s Level 3-like civilization, compound-eyes were obviously impossible again.

The other party must be fully prepared from the very beginning, with a real attitude of war, and then want to easily trap him and beat him wildly, it is impossible.

We must face more serious enemies. This is the price that humans must bear for rapid development.

Chen Feng also believes that in the war at the Universe level, what you want to play and pretend you are weak, in fact, the super strong playing the pig to eat the tiger is meaningless and impossible to achieve.

So Chen Feng still believes that mankind must be defeated.

As a warrior who stands at the end almost every time, he is a steadfast defeatist in his heart. He is really distorted, but this is also the unique Absolute Art that has supported him all the way to today.

After reading all the important information, I used Chen Feng for nearly a whole day, slightly tired.

He stretched, stood up, and began to pace around the room, thinking about problems.

It's time to make a decision on whether to have in-depth contact with the colonial humans in this timeline and join the war personally.

Frankly speaking, he had an illusion when he was inflated before.

That is that I am very important to mankind, and mankind will not see hope if he does not participate in the war.

But now he slowly changed his mind.

The concept of human warfare has changed from single-soldier battle strength to group combat based on battleship or fighter planes.

Even if he goes back to join the war and goes to the front in person, he will only be one of a trillion soldiers.

Even if he is more outstanding, he is considered a king of soldiers, but in a war of this scale, he is still only a drop in the ocean.

He didn't swell so much that he thought he could be comparable to a huge Legion by himself.

As for his war experience, it seems important, but he has long been left in the "Title Page Code" of "Mad Man’s Conjecture Collection", has also been unearthed, and has been used by scholars and military leaders of the past. , Political leaders and think tanks, etc. have repeatedly studied and thoroughly studied.

So now Chen Feng realizes that he doesn't seem to be as important as he thought.

If the most cutting-edge weapon of mankind is not individual equipment, then it is almost the same if there is him without him.

It’s not many days since the compound-eyes arrive at Proxima.

Even the fleet of compound-eyes may have entered the Orion's arm, but it hasn't escaped from the state of long-distance leaping, and humans can't monitor it.

Even if he succeeded in self-destruct on the spot, forcing scientists to develop individual weapons specifically for him, time is too late.

Engineering specializes in experience accumulation.

This kind of experience is not a simple application of technology, but also includes a lot of creative accumulation.

The core of engineering is how to combine the cutting-edge technologies of the current era in a scientific and reasonable way to achieve certain functions stably and reliably to meet certain human needs.

The process of combining technology seems boring and boring, but it is actually full of creativity and inspiration, not art but like art, just like Wright Brother invented airplanes, Carl Benz invented internal combustion engines and so on.

Every engineering invention and creation seems to be full of the breath of engine oil, but none of them is a manifestation of the artistic talents of top engineers.

Quantum intelligence can accumulate some experience in the application of technology through simulation and help humans avoid detours, but if they want to achieve innovation that meets human needs, they still have to come.

The human design concept of Battle Armor still remains five hundred years ago.

There has been a huge generation gap in the level of science and technology in different eras.

The mechanism of action of the parts is different, and past experience cannot be used. Chen Feng asked others to design a soldier armor for him, and he had to start from scratch again.

For one month, it is unrealistic to make up for 500 years of technological stagnation and allow individual weapons to catch up with or even surpass other types of arms.

Without the most perfect equipment, even if he goes, he will not be able to show his strength.

If he takes the second place and chooses to board a battleship and become a carrier soldier, it will be even more meaningless.

With his commanding ability, he is barely qualified for the post of fleet commander.

But he is very self-aware, he does not have the talent and innate talent like Tang Tianxin, and may not be better than others.

He ventured to the front line, it looked like an imposing manner, but if he accidentally died in a battle early, or was simply caught alive, that would be really miserable.

After careful consideration, Chen Feng decided not to participate in the war in person, but hid in the dark, after careful consideration, considering various factors, stealing information through Weixing’s resonance channel, and continuously collecting information, hoping to get more information.

