Looking at the child's mother who suddenly became a little stranger, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment.

She is smiling, but there is no joy in her smile, only a faint relief and depression.

"Chen Feng, there is one thing I don't really understand. Obviously you are the one who has seen the most sacrifices, and you yourself have died many times in battle. I thought you would have the greatest consciousness. But..."

Chen Feng: "It's probably because I was born in the 21st century. My outlook on life was built in that era, so even if I have survived in this world, For a long time, some deep-rooted things will not be changed easily. But this is harmless and will not affect my decision-making ability. Our age spans a thousand years, and some things you think as it should be by rights, I I can’t learn it, and I don’t plan to learn."

Tang Tianxin was slightly nodded, "Well, I understand."

"If it's okay, go and work." Chen Feng said Waved his hand.

Now the war in the asteroid belt is still unstoppable, and Tang Tianxin, the commander-in-chief, cannot leave his post for too long.

Chen Feng has been watching Tang Tianxin turn around and leave, thinking silently, in fact, he has no right to complain about Tang Tianxin's "cold blood".

If possible, she should also want to be kind and gentle.

But the times have created humanity, and it is not accurate to look at the years of war from the eyes of the times of peace.

even more how This is a civilized war that no one can stay out of.

People have become what they are today, and it is impossible to say who did it wrong.

Destiny has never been so.

It wasn't until Tang Tianxin's silhouette stepped onto the shuttle that Chen Feng quickly turned around and returned to the exit hatch.

There are more than 40,000 warriors waiting for him over there.

Just now, Chen Feng appointed himself as the chief of Legion Legion.

From now on, he will personally take this group of the strongest battle strength into the battle.

As long as you can live, you can live as long as you can, Chen Feng thought.

Anyway, I can’t wait for Xiaofu’s research results, it would be better to die sooner, it would be a lot easier.

But his fantasy was shattered after thirty seconds.

Chen Feng found that even if he wanted to die, he had to look at the "faces" of others.

Ou Qinglan contacted him.

"Boss, I am taking someone to build a new type of tester. Three days later, when the gamma-ray burst arrives, you will probably have to go there in person."

Some people are called Chen Feng, a sage, Xiaofu called his brother, Tang Tianxin called his name directly, and Ou Qinglan is different, called Chen Feng Boss.

She probably read some historical materials and learned the joking call when an ancient scientific researcher "enslaved" a scientific research dog.

Chen Feng first refused decisively, "I am now a Legion, and I have to go to battle myself. This kind of scientific research task should be handed over to intelligent robots, I have no time."

"Boss, isn't it good? We have calculated that we cannot reach the edge of the dome with artificial intelligence equipment."

Chen Feng said to the empty hand, "what does that matter? What if the test is successful? , What can I do if I fail? Anyway, I can’t analyze anything. I might as well be on the battlefield. Then I can at least kill a few more blade beetles and delay a little longer."

"no no no , Boss. This time is different. In the field of scientific research, there is a saying similar to cultivator sudden enlightenment. The result of Flanders Academician’s previous calculation is to calculate for a thousand years, but that is just a simulation of computing power in the conventional sense. . If we can break through certain key nodes, we will have the opportunity to greatly reduce computational requirements."

"A thousand years ago, humans studied in quantum mechanics, string theory, cosmic physics and other fields. During the advancement process, there have been similar states. For example, the first discovery of gravitational waves by mankind has brought great help to basic physics research in the 21st century."

"For five hundred years, we have Almost all of the footprints of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way have covered tens of billions of planetary systems. There are no microscopic laws in the Orion Arm that we have not seen before. Our understanding of the universe has reached a considerable depth. But This is not enough. We must go further."

"The solar dome is an unnatural creation from outside the Milky Way, or even outside the Virgo Supercluster. Civilization is fighting for extinction. When a low-level civilization sees it, it is doomed. In theory, no low-level civilization has the opportunity to study it like we do, and bring the results back after the study."

"This is a disaster we have to face, but because of your existence, the disaster has become our opportunity. Each experiment will indeed kill a lot of people, but it is worth it. I don’t fully agree with Freders According to the judgment, I think the collision between the excess gamma-ray burst and the dome will inevitably bring some information that we have never seen before."

"The total mass of the Pokama is 450 times that of the sun, which is more than R136a1 The stars are still heavy. This collision will create the largest gamma-ray burst ever in the observable universe! Gravitational storms will move the entire Milky Way galaxy to more than 10 million kilometers. This super-ray burst with a diameter of 200 million kilometers will be It will last for more than three hours. The opportunity is never repeated. So, Boss, go out in person. There is not much time left for us."

