Chen Feng plans to study at least tens of thousands of sub-civilization development systems and 200,000 special planetary systems, accounting for about ten of the total amount of effective cosmological knowledge currently held by mankind. One part.

But a hundred years have passed, he has only completed less than one percent, and he has only successfully visited less than two thousand planetary systems.

He did his best.

He is like Sisyphus pushing a stone, following the optimized route calculated in advance, arriving, reading, leaving, forwarding, arriving again, reading again...

, Eternal cycle, no end.

His knowledge is growing rapidly, but the total amount of knowledge facing the vast as the open sea is still only a drop in the ocean.

Chen Feng still didn't find anything that would make him shine.

But he is not in a hurry, he is used to this feeling of looking for light in a dark future.

This is just the accumulation of knowledge that has failed to form a qualitative change that can be a breakthrough level.

He doesn't panic, and firmly believes that the good days will come sooner or later.

In order to speed up his own understanding, breakthrough cognitive bias, heaven knows how many light years he spanned in a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, the front line between the compound eye and humanity has also been changing.

Despite the bravery and fearless human beings, the gap between the strengths of the two sides has not been narrowed. In just several decades, more than two thousand human planetary systems in the eight core sectors have been cleared one after another.

Since then, the compound-eyes once again divided their forces. Instead of using ten thousand prismatics as a complete combat unit, they continued to reduce the size of the fleet to zero, and adjust the size of the force according to the target Sector and combat strategy. At least a few prismatic squadrons carry out small-scale fixed-point clearance, and as many as tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of prismatics gather to carry out general battles.

Since 3077, the war has spread to sixty-four development sectors, and no longer shows an obvious straight line pattern, but interspersed deep in the hinterland of all development sectors.

On the star map, the planetary systems in the eight core regions have all been marked as orange-yellow representing extinction.

The red dot planetary system that represents the ongoing war spreads from the edge of the Morrowind Empire to the peripheral zone of the core Sector.

The distribution of red dots is scattered and sparse, mostly concentrated in galaxies with strong reserves of artificial cultivation and industrial capabilities.

The changes in the battle situation also caused a lot of trouble to Chen Feng's latent actions.

I often walk by the river, and sooner or later I get wet shoes.

After all, he can only rely on Weixing to pickpocket the news in the quantum network. His intelligence source is extremely accidental. He often encounters intelligence errors and omissions, which causes him to fly away from the medium layer several times, or When sneaking through the star gate, he almost ran into the fleet of his own or compound eyes.

It is also the blessing of the sage, he can always turn the bad into the good.

On this day, Chen Feng finally finished learning another book. He put down the teaching materials, got up and walked out of the study, and went to the biology laboratory.

Freders is doing experiments over there.

If Chen Feng’s knowledge is growing rapidly, Flanders’ knowledge is growing at the speed of light.

Chen Feng has only learned one-tenth of cosmology.

But Xiaofu is all, and he is just to give a lecture to Chen Feng, so he got everything done smoothly.

Xiaofu also showed a clear tendency of interest.

Xiaofu's predecessor, Sergey, is an absolute genius in the field of physics and engineering.

His accomplishments in the field of biology cannot be underestimated, but he has never been satisfied, and even feels inferior.

But the strange thing is that Xiaofu is a clone of Sergey, and the genes of the two are exactly the same.

He obviously should be highly consistent with Sergey's inclinations, but both his hobby and Innate Ability boundaries are misplaced.

When he came into contact with biological knowledge, he showed a significantly stronger level.

For example, if you want him to get the same level of cosmology knowledge Full Mastery, if it is in the field of biology, he only needs ten minutes, and in other fields, it takes 20 minutes.

I don't know if Xiaofu has undergone a deep mutation after merging with the Grasses, or if the obsession with biology of Ergai, the primary metabolizer, was passed into the cloned human body before his death.

This is another sentence that proves Xiaofu from a certain direction, "I am not Sergey, I am Freders."

The two are different.

During these centuries, Chen Feng has studied the technological progress of sub-civilizations, while Xiaofu has focused on the study of countless kinds of incredible alien life.

Whether they are wise or not, they are all his research objects.

What are the silicon-based life, intelligent plants, highly toxic carbon-based organisms, software intelligent life, aquatic intelligence, swarm intelligence, lava organisms, which have failed to show obvious intelligence but must have complete autonomy in the super-large planet The pure energy life, slow vacuum life of consciousness and population consciousness...

Most of the birth of intelligent life needs to be established in air, water or lava.

These elements are the basis for complex chemical reactions.

The planet-class rock life that was fortunate enough to witness the war between the compound-eyes and the Mizu is so rare.

It's a pity that it is now dead and turned into a real stone.

In short, the overwhelming majority planetary environment and Earth in the Orion’s arm are as different as heaven and earth. As a result, these alien creatures have different characteristics that fit their respective environments. Different planet creatures are almost impossible in the same environment. Under coexistence.

Earth atmospheric oxygen environment, which is a necessary condition for human survival, is deadly and highly toxic to other civilized creatures.

In order to take care of those sub-civilizations that were brought into the universe ahead of time, human beings even had to open up separate living quarters for each other on ships.

