People’s reactions have nothing common with each other.

Iron leaned back on the chair fiercely, covering his chest and gasping for breath, as if out of breath.

He was the first to guess the truth among the newly added three, but he was the one who suffered the most.

What Chen Feng said was the belief he firmly believed in until now, but when the long-term worries became reality, his heart suddenly broke like a tight spring.

Song Siyu's reaction was not that big, but he also seemed very confused, and seemed to be skeptical.

Ou Guohua stood up suddenly, "It's almost..."

He wanted to say it was ridiculous, but when the words came to his throat, he suddenly remembered the person in front of him. identity.

A terrifying idea arose in his mind.

Is Chen Feng not joking?

Is this true?

Ou Guohua felt a little dry mouth, and pointed to the title of the paper behind Chen Feng, "This is your evidence?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes."

"But it's too unimaginable."

Chen Feng: "In ancient times, if people say that one day humans can fly in the sky like birds, they will also It feels unimaginable. You think so because you don't understand."

Ou Guohua was silent for a long time.

Ou Junlang quietly pulled the corner of father's clothes next to him.

Ou Guohua finally sat down slowly and said: "Sorry, I took the liberty to interrupt you."

Chen Feng shook his head, "It's okay, your reaction This is what I expected. To be precise, the reaction of the three of you is the same."

"Iron, you are a scientist, and you have been in contact with alien civilizations a long time ago. Threatening argument. When you are engaged in scientific research, you must have been surprised more than once by the wonderful geometric structure of microorganisms. You will be immersed in "why the evolution of Earth biology presents such a wonderful law", "what is it?" In the questions that influence our genes to evolve in this direction','Does extraterrestrial life have the same characteristics?','Will there be other types of life in the universe', I don’t need to remind you, and even you yourself will actively think, "If one day aliens invade, what should we do?" There have been many similar blockbuster films in Hollywood, and you have even served as a scientific consultant for them."

Chen Feng talked a lot, but in fact it concluded Coming down is just one meaning.

The smarter the brain and the closer to the truth of science, the easier it is for people to "think wildly."

True top scientists are very complicated, and in a sense are atheists. When they are constantly pursuing the limits of science, every top scientist will have something in his mind that cannot talk to outsiders. The God of Names".

This so-called inexplicable god was actually born from the pursuit of scientific limits in the minds of every scientist, a certain kind of answer that is destined to be unavailable in his lifetime.

When the intensity of obsession exceeds a certain limit, it will become a trembling fear in people's minds just after thinking.

Chen Feng knows Yilun very well. There is no doubt that Yilun's fear lies in the alien life he can't ask for.

"Song Siyu's reaction was between you and Yilun, President Ou. She is a front-line scientific researcher, and at the same time she has never been separated from the identity of an ordinary person."

"Ou, you are different from Yilun. Scientists deal with knowledge. You are a businessman, which is the other extreme. Although you are a technology company, you deal with people the most. And you are still a very good person. A successful businessman, your identity determines your mode of thinking, and you are extremely pragmatic when you consider problems. You are busy with official business, how can you have time to think about aliens? President Ou, you are afraid that you don't even have any interest in movies, right?"

Ou Guohua nodded, "Yes. After all, for a long time, every decision I make is related to the jobs of hundreds of thousands of people. But Chen Feng, aren’t you the same now?"

Chen Feng shook his head, "Same, but different. You will know when you look back."

Many of them didn't explain, and just started explaining the paper with PPT.

His thesis level is very high, mainly because he has explained the whole thing, but he has not used any knowledge of later generations.

In the past few days, Chen Feng has used his privileges to the extreme. He first contacted various universities and research institutions through the influence of Xingfeng Research Institute in China. From these people Obtained research data in various related fields in China.

At the same time, he also obtained part of the core results of many overseas public welfare research institutions through the Linton Research Institute and the giant Roerle.

Of course, some people are very reluctant, but Chen Feng only needs to give a little hint, telling others, "Today you reject me, then tomorrow you will be excluded from my core industry. Beyond the chain. You helped me today, and you are already my partners."

This may be a joke to others.

But the person who said this is Chen Feng, so it has more meaning.