Ou Qinglan said a lot in one breath.

One hour later, the T2 Action Task Force was formally established.

Different from the T1 operation, the T2 operation task force consists of only 300 shadow warriors and 1,200 knife warriors, and the number of supporting artificial intelligence combat units is as many as 30 billion.

After three consecutive days of emergency intensive training and simulation drills, the T2 Operation Task Force was officially launched.

Chen Feng entire group quietly approached the front line of the asteroid belt under the cover of hundreds of mobile combat ships.

30 billion unmanned combat units have already been brought forward by different transport ships in batches, and they will be decisively deployed on a large scale only after the squad arrives.

On the way forward, Chen Feng looked at the parameters of the detector and couldn't help being sighed.

Because gamma-ray bursts are likely to cause interference to the instrument and damage the test sample, the new tester is equipped with a number of interference devices.

This puts tremendous pressure on the demand for production technology and special materials. So far, only two testers with the highest accuracy have been produced.

One of them is at Chen Feng and the other is at Ding Hu.

Ding Hu is also on the front line this time.

Chen Feng's students have walked out of many shocking and stunning powerhouses.

But just as the more expert you are, the easier it is to die in disputes between the rivers and lakes. Now with the actions time and time again, the first batch of Peak students have been killed one after another.

There is not much left in the second and third batches that have grown up one after another.

Ding Hu, who didn't show much in combat ability, suddenly grew up.

A few days ago, Ding Hu’s favorite great-great-great-granddaughter Ding Wen died in battle. After that, Ding Hu shut herself in the door of the room for three hours.

When he came out again, his appearance changed drastically. His black hair and beard were all white, as if he had been aged hundreds of years in a very short time.

Chen Feng almost thought that Brother Hu would not work anymore and it would be difficult to get out of this hurdle.

I never thought that Ding Hu's genetic arousal rate soared from 45% to 47.53% in an instant.

Not only that, when Brother Hu wore a new type of shadow Battle Armor, the level of manipulation suddenly rose, giving people a sense of resembles nature itself, just like the martial arts Grandmaster who has accumulated knowledge and delivered it slowly.

Ding Hu's control feature is different from Chen Feng's pursuit of extreme operation, and the emphasis is on systemization.

After that, Ding Hu was finally able to use his own operation video to make tutorials, giving other warriors new choices.

Others learning Chen Feng is to challenge their own limit of innate talent and keep raising the upper limit of innate talent, but learning Ding Hu is to try to make their own abilities more perfect.

"Brother Hu, when it gets closer, there will be a blade beetle trying to fight you, and you must also use optical signals to capture the aiming position of the Star Fragmentation gun..."

Chen Feng deliberately opened the personal communication and asked.

Ding Hu is free and easy. He declined Chen Feng's kindness, only that he can't learn Chen Feng's extreme manipulation, but he will use his own methods to maximize it.

"Chen Feng, don’t worry. Before I die, make sure that the other party will not notice you and you will not die."

Chen Feng: "I don’t want you to be The meaning of bait."

"I know, but someone has to do the right thing, right?"

Chen Feng was silent for a moment, "Yes."

Ahead, about to reach the asteroid belt.

Compared with a few days ago, the asteroid belt has undergone drastic changes.

The shattered metal remains flying all over the sky.

Almost never see a complete asteroid over ten kilometers in length.

Countless rock fragments have turned into stardust and floated, and they no longer gather near the ecliptic plane.

The combat intensity on the front line has been greatly reduced, and there are no more human battleships and combat units.

A large number of blade beetles patrolled around, sweeping away the remnants of humanity.

The Defensive Array line of the asteroid belt has been breached, but the compound-eyes did not impatiently order the blade beetles to rush in and sweep in, but continue to clean up the periphery.

The beam of the Star Fragmentation cannon in the distance passes through the dome from time to time, piercing deep inside.

Chen Feng glanced at the star map, and the warriors and smart machines have been in place one after another.

He only gave a simple order.

"Go forward."

In the next instant, countless artificial intelligence combat units were suddenly released from concealment, turning on the curvature-like engine and rushing forward.

Chen Feng and 1,500 warriors were mixed in the smart unit and quietly moved forward, continued to approach, and launched a pounce.

The compound-eyed person immediately noticed the movement here, and was almost completely unprepared, immediately mobilizing the blade beetles to gather here, trying to block the progress of human beings.

Chen Feng is no longer distracted, he just goes forward again along the route he has booked in his heart.

Follow the law and keep going all the way.

This time, the speed at which the compound-eyes mobilized the prismatic ship accelerated, making a gesture of vowing to block all human units from approaching.

