As soon as the pilot fleet arrived, I found that the surprise was more than that.

The third planet in the shadow galaxy is not only similar in atmospheric structure to Earth, but even the plate topography is exactly the same.

The surface does have a complete ecology, but it is quite different from Earth.

In the solar system, the Oort Nebula and the solar wind form a protective layer.

The main component of the solar wind is a stream of ultra-high-speed plasma charged particles, which can partially block and absorb energy-like cosmic radiation.

But the solar wind itself is harmful to carbon-based life. Fortunately, the planetary atmosphere can absorb the stream of charged particles in the solar wind.

The solar wind and the planetary atmosphere are complementary and indispensable, providing excellent preconditions for the birth of early life on Earth.

But in the shadow galaxy, the direction of the stellar wind is affected by the gravity of the black hole and multiple revolutions. The amount of black hole radiation is not small.

The radiation emitted by a black hole can be divided into two types in terms of its generation method.

One is the Hawking radiation emitted by black holes all the time, mainly composed of real particles transformed by virtual particles that escape from the black hole by tidal force.

The other is that when the black hole successfully captures the mass energy of the universe, when the mass energy enters the horizon, the pure energy rays mainly X-rays released in the reverse direction have a certain directivity.

If the total amount of mass and energy captured is too large, gamma rays may even be generated, as well as more terrifying gamma-ray bursts.

These energy-type radiation sometimes pass through the obstruction of the stellar wind, and there is a certain probability that it will directly illuminate the planets in the shadow galaxy.

The planetary atmosphere has a poor effect on the absorption of pure energy radiation shielding.

From time to time, when a black hole absorbs over-mass matter, if the super-strong ray that just releases is directed to the shadow galaxy and just passes through the shadow of Earth, the shadow of Earth will always change from time to time. A large area of ​​ecological collapse has occurred.

When the pilot fleet arrived, the biodiversity on the Shadow of Earth was about equivalent to Earth ten million years ago, and it was also dominated by carbon-based life, but the life form showed obvious differences.

For example, the trees on the Shadow of Earth are extremely short, with almost no big trees over five meters tall. The leaves are not flaky, but rather thick and massive. The leaves are more like fruits than leaves. And showed obvious geometric structure.

The animals are also very small, with extra thick hair and skin.

Some animals look like huge monsters with fur, but they are only the size of an earth dog after plucking their fur. The skin is also hard and thick, basically with a scaly structure.

It has both fluffy and towering hairs and a scaly structure, which does not conform to the rules of Earth biological evolution.

But in this shadow of Earth, it was just right.

The molecular structure of the surface layer of the villi forms a special coupling, forming a reaction layer like a hydrophobic layer, which has a considerable degree of reflection effect on energy radiation.

It seems that the mechanism is similar to the frozen long beard of the ball battleship has several points of, but the core principle and function are the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The oil film on the surface of the scaly carapace on the skin will form a special structural layer, which has strong radiation absorption and energy conversion and storage effects.

Humanity has not completely destroyed the original ecology on the Shadow of Earth, but for the time being, it was swept away by a super-strong gamma-ray burst about 100 years ago, and it was full of deadly radiation residues, almost barren’s. Take root on the continent.

With the technological level of the pilot fleet at that time, the transformation of the galaxy does not need to start slowly from the planetary level, but directly transforms the overall environment of the entire galaxy.

The Navigator spent 70 years building a total of 9th layer Dyson membranes in the Oort Cloud range of the shadow galaxy.

The 9th layer Dyson’s membranes are stacked together at very close distances, and are pulled together by the interaction of the gravity of the black hole, the centrifugal force of the revolution motion of the First Layer and the Second Layer, the gravity of the inner star, and the force of its own structure. A turbulent egg filled in the shape of a pie.

Since then, the internal environment of the shadow galaxy has changed drastically.

The Dyson membrane absorbs the continuous diverging Hawking radiation of the black hole and the intermittent bursts of X and gamma radiation, and internally absorbs the stellar wind and light energy. The electric energy production is several times that of the solar system, which is comparable to the multi-star system. .