In the past few months, he has announced breakthrough scientific and technological achievements in energy, new materials, artificial intelligence, computers, biology and medicine.

With "Madman's Conjecture Collection" as proof, no one would think he was joking.

And after Ilan Irwin and Rameneck Nanding joined in, they finally came into contact with the real thing Chen Feng brought out.

Even if the two people have only a framework plan, not a complete academic achievement, there is still a long way to go to transform things from articles into reality, but these two people are separate Peak academic leaders in the industry have a very precise judgment on the level of academic monographs.

Whether what Chen Feng brought out is the folk science or the truth, the two of them can see at a glance.

Chen Feng once instructed these two people to tell them that they don’t have to worry about the need for confidentiality and what their feelings are in their hearts. Just rest assured and boldly share with the outside world. It would be better for me to find more people.

Now that’s good, there are two well-known scholars who are quasi-Nobel Prize endorsing Chen Feng, and those who were still a little shaken also decisively entered Chen Feng’s pit.

When I heard that he wanted to engage in technological "hegemony", who could bear it?

So, Chen Feng got all the resources he wanted.

Afterwards, he read a large number of professional books on psychology, sociology, mathematics, and economics related fields in the 21st century.

Some of the knowledge points in the fields of physics and mathematics belong to the existing content in the three books of "Madman's Conjectures" that he has published.

Later, he summarized the knowledge points that mankind has currently mastered in the 21st century in the paper, and used a method similar to that of a mathematician to prove reasoning, and through a large number of rigorous calculation processes, he finally obtained the dimension The fact that Fuji Black Hole is a detector of hostile civilization.

Don't think this is just a trifling paper, but he has already used the rigorous concept of space-time topology.

At present, he is the only one among all mankind who can do it, because others are basically impossible to absorb such a huge amount of knowledge in such a short time, and he relies on himself as a perfect galactic human Ability to read at the speed of light.

In other words, even if someone else can complete this task in ten years, they will get stuck on the 1st Step collection of data.

Others do not have the ability to integrate a large amount of resources easily.

"First of all, let’s start with the calculation process of the Witten black hole. Here I quoted the data from NASA, the Chinese Astronomical Observatory, the European Astronomical Center, and the calculation process of Witten, but I did a little bit of sublimation. "

After a long time, Chen Feng finished the calculation process, and the other five people except Ryan were confused.

Ilun knows a little bit, and Song Siyu knows a little bit.

Ou Guohua, Ou Junlang, Zhong Lei, Lu Wei and Meng Xiaozhou have the illusion that they are illiterate.

At this time, Ryan is full of brains just wanting to growl.

You call this "a little bit" sublimation?

Did you directly confirm Witten’s bold conjecture?

Chen Feng observed the expressions of the audience, said with a smile: "I know that everyone will be a little bit unable to find the North when facing purely theoretical things, but it's okay. I will say something simpler below."

"Light is just the existence of an electronic black hole, and it cannot prove anything. Some people may say that the appearance of this electronic black hole is just a cosmic phenomenon, a coincidence. Then, this is what I am reading from historical data Ancient astronomical data. In the Western Han Dynasty, astronomical records..."

"The exact birth time of the Witten Black Hole should be 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs became extinct. I will first Analyze with you the intensity of the solar wind at a distance of 487 astronomical units... Do you think that under the sweep of the solar wind that lasts for 4.57 billion years, within the range of the solar gravitational influence, an electron the size of may be born here. Black hole?"

"This is completely inconsistent with the laws of the universe of the solar system. Next, let me introduce to you the energy cycle inside the electronic black hole...This also violates the nature of the law."

This time, most people still don't understand, but the conclusion is very clear.

Whether the Witten black hole is artificially created is not certain, but at least it can be determined that it is absolutely impossible to be a natural product born in the solar system.

Now everyone understands.

Chen Feng asked: "Don’t you think that the super civilization put a black hole with such a high technological content near the solar system just for fun? Right?"

Everyone was silent.

On the contrary, Ou Guohua raised his hand like a student and asked, "It is also possible that a high-level civilization wants to cultivate us? Or it is to observe our evolutionary process, waiting for us to have the ability to fly across galaxies and become a cosmic civilization. Contact us? For example, do business with each other?"

