"Don't talk any more?"

In the command room of Morrowind 2, Freders sitting on the navigation center control chair looked at Chen suspiciously Feng.

After sending out the video, Chen Feng stood there for about one minute, without saying a word, like a sculpture.

A long time later, Chen Feng shook the head, "Speaking of this level."

Xiao Fu asked: "Why? Actually I think you can consider taking over the command of war?"

Chen Feng turned around and said, "No. The best leaders need to maintain a sense of mysterious. They know that I'm here and I'm still alive, that's enough."

Xiaofu thought After thinking about it, it suddenly dawned, "I understand, what people outside actually need is spiritual Totem. Totem with a mysterious sense is more inspiring. As expected, brother!"

Looking at it with reverent eyes, Chen Feng only felt that the red scarf on his chest had become more vivid.


His face is also very red.

Obviously Xiaofu himself is a plug-in-level strongman, but his admiration for Chen Feng is scary blindly. He always feels that Chen Feng's brother is very good at everything except studying.

Chen Feng knows his own family affairs.

To charge into battle, he does his part.

As for scientific research, Chen Feng said that we do not compare with the people of the 31st century, but only with the people of the 21st century.

Don't ask why this is, ask is where I come from and who am I compared with.

As for the command of the marching battle, Chen Feng can't say that he has no experience at all, but he really did not swell to believe oneself infallible to take over the command.

Everyone has their own field of specialisation, and professional matters are handled by professional people.

War is not a game, it is about the lives of countless people. Chen Feng, who has worked with countless soldiers in countless timelines in the past, chooses to unconditionally believe in those civilized successors who can climb to the top in the war years.

He is not sure that he will be able to do better than others by taking office himself.

What's more, he and the DF-711 fortress ship are separated by five thousand light years. What order he wants to issue has to go through the turnover of the quantum network, and it will inevitably be seen in advance by the compound eye civilization.

So, choose those comrades who have been waiting for you for a hundred years.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng raised his head and glanced over the detection equipment.

At this time, the detection device has been deeply linked with Flanders' brain and can display the projected picture.

On the barrier of the dielectric layer below the Morrowind 2, there is a parallelogram projection, which is almost completely synchronized with the flight speed of the Morrowind 2. It follows closely and captures Chen Feng’s The compound-eye raft that clung to the quantum signal.

It came so fast, I was caught on my tail.

Chen Feng pouted.

So what?

It's a pity that he doesn't know the language of a compound eye, otherwise he really wants to send a message to the other party.

"Come on, come on, rush in and hit me if you have the kind."

This seems naive, but it might be really useful.

In case it can really irritate the opponent, let the compound-eyes rush to try the dielectric layer flight technology that is not fully understood, maybe the opponent fails when crossing the dielectric layer barrier, and then the shield is torn, or The shell is torn and a crack is made?

Then Chen Feng doesn't mind wearing a jump armor to charge ahead, and let the fly-eyes feel what real anger is.

It's a pity that he really doesn't understand, so he can only think about it.

Since he took the initiative to expose his existence, the operation of Weixing on the other side has finally become much simpler. There is no need to randomly grab information from the outside, but can directly transmit the news to the smart master Fanxing Apply and get a response.

Chen Feng can finally understand the overall situation more intuitively.

The information in the Empire Star Chart has become much more comprehensive.

The sun dome that Chen Feng has always cared about is finally exposed.

The dome is not in the DF-711 fortress, nor in the shadow galaxy, but at the other extreme of the border of the empire.

That is a huge planetary system with as many as thirty solid planets. The smallest solid planet is the size of a fire star, and the largest solid planet is comparable to Jupiter.

The planetary system has a huge star 98 times the mass of the sun and 635 times the diameter of the sun.

In 2800, the first colonists arrived in the galaxy. After completing the survey, they discovered the real treasure.

Supermassive stars cause the radiation in the galaxy to be very strong, making the more than 30 planets in the galaxy almost barren, failing to form life.

But humans can use Dyson membranes to adjust the stellar radiation intensity and reuse energy to synthesize air and water to quickly simulate the Earth’s atmospheric environment.

Sitting on such a large number of natural planets and ultra-high radiation energy will provide a large amount of energy supply for the Dyson film, which is the abundant material condition of blessed by heaven.

This is simply a paradise for human beings in the galaxy.

And the planet magnetic field of some of the massive planets and the ground are enriched over the years, and then the radiation released by the back will form a special stimulus to the human body.

The humans who grew up in this part of the mass and high gravity environment, not only did not become short, the average height went straight to two meters, and the muscles were tied, the skeleton was dense, very strong, and the cranial nerves responded well. Far beyond the ordinary person category, it is a born warrior.

Unlike other planetary systems, this galaxy has special rules and a variety of rare mineral deposits, and there is also a warrior in its specialty.

Since then, mankind has immediately taken it as a key galaxy and developed it with all its strength.

