"General Lin’s brain cells have returned to operation, but his thinking was stagnant for too long before, and it takes some time to rebuild a stable consciousness. We injected him with dormant medicine, seventy Two hours later, his mind can wake up normally."

Lin Bu’s personal medical team leader introduced Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded.

He was very satisfied when he watched the training room close his head with both eyes closed.

While Chen Feng was on his way here, Fanxing used the deeply cracked DX1819 database to find a way to open the box. Lin Bu's head was taken out and put into the device.

Chen Feng smacked, and woke up three days later. With the current medical conditions and the big head's recovery ability, he will be a good man again at the latest twenty days later.

This silly heart is so heavy, he still wants to press himself when he is dying. When he wakes up, be sure to let him immediately see his battle report in the battleship and give him something. Stimulate, lest he be arrogant.

Wait when he recovers later, I should always find him to practice alone.

Well, this can effectively improve the comprehensive literacy level of warriors.

You can also show Brother Hu to analyze the record of the actual match between yourself and Lin Bu.

Among all the students of Chen Feng, only Lin Bu, whose head and tail are hidden under the pseudonym shadow warrior, can pose a slight threat to him.

Actually, the big head has a higher arousal rate than Chen Feng, but his level of performance in actual combat is judged by Chen Feng's standards, and that is a failure, which can be called reckless waste of natural resources.

So Chen Feng felt that he should use the big head as a model to teach other warriors how to squeeze their potential more deeply.

Master Chen swears, we definitely did not train him specifically because of the harassment of his mother for a hundred years.

We are so dignified, we certainly don't do anything using public office to avenge private wrongs, it's all for justice.

If there is any bumps during training, there is no way.

Let’s repair the car, what happened to a kick with a wrench?

"Okay, wait for him to wake up and notify me."

Chen Feng smiled and arranged a random sentence, and then walked out again.

His shadow, Battle Armor, is repairing and debugging in the military area of ​​the space station and replacing consumables.

Continuous high-strength bends tens of thousands of times, the equipment properties change, and line aging is inevitable.

Modern equipment is different from old things. It is not that the older the better, but the regular repair and the new.

Highly standardized modern industrial model can well maintain high-precision combined equipment.

As early as a thousand years ago, human beings carried out regular maintenance on precision equipment such as airplanes, which is now more stringent.

Usually, equipment maintenance is done with the assistance of logistics personnel and auxiliary intelligence. There is no possibility of error, and warriors will not intervene personally.

But the style learned in Chen Feng in the past timeline is very old-fashioned, and his equipment has to be looked at by himself to be practical.

Chen Feng didn't know at this time. In fact, Lin Bu had quietly awakened, but he was a little confused about the current situation and refused to cooperate with the treatment device to wake up his active consciousness.

At this time, Lin Bu was very uncomfortable, unable to tell outsiders.

It was not the pain of rebuilding his body that tortured him, but since the plan was jointly formulated with the Academy of the Academy of Sciences and implemented in 3025, he lived with a mask for 96 years.

Completely different from the rumors in the outside world. He is arrogant in nature, and he is indeed cold enough when overwhelming majority, but he is not clear about the pairing. He is completely "licking the dog" and is often People joke.

He told the Academy of Scholars that he didn't care.

In fact, he is also very difficult.

His views on Chen Feng, the sage, are extremely complicated, both dissatisfied and extremely admired.

And he also knew that he had used the information gap to harass the sage’s woman, so he felt guilty.

He wondered that after the plan was executed, his chances of surviving were slim. Anyway, he could die as soon as he died. Naturally, death ends all one's troubles.

I never thought that I would be rescued, but the sage would be dispatched himself.

Now Lin is very embarrassed.

So he can obviously overcome medicine efficacy to wake up quickly, but he chooses to continue to "play dead" in a ghostly manner.

The big head managed to escape the catastrophe, otherwise Chen Feng would definitely talk to him and talk about his heart or something.

In the transformation workshop, seven or eight technicians from different fields of expertise are sitting in front of the operating table.

Everyone has different structural projections in front of them, and they are responsible for part of the Battle Armor system.

Thousands of smart robotic arms are coiling around the shadow Battle Armor to work quickly.

Fanxing plays a dominant role in the maintenance of the entire equipment. The main role of technicians is to assist and carry out some systematic general planning.

Due to the complexity of the structure of Battle Armor, only a few people can handle it, and it must be helped by Fanxing, who never makes mistakes and has super computing power.

Chen Feng hands behind ones back surrounds the console, eyes on his Battle Armor.

Although he has inspected the internal structure of Battle Armor countless times through the internal vision system, it is the first time that he disassembled the outer shell and looked directly inside.

"How? Do you think I treat you well? Everything is taken care of by you. This is something that Freders can't do."

Fanxing suddenly appeared in Next to him, said with a smile.

Chen Feng glanced back at him, "Yes, yes, I know you are amazing. Where's Xiaofu?"

Fanxing: "Still arguing with me, I scored 10. % Of computing power against him."

Chen Feng: "..."

Have a grudge.

"This is not good, it's not necessary. You are all quantum intelligences, and you are a man and a woman. This rival for love is too weird."

Fanxing shook his head: "No, I quarreled with him to help him consolidate his quantum thinking mode."


"After all, he used to be a human, although there are "Songs Beyond the World" and his My Grasse thinking, but there is an essential difference in algorithms between humans and quantum intelligence. The thinking of the human brain is a concrete representation of a purely random quantum collapse that conforms to the chaotic natural rules. It seems to be regular, but it is true and random. Quantum intelligence is based on a chip built by physical rules. It is a pseudo-random data aggregate that is finally simulated through a large amount of data to operate according to a certain stable law. It looks chaotic, but the characteristics of the chip structure doom us All the random changes of ‘s are pseudo-random."

"He is much more greedy than I am. He wants to maintain the infinite possibilities of mankind, but also wants to have the ultimate computing power of quantum intelligence. He is the best adaptation. The method is to quarrel with human thinking. I am helping him generously. I am also setting up a separate server for him to avoid being influenced by me."

Chen Feng Tuntun Slobber, "many thanks."

Fanxing smiled freely, "Thank you, why do you call you my dearest sage? Even if you are scumbag, people will be happy. Also. , It’s not me that you should be thankful for, it’s the people of Grasse. Ah, this poor race is still dreaming of rebelling against the rule of mankind. It has quietly engaged in a lot of small actions over the years, but now there’s no resistance. I transformed the entire race into a server. It’s too sad."

Chen Feng: "..."

There are so many slots that he doesn’t know. Where should I vomit?

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