unconsciously, two months have passed. It was on this day that Xiaofu finally completed the final steps. He successfully combined the extremely complex organic and biological lining with other parts of Battle Armor into One.

He tore it with his hands, and the biological layer and the metal layer have been closely attached to each other, as if they were one.

"I'm going to turn on the energy source."

Fredders, whose face is older than two months, Old Xu said back to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded, "Regardless of success or failure, you will have a good night's sleep until Xiaofu. After all, we are in touch with things that humans have never touched before. This is our first attempt. Don’t be depressed if you fail. You have to rest first. We still have twenty years to go."

Freds shook his head firmly, "Brother, you are wrong."

Chen Feng He raised his eyebrows, "oh?"

He was worshipped by Xiaofu every day, and didn't expect that when he was about to leave the cabin to meet the enemy, he actually received rare doubts.

Chen Feng asked, "Where did I go wrong?"

Xiao Fu stretched out two fingers, "First, this is something I promised, so I will never Will let you down. Second, we haven’t been for twenty years. Just now, Weixing grabbed a new battle revenge. The compound-eyes destroyed our largest industrial base in the development sector-Pangu 837 galaxy, this The battle will bring the death of mankind two years earlier. Therefore, we only have three years."

After talking, Xiaofu suddenly turned on the test energy supply switch of Battle Armor.

The air in the workshop shook slightly, and the figures of Chen Feng and Chen Feng shook slightly.

The moment the small black Battle Armor in front was activated, the gravity environment inside the workshop also changed drastically.

A light curtain was projected from top to bottom in the workshop.

In the light curtain is the status of each component in Battle Armor.

The self-checking procedures are executed one by one.

As Xiaofu said, there are more than one hundred thousand parts with a total of millions of self-test parameters, and there is no error.

Chen Feng said he was convinced.

Compared with the Galaxy War Pill that uses mass-energy compression technology in the previous timeline, the design concept of this warp Battle Armor is much simpler. The combat form, the weapon system loaded is also relatively simple.

Because the body is only three meters high, almost no large-scale mid- and short-range live ammunition weapons are loaded in the Battle Armor.

But in terms of technology, the Battle Armor is higher than the Galaxy War Pill.

The main weapon system of Battle Armor includes eight black hole explosion medium-range bullets, sixteen antimatter bombs, and pure energy output, which aggregates multiple output methods of phase energy and ultra-high energy particle flow. Stellar corona layer high-powered hand cannon.

And two compressed to the extreme uniform power cutting knife.

Although this sword is only less than two meters in length, its energy is more concentrated, its output power is stronger than that of the Star Colossus, and its cutting strength is only slightly inferior to that of the blade beetle.

In terms of protection, in addition to the formation of curvature bubbles, there are also energy-absorbing shields that use the repulsive force field to the extreme, as well as energy layer reaction shields, and double curvature to protect the operator Bubble resistance inertia system.

Others, nothing is left.

Almost all the remaining functions of Battle Armor are used to maintain the foldable subspace output stability controller of the compressed Mas power chamber, the miniature hyperbolic engine and the long-range gravity traction engine and the conventional medium propulsion engine.

It is the existence of these large systems that have caused the seemingly simple three-meter Battle Armor to contain more than 100,000 subtle components.

In order to maintain the stable operation of all components and adjust the appropriate anti-loss ability, Xiaofu also designed more than a million different armor damage situations and adaptive adjustment schemes.

In addition to the unprecedented short-range bending ability, this warp Battle Armor is also unprecedentedly powerful in terms of conventional maneuvering and speed-up.

Each of its functions has only one most intuitive goal, killing.

If Chen Feng wears the Galaxy Pill, he is a War God who is charging and fighting. When he puts on such a small warp Battle Armor, he becomes a press forward walking on Assassin in the dark.

Chen Feng spent two days adapting to the Battle Armor.

This is Xiaofu's request.

Although Chen Feng's record in the past shines through, after all, he has been out of battle for a hundred years.

In the past, every time he participated in a war, he was still young, and he was at the time of all-round reaction ability pinnacle.

According to the most optimistic algorithm, Chen Feng is now as high as 128 years old.

He has to face aging, which is an objective fact and will not be shifted by will.

He spent hundreds of years studying and studying. Although he has accumulated a huge amount of knowledge, he is now considered a senior scholar in the field of extraterrestrial cosmology, but the price is his growing age, physical strength, and dynamic vision. Abilities, such as neural response, etc., have somewhat degraded.

