
After a short break, Bonnie's fleet became a colony of Methuselah.

The fleet organization no longer exists.

Humanity will take root and grow up here.

Glenni finally surrendered the power he didn't care about, no longer served as the commander-in-chief of the fleet, and became a "vagrant."

Since he was captured and entered into the Third Forward Fleet, the busy Glenny finally realized his original dream in the last stage of his life.

Live freely, don’t worry about anything, don’t think about anything, there are inexhaustible life materials, and you don’t have to worry about being blinded, carefree, and enjoying life. .

Now he finally got this "freedom".

But Glenney is actually very clear.

When I suddenly "sudden enlightenment" and become an S-Rank navigator in a very short time, freedom is gone.

He doesn't know when and when he had this idea.

But the amazing thing is that he didn't feel any dissatisfaction or complaints about it, nor any resentment.

"sudden enlightenment" let myself experience a different life that I didn't realize before.

He just thought it was weird.

Suddenly I feel like I have changed myself.

Is this I am still me?

He doesn't know.

But does it matter?

Glenney said to himself, I’m still alive, I also got a different life that belongs to me, and I also got Bonnie, little James, and little James’s The descendants of the Zheng family.

Think about it carefully, this is pretty good too.

In the universe of life, there is never real freedom.

The so-called freedom, only cares about whether one's deep in one's heart is satisfied.

Just like now, he is about to drive a small spaceship to Methuselah by himself.

This is still not for himself, but for humans.

If Glenney still sees himself as an isolated individual, then his behavior will be meaningless.

But if Glenni regards himself as an inseparable part of a huge human civilization, then he has assigned the highest value to his actions.


UV star Cetus.

"Do you think Glenny can succeed?"

Fanxing asked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head, "Whether he can succeed or not depends on three factors. First, the source of the quantum virus is really HD140283. In the second round, he can meet and attract the virus. The third is what will happen after he is infected."

Fanxing: "I can't figure it out. What do you think?"

Chen Feng spreads out "I don’t know. Watching the changes is the best choice. Quantum viruses can infect quantum intelligence, but Glenney is an individual."

"But he has been mechanized by "Song of the Outside" Now."

"Yes, this is where the uncertainty lies."

The upcoming changes in Glenney involve things that Chen Feng has never contacted. New things, just like inventors before energizing the tungsten wire, they are completely unable to be sure that the tungsten wire can emit light, or even be used to make a light bulb.

In the vast universe, the star HD140283 floats quietly.

Under low-speed combustion, the rays of light it emits are so weak that the first generation of solar-absorbing light wings built by humans needs an area a hundred times larger than that in the solar system to provide the same amount of electricity.

Its size is very small, without the imposing manner of stars.

The lifespan of this star is close to 14 billion years.

It has been around for too long.

Insignificance and gentleness, it can witness the long river of time, sit and watch the rise and fall of the universe.

In a long period of time, ordinary stars will burn out one day, and the planet’s core will lose energy. It will either disintegrate or become a dead space meteorite, or it will be emitted when the star dies. Shock swallowed.

But only Methuselah has truly achieved the same life span as the universe.

If it is an intelligent life, I don’t know what kind of thoughts it will have when it sees the rise and fall of civilization and the life and death of galaxies.

But now its tranquility has been broken by humans.

Dozens of space stations distributed on the ecliptic surface of Methuselah are rapidly rising from the ground.

A tiny unremarkable small spaceship is slowly approaching at one-tenth the speed of light.

Glenni’s spaceship has undergone special reinforcement in terms of protective performance, and has given up high-performance engines.

This small spaceship can withstand the high temperature of the stellar chromosphere.

No one knows exactly what Glenney wants to do.

When someone asked Sumit, she could only say that Glenney might finally be tired of the toil and want to bury herself in the oldest star in the universe.

In a sense, this is an unprecedented thick burial.

Sumite originally thought that Imperial Academy would reject Glenni’s presumptuous request because it might destroy the stability of the precious Methuselah. But what he didn’t expect was that Imperial Academy Academy actually acquiesced.

Spaceship is getting closer and closer to Methuselah.

The spaceship is surrounded by strong stellar winds and a large amount of high-energy plasma, which disrupts the information transmission of electromagnetic waves and quantum networks. Glenny sitting in a chair can no longer see from the monitoring instrument To any external information.

But he didn't panic at all.

He just raised Erlang's legs, but he held a thick tome in his hand.

This is a new supplement by historians in this timeline based on "The Crisis of the Compound Eyes", "Feng Lei", Chen Feng's personal biography, Chen Feng's own oral narration, and a large amount of historical information. A masterpiece of virtual history.

The title of the book is "never savior".

This book records all the "history" from Chen Feng's first timeline to the present timeline.

I don't know why, at the end of his life, Glenney became fascinated by this biographical "novel".

In order to be able to read even after losing the quantum network, he chose the paper version.

There are ten parts in the whole book, each with up to two million words, piled beside his recliner.

Now he has left thick creases on the other nine books.

He has already seen the tenth book, and he is about to finish it.

Glenni breathes deeply, suddenly I feel itchy in my nose, and my scalp becomes involuntarily numb.

He knew that something was starting to enter his body little by little.

His consciousness began to dissipate, and was invisibly linked with Methuselah outside.

He muttered to himself: "In previous history, there was no me."

Because the spaceship gradually approached the center of the star, the gravitational device gradually failed, and his body slowly Floated up.

The corners of Glenny's mouth trembled slightly before closing his eyes completely.

"But it’s okay. I'm here this time. Come early, it's better to come by coincidence. Not only me, but Bonnie, and little James."


As the ship was damaged, Glenney's body instantly disintegrated under the high temperature, and his consciousness "disappeared" in an instant.

He "disappeared".

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