Seven days later, Glenney’s personal information system sent him a message.

Electronic sound broadcasts reports in an indifferent voice.

"High level mechanical excavation expert Bonnie Wesford ended her own life. As the Glenney Navigator is close to the other party, we hereby inform you. You must not tell anyone. Do you want to James Zheng Weisford participated in Bonnie Weisford’s farewell ceremony. Taking into account the special needs of the special period, Bonnie’s farewell ceremony is currently only James and Bonnie’s work supervisor Liang Tianyi knowing and authorized Participate."

After Glenny finished reading the information, a dialog box popped up in the retinal projection.

He is subconsciously about to click "No".

However, the second half of the words spoken by the intelligent assistant echoed repeatedly in his heart, lingering.

He clicked "Yes".

Bonnie was a very motivated person who wanted to climb very much.

If you let her know her funeral cold and cheerless, only two people attended, it would be sad.

One more person can be more lively, better than nothing.

At least there are three other individuals in this universe who expressed their memory at her funeral.

Inexplicably, the news of Bonnie's death made Glenni feel a little different in his heart.

His mood in the game world has been slightly opened.

On the rear deck of the Heartfire, Glenney, James and Liang Tianyi stood side by side under a simulated starry sky.

The starry sky above is bright and bright.

A gray isolation hood restrains the air.

Under the erosion of the years, Bonnie, who has become older and older, is lying quietly in the transparent coffin, her eyes closed, her expression is peaceful, unlike her former energetic and bustling appearance. .

ceremony is nothing special, there is no prayer or remembrance, just a brief description of Bonnie’s life file under the witness of everyone, indicating that this information will be stored in the historical archives.

She will become part of history.

The significance of the presence of the three Witnesses of Glenney is that everyone will examine the correctness of this historical data from their own different perspectives.

When Glenny saw the part of the file related to himself, he was speechless.

Bonnie is always asking him to be such a person.

So he always firmly believes that Bonnie cares not about herself, but the kind of person she wants to be, but has not yet been able to become.

But Glenney didn't know that Bonnie entered the relationship between the two as a couple in her personal information, not as an optional match in his understanding.

However, Bonnie did not apply to synchronize the information, but she unilaterally modified the information, so Glenney did not know.

Now Glenny feels very confused.

He even began to wonder in the heart whether he had understood it wrong until now.

Actually, Bonnie initially accepted him not for the identity of the S-Rank navigator, but for him to have real feelings.

Liang Tianyi also discovered this strangeness, and asked Glenney: "Yes, your husband and wife relationship does not match the facts. Should you modify it to the correct pairing relationship?"

Glenni was silent for a long time, shook the head, and changed the relationship between the two from a pair to a husband and wife, "No, it accords with the facts."

Liang Tianyi wondered. "But I didn’t report to the Civil Affairs Administration Department of Porjiangzu. Your relationship has no legal significance."

Glenney grinned, "That’s not important, right? We are 946 light-years away from Porjiangzu. If you think it makes sense, it’s okay."

Liang Tianyi: "Well, James, do you agree? Write the relationship between your father and mother as a husband and wife, and save it."

Jaime shook his head, "I disagree. Father has not fulfilled his duties as a husband for a day."


The atmosphere on the deck suddenly froze.

After a long time, Liang Tianyi said: "I'm sorry, James is the only legal associate of Bonnie, and his opinions must be respected. As the supervisor, I must maintain the accuracy of the deceased's files. "

Glenney spread his hands, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

He looked calm, as if he didn't care at all.

No one knows that his creed of life has been shaken in this very short time.

If he was the same he used to be, he wouldn't care if he really wanted to form a husband and wife relationship.

He was finally moved once, but he never thought that his kind intention was rejected by his own son.

At this moment, Glenney realized the love Bonnie gave him quietly, and the hatred James perfectly clear.

He also felt the embarrassment of Liang Tianyi.

The ups and downs of these other people's emotions have been difficult to cause fluctuations in his mood for a long time.

After reading the file, James urged: "Okay, it's okay. It's time to say goodbye to mother."

There is a blue physical button beside Liang Tianyi's hand.