The same pit, the impossible with compound eyes fell twice in it.

As the number of ships on this side increases, Chen Feng's pressure is also increasing.

But at this moment, Chen Feng's prismatic ship in front of him suddenly dispersed frantically, trying to run away quickly.

Chen Feng knows what happened.

Gamma-ray bursts are about to arrive.

This reveals one thing.

Such a gamma-ray burst can cause damage to the cruiser or the compound-eyed people inside.

After a short while, the outside of the dome in front of Chen Feng became empty.

Without the threat of the Star Fragmentation cannon, only the blade beetle, he has become more comfortable.

Ten minutes later, Chen Feng successfully reached the edge of the dome.

He is at the position where a gamma-ray burst with a diameter of 200 million kilometers hits the edge of the dome.

Chen Feng looked at the stars outside.

After the prismatic disappeared briefly, the starry sky became peaceful.

Chen Feng thought to himself in the heart while releasing the tester.

How many years have you seen such a peaceful and peaceful universe?

When the ancients looked at the starry sky and chanted poems, they must never have imagined that everything in the universe would be so terrifying?

Tzzzzzzz Zi.

The unfathomable mystery in the traditionally stable communication device makes the sound of signal interference.

The battlefield simulation projection suddenly disappeared, and the noisy communication channel suddenly lost the slightest signal.

Chen Feng, who was accustomed to all aspects of artificial intelligence help, suddenly fell into a completely silent situation.

He was a little uncomfortable at first, but slowly he reacted.

He floated quietly in the air, as if returning to the days when he was lying on the roof alone when he was a teenager, with his head resting on his hands and watching the stars.

Unfathomable mystery, in this critical moment, he fell into a peaceful and peaceful state.

On the dome that was invisible to naked eye, a faint blue gleam gradually appeared.

The gamma-ray burst with a diameter of 210 million kilometers officially arrived, shining onto the dome.

It is slightly larger than the 200 million kilometers calculated by calculation by 10 million kilometers.

Fortunately, the dome could resist for the time being. Chen Feng calmly switched the Battle Armor to manual mode and began to drag the tester to the edge.

It's useless to panic, anyway, it can only be at this speed.

If he can't escape, he will definitely be exposed to the radiation.

Then he will probably die.

This is nothing to regret.

A wise man must have a mistake when he thinks about it.

This time, human beings have calculated so many things correctly, and it is reasonable to calculate the diameter of a ray burst wrongly.

This is fate. So he didn't have any thoughts to blame anyone, let alone any regrets.

The blue rays of light are getting stronger and stronger, even easily overwhelming the glow of the starry sky.

Look at naked eye, the universe has become a shallow blue ocean.

The tester has been collecting data, and Chen Feng himself is also observing with naked eye.

Yes, the fully intelligent detector has stopped working, and now he can only rely on naked eye.

As the light blue rays of light become more and more dazzling, it turns to blue again.

The blade beetle, who had been attacking Chen Feng not far away, suddenly fell into a static state.

Chen Feng's brain also began to have tearing pain.

But this doesn't cause him much trouble. Compared with the quantum entanglement he once felt, this is also inseparable.

The invisible and colorless dome began to oscillate like ripples.

While shaking, a little crack began to appear on the dome.

It seems...

It's going to be broken.

Chen Feng briefly looked at the fold parameters.

Sure enough, the space has now entered a state of extreme chaos, and a leap is equivalent to death.

Chen Feng thought silently.

I am going to die.

This time there seems to be no chance to stand till the end.

Ou Qinglan, as a naive person, surely could not have imagined that the great sage sage would die under such a funny oolong, right?

The calculation is wrong for 10 million kilometers.


I'm so laughing.

He is quite happy, not angry at all.

Because, although he was dying, it was so for a long time. For the first time, he saw something that could break the dome of "invincibility"!

This is the first time Chen Feng and everyone have seen changes on the dome.

From then on, the dome is no longer invincible!

During the flight, Chen Feng seemed to have hallucinations in his ears, and he vaguely heard a sound like glass breaking.

The cracks in the dome are getting bigger and bigger.

It broke apart.

Chen Feng closed his eyes to die.

But almost at the same time, a wide silhouette appeared above him, flying parallel to him outside the coverage of the ray burst.

The shield on the silhouette armor is full of energy, which temporarily stretched him into an umbrella.

"Look, I said. Before I die, you won't die."

Chen Feng looked up at the silhouette facing him, looking through the Battle Armor mask.

His Ding Hu, who is looking ahead and smiling, said with such a mouth.

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