This has never happened in history.

Material civilization and divine symbol have both come to the forefront of the times and have gone very far.

This phenomenon has never happened in history, and even the most imaginative sociologists have never imagined it.

It has always been the level of productivity that determines the level of material civilization, and then the level of material civilization determines the level of divine symbol clarity.

People have to eat, wear warm clothes, live something, and walk well before they can watch the stars at night, understand nature, figure out life, and understand the universe while eating, drink, shit and piss Mystery.

The causality before and after this is logically almost crucified.

Only two possibilities will be broken.

First, human beings have been promoted and supported by kind-hearted alien civilizations, and they have rapidly evolved from an intra-terrestrial civilization to a stellar civilization in a short period of time. Unfortunately it didn't happen.

Secondly, a whole generation of people burst out of creativity that they shouldn't have. Forcibly created an era of great explosion in a short time.

Now Chen Feng has personally created the second possibility.

With the continuous and rapid growth of productivity under the guidance of Chen Feng, the energy crisis has collapsed, and the widespread use of harmless energy has made the environmental crisis quickly disappeared, and the society’s production and living resources are rapidly surplus, and people are gradually discovering Even if I don't work hard and don't work hard to create, I can still eat and wear warmth.

Moreover, Chen Feng has created too many entertainment aspects in this era.

Although what he does are all positively oriented content, the over-abundant material brings a life that is completely stress-free. On the contrary, his high-quality entertainment products have become people living in Illusory World. Temptation.

In society, some groups even have a strange illusion. Having seen the stories of other people's hard work, it is as if they have no regrets in this life and a clear conscience.

This kind of thinking is funny, but it exists objectively.

Although the truly creative people will not be greatly affected by the external environment, some people do fall.

Zhong Lei is aware of this problem and is worried that this group of people will be eliminated by the times.

Chen Feng hearing this, said with a smile: "It's okay."

Although it is a bit ruthless, this is what he expected.

When mankind enters the era of the universe, it will inevitably face continuous changes in the social system.

If it is a normal human civilization, without foreign enemies, through long-term and slow technological advancement, it will step into the universe step by step.

The universe itself is very large, even if it is just a small Orion arm, when human aircraft can only fly at half the speed of light, or even slower, it will cost Time goes on for several years, and it is more likely to be calculated in several hundred years.

Because the distance is stretched infinitely, the difficulty of communicating with each other has become extremely difficult.

It will take too long for information to arrive from one galaxy to another.

It takes several generations, even dozens of generations, on the same large aircraft to reach the destination.

In this case, unless a certain group is determined to open up territory belonging to themselves and their descendants, no one will choose to sail.

Theoretically, distance will make the entire human civilization show obvious regional differentiation, and eventually form different complex social systems.

Republic, military, religion, capital federation, science, slave system and other systems may all appear.

The birth of each different system will have very complicated reasons, which are related to the internal rules of the planetary system, and related to the idea of ​​the founder of the galaxy-level civilization base.

Moreover, for a long period of time, human beings should have alternate changes among various systems.

Some systems will be overthrown, and after a period of evolution, they may return to the overthrown system.

People born and living under different systems will show different cultural systems.

Of course, after a series of complex pains, as the level of technology continues to improve, the coverage area of ​​real-time quantum networks is getting larger and larger, and the speed of flying vehicles is getting faster and faster, such as Stargate and Ultra-fast shuttle tools such as the cosmic ladder are slowly spreading, and human civilization will eventually be unified again and will move towards a new republic.

Individuals use self-discipline to restrain themselves.

The group relies on the common great goal towards the universe to restrain each other.

The entire civilization becomes an organic whole, a "starry republic".

Under the starry sky republic, individuals do not need to solve their personal food, clothing, housing and transportation at all, and all needs are based on the realization of self-worth.

Now, under Chen Feng's man-made operation, Xingkong Gonghe appeared on Earth in the 21st century ahead of schedule.

This will inevitably lead to civilized labor pains.

It is destined that some people's genes will be ruthlessly eliminated.

Chen Feng has even selected the place of residence for this group of people, which is the Australian continent.

In the "Millennium Plan", this is the price that must be paid in the progress of civilization.

People who refuse to make progress and refuse to follow up with the times are destined to be quietly eliminated by time.

No matter whether it is an old man or a young man, or even a child who is still learning to speak, this is not the case.

If a child is not born in a family that keeps up with the times, has not been well educated since childhood, and he has not been able to find a breakthrough thinking mode of life’s plight when he grows up, he will eventually sink into a high welfare system. In a society, the growth of "dispensable", the "dispensable" grows old, and finally no one cares about death. ,

Even if there is "Crisis of Compound Eyes" to catch the ducks on the shelves, these people can only live and pass in life for the sake of the game. It seems that the lowest value of life.

There is no way.

In a sense, these people are also very happy, at least they feel very satisfied.

Chen Feng can think about it.

He has seen too many similar things in history.

He has seen a more cruel way of elimination, which is already gentle and very touching.

But compared to Chen Feng's indifference, Zhong Lei is more kind after all, and a little bit intolerable.

"Can we play "Morrowind" publicly now? Try it out? Now we have a silent band playback device that is inaudible to ears, right? The cost is not high, right?"

Zhong Lei asked.

Chen Feng shook his head, "It's useless. The emotional increase will only make the fallen ones more depraved. The time is not yet ripe. I estimate that it will take at least a hundred years to wait for us to establish the Mercury Dyson Cloud , And began to manufacture the voyage spaceship that can cross the cosmic distance and arrive at Proxima so that people can bear the influence of Morrowind. My preliminary estimate is that we will not be able to build the first voyage spaceship until 2150 at the earliest. "

Zhong Lei shook his head unwillingly, "I always believe that there is a good side in people's hearts. Genes determine that everyone has a desire to create deep in one's heart."

Chen Feng nodded, "That’s the case, but it’s a pity that some people can’t express these genes in their bodies. In later studies, some scholars have done in-depth research on this issue you said. Our genes already have them. Positive and reverse. It’s just that the positive expression of normal people is slightly higher than the reverse expression."

Zhong Lei: "What about the super bacteria you mentioned? "

Chen Feng: "When the super bacteria took effect, all reverse and negative genes were suppressed. But we can't make super bacteria now."

"So this group of people Must be given up?"


Zhong Lei was silent for a long time, "Okay."

She didn't say her own determination.

After finishing "Morning Wind", although her creative volume has been increasing, she has been groping.

She had said to Chen Feng before that she wanted to incorporate the characteristics of Freders’ Grand Unified Theory into the melody, so as to touch the depths of the human brain and really go down to the genetic level. Change your audience.

It's like a passionate song that can encourage people to secrete dopamine.

Zhong Lei believes that since aliens can use "Song of the Outside World" to infiltrate and change people's thinking mode, and make people mechanized.

So, theoretically, the melody created by human beings should have higher potential.

No one did it before.

In the past timeline, no one will do it in the future.

But this does not mean that this thing will never be done.

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