2499, early spring.

A thin Chinese young man is walking aimlessly on the street park in Hanzhou City.

He was wearing a long windbreaker with a gray and dark color, his hands in his pockets, his eyes lost, as if he was walking all the way thinking.

He seems to be in his thirties.

But in fact, I am afraid that no one will believe it. He is only fifteen years old this year.

It's just that his costume makes him look too young and mature, which is easy to misunderstand.

His name is Lai Wenming.

A child born in an ordinary family in the civilized Holy Land Seoul.

Ryan did not let his family power develop into a huge force that others could not ignore like Lu's and Ou's.

After all, his combination method is too scientific, without any emotional factors.

He just did his responsibilities, leaving a small number of offspring.

As for how future generations will take the road of life, he doesn't care much.

Ryan believes that people have their own lives.

Over the past few hundred years, Ryan's descendants are generally not as stable as Ou Junlang's family, with ups and downs.

Sometimes there will be an amazing academic leader, or a political giant, or a celebrity in business, but sometimes no one will fall into the dust.

Such waves of ups and downs have made Ryan's later generations more peaceful.

They know that the rise and fall of a family should have ups and downs like the development of civilization.

When Lai Wenming was born, his father, Lai Shengyi, was just an ordinary researcher at the Hanzhou Institute of Biology.

Although Lai Shengyi's achievements are not high, and he is not ranked in the history of the Lai family at all, but he used special responsible words and deeds that distinguished him from his ancestor Ryan, which helped Lai Wenming as a teenager. Good knowledge base.

Lai Wenming was able to enter civilization at the age of fifteen, as a primary level researcher at the Institute of Biology of the Star Research Institute, the core of the Holy Land Hanzhou, and became the youngest Star Research Institute's core scientific research in nearly a century. Personnel, Lai Shengyi has taken great credit for his meticulous training and correct guidance since he was a child.

Of course, Lai Wenming's personal innate talent also played an extremely important role.

Although Chen Feng's "historical materials" have used pseudonyms extensively, with Lai Wenming's ingenuity, after reading these "history", how could he not realize it.

But he doesn’t care that his life seems to be arranged, because he knows very well that every decision he has made so far, every thought in his mind is derived from his deep in one's heart. Thoughts are not thoughts that have been manipulated.

An ordinary person may be manipulated, but Lai Wenming, who can complete Academician studies at the age of eight, become an Academician of four disciplines at the age of twelve, and become an honorary professor of biology at Hanzhou University, is absolutely Does not belong to a character that can be manipulated.

Superior wisdom brings an understanding that is hard for others to match. It can gain insight into knowledge as well as philosophy.

Lai Wenming knows who he is, what family he was born in, and who he should be.

Compared to the vast majority of people in the world who worship the sage Chen Feng, the height that Lai Wenming most wants to reach in the heart is his ancestor Ryan.

He believes that the highest achievement in the scientific world in history is not the philosopher, but Ryan.

Chen Feng is good at learning and education, while Ryan is good at creating.

I will prove this with my own genes.

At this time, what Lai Wenming is thinking about is the new project he has just received, the theoretical research on quantum viruses.

This super large project has been going on for many years. At present, the full text shows that there are more than 7,000 project teams working on quantum viruses.

There are as many as 30 project teams in the Institute of Biology of the Xingfeng Research Institute, each intervening from their different areas of expertise, trying to find the truth about the quantum virus.

Among all the project teams, Lai Wenming’s team has the weakest strength. Apart from him, there are only two Academician institutes and five graduate students.

Lai Wenming didn't care much, but the other people in the group were a bit angry for him.

He is also a little younger, and his academic level is not inferior to anyone. Why is the treatment and support given to him the worst.

Isn't the Xingfeng Research Institute always only scholars first, never prioritizing seniority?

Lai Wenming doesn't care about it. He just said that it is enough to have you, people are not the more the better.

The advantage of fewer people is that no one will interfere with his decision-making.

He had seen a lot of research results related to quantum viruses before, some from the perspective of artificial intelligence, some from the perspective of basic physics, but most of them didn't get any valuable conclusions.

Lai Wenming has his own ideas.

On the surface, this is a virus for intelligent computing, but Lai Wenming believes that it is similar to the biological virus that acts on the human body, except that one is attached to the body and the other is attached to the quantum network. However, they will absorb the components of the attached objects and convert them into the "nutrients" needed for their own reproduction.

At present, humans have not understood the biological mechanism of quantum viruses, but Lai Wenming believes that there must be, but they are hidden in a location that cannot be reached by current human detection equipment.


Wandering outside for a whole day, without thinking of any emotions in his mind, Lai Wenming returned home.

At the age of fifteen, unlike other project leaders, he still lives under the same roof with his parents.

"Wen Ming, recently the last batch of scientific research personnel's application for going out has begun. What do you plan to do? Do you still decide to stay?"

Lai Shengyi asked with a smile.

The age difference between father and son is not that big, like peers more than father and son.

Lai Wenming nodded, "Sages once said that the most suitable environment for mankind is the solar system. I want to stay and don’t want to change my thinking mode in an unfamiliar environment."

Lai Shengyi nodded "Yes. But did you see the next plan? When the time comes, we cannot contact the outside. In order to prevent the disclosure of secrets, we must even disguise the level of technology. The solar system is still at risk of defeat, so when the time comes, we are all dead. Even if you make greater achievements, no one will know."

"Okay, well, what do you say these frustrating words. You sir, How can I worry about the sky all day long."

Lai Wenming's mother interrupted her husband from the side, and only put a chopstick dish into Lai Wenming's rice bowl.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, eat and eat."

Lai Wenming always feels that his parents are a little bit hesitant to talk, but he is pretending that something is wrong now, so he also Not much thought to gossip.


Here, Chen Feng, while looking at the projection of Lai Wenming’s family of three at dinner, he asked the stars beside him: “The source of the quantum virus is calculated. Has it come out?"

Fanxing nodded, "found it."

"Where did it come from? Ultra Grade civilization? Another one?"

"Neither , A new thing naturally produced in the Milky Way."


"Do you know the HD140283 star?"

Chen Feng thought for a while," Is it the Methuselah that claims to be exactly the same age as the universe?"

"Yes. Where did the virus come from."

"But the composition of Methuselah is not Is it almost all hydrogen and helium? How can organisms be produced?"

Fanxing asked him: "How could there be organisms that can live in a quantum world?"

Chen Feng was taken aback, "Uh, that's right. I'm habitually preconceived again."

After thinking about it, Chen Feng asked again.

"What is the difference between it and ZS bacteria? What are the similarities? Can we combine ZS bacteria, super bacteria and quantum viruses together?"

Fanxing and him Together they turned their heads and looked towards the surveillance video. Inside was Lai Wenming who was still lighting up the night battle during the break.

"Then it depends on him."

Chen Feng: "But now I am in Cetus, even if he produces results, I can't see it."


Fan Xing: "Create another excess gamma-ray burst and blast the dome."

"It makes sense."

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