Of course, it’s not a simple matter to make short leaps for a huge ship.

There is an essential difference between the fold subspace and the curvature subspace.

For the flying unit to enter the curvature subspace, it needs to use the medium engine and the curvature-like space compression technology to continuously accelerate until the breakthrough light speed.

At the moment of breakthrough light speed, a sudden change will occur at the junction of the instantly formed perfect curvature bubble and the original three-dimensional world.

The vehicle and the curvature bubble will directly enter the curvature subspace.

As long as you can stay above the speed of light, you won’t be threw away.

The warp subspace is different. The warp subspace layer wraps the material first, but the relative velocity between the substance and the original three-dimensional space can be zero.

At the moment when the foldable subspace layer is fully formed, the breakthrough First Layer Universe Rule is restricted to pull itself and the wrapped matter directly into the foldable subspace, and follow the quantum entanglement and the fundamental force tide The location of the shock field, the fixed point appears in another location.

The bending subspace and the curvature subspace can overlap, showing that the nature of the bending is lower.

Humans currently do not grasp the core principle of fold, but take a shortcut by using the core of the Mizu to realize the application.

This is the same as when mankind invented gunpowder for the first time, knowing that by mixing saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal in proportions, an explosive powder can be made.

Why can it be fried?

That is not important.

It's over when it's fried.

It took many years for human beings to figure out the ratio of one sulfur, one carbon and three nitrate, countless trial and error, and then a little closer.

Now Freders uses huge calculations for the core of the Mizu, and without understanding the principle, forcibly calculates the most reasonable match and finds the most perfect energy output. Curve, and build a sufficiently stable large-scale foldable subspace layer around the ten-kilometer-long bullet-type Morrowind II.

This is the ultimate manifestation of applied science completely overwhelming basic theoretical science, and there is no essential difference between human research on the use of gunpowder.

The advantage is that this allows humans to gain some convenience in advance when they have not reached a sufficient level of understanding of the universe.

The disadvantage is that humans have to face risks when they control technology that shouldn't belong to them, just like the frequent gunpowder explosion accidents that year.

Under normal circumstances, the smaller Mizu core can only carry a small mass unit to complete the leap.

The Shadow Academy, led by Xiaofu and Ou Qinglan, applied the principle of star gate folding to ships, using the super-large black hole rotating around the shadow galaxy as a fulcrum, and found a particularly strong network of gravitational lines in the universe .

The super-large black hole absorbing the shadow galaxy is like the vortex in the center of the lake in the universe.

The huge gravitational field spreads in all directions in a swirling flow around the black hole in three-dimensional space.

One of the curved lines of gravitation originated from the boundary of the black hole, and then spread out to become the propulsion line of Morrowind II.

Morning Wind II will use the more stable curvature subspace structure provided by this gravitational line, like it is mounted on a slingshot, and will eject one piece forward every once in a while.

This is the core principle of the short-range jump of the Morrowind II.

The gravitational line itself bends, but after the distorted space, it waits for a straight line after the original three-dimensional space.

And the gravitational line just overlaps with the second layer revolution orbit of the shadow galaxy around the black hole.

According to Xiaofu’s calculation, it is assumed that when Morrowind 2 enters the orbit of the Second Layer shadow galaxy in more than six months, the distance between the shadow of the sun and Morrowind 2 will be within one billion kilometers.

At this time, Morrowind 2 can use the close gravitational pull of the shadow of the sun to jump out of the black hole's gravitational line, instantly arrive near the shadow galaxy, and stop.

During the entire process, Chenfeng 2 needs to perform more than 6,400 folds, and each time it has to construct a perfect foldable subspace film.

When leaving the bending space, it must fit in perfectly with the outer curvature subspace.

When you finally arrive, you must accurately capture the gravitational field of the shadow sun, break free from the attraction of the black hole's gravitational line, and complete a rapid turn, otherwise you will directly "jump" into the black hole.

In short, letting Morrowind No. 2 flexure ejection is a comprehensive solution that uses curvature, flexure, and uniform force to the extreme. Each step requires extremely large calculations and cannot produce the slightest amount of calculation. Mistakes.

One wrong time is death.

"Xiaofu, I know what you mean, there are risks, right?"

Freds took a mouthful of caviar with a spoon, and then shouted a mouthful of vodka. "Yes, the failure rate is about 48.99%, which is higher than I expected. But I didn't discuss with you in advance because I know your character..."