The same is true on the Morrowind II. Freders divided half of the area in the huge biological experiment workshop and divided it into thousands of different simulated environment grids.

Each grid contains one or a group of extraterrestrial creatures, most of which belong to ordinary life without wisdom, and some are wise.

The existence of these things hurt Chen Feng's sense of justice a bit.

Facts have proved that once humans have the upper hand, they also have the nature to plunder and enslave other civilizations, just like the Earth people can raise pigs.

It’s just that Earth people are not so afraid of war, and human culture is inherently inclusive. With the complex quantum structure of the human brain, there is no need to worry too much about being threatened by the cultural invasion of trifling low-level civilization. To the survival of the race.

The "Song of the Outside World" back then can indeed slightly change the way the human brain operates logically, but it does not fundamentally distort the three views of mankind.

In those failed timelines, human resistance has never weakened.

The control of ZS bacteria on humans seems mysterious, but in fact it sinks to the level of biological hormones. It directly replaces the human brain thinking with a non-human thinking mode instead of the stream of consciousness. Invasion.

Chen Feng did not stop Freders’ behavior, as long as he can help Xiaofu improve his knowledge reserves, he doesn’t mind being this villain.

Fraders’ research is certainly useful.

In the past hundred years, he has successively sent more than 50 research results including but not limited to ZS bacteria to the Morrowind Empire through the small quantum network of the Glass people.

It can’t be said that Xiaofu alone is an era ahead. With his personal research ability, approximately equivalent to adding a high level biological research institute to mankind.

Xiaofu is still busy in the workshop. Chen Feng has nothing to do with him. He just wants to ask him about the progress of the research.

At this moment, Chen Feng briefly scanned the report.

The situation remains the same, bleak, and even worse.

Although the frontline warrior has collected an infinite amount of energy feedback information and passed it back, the research institutions and scientific researchers located in the major planetary systems have also tried their best to crack it, but there is no way but no way.

So far, humans have never shot down a prismatic battleship.

A huge fleet of 30 million human special warfare battleships successfully ambushed and trapped a prismatic battleship and bombarded it for five years.

In this small space area, the energy released by the special battleship team can even detonate a star.

But the stranded ship is still completely motionless and intact.

After that, a new prismatic fleet arrived and formed an anti-encirclement trend against the special battleship team, drawing an end to the protracted siege.

Humans realized that this was a trap and bait.

The concept of warfare of the compound-eyes has changed a lot. From the very beginning, the very stupid battle of attrition of the position has gradually escalated, and various ambush tactics, decoy tactics, and beheading surprise attacks have emerged one after another.

Compound-eyes' skill in using their own weapons is also continuing to improve. They no longer simply pursue single force subduing, but instead begin to use tactical and strategic changes and new methods of using their own weapons to pursue higher efficiency. Cause more damage.

In addition, in 3018, when the war lasted until 1998, the first star gate belonging to the compound eye was built, just outside the solar system, and the second star gate was built far away from the solar system. Two thousand light-years away, closer to the position of the silver heart.

At this time, the human star gate can still only span a hundred light years!

Not only are all human actions in the judgment of compound-eyes, they are even absorbing human warfare concepts and technology in turn.

The technology stolen by them is even twenty times stronger than humans at first!

Since then, people with compound eyes no longer retain the star gates of mankind, and they have begun to see one by one cleared.

Humans immediately launched a counterattack, sending a fleet to directly attack the two compound eye star gates.

The two death fleets thought they would be intercepted halfway, but arrived easily.

The compound eye star gate seems to be undefended.

But after the death fleet approached, I knew the reason.

Compound-eye star gate is completely different from the mechanical structure of the human star gate, simply a creature!

It was a "giant snake" with hair-like beards all over, connected to the head and tail, and the body of the ring structure wound into a circle, the circle was like a huge mouth in the abyss.

When the human fleet arrived, the "giant snake" suddenly stretched out and swept across its body spanning tens of millions of kilometers, spitting out the white plasma that humans are already very familiar with.

Compared with the human stargate that does not have the ability to actively attack and defend, this compound-eye stargate not only absorbs human technology, but also perfectly integrates the compound-eyes' biological weapons technology.

The leadership of the Morrowind Empire suddenly realized it, and felt utterly cold.

Chen Feng is also startled.

He is very familiar with the situation after receiving messages from the remnants of the Mizu and seeing the video of the memory of rock life.

The war between the two races was like this.

At first, the two sides played back and forth, which seemed to be evenly matched, but when the prismatic battleship was born, the fans quickly retreated and quickly perished.

This shows that the compound-eye civilization has absorbed the technology of the hostile civilization, and it is time to wipe out the field completely.

The damn Flyman can dominate the Virgo local galaxy group first, then expedition to the Milky Way, and continue to expand its territory, it is not just luck!

Also they have the heinous ability to learn quickly by using rolling biotechnology.

Chen Feng really wants to speed up his anti-absorption speed.

But this time, there is only Xiaofu beside him, and there is really nothing he can do.

Chen Feng faintly sighed, no longer go to the battle report, only intends to self-destruct and leave when the "and the others" category is about to die.

"I just made a new discovery, I think you will be very happy."

Xiaofu, wearing a protective suit, walked out of the biological laboratory.

There is a rare smile on his middle age person's face.

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