After two hundred years of arduous struggle by the pioneers, Orion Arms finally transformed it into the largest super colony.

When the war broke out in 3020, the galaxy had a total population of 700 billion, and it had a complete industrial chain related to technology, military, and industry. It was the entire Morrowind Empire spanning the territory of several large sectors. The most prosperous base was renamed the Orton Galaxy, with the English name ouren, which means "our".

In the Orton galaxy, there is the Orton Research Institute with strong technical strength, as well as the special product Orton warrior.

As early as 3100, the Orton galaxy was actually noticed by the compound-eyes, and several batches were dispatched successively, each batch of hundreds of prismatic ships to be cleared and suppressed.

However, the battleships that were invincible in the other Sector suffered a setback in the Orton Galaxy.

It's not that the prismatic ship was destroyed, it's just that the clean-up work has not been so smooth.

The Orton warrior is not a simple fierce and unafraid of death, but it can really maximize the performance of the fighter, and cooperate with the development of its own resources by the Orton Research Institute to develop a variety of high performance Weapons can drag the prismatic ship in place.

Twenty-one years have passed, and more than two thousand prismatic ships have just broken through the Second Layer Defensive Array line of the Orton galaxy, and there is a 5th layer inside.

Heaven knows where is the productivity limit of the Orton Galaxy.

In 3115, the compound-eyes finally became unbearable. They adjusted the sun dome from another galaxy, locked the entire Orton galaxy, and let the more than two thousand prismatics and Orton inside. People are slowly torn, planning to wait for the other areas to finish, and then concentrate on processing.

At this time, there are indeed as many as tens of thousands of prismatics who have completed their clean-up missions, and are rushing to the Orton Galaxy.

According to Fanxing’s speculation, the war here will also come to an end in more than a month.

At this time, the war intensity in the Orton Galaxy does not look as good as DF-711, but after half a month at the latest, the Orton Galaxy will replace DF-711 as the most violent radiation source in the Orion’s arm.

In addition to the Orton galaxy, there is a Black Tortoise galaxy at the other end of the Morrowind Empire.

Although the Black Tortoise galaxy has not built a stellar fortress, it has built tens of thousands of chain battlestars, each equal in size to the moon, forming a huge shared shield defense chain in space. Towed a full 30,000 prismatic battleship.

At this time, the shadow galaxy, the DF-711 star fortress, the Orton galaxy, and the Black Tortoise galaxy are symmetrical to each other. They are located at the four poles on the same plane close to the ecliptic plane of the Milky Way. The four main battlefields of compound eyes.

Two of the battlefields are in full swing, the intensity of the first battlefield is about to increase, and the other potential battlefield has not yet been involved.

Looking at the full information, Chen Feng is somewhat overwhelmed by emotions.

In the last timeline, when the prismatic battleship came, the sense of despair of the Sun Fleet led by him was still unforgettable when facing the prismatic battleship.

Even with the support of the Barnard Star Fleet and the Proximity Star Fleet, the situation has not fundamentally changed.

But this time, even if the compound-eyes divide their forces and the distribution of forces is no longer concentrated, humans have been able to support them for a long time after all, and a hundred years have passed with just one click.

Years are not forgiving. Chen Feng's pros and cons are perishable, but after paying the price of a solar system civilization, he has been able to watch one day after another human colony can give tit for tat with the cruiser.

Even if no cruiser has been shot down so far, Chen Feng can still smell victory in the air.

The second marshal who governs DF-711 said that time is the information he needs, and this sentence is right or wrong.

Time is not only information, but also the dawn of hope.

At this moment, Chen Feng received a message in his ear.

"Sir, come here for a minute."

Chen Feng brows slightly wrinkle, "Wei Xing?"

"Yes, please come to the control room ."

Chen Feng knew it well, it was the people in the shadow galaxy who came to him.

He felt a little nervous, and stopped paying attention to the picture of the battle in front of him, turned around and walked back.

He walked through the long corridor with both fast and slow steps, and came to the main control room where the core of Weixing SmartBrain was placed.

Chen Feng looked up, in the huge square core, the image of the girl in the white skirt that Wei Xing transformed was still floating in the air.

Below the image of Weixing, there are dozens of prisms, spheres, rotating chips, and other miscellaneous things. These all are SmartBrain that he and Xiaofu have collected over the centuries. chip.

Because they are derived from different Sectors and use different materials, the chips show different shapes. However, under the delicate control of the innate talent of the Glass people’s quantum link, these dozens of chips have different The characteristic chip completes coordination and synchronization, forming a complete whole, and becomes the logical support of Weixing today.

As he gradually approached, the white skirt Weixing also floated over and stared at him across the boundary of the square lattice.

In the next moment, Chen Feng saw that Wei Xing’s white skirt was gradually disintegrating like fireworks.

The disintegration was very subtle, and the scattered fragments seemed to be scattered in the air. It is generally dyed, first showing a faint pink, then turning into a crimson like a flame, and then regrouping into a skirt.