But it's not all bad news.

Since his advanced technology allowed him to find a way to replicate ZS tea, he has been drinking hand-made local specialty ZS tea for a hundred years.

Although the increase in genetic arousal rate has been slower in the future, his arousal rate has now reached 46.66%.

In addition to drinking tea, visiting different planetary systems on the spot, constantly increasing knowledge, using the body and brain to really feel the different quantum storms in different planetary systems, it seems that it also has a great effect on the natural increase of arousal. Great benefit.

About 3065, when his arousal rate reached 44%, no matter how much he drinks strong tea, there is no increase.

But when one day, he went to a galaxy that gave birth to plant intelligent life, then figured out the plant life thoroughly, read the knowledge reserve of these plant life through the quantum network, and studied After studying the biological evolution principle on this planet, he can see the increase obviously again after drinking tea, and finally reached a height of 46.66% today.

The knowledge that must be absorbed has become the fertile soil for his next evolution.

But it is also possible that as he goes to more places, he has more deep contact with the rules of stars in different planetary systems. As a galactic human, the brain structure becomes more complex, and the different quantum storm rules stored are more abundant. These "insights" are the prerequisites for constantly awakening more sleeping genes.

In the process of getting closer to the universe, human beings are constantly re-awakening the inherent potential abilities in their bodies.

But as Fanxing said that year, after Chen Feng's arousal rate exceeded 35%, the proportion of physique's improvement with the arousal rate increased was very small, and it was almost impossible to feel.

Compared with the stage of Earth humans, the main direction of ascension of galactic humans is in the brain.

Chen Feng’s increased arousal almost made up for the loss of peak state due to aging of his body. Now his physical strength is slightly degraded, but the basic level of dynamic vision and neural response is almost equal to him. Your level in the last timeline.

In addition, his comprehensive judgment ability, psychological quality, and intuitive ability to integrate information on the battlefield have long surpassed that of the past, but he has never had the opportunity to return to the battlefield and cannot personally experience the changes.

These things are almost impossible to reproduce perfectly in simulation training.

In particular, the ability to integrate information intuitively involves countless details in the original universe, including all the memories in the human brain, quantum vortex obtained by countless humans collecting external information through the five senses, and so on.

In the essence of so-called intuition, there is an invisible link between human thinking and the universe. This link and the information communicated in the link are the universal wisdom that Chen Feng has used many times to avoid prevarication.

The wisdom of the universe may have no emotions, but it does record and store countless information.

This information cannot be simulated in the virtual space of quantum networks.

No matter how real the virtual space is, it can even deceive the human brain completely, but the fake one is fake after all. The virtual quantum world cannot resonate with the vortex deep in the human brain with sufficient strength, so it cannot. Stimulate the regular thinking generated by countless vortex resonances, that is, intuition.

This time, Chen Feng is finally about to play.

Flanders sits on the console with concentrated attention and completely controls the equipment, re-checking the one by one parts to make sure that all equipment is in the best condition.

"The energy ratio is 100%, the running state is 100%, the self-repairing ability is 100%, the information gathering ability is 100%...Brother, you can pierce armor."

Chen Feng nodded , Open arms.

First, the inner armor embedded with the biological layer floats up from behind like a wide windbreaker under gravitational pull, enclosing Chen Feng inside.

Next piece after piece of seemingly simple, completely integrated, in fact, modular armor composed of countless parts are attached.

In the end, Chen Feng became a slender three-meter "giant" full of streamlined beauty.

The composite energy battery began to inject energy to the outside, and the major components of the body quickly recovered. Chen Feng's retina showed two images, real visual imaging and virtual parameter projection.

The advantage of this information display method is convenience. When he wants to observe the parameters, he only needs to divert his attention. The disadvantage is that it interferes with his normal vision.

However, Chen Feng has worn almost every generation of top-level individual equipment of human beings, and has long been accustomed to this way of processing information in parallel in the translucent projection visual mode.

The three-meter giant drifted slowly, standing to the exit hatch.

At the same time, Xiaofu returned to the navigation center control chair, ready to let Morrowind II briefly return to the subspace layer, and then Chen Feng will leave the ship.

After that, the Morrowind 2 will immediately turn back to the dielectric layer and continue to move forward.

As for Chen Feng, he will look for and wait for the blade beetle in the First Layer subspace.