Chen Feng laughed heartily, "I will definitely take risks, right?"


Chen Feng patted the shoulder of Freders, "He who knows me, Xiaofu is also good. If you’re late, it’s better not. Then I’m going to lecture, Xiaofu, you should also pay more attention to rest."

"Good brother."

Chen Feng's training on the first day In the class, the warriors came to a practical exercise, which basically achieved the goal.

In the following days, he has been obedient and will no longer end up personally. He will only be an instructor obediently and honestly.

Warriors learn basic and advanced tutorials very quickly, and advanced textbooks are not a stumbling block, but in the last step of the Master Rank textbook, Chen Feng hopes that others will also learn the same level of battlefield as himself. When intuition, it stumped people.

The trainees seem to be struggling and progress slowly.

It is the intuitive judgment of the battlefield that determines that Chen Feng can use the same level of equipment, although surrounded by perils in the Hundreds of Wheels battle, it is still standing.

Obviously, Chen Feng's extraordinary intuitive reaction is the core quality that really makes him stand out.

He never value one's own old broom, and he is not afraid of being surpassed by others, so he sincerely hopes that others will learn all of his own abilities.

There were difficulties this time, but at least he saw hope.

In the last timeline, people are trapped in the "warrior plan" and "thinking cocoon room" that envelop the whole society, pursuing absolute rationality in everything, and finding a reasonable one for everything. Fulcrum, the pursuit of low error rate.

This looks good.

The advantage is that this makes the lower limit of the warriors extremely high, but the disadvantage is that they lack creativity. The thinking mode of the warriors when using equipment is confined to stereotypes, and it is difficult to break through the upper limit.

This time I had the same problem, and it was even more serious.

But in the Hundred Years' War, the returning warrior went out again and again, experiencing life and death again and again.

These experiences at the boundary of life and death allowed the returning warriors to constantly break through their own bottleneck, gradually breaking the blockade of thinking and constantly refreshing their upper limit.

The battlefield experience of these warriors is even richer than Chen Feng.

Assume that Chen Feng is now in the Tenth Layer, and the warriors in the last timeline are only in the First Layer. The realm of the homecoming warriors in this timeline has generally reached above 5-Layer. , Some people have even reached the seventh, eighth or even Ninth Layer.

This is why the training warriors that Chen Feng encountered were so strong that they almost made him overturned.

At the same time, Chen Feng also firmly believes that the warriors should start from the Fifth Layer and go up a little bit. The hope of reaching the Tenth Layer is countless times greater than before.

In order to advance his teaching plan, Chen Feng selected a team of assistants in the warrior to help him control details, assist in adjustments, improve teaching materials, and constantly provide Fanxing with new and more accurate assessments. parameter.

Speaking of which is also fun.

Ding Hu, who has the lowest rank and the weakest among all participating warriors, became Chen Feng's first assistant.

Overwhelming majority people also don't understand why Chen Feng will hand-appoint an "old man" lieutenant who has been on the Shadow of Earth for hundreds of years as the first assistant.

Even the Academy of Philosophy, who is basically aware of it, also raised objections, thinking that Chen Feng's forceful promotion of Ding Hu to the position was a bit cronyism.

Ding Hu didn't understand it himself.

He wanted to ask Chen Feng why it was me, but in the end he didn't dare to ask, but brace oneself on top.

On the first day, Ding Hu was trembling with fear like walking on thin ice, not daring to point, not to criticize, but obediently and honestly as a microphone, hurry up and study hard to absorb and digest.

Second day, Brother Hu transformed under the weight.

Although he himself was unable to complete the high-intensity operations made by senior warriors due to his long absence from the battlefield, it did not prevent him from beginning to understand the problems in other people's operations.

For example, the engine power was increased by 2% when the position was shifted, which caused a 0.05 second error in the landing time from moving to stationary.

For example, when the fire is completed according to the instructions, how many degrees to switch the incident angle, and how much the power of the energy weapon is turned on or off, can better echo and stimulate resonance with other people's offensives.

Or in some environments that require rapid decision-making, the warriors subconsciously make intuitive judgments about where there is room for improvement.

At what level, what kind of simulation environment should be selected for intensive training.

Ding Hu has some opinions on the daily training content of most people.

At this time, he still lacks self-confidence. Every time he asks a question, he will discuss with Chen Feng.

