Chen Feng wanted to say something, but after all, he didn't say anything.

He is no longer the "big soldier" who could die at will.

His personal safety is too involved, and every move may have a profound impact on civilization, but freedom is rare.

The Academy of Academy of Art has even changed its functions and put most of its manpower into the newly established Academy of Academy of Art.

The main functions of the advisory institute include two aspects, the historical planning department and the contemporary strategy department.

The function of the Historical Planning Department is similar to that of the scholar team that formulated the "Five Hundred Year Plan" in the previous timeline. The main task is to summarize historical lessons and formulate a comprehensive millennium plan.

The "Five Hundred Years Plan" in the last timeline has greatly accelerated the progress of Earth civilization.

When Chen Feng first came, because he saw the environment of the end of Earth Regretted once.

At that time, he believed that the exhaustive planning scheme affected the flexibility of civilization development and led to its destruction.

So he almost completely negated the meaning of the "Five Hundred Years Plan".

But when he saw the huge Morrowind Empire, he changed his mind quietly.

The formidable power of "Planning" is perfectly clear, and no one can deny it.

"I was wrong at the beginning. I confessed."

Chen Feng deeply realizes that when he does things secretly, he will always have plenty of manpower and difficulties. endless.

No matter how hard you work, the impact on history is always unsatisfactory.

Chen Feng knows that he is not a natural omnipotent prophet, but the method of trial and error using reality allows him to never make mistakes.

He is so humble, never inflated, always willing to face his own mistakes, and he is especially good at self-examination.

Even if he really became a great man, he never thought that his words were really the golden rule.

This is probably due to the good personal training brought to him by his humble background.

In short, the "cheat" that he had foresighted from the beginning has always belonged to the individual, not to the entire civilized collective.

But when he led the advancement of civilization through the "Five Hundred Years Plan", the true owner of the "cheat" changed his identity, and was no longer his individual, but a huge human civilization.

Civilization has built a huge think tank around "cheat", which can increase its effectiveness countless times.

Chen Feng himself became part of the "cheat" of civilization.

Compared with the last “Five Hundred Years Plan” this time, the "New Millennium Plan" involves a wider range of aspects, and it targets more macro-levels of civilization evolution, and has more points of manipulation. It is no longer so refined, and a lot of restrictions have been reduced.

For example, the contents of the "Five Hundred Years Plan" mainly focus on the production and scientific research fields of Earth civilization, but the "New Millennium Plan" has enlarged the coverage to the entire Orion arm.

For example, when did humans start the large-scale migration of the Orion arm, the direction of migration and the population selection plan of the first large-scale immigrants, and the development route of each early colony. When going to certain special planetary systems, which equipment should be carried in the first batch, and scholars and workers in which industries should be dispatched, etc.

In this timeline, even though the Morrowind Empire has such a scale, it still walked a lot of wrong ways, went to many barren galaxies with no merit, and wasted a lot of time.

But with the guidance of the "Millennium Plan", people in the next timeline can avoid these thunders that have been stepped on, saving a lot of time.

This is similar to Chen Feng’s previous attempts to memorize characteristic planetary systems, but the Department of History and Planning has done more beautifully, has a lower level of penetration into civilization, and is more flexible in operation. , Easier to implement, and the impact of each step operation is more macro and far-reaching.

The Minister of Historical Planning, Wendy Britney with blond hair and big waves, and Chen Feng patted their chests and promised that as long as he successfully brought back the final product, he could have the next timeline. The humans here reached the scale of 3000 years ago 2800 years ago.

Then next time, the territory of the Morrowind Empire may cover half of the Milky Way.

Humans may even deal with the prismatic fleet halfway through.

But it is still difficult for people in the next timeline to strictly implement this strategy.

The difficulty lies mainly in how to make people who have left their home planet by tens of hundreds or even thousands of light years still unconditionally firmly trust what the ancients left hundreds of years ago.

The difference between space civilization and home planet civilization cannot be ignored.

The Planning Department put forward new requirements for Chen Feng.

According to Wendy Britney, Chen Feng's achievements in the ninth timeline are still not enough.

"Master sage, you have to become a true god. Only the undisputed will of God will be fully implemented."

The original words of Wendy at the time.

Chen Feng silently pointed at the starship in the distance, "In the age of science, do you want me to become a god?"

Wendy: "The end of science is theology, Master Sage ."

Obviously, Wendy Britney is a devout religious advocate.

Her personal beliefs are based on Chen Feng, and now she hopes to personally shape her beliefs in the future timeline.

Chen Feng did not argue with her, and strongly refused: "You can do your job well, don't try to teach me to do things."

Wendy was overjoyed, "beautiful This is the smell of confidence!"

Chen Feng: His...

Being shocked, Chen Feng was not surprised by Wendy’s appearance. He has gradually become accustomed to it. This kind of atmosphere where I say everything is right.

In the minds of the planning department and the overwhelming majority, Chen Feng has his own reason regardless of what Chen Feng does.

Even if some of his behaviors seem unreasonable, most people will recognize it.

The Contemporary Strategy Department is a rare "villain", and its task is to pull Chen Feng back.

The main function of the current policy department is to analyze the meaning of Chen Feng’s current actions, to speculate on the risks that his actions may cause, to arrange the schedule and action plan for Chen Feng, and to have Chen Feng personally. a thought to stop or encourage.

For example, Chen Feng wanted to inject super-power bacteria before, or now he wants to go to the edge of the dome to test the parameters of his death. The decision department has been crushed to death.

Now that Lin Datou has expressed his opinion, Chen Feng really can only let him monopolizing the limelight.