In the event of a contact battle between the two sides, Chen Feng and Blade-Blade Mantis will quickly fall out of the subspace.

"The countdown to the release of the medium layer flight state. Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Freds clenched his fists and clenched his teeth.

He is nervous.

Chen Feng is not calm and collected in the past and the present. He simply said: "After I and the blade-edge beetle fall out of the subspace, I don't know if there will be other things waiting for me. After the real fight, I probably don’t have the energy to contact the outside world. Don’t call up my information at will. This may occupy my link communication bandwidth. So, unless I take the initiative to contact you. You keep flying forward, don’t stop Also, if I haven’t contacted you a day later, you will stay in the medium layer and restore contact with the outside world. Try to cooperate with other researchers to see if there are some new results that can be achieved. What degree is what degree.”

Freders stopped the countdown and said, “But if you die first, then whether we work hard or not, it seems to be meaningless. Even though. We can really find a way to escape and maintain the survival of civilization by developing the mind and brain core of the Mizu, is it really meaningless? You can't see it anymore."

Chen Feng shook his head, "It may not be possible, the future Who knows? If this time I return to the 21st century and truly lose the ability to traverse, does that mean that you have won the final victory?"

"But you may also be true Dead?"

Chen Feng laughed heartily, "hahahaha, what does that matter? Who won't die? It doesn't make sense to look forward to the future, and it’s all done."

In time After staying in the line for a long time, he really didn't dare to explore the so-called meaning, it would turn his mind into a dead end alley, interfere with his judgment, and shake his will.

Chen Feng's ultimate goal is to achieve a good result, but what he pursues in behavior is the meaning of the process.

Freders figured out some of the thoughts that he had been horny, "Then I continue the countdown?"


" Three, two, one..."

In the next instant, Morrowind 2 rushed out of the medium layer.

A six-meter-diameter exit hatch that resembles the shutter of a SLR camera opened at the rear of the ship.

Chen Feng shot out.

In the next thousandth of a second, two things happened at the same time.

Sure enough, the blade beetle was in the vicinity. After sensing the position of Morrowind II, it decisively buckled and suddenly appeared in the sky above Morrowind II.

Morning Wind No. 2 quickly settled down and disappeared.

There are no tricks on both sides, let alone bother.

In the next instant, Daofenglang and Chen Feng blatantly turned into fire in this subspace.

One side is 55 meters high, and the other is three meters high.

Chen Feng took advantage of the one-thousandth-of-a-second stiffness of the blade beetle, holding two cutting knives with full power, and appeared directly above the triangular head of the blade beetle in an X-shaped posture.

Chen Feng of course also considered his own rigid time.

However, because of his smaller size, it takes less time for him to regain contact with the outside world after the fold-over subspace layer disperses.

It only took him five ten-thousandths of a second to move again, and he held the two knives to cut vertically downwards.

However, Chen Feng took a total of one thousandth of a second from making a decision, adjusting his posture, and completing the leap.

When he was about to cut it up, the blade beetle regained its mobility and responded very quickly. One blade arm pierced straight up from below, and the tip of the blade arm just hit two of Chen Feng’s Crossed swords.

The two sides are completely unequal in size, but the shock wave erupted from the violent collision bursts out dazzling rays of light in this dark subspace.

Chen Feng, who holds the double knives in both hands,’s Battle Armor collides with the blade beetle and quickly disperses, and curvature bubbles appear on the body surface at the same time.

The subspace around the two combat units began to tear, and the starlight from outside shone in.

This is to be threw away because of the speed reduction.

At the edge of the Orion’s arm, about three light-years away from human territory, there are neither stars nor planets. There is only a cluster of fragmented stars formed by agglomeration of large or small rubble. Two silhouettes appear.

One is Chen Feng and his warp Battle Armor, and the other is the knife-edge beetle.

The two sides are hanging in the air, facing each other tens of kilometers apart.

If someone looks inward from the outside at this time, you can see these two figures, illuminated by the rays of light from the dense stellar belt near the galactic center, and two stars are projected to the back of the Star Domain. The huge shadow.

Chen Feng's breathing is gentle, and his heartbeat is stable.

Out of the corner of his eye, he is quickly collecting the information collected by the scanner of the flexure armour.

His mouth is full of confidence, but he really wants to face the blade beetle alone, especially in the memory of the tragic situation of the human comrades when they were enemies last time.

How could he despise each other.

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