At the same time, the radiation background environment inside the shadow galaxy is basically eliminated from the influence of black hole radiation, and it becomes highly similar to the inside of the solar system, and the differences in star rules between the inside and the solar system are smoothed out.

The superposition of the ninth layer Dyson film has extremely high absorption efficiency for the constant starlight awn. The light transmittance is as low as the ninth power of 0.05, which is only 1.95 parts per trillion, which is infinitely close to zero. It means that the rays of light of the shadow sun hardly escape to the outside.

The multi-layer superimposed Dyson film also has an extremely strong light absorption effect. It no longer reflects yellow rays of light in the universe, but appears ink-black.

It absorbs light externally and absorbs more thoroughly internally, resulting in the planetary system constructed by the 9th layer Dyson film being almost perfectly integrated with the black hole background.

The shadow galaxy has since been completely hidden in the black hole environment.

Then mankind innovated the Dyson membrane technology and built a Tenth Layer Dyson membrane that only absorbs quantum network information in one direction to prevent the leakage of information in the galaxy.

The shadow galaxy has truly become the second home of mankind. It is also the core site of the original world government and salvation. It has begun to develop rapidly, and gradually resumes its leadership over humanity, trying to combine the Orion Arm civilization. The look you want.

In fact, at this stage, it is difficult for the shadow galaxy, which has been "wandering" for more than two hundred years, to successfully take over the authority and require all other colonies to cooperate with their actions.

Humankind has a great enemy in front again, and war is almost impossible inside, and only peaceful change is possible.

Peaceful change is a new human model of Orion Arm that has both competition and mutual promotion.

Technology competition, knowledge competition, commander simulation warfare, special simulation warfare...

During the 50 years from 2801 to 2851, the above competition mode became the Morrowind Empire’s Main melody.

At that time, the shadow galaxy, which had not closed its information channel, overwhelmingly led many other colonies in multiple competitions.

In 2851, the Morrowind Empire voted with a 99.98% approval rate, determined the guiding line with the shadow galaxy strategy as the highest policy, and declared to obey the shadow galaxy's overall leadership of the empire.

There is no other reason. In the past 50 years, the shadow galaxy has contracted almost 70% of the major technological innovations of the entire empire with the power of a single planetary system, and has achieved an overwhelming advantage in various competitions.

Especially after the birth of a young scientist named Dong Shan, the scientific innovation ability of the shadow galaxy can be said to be outstanding.

Since then, the shadow galaxy closed the channel and changed the mode of communication.

The shadow galaxy itself will simultaneously monitor the external environment and collect information through the communication between the stars and the clone, but its own information is closed and no longer informs the outside world in real time.

At the same time, the shadow galaxy will also absorb a batch of new blood from outsiders every few years, bringing together high arousal, high IQ and special operations talents born in different sectors.

However, after these people come, they can no longer easily contact the outside world.

At the same time, the shadow galaxy sends out a group of people every few years, carrying a large amount of information through the star gate, and appearing in many other colonies including the Orton galaxy. These galaxies are regarded as "inventors". Share scientific and technological achievements with the outside world and propose new plans for the development of civilization.

One of the plans is the DF-711 fortress starship.

When the Bastion Starship was first born, it was not in that position.

The position of the ultra-small star is farther inside.

When the first generation of fortress starships was built, they had already begun to sail slowly towards the borders of the empire. While sailing, they continued to update technology. It took 150 years to reach the place where the war broke out in 3020. Location, in the current year of 3121, it has just reached the border of the imperial territory.

At this time, the fortress starship formed a straight line with a symmetrical midpoint with the solar system and the shadow galaxy.

The total length of the straight line is 5000 light-years, and the midpoint is the solar system.

As for the connection between the two key colonies of the Orton Galaxy and the Black Tortoise Galaxy, and the solar system, the line of the shadow of the fortress sun is exactly 90 degrees perpendicular.

The distance between the Orton and Black Tortoise galaxies and the solar system is less than 5,000 light-years, which is related to the geometry of the Orion arm itself.