Once it is pressed down, the crystal coffin will be ejected from the deck, flying out of the curvature bubble layer of Xinhuo, into the original three-dimensional space.

Then the quark reactor in the coffin will ignite, breaking Bonnie's body into elementary particles.

When human beings walked out of Earth, they had already formed a strict space funeral method.

Never throw the human body into space at will. This will expose too many human secrets.

Even if there is an accident that causes the human body to be lost to outer space, professional mourners must go to the scene to clean up.

"Wait a minute, Bonnie left a video. We must fulfill the deceased's last wish."

James said impatiently, "No need. Father is a stubborn. People, this just disappoints the mother's spirit in the sky one more time. Isn't that true? My father, you don't think there is any need to waste time, right?"

"No, I want to see. "

Glenney shook his head firmly.

This time James no longer has the right to refuse.

Liang Tianyi clicked the play button.

The light flickered in front of the three of them, and after blinking, there was a scene of look pale Bonnie sitting on a chair.

This is a holographic projection.

The picture now shows a visually like Bonnie lying in the coffin, while another lifelike Bonnie is sitting in front of people.

If the people of Early-Stage in the 21st century see such a scene, they will be scared to faint on the spot.

But now people are used to it naturally.

Bonnie's voice was slow, and she opened her mouth in anger.

But her words are very clear.

She has always been such a more authentic character.

Even if it is a last word, she does not allow herself to be slurred.

"When you saw this video, my funeral should have come to an end. I had already taken the excessive wake-up potion ten hours ago. Just now I found Machine Race to settle down after we arrived. The earth’s planetary excavation plan was completed ahead of schedule. Now I only have ten minutes of life left."

"There are some things, if I can’t say it before I die, but be taken into the starry sky by me, I I’m afraid I’ll regret it. Glenney, are you there?"

The virtual Bonnie in the sky looks forward with a slightly hollow but inexplicable look forward, as if looking The people next to the bar.

Although she knew that Bonnie could not hear her answer, Glenn couldn't help but nodded, "I am."

The person in the picture suddenly smiled bitterly. After a while, "I don't know if you are there or not. But it doesn't matter, I will assume you are there."

Glenney saw her slightly sad smile, nodded, and I don't know what the intention is.

"Glenney, I want to apologize to you. I always thought I knew you very well, but now I finally know that I was wrong. I shouldn’t always use other people’s standards to make you this. Be that."

"Glenney, you are you. You must be the most special one to me in the universe. Do you know? I lied to you, Glenney, I love you .Yes, I love you."

"I admit that the first time I noticed you was your talent from a white Ding to an S-Rank pilot in just three years. You I don’t recognize this as love, but I think it is. Love can have a reason, and I am crazy about your talent. Your every move is tied to my heart."

"But I was wrong, I was wrong in only investing in my own world. So I always made demands of you and always wanted to change you. But I didn't want to understand that as an ordinary person of ordinary innate talent, I shouldn't use my poor imagination to go. Contemplate the thinking of genius."

"Now I have to say goodbye to this universe. I finally learned to face myself. Glenney, will you forgive me? You will become your own most You want to be the kind of person you want to be? When we arrive at K Star, when we are faced with difficulties, Glenny, you will stand up bravely and tell everyone that Bonnie’s husband can pull strongly against a crazy tide in desperation. Isn’t it a great hero?"


The words came to an abrupt end.

Bonnie's picture suddenly disappeared, leaving only a simulated starry sky with fluorescent flashes.

Glenney dumbfounded.

Suddenly, he threw himself to the ground.

both of his hands hugged his head and started wailing hoarsely.

The tears burst the embankment, and it hurts my heart.

He finally realized that he had missed Bonnie's life.

Human World’s greatest sadness may be that of being together for decades, living together day and night, but always rejecting another fiery heart beyond a thousand li.

Glenni finally learned again what is pain and what is remorse.

The strong emotion that could not be suppressed finally broke through the shackles of mechanical thinking, and swallowed his new soul like a surging wave.

The distant UV star Cetus.

Chen Feng remained silent for a long time.

Glenni breaks through the limitations of mechanized thinking and completes the transformation.

The new experiment was successful.

Spent half of Glenney's life, Bonnie's life.

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