On this day, countless people stared at the stereo projection in front of their eyes with countless eyes.

This is a picture captured by tens of thousands of optical cameras and multi-function sensors distributed inside the shield of the Sun Rapid Development System.

The main purpose is to capture the changes in quantum rules when the sun collapses.

This is also a new scientific experiment.

At the same time, this is also the last time for mankind to witness the afterglow of the parent star with naked eye.

The rays of light of the sun at this time are no longer normal.

Bai Sensen's looks a little sick.

Spectrum tests show that the rays of light emitted by the sun at this time have extremely short wavelengths, extremely high frequencies, and extremely high proportions of ultraviolet light.

The highest proportion is X-ray light.

X-rays are extremely penetrating, but they can still be captured by the biofilm developed by the system and quickly converted into new bio-batteries.

Humanity is still squeezing the last remaining value of the sun.

The temperature of the sun's surface has continued to rise to an extremely terrifying level, which is at least tens of times higher than normal.

From the perspective of instantaneous power, the power level of the sun's external energy released at this time is extremely high, and the total radiation is hundreds of millions of times that of the normal state, but the visible light is dimmed.

The process of the death of the sun is different from the death of ordinary stars, which is the result of man-made.

In the vast and vast universe, stars will be destroyed every second.

Stars of different mass, volume, composition, and reaction chain will behave differently when they die.

Some of them have their own gravity overwhelming the radiation pressure of the nuclear reaction, causing the star to collapse and contract.

There is also the fact that the intensity of the nuclear reaction is too violent for some unknown reasons. The external pressure released by the radiation exceeds the gravitational effect, causing the star to burn out quickly in the form of a supernova explosion.

In this process, light elements slowly synthesize heavy elements.

Most of the heavy elements in the universe come from the matter released after the death of stars.

The "birth, aging, sickness and death" of stars is the main theme of the reality of the universe.

Dark matter and dark energy constitute another theme.

Of course, even with the same death posture, different rays, visible light, and quantum oscillations of different shapes will be emitted to the outside due to the difference of the stars themselves.


In the technical inspection department, countless technicians are waiting.

Although artificial intelligence can complete the work of overwhelming majority data collection and detection, important decisions made on the fly still require human control.

"The reaction frequency of the sun’s inner core has reached a constant 100. It continues to rise."

A constant refers to the usual nuclear reaction frequency inside the sun in the past, which means The number of nuclear fusion and fission within the sun per second.

The numbers are extremely large and cannot be counted by traditional mathematical methods, so the combination is collectively referred to as a constant.

"The countdown to the disintegration of the explosion begins, and there are nine 13 points."

"The unified field energy polymer gel has been prepared."

"Intelligent transport ship Deployed."


Sixty minutes later, in Sergey's private laboratory, he was hands behind ones back looking at the surveillance projection in front of him.

The projection in front of him is much more detailed than the information that an ordinary person can see. In addition to the visual projection, there are also energy flow modeling diagrams.

According to Sergey’s design, when the countdown reaches the last thirty minutes, technicians will instantly inject a large amount of uniform field energy polymer gel into the sun to minimize the external effects caused by the sun’s explosion. impact.

Among all stars, the sun is small, and its mass is not enough to support collapse, so the sun’s death method is similar to a supernova explosion.

"Sergey Academician, the gel injection countdown is about to begin..."

"Don't tell me this, just follow the scheduled plan."

Sergey interrupted the man's report.

He knows what will happen next.

This is the plan he made, and there is no need to deal with everything in detail.

With the end of the countdown, the launch port on the top of the smart ship deployed around the sun slowly opened, and a sharp cone-shaped launch port emerged.

Strips of gray filamentous energy beams spray out from the launching port, and then interweave into a large net, spread forward, and quickly penetrate into the sun's surface.

The so-called polymer gel is not really a colloid that people usually think of, but a compact form formed after a unified force field is combined, and the external manifestation is an energy beam.

In the interior of the sun, it takes a million years for photons to be born and then leave the sun.