Just like Chen Feng’s previous analysis of multiple decoys, this layout is indeed decoy for everyone except the shadow galaxy.

The 14,400 galaxy-level colonies of the entire Great Empire, and a total population that has gradually multiplied to 35 trillion, are all decoys.

The purpose of setting up so many decoys is to gain more strategic depth, gain stronger productivity, explore more rules, and continue to lengthen the duration of the war.

The Centennial Struggle is not only the struggle of each galaxy member, but also a preparation for the final battle in exchange for more information for the shadow galaxy.

But this matter cannot be made public at will. It is impossible to let everyone know.

Except for the people in the shadow galaxy, only the second marshal from the shadow galaxy and the highest leadership in the core galaxies such as Orton and Black Tortoise are qualified to know.

At present, it seems that this cold-blooded plan has been executed very successfully.

The Orion Arm humans used the flames of war outside to fight for the stability of the shadow for a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, the scientific research institutions on the shadow side have never stopped to provide technical support to the outside. They have also sent many warriors and commanders to join the general battlefield of meat grinder, and Played an important role in many battles.

In the end, the shadow waited until Chen Feng, who was "close at hand", only 42 light-years away.

This is a great success.

After listening to Fanxing's introduction, Chen Feng was completely shocked by the great generosity.

After pondering for a long time, he shook his head slightly and commented: "The idea is good."

Fanxing: "You shook your head because of your past world view. Others in the group are unfair. But your overall awareness as a leader agrees that this is the best way we can think of."

Chen Feng said, "Yes. You have done it." It's much better than I thought and expected. This kind of great generosity, if I were to replace it with me, I would definitely not be able to do it."

Fan Xing gave him a glance, "Wake up. The initial pilot The budding of the fleet plan was put forward by you yourself. The Salvation Society was originally committed to your will. Without your spiritual guidance, how many variables would appear in the execution of the entire plan. It’s just that you didn’t predict the Orion’s arm at that time. There will be a twin of the solar system. You just pointed out that we should focus our superiority on a galaxy so that the highest IQ and most creative people stay together as much as possible. In short, you are the initiator of everything."

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, "Is that so? Ha...haha, then I'm pretty capable."

"Well, in your old age, you were very keen to control everything. The whole Salvation Society was It's just a projection of your spirit."

Chen Feng's face blushed, and he secretly rejoiced that fortunately, he didn't give a negative comment just now. Wouldn't it be a self-confidence?

Chen Feng remembered another important matter, and asked: "Then tell me what means you use to make sure that I will be in the right place at the right time."

Isolation The stars behind the barrier laughed: "Have you heard of psychological history?"

Chen Feng was shocked, "Of course I have heard of it. Fu has carried forward an academic field in the "Base" series. The core is in the invented science fiction novel, through the analysis of the tens of billions of residents distributed on 20 million planets, and summarizes the economic, political, social and scientific events of large-scale populations in history , In order to find the objective laws that conform to civilization and the universe, and use the laws to predict the development of civilization. Right? I remember correctly?"

Fan Xing: "Your summary is basically accurate and in line with Fabrication in science fiction."

Chen Feng's heartbeat gradually speeds up, "Have you mastered psychological history?"

Fanxing hook the head, "It doesn't count."



"First of all, our population base is not as large as tens of billions. Secondly, the number of other civilizations in the galaxy is more than what the original science fiction writers thought There are many more. Civilizations composed of different intelligent life will interfere with the psychohistorical judgments that only affect humans, so we can’t conclude this law. Now we have also discovered more stellar quantum storms that affect the human brain’s quantum laws. Group behavior becomes more unpredictable, and will inevitably continue to be complicated as the population increases and the galaxies we arrive in continue to increase."

"Whether true psychological history exists, and what is the relationship with the quantum nature of the universe , We don’t know yet. In short, it’s not important. In this action, we simplified the psychohistorical science and turned it into a kind of personal behavior probability that is only for you. This is probably just the psychohistorical science. One branch, we call it the first philosophy."

Chen Feng: "Huh? For me? First philosophy?"