This war between humans and the battleship fleet will last a long time.

There are so many different types of battleships and fighters, different guns and missiles, even if you can't break the prismatic ship, the explosion and energy impact caused by each time will always be different.

Scientists will continue to analyze and find more effective means of killing as much as possible.

For example, what if the shock wave caused by the explosion of a special material in a certain planetary system can make the energy-concentrating shield of the prismatic oscillate violently?

Another example is the secretions of a certain creature in a low-level civilization planet. After continuous purification and strengthening, can it corrode the case of a cruiser?

Although this is a very unlikely event, Chen Feng has to keep looking forward to it.

In short, his existence can make the defeat in this timeline meaningful.

He can remember these important matters, and bury their clues in the history of the next timeline, so that human development can be focused.

His existence can magnify a little human breakthrough infinitely.

But if he died early, he didn't know whether the humans in this timeline succeeded or failed.

If it succeeds and he doesn't know, then his next change may lead to failure.

If he fails, he doesn't see it, and he can't sum up the experience and lessons, it's a sacrifice in vain.

So, he is the bottom line of human resistance.

As long as he is still alive, he can make failures meaningful, and next time he can figure out how to maintain success.

In the past, Chen Feng had no choice, so it won’t work.

Now that he has a choice, he can think about it more before making a decision.

He has found a good reason and successfully convinced himself.

So he changed his mind and decided to be more utilitarian and become an "indifferent observer" hiding in the dark.

Chen Feng reopened the star map and once again looked at the projection of the information becoming more comprehensive.

At this time, one thousand and twenty-four star gates and 14,358 colonial galaxies have been marked.

There is also an expansion bar behind the name of each colonial galaxy. After clicking on it, you can see the comprehensive development parameters calculated by Weixing weighted, including population estimation, population proportion distribution estimation, and industrial production capacity index , Scientific Research Ability Index, Achievement Transformation Ability Index, Art and Culture Index, Existing Military Power Index, Comprehensive Evaluation of Military Potential, etc.

Each evaluation index can continue to be refined. For example, the existing military power index is composed of the number of ships of different scales, the technological level of the ships, the comprehensive quality of the soldiers, the weighting of special weapons, and the comprehensive commander. Refined index composition of scoring weighting and so on.

Although the accuracy of these assessments made by Weixing now is not high enough and there are many fallacies, as time goes by, the information obtained becomes more and more comprehensive, and the conclusions will become closer and closer to reality.

Chen Feng clicked on a prosperous planetary system, the scale of the star map was automatically reduced, and the field of vision focused on the vicinity of the planetary system.

"Total population size: 55.65454...billion people. Workers: 37.1551...billion people. The distribution of workers' industries is..."

A huge planetary system civilization has been The long series of numbers are simply summed up.

Chen Feng exits the planetary system again, and the screen returns to the territory of the huge Morrowind Empire.

His eyes condensed like sparks, with hard to describe sentiment and guilt, and anticipation.

He remembered the timeline when humans were trapped and died in the solar system.

He took a long breath and thought to himself.

Gathering is a group of fire, scattered are stars.

When I stare at the night sky, I always fantasize about everyone's face.

I caused the destruction of the solar system, in exchange for a brand new Morrowind Empire.

But I don’t think that this is just my contribution.

Work is work.

Pass is pass.

I don’t care what posterity says, I just ask myself if I can do better.

If possible, I still hope to preserve the solar system.

I will face up to my own merits and demerits, and truly take up the responsibility of the leader again.

I will never have the slightest idea of ​​being driven off the shelves by a duck.

I will respect my choice. I will no longer fear responsibility, pain, mistakes, or hesitation.

This time, I will stand by!

On October 17, 3020, a fleet of 99,999 prismatic battleships appeared at a distance of one light-year from the neighboring star, 10 days before reaching the solar system in the last timeline.

The war started.

Chen Feng's Morrowind II, in the dark universe less than five light-years away from the battlefield, turned away from Proxima to a seemingly empty planetary system ahead.

There is an unmanned space junkyard there.

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