But these peculiar polymer gel bundles seem to be unobstructed.

The energy beam travels extremely fast inside the sun, reaching 1.5 times the speed of light.

In a sense, the energy beam itself is equivalent to the gravitational line, which lies in the gap of the 3rd-layer space, and can remain stable under the chaotic quantum storm inside the star.

The densely packed energy beam quickly approached the core of the sun, and spread out like tree roots under the impact of the energy shock of the nuclear reaction.

The violent reaction inside the sun did not slow down under the interference of the energy beam, but most of the terrifying energy released did not escape, but solidified around the beam.

It is the unified energy of the force field that binds the energy.

Chen Feng looked at this scene through the brain waves directly shared by everyone in the virtual energy space. It was eyelids twitched, and it was peculiar.

This gel energy beam made him feel familiar. It was seven or eighth similar to the grid links used by compound-eye rafts to cut human ships, but the two functions were completely opposite.

One is tearing, the other is aggregation.

Not only that, the characteristics that the gel bundle exhibits when suppressing energy shocks are similar to the frozen silk thread of a spherical battleship.

In this timeline of the 27th century, mankind has absorbed most of the many stunts revealed by the compound eye.

Nowadays, a team under the Star Front Research Institute is trying to completely crack the material characteristics of the ship's hull.

One day later, the defensive shield created by the Sun’s rapid development system disintegrated on its own, revealing a sphere equivalent to 3,300 Earth.

The sphere is light blue, semi-transparent, and round in shape, with an interwoven network like jellyfish whiskers flowing slowly. This is the performance of extremely high-purity slurry current flowing like a liquid.

The sun has become a huge energy-supply battery, dissipating the last light and heat.

The help brought by the new energy source is obvious.

Some large-scale experiments that still need to be planned were immediately put on the agenda.

Nowadays, whether it is the Morrowind Empire inside or outside the solar system, all scientific research projects have only two core tasks.

Use Methuselah Star Core to find more the mysteries of the last cosmic generation, and use the understanding of the old universe to end the anomalous phenomena in the solar system.

Don't look at the Star Core that is just a trifling small star, it is not worth mentioning compared to the vast universe.

But you can make an analogy. By analyzing the physiological structure and internal reaction process of a carbon-based single-celled organism on Earth, at least more than 95% of the Earth’s natural environment can be inferred.

The Star Core of Methuselah is a "cell" from the previous cosmic generation.

Human eyes will see through this "cell" to see the past universe as a leopard in a tube.

When humans completely crack the mystery of Star Core and use another unified formula to summarize the complete Universe Rule in Star Core, the dome is naturally broken.

This seems difficult.

But in fact, when Sergey completed the calculation of the median value, it had already become a water mill.

Just after a lot of experiments and a lot of calculations, it is destined to be able to tear its mysterious veil like a little by little, as if to untie the entangled thread.

It seems difficult, but as long as you spend time, no matter how complicated it is, the optimal solution will eventually be found.


In 2615, when the basic interaction enhancement effect in the solar system was about to pass the threshold, and the solar system population had begun to decline sharply, Sergey and the others finally concluded The old universal grand unity formula in Methuselah Star Core.

Human's understanding of the old and new universe has become a seesaw.

This one is the grand unified rules of the new universe, and the other is the grand unified rules of the old universe.

As for the middle lever fulcrum, it was found by Sergey, and then perfected and expanded by others, and finally the "median value" of the perfect value was obtained.

In 2617, the basic interaction reverser with reserve virtual energy as the source of power began to work.

The terrifying high pressure on the top of the solar system stopped abruptly.

At the same time, after more than a hundred years of preparation, the lifespan of hundreds of thousands of stars has been exhausted, and people outside created a long tube with a length of tens of billions of kilometers in the middle of the Centaur and the solar system. Huge launcher.

A bunch of artificially produced excessive gamma-ray bursts hit the upper end of the solar dome.

This time, humans have to use their own strength to tear the dome apart and complete the last step of cracking and copying it.

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