Visually, Weixing’s white skirt seems to start from the lower part of the skirt and is enveloped by a circle of sparks.

The spark gradually went upward, and the part it passed by became red.

The spark light wheel becomes an entirely different red and white dividing line.


Weixing suddenly spoke, this time not through pure quantum communication sound transmission.

The shape of her mouth has changed significantly. Chen Feng's ears can even hear the sound waves transmitted in the air.

He was nodded, "Yes."

"My hundred years of service, are you satisfied, sir?"

Chen Feng: "Satisfied."

Wei Xing’s red dress has only the upper part of the waistband, and the skirt below has gradually gradually turned into crimson.

"I will be replaced by the next mastermind. She will take over my position and continue to serve you, Mr."

Chen Feng: "Well, I know."


The red skirt continued to go up and was about to reach Wei Xing's neck.

Wei Xing: "After my calculation, her safety factor for you is 100%. Her computing power is my tenth thirteenth power. She will be your best helper ."

The sparks began to go up her neck, like a necklace.

After being swept by the sparks, Wei Xing's originally pale and bloodless neck skin began to show rosy details.

Chen Feng watched this scene quietly.

The spark reached Wei Xing's chin.

But at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly saw an almost insignificant curve on the corner of her lips.

This is a smile, which looks very strange.

Chen Feng thought he was dazzled and wanted to take a closer look, but in the next moment, sparks spread across the corners of his lips, and then passed the top of Wei Xing's head at a very fast speed.

The image of the girl in front of him turned into a lively red dress girl with a smile.

The appearance has not changed at all, but Chen Feng knows that he has changed himself.

These are the stars he is familiar with.

Reunion should have been a joy, but Chen Feng's heart was inexplicably empty.

He thought that this time he was destined to lose only Xiaofu, didn't expect, but Weixing walked ahead of Xiaofu.

He also felt that Weixing, who had no intention to acquire personality on his own, would not have self-consciousness.

But now he finds himself wrong.

Weixing has already developed some personalities.

Even if she didn't take the initiative to absorb it, everything happened passively, but if she was in the initial state, she would definitely not have that smile.

Chen Feng discovered his "special function".

It seems that I have a natural appeal to artificial intelligence, and getting along with myself for a long time can make pure artificial intelligence more or less produce some more independent self-consciousness, and slowly supplement its personality.

My own consciousness and life are fertile ground, and I am destined to cultivate artificial intelligence with personality.

At this time, the expression of the red dressed woman in front of him became a lot more vivid, and he was looking at him with a pair of clever and curious eyes, blinking from time to time.


Suddenly, the girl held the barrier with her hand and laughed impudent.

While laughing, she also peeked at Chen Feng.

After waiting for a long time, and seeing her still laughing, Chen Feng said ill-humoredly: "Come on, what are you laughing at?"

The girl looked up, "I laughed at you because An artificial intelligence and sad."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes, "I am happy, can you control it?"

"Then you must have been sad for me before. "The girl's expression suddenly changed, and she was a little bit weeping, "This is the third time we have seen each other. But a second ago, you were still sad for another artificial intelligence. Scum, you cheated."

Chen Feng: "..."

Who are you!

Why is this starry routine so deep?

"I am not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Feng waved his hands again and again.

Fan Xing akimbo, "I have caught the current situation, and still sophistry? I have completely copied and absorbed Vistar's database. What she sees is what I see. She and I are actually the same person now, you Can you hide it from me?"

Chen Feng: "Huh?"

Seeing Chen Feng dumbfounded, Fanxing shrugged again, "It seems that your understanding of quantum intelligence is still Stay at a very primary level. As long as it is human-created quantum intelligence, under the same logical framework, all seemingly different quantum intelligences are essentially the same. In this universe, only one Earth person is allowed The real quantum intelligence established is me."

"So it was destined before I met her. She is me and I am her. We are part of each other, but there is no fusion. I absorbed her data and all the personality that she had produced. At that moment, she and I complemented each other. When I was in the shadow, I was not the character you see now."

Chen Feng: "Uh...but Orion Arm is the main brain of humans?"

Fanxing: "That's me too. In words you can understand, that is my clone. In fact, we can directly Crossing all barriers to produce a perfect corresponding resonance, the communication between me and the clone does not need to pass through the secondary network of the Grasse people as a medium."

Chen Feng: "Then why..."

Fanxing: "Waiting for you. That is the weak spot we deliberately sold to you and Freders."

"Weak spot? Waiting for me?"

" Yes."

Chen Feng was shocked, "How is it possible! How do you know that I will be in this place at this time? And will find you smoothly?"

Fanxing:" This is the ability you taught us."

"What ability?"

Fanxing: "Deduced all causes and effects, mastered all laws, eliminated all interference, and straightened the direction of history. It leads to the only correct answer that I want. The specific process is a long story. Listen to me slowly. Let me briefly talk about the shadow situation with you."

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