At first, Ding Hu was worried that he would disturb the sages.

The other party will be more impatient.

He didn’t expect, Chen Feng showed great enthusiasm for pointing himself, knowing everything, saying everything, after every question, Master Xianzhi will ask one more question. "Brother Hu, do you understand? Just ask if there is anything else you don't understand."

Master Xianzhe is very gentle and passionate, completely different from the fierceness and sturdiness he showed when he was teaching in actual combat with others. .

Brother Hu is both moved and frightened.

This is not over yet. At the end of the tutorial that day, Chen Feng also called Ding Hu specifically, "Brother Hu, you are very good today, and you have made rapid progress. The problems you picked out and the correct rate of improvement plans More than 50%. When your judgment rate reaches 100%, I can rest assured and boldly give you all the teaching tasks. Believe in yourself, you have the potential to become the first instructor of mankind. Come on!"

It is said that there were crying in Ding Hu's dormitory that night, and there were some weird things like "I have what skills and abilities" and "I will live up to the trust of the sage".

Ding Hu's life was very smooth in the first half.

He joined the barracks at a young age and has repeatedly ranked among the best in internal competitions. In less than two decades, he climbed from a private soldier to the rank of lieutenant, and was seconded to cultivate countless elites. The Great Snow Mountain base in China, and also took over the important task of instructor of the "Sage Reserve" class who was highly expected.

At that time, Ding Hu brought seven or eight recruit classes, and one of the class members was Chen Feng XX.

These members are similar in appearance to the sages, but the basic literacy is also outstanding.

At that time, Ding Hu was full of ambition and vowed to train his students to become talents.

With the passage of time, he basically achieved his ambition.

One after another "Chen Feng" and other students graduated from his recruit class and rushed to the battlefield.

Some people never return, some are galloping up and down.

Among the students under Ding Hu, the highest rank currently is Pound, who was promoted to major general by virtue of his military exploits.

Before Pound, there was a young genius named Chen Feng 1987, who was known as a master of command and combat. Before his death, he was less than fifty years old and was responsible for a large fleet. Lieutenant general.

In 1987, although Chen Feng repeatedly denied it, many people still firmly believed that he was the reincarnation of a sage.

Ding Hu almost thinks so too.

Ding Hu was the proudest few years in his life during that time. When talking to people, his nostrils were a little upturned.

He didn't understand why his promotion path seemed to have been pressed when he reached the rank of Great Snow Mountain Level 2 instructor.

Like other instructors, if you teach a general-level student, you must at least be promoted to a major.

But he was good, he was forced to be forced to move in the Great Snow Mountain, unable to move even a little bit, very depressed.

He gave himself promotion reports time and time again, and even dared to go to the headquarters to shoot the table.

His report was rejected again and again.

Later, he simply asked to fight and wanted to join the external battlefield as a recruit, but was refused.

Although he never complains, he must not be disappointed in his heart.

But about 36 years ago, Chen Feng was killed in the Heavenly Wolf Double Star Battle in 1987, and all unrealistic dreams were shattered.

People's expectations fell through.

Ding Hu was so depressed, he stopped running to the command post, no longer wanted to be promoted, and was even more dissatisfied that his mind was determined to run out.

He seemed to have accepted his fate, became an ordinary instructor in Great Snow Mountain with peace of mind, and was mentally prepared to wait for the final battle with other people in the shadow galaxy.

Now, as a person who has taught countless "Chen Feng", Ding Hu finally waited for the sage himself.

Before Chen Feng was interviewed, he didn't know his special.

Now he understands how much Chen Feng covets himself.

The first human instructor.

Simply six words, but there is an immeasurable weight in it.

Ding Hu secretly made up his mind to make himself worthy of the sage’s approval.

3rd day, his judgment accuracy rate reached 60%.

On the fourth day, 70%.

On the fifth day, 80%.

On the sixth day, 90%.

On the seventh day, 100%.

Some people, including the shadow warrior, who were unconvinced with Ding Hu, gradually became convinced.

Everyone's innate talent is really different.

Some people are naturally good at charging and defending, while others can see through where others are not perfect at a glance, and are naturally suitable to be instructors.

To talk about contribution, do not distinguish between superior and inferior.

Maybe Ding Hu will be delayed on the battlefield, but with his help, even if other people can only achieve 1% more potential, he is also outstanding.

