When the elevator went up to the eighth floor, Tang Shuang did not immediately rush to the front desk of Xingfeng Games to find someone. Instead, he pulled Chen Feng aside and chatted with him for a long time.

Chen Feng now knows who Tang Shuang’s boyfriend is.

An e-sports expert and top game producer, named Luo Ji, is also on the list he provided to Meng Xiaozhou.

Compared with Chen Liangqi and He Anqi, the two current "Mengxin Shuangqi", Luo Ji became famous much earlier.

Although Luo Ji is only twenty-five years old now, the same age as Chen Feng, as early as 18 years ago, the seven-year-old Luo Ji already played invincible in the whole world because of the King of Fighters arcade. Rise to fame in Yangcheng, known as the e-sports prodigy of Yangcheng, also known as the king of fighters.

Later, Tong Di's reputation was so great that the reporter wanted to interview him. Only then did Luo's father know that his treasured son had been "indulged in games" since the first grade of elementary school. .

Since then, Tong Di Luo Ji was brutally suppressed, and he hid the front of Namang and became a legend of the world. Until the age of sixteen, Luo Ji and his father had a complete stalemate and ran away from home.

At this time, the King of Fighters is already declining, and there is no game that can give him a living. He simply switched to War Star Inter-Hegemony, started in January, participated in the City Challenge in February, and won the world-class tournament four months later. Champion and enter the Hall of Fame.

Luo Ji later switched to a number of competitive games and retired quickly after winning the world championship in a MOBA game at the age of 25.

According to his own words, he clearly perceives that when he is over 25 years old, his nerve reaction speed slows down, and no matter how hard he trains, he can’t catch up with himself, instead of looking at himself. After falling to Peak, I was ridiculed. It would be better to retreat from the rapids to open up the second battle field of life.

According to the normal historical trajectory, Luo Ji first found a well-known game development company to work, and quit his job to start a business within two years.

This man's entrepreneurial life is not easy, he often stumbles. But the reason why he stumbled was not that the quality of the things he made was not good, but that as a severely obsessive-compulsive patient, he was too idealistic and was so refined in his works that he always exceeded the investor’s budget, so he could only produce semifinished in the end. The product came, or tens of millions were burned in vain, but nothing that could be released was made.

Before Chen Feng founded Xingfeng Games and began to produce "Compound Eyes Crisis", Luo Ji had reached the top many times and had fallen to the bottom many times.

Chen Feng focused on this person because his own financial resources can make up for Luo Ji’s only shortcoming, "poor."

Furthermore, Chen Feng's strict requirements for "Crisis of Compound Eyes" are even more exaggerated than Luo Ji.

It is most suitable for Luo Ji to work for him.

Chen Feng brought this man closer to his company, with the goal of letting him and Mengxin Shuangqi form the troika carriage of Xingfeng Games.

Chen Feng didn’t know the details of Meng Xiaozhou’s digging, but after hearing what Tang Shuang said, he knew that Luo Ji at first had already taken an offer from another big company in Hanzhou Cultural Industry Park. , So he rejected Meng Xiaozhou at first.

But then I didn't know where Luo Ji went to find out that Star Front Games's Public Area Point was in Tianming Building. He would rather drop his salary and take the initiative to find Meng Xiaozhou to eat the grass instead of coming here.

As for how Tang Shuang and Luo Ji met, it doesn't matter how Chen Feng dug Luo Ji here.

These two people have known each other very early. Long before Luo Ji became the King of Fighters, he was six years old.

Chen Feng sighed: "Fate is a wonderful thing. The childhood sweethearts of you two are really going to be a good story."

Tang Shuang's face is slightly red "Actually, it’s not. I’m a good child who studies hard. I talked to him a lot in the first grade of elementary school. Later, he played in the game hall every day, so the social interaction was less. Six months ago, my girlfriends dragged me to accompany me. She watched the game and saw him win the championship. I thought of this person. At that time, I didn’t think much, so I told my girlfriend that this was my elementary school classmate. But within two weeks, he actually called me first. My girlfriend got into his fan group and made a small report. I just knew he had been looking for me all these years."

Chen Feng smiled, "This is fate, fate is here, naturally where water flows, a canal is formed. I wish you all grow old together."

"Why don’t you get old together, you can’t make any progress. I’ll tell you that this person has a very mental disorder. Saying that you want to marry me, what nonsense is the child following my surname."

"That's it! Isn't that good?"

Chen Feng he he he smiled. Suddenly a little overjoyed.

This life experience is really amazing.

He suddenly recalled some historical materials.

In order to prevent accidents and ensure that the child's mother can be born smoothly, he has always wanted to know Tang Tianxin's family origins, and spent a lot of effort to investigate.

Unfortunately, unlike the wealthy and prominent families such as Lu's and Ou's, Tang Tianxin has always come from an ordinary family in different timelines. When there are accidents, his parents and parents are just comparisons. Excellent military and scientific research personnel.

In the 21st century to the 22nd century, human information storage capacity has not been surplus, ordinary persons rarely record genealogy, and household registration files are often reset and cleared after death. Therefore, Chen Feng can only push Tang Tianxin's genealogy forward to the beginning of the 23rd century every time.

Now because of Tang Shuang's incident, Chen Feng suddenly came up with a very strange idea.

Could Tang Shuang be the ancestor of Tang Tianxin?

Although there is no evidence, Chen Feng is preconceived and can really see some similarities between the two men's eyebrows. Combined with Luo Ji's innate talent, the probability is getting bigger and bigger.

Chen Feng couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Fortunately, I am a good person from the very beginning. I have never hurt Tang Shuang and let her keep her childhood sweethearts marriage at the right time.

No, if you make a mistake inadvertently, it is likely that you will lose your child's mother, and mankind will lose the best military commander in history.

So, good people will always get rewards.

Sometimes letting go is also a gain.

Chen Feng remembered the delicate and pretty youngster's face on Luo Ji's resume again.

This guy...

He should really love Tang Shuang.

"You must be good. When you get married, please remember to inform me that I will come to have a wedding wine, and I will prepare a big gift for you."

It’s red, "Don’t, don’t! You are too polite, who wants to marry him."

"hahahaha! Let’s do that first. I have to go in for a meeting. Oh, yes, my meeting Luo Ji also has to participate, and it may be delayed for a long time. What can you do with him? Are you in a hurry?"

"Huh?" Tang Shuang showed a loss of expression on his face.

Chen Feng smiled secretly.

This person is actually duplicity, annoying and nonsense about others, but in fact, he is obviously looking forward to meeting.

She will be touched by Luo Ji tomorrow morning.

"In this way, if we are the Boss, I will personally authorize you to participate in my meeting. You can sit next to Luo Ji, but when you look back, you have to make it clear to Zeng, I am not digging people. "

"en. Thank you."

Tang Shuang nodded.

Chen Feng walked in with someone.

Tang Shuang didn't know that with just a few words, Chen Feng had arranged perfectly clear for her and Luo Ji's next life.

Even if Chen Feng is not sure, as long as there is a one-tenth chance that he will have a relationship with the child's mother, he will be ready.

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