"Yes. I only study the philosopher Chen Feng alone. ."

"Okay. Tell me what's going on."

"Our historians and psychologists first studied "Compound Eyes Crisis" and "Feng Lei" , As well as the changes in your personal life trajectory, and constantly deepen your understanding of you. All your life trajectories from childhood to adulthood, including every word you say, every micro-expression of yours, as long as there are records, are scholars The subject of research."

Chen Feng imagined it for a moment. Generally, there is a feeling of being completely seen through, and a little feeling of have one's hair stand on end.

Should not, these descendants even know how many times they have wetted their bed, and how many times they have had their stomachs after eating bad things, right?

“At the same time, scholars also speculate on the behavioral patterns of compound-eyes by analyzing the mazes, compound-eyes, and the signs of civilization in the Orion’s arms, the entire galaxy and even the extragalactic galaxies we have observed."

Chen Feng nodded, "This is what it should be."

"And then. You look at our star map carefully." Fanxing projected the original layout of the Morrowind Empire in the central control room. In the 14,400 colonies before the war, more than 100,000 Dyson membrane energy bases came into Chen Feng's eyes.

"This is the overall layout of the Morrowind Empire before the start of the war. You will find that the development levels of different sectors and different colonies are different. But in fact, some of these colonies should not be so prosperous. These colonies should have been stronger. We adjusted the technological process and development trend of each colony to form a large net spanning 5,000 light years. When the war began, the fleet of compound eyes was indeed strong, but in fact, the direction of the process, It has been advancing in the direction we planned. There will be some subtle differences in the middle, but the error will not be too big."

The next moment, the star chart began to change.

The neighboring galaxy first suddenly turned red, representing the arrival of the prismatic fleet.

After that, the red circle began to spread out, and at the same time new green and blue dots spread, and then turned red.

The circle of flames representing war started from the core Sector, and began to spread in all directions, and finally formed the current pattern.

Fanxing: "This is the evolution of war in this century. You see, compound-eyes will absorb our art of war, from meat grinder tactics to key strikes, and then disperse troops or Lonely in depth, this gives us a lot of opportunities to catch and land daggers. At least tens of thousands of times."

Chen Feng nodded, "Although it has not been successfully cracked yet, it is only from the collection of information. From a point of view, it has been achieved to the extreme."

Fanxing: "But you are the place where everything rests at the same time. You can observe the direction of the compound eye fleet..."

Fanxing is here Several different travel routes are marked in the star map, some of which coincide with Chen Feng's routes over the past century, and some are different.

"Except for the fact that your crossing anchor is not a solar system, we almost all guessed it correctly. We know that you will choose to wait and see first, and then use the War Zone layout to create These are not easy to encounter the safe route of the compound eye fleet."

"At the same time, scholars also know that you will definitely visit different sectors through the Stargate. Although no one thought you could find a stealth method before, but Your pattern is still being calculated. The information about special galaxies that Freders and you intercepted on the Internet is actually filtered. Some special galaxies have been shielded by me."

"You use the filtered data as the basis for your judgment, then your path will eventually become like this, which will eventually give you a high probability of appearing near the shadow galaxy at this time period. We are preparing With so many, it is not surprising that this effect can be achieved. About 33% or more of success is possible. This is the ultimate probability calculated by scholars, and there is no way to improve it. However, the one third opportunity is already worth a try. , After all, we must meet you in order to maximize the benefits, right?"

After talking about the stars, there appeared a winding golden in the star chart and jumped through the star gate many times. The route is exactly all the footprints Chen Feng has left in the imperial territory in the past 100 years.

Chen Feng was silent for a long time, "Yes, a great plan, it succeeded."

Fanxing: "But we also made a major mistake. We didn’t discover Mizuzang in advance. The ships in the lava planet, let alone the Mizu will suddenly step up the offensive, otherwise we would have been able to drag it for at least a few more years."

Chen Feng laughed, "There is nothing foolproof. Think. To win, you need to find possible variables from the impossible, which is the X factor."

Fanxing: "You are the biggest X factor."