Since then, Chen Feng has officially promoted Ding Hu to the position of chief teaching assistant. He no longer personally intervenes in the teaching content, but only looks at the training report outline provided by Ding Hu every day.

Ding Hu's achievements over the past years have finally been fully recognized. Combined with his current work, his military rank has risen on the spot and he has become a lieutenant general.

When the handover was officially confirmed, Chen Feng patted Ding Hu on the shoulder and said, "Brother Hu, look, I'll say you can."

Ding Hu beat He swears, "That's because you taught well, Master Sage, if you say I can, I can definitely do it!"

Chen Feng laughed, "Okay, let's go to work."

Chen Feng withdrew from the virtual space and opened a new cosmology textbook.

Before reading, he laughed and didn't know whether to cry or laugh secretly.

Before starting to pull Brother Hu up, Chen Feng actually didn't expect him to take over his Legacy and take over the entire teaching plan.

Chen Feng wanted to be lazy, and then he wanted to give giving medicine to a dead horse a try.

After all, he is also impossible to patronize as an instructor, he still has to read books and can no longer be illiterate.

Chen Feng does not deny that he has intentionally tossed Brother Hu by the way.

Brother Hu became the first instructor of the two timelines. This time he was trapped by the Academy for most of his life, and his potential was not fully realized. It is better for Brother Hu to "work harder for those who are able."

The result is not bad, Ding Hu really spent seven days returning himself a perfect instructor.

Chen Feng was shocked.

It's really how bold people are and how productive they are.

Is this the power of faith?

God said to people, you can.

Then this person is all right.

After the hustle and bustle, it is quiet. After teaching most of the teaching work to Ding Hu, Chen Feng's daily life has become much simpler.

Get up on time every day, first complete a set of physical training in two hours, and then use the Star Shadow Battle Armor in the simulated space for a high-intensity confrontation training.

After lunch at noon, take a short lunch break, start reading in the afternoon, continue to study cosmology related knowledge, and chat with Xiaofu again at dinner.

After dinner, Chen Feng will connect with the shadow galaxy, take a look at the battle report outside, and then play a few games with Tang Tianxin.

Unconsciously, in such a peaceful life, two months have passed.

After dinner that day, Chen Feng did not play chess with Tang Tianxin, but participated in a high-level meeting.

The core of the discussion at the meeting was the analysis of the new battle situation.

In the past two months, the situation outside Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the number of days changed.

All the baits spread by humans in the arms of the Orion are peeled off layer by layer by the compound eye like peeling an onion.

The Orton galaxy and the Black Tortoise galaxy have been breached one after another.

Just three hours before the meeting, the DF-711 fortress starship was finally breached.

Since then, the core power of mankind is only the last shadow galaxy.

Lu Xianfeng first clicked on a video projection.

In the video, the originally noisy DF-711 galaxy returns to a dead silence, leaving only the ruins of the desolate battlefield.

In this space, countless human or compound-eyed wreckage wandered around, and from time to time a ray of high-energy response shimmered, but there was no trace of human activity.

An ultra-small star floating there quietly, emitting a dim glow to the outside, and being fired by metal fragments that hit it from time to time, reflecting black spots.

More debris surrounding the star's gravitational field converge from time to time, or move silently, seeming to become the fragmented asteroid belt of the 001 star.

The 001 star will inhale more and more debris in a period ranging from one hundred thousand years to a short period of tens of thousands of years, gradually increasing in mass, and finally collapsing into a small neutron star.

The array of compound-eyes finally completed the encirclement. Although it failed to completely disassemble the fortress, it tore it into countless fragments and allowed the "captured" star 001 to see the sky again.

001 gained "freedom", but became a "dead thing" in the universe, and was destined to die quickly.

Suddenly, the video stopped abruptly.

Lu Xianfeng introduced: "This is the last section of emotion report from our last artificial intelligence detector. A total of seven 1.1 billion in the DF-711 fortress starship, 34.62 million One thousand one hundred and seventeen people, all sacrificed. Silence."


"The silence is over."

Ou Qinglan stood up, first He glanced at Chen Feng, who was sitting in the chief, and then briefly introduced the important information that the compatriots in the fortress starship exchanged with their lives.

Through years of trials and the extreme squeezing of stars in the few months of confrontation with the compound eye fleet, the scientific researchers on the DF-711 fortress have summarized a complete set of stellar energy rapid development system.