Chen Feng did not laugh at Ou Guohua's seemingly naive idea.

Ou is always a real businessman.

He has his own perspective on the world.

Chen Feng shook the head, "I hope so. But here, I want to talk about us from the perspective of sociology and biology."

Chen Feng made a point very clearly.

First of all, human thinking has endless possibilities.

The strength of the quantum storm of thought in the human brain is comparable to that of the entire universe.

Secondly, humans have a strong ability to reproduce.

As artificial intelligence assists in cultivating offspring becomes more and more convenient, the impulse of human beings to reproduce offspring will continue to rise.

The rate of population expansion will increase exponentially with the ability of humans to grab the resources of the universe.

The peculiarities of the physiological structure have led to the infinite expansion of the civilization composed of human beings.

How advanced human technology is, how far the territory can be expanded, and how far the population will expand.

The human instinct to grab the resources of the universe has no upper limit.

Theoretically, if humans are given unlimited time, the footprints of the Earth people can even cover the entire universe.

And human beings have great potential for war and plunder.

It is difficult, even almost impossible, for human beings to coexist in real harmony with other civilizations.

This thing can't be hidden. Looking through the history books of mankind, and analyzing it from the perspective of psychology and sociology, everything is exposed.

"So, we and alien civilization are destined to have a battle? Is there no other probability?"

Zhong Lei was slightly curiously asked.

Chen Feng thought for a while, "Yes."

Lu Wei: "For example?"

"an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal We are too weak now, so we will be eliminated by others. But when there are two situations, we can usher in peace. First, the other party's technological level is as different as ours, and the other party cannot understand our characteristics. Second , We are much stronger than the other party. We take the initiative to give others peace. But others are destined to become our vassals."

"Unfortunately, we can create electronic black holes at this stage, or The civilization that sent spaceship to Earth must be far ahead of us. Therefore, I firmly believe that the Witten black hole represents the maliciousness of the universe."

"Human beings have only two choices, dominating the universe. Or perish."

These were originally declarations that Chen Feng planned to make at the summit in a few days, but today they were previewed in advance.

It looks good.

Ou Guohua, the firmest pragmatist, gradually believed, and he tentatively asked: "So what should we do now?"

Chen Feng grinned: "Nothing. Do, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth. No matter what the crisis is, as long as we can predict it and we can prepare in advance, it will no longer be a simple crisis, but also an opportunity for us. I believe that everyone in this room is with me They are also people who care about the survival of the race."

"So, I hope that all three of you, Yilun, President Ou, and Song Siyu, will join our common cause and become the second group of members of the world. I am. I hope you can give you all the rest of your life to my control. I will lead you to create huge wealth for mankind. Your names will be carved on the monuments of civilization like those great names in ancient times. How? Are you interested?"

Iron took the lead in expressing his position, "Of course, I have no shirk."

Ou Guohua followed closely from behind, laughed heartily, saying that he had already earned enough for several lives. , A family property that has been defeated by generations.

The reason why he is reluctant to bear the business now is driven by a sense of social responsibility.

Song Siyu's words are very simple, nothing superficial.

She smiled while stroking her belly, and said: "Dad and Junlang are here, Chen Feng, you count me too, it makes me feel like a relative. In short, it is still very Thank you for your trust, I will try my best to catch up with Dad and Junlang."

Chen Feng hearing this said with a smile: "no no no, I let you participate and have nothing to do with other people . You have an enviable innate talent in the field of artificial intelligence."

A true relationship...

Fatty Ou is now unconsciously encouraging his wife," That’s right, my wife, brother Xinfeng. He said you are capable, you are really capable. Be confident."

Song Siyu’s sweet nodded, "Okay."

From then on , The Salvation Organization’s first small-scale expansion meeting is considered to be the end of Perfection.

At this time, there are still four days before the academic summit.

In order to ensure that the conference is foolproof, Chen Feng personally went out to set up a huge Conference Hall in the highest heaven Han Hotel in Hanzhou.

Here, he met an unexpected person.

Zhou Ah.

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