Chen Feng nodded, "Okay, it's almost done. I understand the whole sequence of events. Now the most important thing is that I still have to find a way to reach the shadow galaxy as soon as possible."

Fanxing: "en."

"Before this, Fanxing, you have prepared the list for me."

"What list?"

Chen Feng rolled his eyes, "Don't ask knowingly." "

The disadvantage of changing from Weixing to Fanxing is here, it's very skinny.

In the next moment, Chen Feng's eyes began to list a long string of names.

From top to bottom, they are:

Ding Hu, Pound, Xiao Zhou, Ouyang Zhenhua, Tang Tianxin, Ye Luming, Scott, Ou Qinglan, Lin Bu...

Chen Feng's eyes swept away from top to bottom at a very fast speed.

Unconsciously, his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

Yes, it's all there.

Wait, some people are missing.

"Where is Dong Shan? Where is Immanuel Botto?"

Fanxing: "Some people have passed away because of old age."

Chen Feng shook his whole body and sighed, "It's gone."

Fanxing: "Well, time is the deadliest weapon in the universe after all."

He suddenly felt lost. , I couldn't help but think of Dong old man's stable and old look.

Old man was one hundred and seventy years old in 3020, and now it is 3121.

The work intensity of the old man is so great that he can't wait for himself, in fact, as it should be by rights.

"Here is a video left by Mr. Dong before his death. He said it is only for you to watch. Do you want to see it?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Look Right."

The projections in front of Chen Feng turned into a room of ancient charm. The old man with white hair and pleated face was sitting on an Imperial Tutor chair with Erlang's legs upright.

The old man's head was sloping obliquely, as if he was sleeping.

The sound from the outside of the picture, "Mr. Dong, start to shoot."

The old man shuddered and sat upright. The eyes that were still muddy the moment before suddenly became piercing. There is God.

The old man is staring at the front, his lips gradually bend, showing a slight smile.

After that, he opened his mouth violently, his voice was loud, his tongue was blooming, his speech was extremely fast, and he was crackle.

"This time, Ancestral Grandfather, you are too much! I waited so hard for you! I can’t wait any longer! Hey, you don’t know how difficult it is for me this time. People are instilling to admire you, respect you, look up to you. I have studied very hard, but I can’t do it. I just think of acting in the movie, I’m the one who pierced Ancestral Grandfather’s ass with a needle, I How can I be respectful. Look at the good guy I prepared this time."

Dong Shan’s raised hand grabbed a huge thigh-thigh needle from the side, and the tip of the needle was still showing space slash. The swarthy black glow, as if the online game equipment has added particle special effects.

"How about? The big needle I prepared for Ancestral Grandfather this time is strong enough? But if you don't come, I have no place to pierce! Okay, let’s say so much, brother, I’m just one Request. Ancestral Grandfather, you must remember my name, next time you can’t forget me because we haven’t seen each other, and I will be gone. But don’t...Ancestral Grandfather, you must remember I..."

The voice-over sounded again, "Mr. Dong pay attention to your image! Image! You are two hundred and fifty years old."

Dong Shan glanced sideways, "Image Fart! My life is gone, I want the image of an egg, how can I make him feel profound. Oh, yes, am I two hundred and fifty years old?"

"It's only ten seconds away One hundred 51."

"Oh damn it, I must hold on! Otherwise, when people read history books in the future, they will see my age, Dong Shan old thief, died at two hundred and five. Doesn't this cheat me? Yes. Ten seconds are gone?"

"Yes, you are two hundred and 51."

"I also prepared a poem. Ancestral Grandfather listen, I will read it to you ......"

Dong old man still failed to recite this limerick in the end, so he tilted his head and made no sound anymore.

Suddenly weeping sounded in the voice-over.

The video stopped abruptly.

The opposite Chen Feng has a smile on his face, but his unfathomable mystery has very moist eyes.

This old bastard, it’s too peculiar to spell a name, without any discipline.

I'm still a brat when I get too old, and I'm still a teenager.

Quite demeanor when I was rubbing Zhong Lei back then.

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