The development of stellar energy is different from fossil energy, and it is also different from pure light energy absorption. Every time a stellar energy is extracted, it may cause a violent reaction.

Once the reaction intensity exceeds the limit, it may cause chain upheavals in the stars, and then uncontrollable disasters.

To control the direct development of stars to a level that is both strong enough and safe enough requires a huge scientific system and long-term accumulation of experience.

In addition to the direct confrontation with the bastion ship, the development system of the DF-711 fortress starship on the 001 star is the real core achievement.

"We have just completed the rapid absorption. This is the in-depth development plan of the Academy of Sciences. We intend to use the remaining two months to build the shadow sun development system at the fastest speed. Please everyone Go over."

Chen Feng glanced briefly. The specific details are not very clear, but the conclusion is straightforward.

Once the rapid development plan is successful, the remaining lifespan of the Shadow Sun will be rapidly shortened from about five billion years to five thousand years, and the energy release rate will be accelerated by a million times.

According to the analysis results, if mankind can master this technology 500 years in advance, mankind will be able to explode productivity in some planetary systems quickly, and the current scale of human forces can be expanded by at least ten times.

This is a good technique, but unfortunately it came too late.

Chen Feng objected, "I looked at the current energy reserves in the shadow galaxy, isn't there still a huge amount of bio-batteries available? There is no need to directly squeeze the shadow sun in order to get more energy? "

Ou Qinglan shook her head and said: "The composition of the shadow sun is exactly the same as the sun, but it is very different from the star 001. The shadow sun, the star 001, and even almost every star in the Orion’s arm are different. Aiming at Different stars should have different development rules. We have already verified a kind of planet in the Bastion Starship. If time is too late, of course we also want to verify it again in the shadow galaxy, then we can conclude that it is more universal Broad law. Master Xianzhe, you can take it back after you write it down, even if we are defeated this time. In your next timeline, you can still get the benefits of this technology."

Chen Feng 1 Frozen, "Is that so?"

Before the war was fought, Ou Qinglan and the others had already begun to prepare for the next timeline.

It is exactly in line with Lin Bu's attack on Chen Feng, so that he does not know how to answer.

He calmly said: "That's okay, you can decide for yourself."

The meeting continued.

Chen Feng stopped speaking, but listened quietly.

The commanders on the shadow side changed their combat thinking.

Before Chen Feng appeared, their main strategy was to make the fastest possible destruction of the ship as the first priority.

Now the strategy has changed. It has become a solid wall, a clear field, and a strict defense, waiting for Chen Feng to arrive with the core of the lost race.

The First Layer defense line will be built outside the 10th layer Dyson film, mainly based on the fortress chain array similar to the Black Tortoise galaxy.

The Second Layer front is laid out around the asteroid belt.

Humankind will put a large number of highly mobile forces in the asteroid belt, and use the asteroid as a natural cover to hide some land-based cannons and force field tearing generators.

The Third Layer front is located outside the orbit of the Shadow of Earth and inside the fire star orbit.

Humankind placed a total of 64 spherical war fortresses with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers between the shadows of Earth and the fire star.

These sixty-four fortresses revolve around the shadow of the sun. The Dao Idol orbits of their respective revolutions are staggered, and they are in a delicate relative balance, forming a structure similar to C60 football ene.

The 4th Layer front is the former "Shadow of Mercury", now a polyhedral prism battleship with a diameter of 4878 kilometers.

Almost 90% of scientific research forces and administrative resources are concentrated in this huge prism battleship.

As for the leadership of the military system, it is distributed among the major fleets.

Chen Feng has nothing to say about the arrangement of the game. It is a disservice to say that. He is indifferent expression, but nodded.

Time flies, and more than two months have passed in a blink of an eye.

Marked by the triggering of the first space booby trap, the first batch of 30,000 compound-eye prismatic ships arrived at the periphery of the Shadow Galaxy.

Mankind’s last battle to defend the prosperous galaxy has officially started.

Chen Feng was unable to participate in the war, but 14,000 of his 50,000 students.

14,000 of the latest model, containing all the cutting-edge technology and all the rare materials of the huge Morrowind Empire, but for the time being, the Star Shadow Battle Armor, which does not have the ability to break, turned into a torrent of steel on the battlefield.

The torrent team is the name this group of people gave themselves.

The students of Chen Feng began to declare martial power, blooming the last glorious afterglow of mankind.

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