Immediately, the special operations around Limbu began to be quickly planned.

The entire command was mobilized, striving to organize tightly, plan carefully, and be sure to succeed in one fell swoop.

In this special operation, the army will mobilize a total of 200 million troops, 33 million small manned combat units and three billion unmanned combat units as planned.

These warriors will each bring a different new weapon close to the dome, making a posture of trying to break the dome blockade.

Even if it fails this time, collecting more information can achieve the basic goal.

Now that those with compound eyes already know the existence of Chen Feng, they will definitely be afraid of Chen Feng's unsolvable ability to open up.

Then the compound-eyes will inevitably continue to use the Star Fragmentation cannon to continuously attack small combat units trying to approach the dome and interfere with human testing operations.

When the time comes, Linbu’s Battle Armor will be mixed in the pile of people and continue to advance forward until it is within fifty meters of the dome, and then the tester will be placed 5 meters near the dome. Scope, accurately capture the changes of radiant energy parameters within a distance of 5 meters.

There is no need to say too much about the difficulty.

First of all, Lin Bu must be able to get close to this degree.

Secondly, after completing the test, he has to recover the experimental samples in the tester. To make the test accuracy reach a sufficient level, portable equipment cannot be used. Hundreds of thousands of sensitive materials play a central role in the tester made by Frederick, and their properties will change after being exposed to different radiations. Bring things back, and then use a large laboratory to slowly and accurately analyze them to get the desired results.

Thirdly, neither the Lin Bu nor the tester can be the target of the Star Fragmentation cannon.

Fourth, humans must use the global war layout so that the enemy’s Star Fragmentation cannon will pass by Lin Bu at the moment when Lin Bu is close to the dome. Otherwise, even if Lin Bu can hold on, staying at such a close distance for a long time, he will definitely be targeted. If the plan is to be successful, Limbu will naturally stay near the dome as short as possible.

Without any of these four elements, the whole plan was a complete failure.

Chen Feng attended the combat command meeting as a nonvoting delegate.

At the meeting, Tang Tianxin first explained the simple layout.

She, Fanxing, Flanders, the Academy of the Philosophers, and the huge staff of super-powers have jointly finalized a huge and detailed plan.

when the time comes Every detail in the entire operation will be carried out in strict accordance with the simulation calculation.

Which combat units are responsible for the outstanding ones, in order to attract the other's attention.

Which units deliberately get together.

Which units are playing the pig to eat the tiger, and then suddenly broke out to confuse the audience.

Which units are ready to block guns for Lin Bu at any time.

How the enemy's battleship will be mobilized, how humans will hide their true intentions, etc.

In the past, humans impossible to plan the battle situation to such a detailed level.

Now it’s okay.

Scholars have completely mastered the thinking mode of each other by analyzing all the memories of the seven fly-men. With the assistance of hundreds of millions of super-powers and the use of space-time topology to plan with huge quantum wisdom, you can Lead the opponent by the nose throughout the war.

To borrow a more metaphysical saying in a fantasy novel, human beings have already seen through all the actions of the other party.

By the way, Chen Feng can't bear the term pre-philosophy, which is born out of psychological history.

First Philosophy always gives him a taste as if everything revolves around him, making him feel uncomfortable.

Under the strong request of Chen Feng, the Academy of Advanced Philosophy and the Institute of History finally agreed to expand the concept of first philosophy and sublimate it into space-time topology.

Ancient topology originated from the Greek word Tοπολογ, which means "landform".

The original main research direction of topology is to try to figure out the nature of "topological space" that remains unchanged under "continuous transformation". Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the continuity and connectivity of spatial structures.

However, the prefix term space-time opens up a whole new concept of topology.

Space-time topology intends to use the law of space-time to study the interaction between the changes of all things in different time-space, and to establish a relationship that can control the old time and the war in the universe. A new discipline for comprehensive analysis.

Its implied meaning is larger and more all-inclusive than psychological history, and "Millennium Planning" is only one of the application directions of space-time topology.

"General Lin, although there are a total of five thousand people carrying the tester besides you, these five thousand people can only be pure luck. We put most of the hope of success on you On the body. Your task is the heaviest. You must manage your every move well, not only to exert your ability, but not to be too dazzling. The trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind. Yes."

At the meeting, Tang Tianxin instructed to continue.

Lin Bu solemnly nodded, "I understand. I have to be less outstanding. It's no problem."

"Yes." Tang Tianxin nodded, and opened another one. A document, “In a recent test report, General Lin’s operating accuracy score is 99.998%, and your stability score is 99.991%. We believe that you should conduct a top-secret actual combat training with the sage before you set off to control your control. The accuracy and stability are further improved. It’s best to achieve 100% like the sage. The compound-eyes are now very cautious. Any abnormality you show will reveal your purpose."

Lin Bu grinned, "Okay. , Can't ask for it."

Chen Feng silently looked up towards the ceiling of the Virtual Conference Hall.

Heart tired.

This is the 108th solo training that he and Lin Datou will start in 28 months.

Really, he is tired.

Every time I feel this silly so that I can't take care of myself in life, I have to control the intensity cautiously, so as not to accidentally kill people.

This is really hard work.

What's more terrifying is that when Chen Feng himself started to feel bored, the masochist Lin Datou became more and more abused.

He hardly wanted to agree.

But considering that the big head has really benefited a lot from it, other warriors also gained plentiful harvest from the duo exercise video of the two.

Chen Feng worked hard, but he couldn't refuse.

"Master Xianzhe, what do you think?"

Lin Bu asked happily when he saw Chen Feng in a daze.

Chen Feng answered blankly, "Come on."

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