"Well, what is wrong with me, Brother T? Do you also know that I might be replaced? It's okay, I'm very strong."

Tong Ling rubbed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said.

It is worthy of being a child, and his ability to accept is strong. In the blink of an eye, he accepted the reality that T100 has produced a soul, and has even begun to communicate with each other normally.

If you want to change to someone else, I’m afraid I’ve already jumped up frightened and flustered, and then rushed out to move rescue soldiers.

"You will not be replaced." Chen Feng said.

Tong Ling wondered: "Why?"

"Because I can never find someone more suitable than you."

Tong Ling:" But my performance is not good."

"The problem is not with you, with me. In short, you can rest assured, I will not accept other pilots. I have developed an intensive training for you. , You have a chance to control me better. Of course you have to remember, don’t expose my existence to others. Otherwise I can’t help you either."

Tong Ling’s head is like a chicken Pecking rice, "Okay, okay! I remember! What kind of training? Is it difficult?"

"It's easy."



Chen Feng: "Fake."


"But I have confidence!"

Chen Feng is here Empty laughed.

The T100 on the other side makes two hehe sounds simultaneously, and the response speed is super fast and quite accurate.

At the time, Chen Feng was thinking that confidence is a good thing, but to turn confidence into practical actions, and then to results, it is not as simple as lip service.

Tong Ling flushed her ears with this characterful sneer to Brother T, and her fingers interlocked with tension.

She replied: "Well, I will work hard anyway."


After Chen Feng finished speaking, he passed a piece of data. "This is a tutorial I made. Because T100 will go to the Witten galaxy with your transport ship. Even if they choose a successor, they will have to wait until they arrive in the next central galaxy before they can board. Then you still have one year to go. In this year, as long as you can pass my Level 1 assessment, the level of cooperation between you and me will definitely rise to a higher level. I can only help you to this step. Then you will rely on yourself."


Chen Feng gave Tong Ling a warrior training course that he personally compiled.

From the beginning to the new generation of War God.

To train Tong Ling from a pilot to a warrior like himself, this is how Chen Feng figured it out.

T100 is different from ordinary smart weapons. Its internal core is built on Chen Feng's fragmented memory.

More than 80% of the memory fragments Chen Feng provided to T100 are really related to combat.

When Chen Feng dove occupying the magpie's nest and annexing the adaptive combat command set left by Zhang Zhongteng, he did not completely cover the results of this genius idea, but retained its essence.

This can effectively help T100 understand Chen Feng's intuition in battle.

When Zhang Zhongteng did primordial programming, he mainly absorbed the combat tutorials handed down by Chen Feng himself.

Chen Feng has conducted a lot of data analysis on the many "mistakes" of T100 in the past few months.

Tong Ling's over 50% coordination degree brings great convenience to Chen Feng's analysis.

The preset programs made by the pilots in the past have too many bugs, so that there is no regularity at all, and they are of no reference value.

In the eyes of outsiders, the mistakes and omissions in Tong Ling's procedures are also inseparable.

Only Chen Feng, a true expert, knows that Tong Ling is different from others.

Other people's BUG is worthless, Tong Ling's BUG is valuable.

This is the essential difference.

That's why Chen Feng will spare no effort to tailor a new personal combat training course for Tong Ling.

Only when Tong Ling has mastered the fighting wisdom of the same level as him, can the preset program formulated can be perfectly executed.

When Chen Feng conceived here, the resonance of the opposite T100 would not go wrong.

At this time, with the help of two pilots Chen Feng and Tong Ling, the coordination rate of T100 will reach 100%.

Perhaps with Tong Ling’s current age and physical condition, she is impossible to truly become the second warrior Chen Feng, but that’s okay. Anyway, she is a pilot. She only needs programming and doesn’t need to personally control the armor. There is no requirement for her physical fitness, so she only needs to catch up with Chen Feng mentally.

In a nutshell, she has to become an emperor or a keyboard man who can only think and speak, but can't really do it.


Being a keyboard man is simple to say, but in fact Chen Feng just has the mentality to give it a try.

After all, looking at countless timelines, even if Lin Bu is closest to him, the gap between him in combat wisdom can still be described as Above the Heavens and Under the Earth.

A few minutes after Tong Ling opened the tutorial, she was dizzy.

The tutorial actually asked her to enter an activation code in T100 to start the penetration simulation training of the armor.

In this training, she will be replaced with the core intelligence of T100. She needs to use her brain to make judgments directly, and release neural signals in the penetration simulation, just like the "primordial" armored warrior Control the armor so directly.

Thousands of combat missions in different scenarios are set up in the tutorial from easy to difficult.

She was able to armor the identity of the warrior, task by task to break, until all completed.

The last mission is the reappearance of the final battle of Chen Feng himself in the shadow galaxy of the last timeline in the history of nothingness.

In the pilot course, Tong Ling once saw the instructor's comprehensive analysis.

The sage Chen Feng used "old-fashioned armor" that was several times weaker than the Forge armor, and then used the fleshy body as an operating aid, and used the human brain to complete rapid calculations, and finally completed the series of wonderful things. Operation.

In that set of operations, there are hundreds of thousands of details per second on average. During the hours of high-intensity confrontation, there are tens of billions of subtle details in total.

The result of any error in a detail is instantaneous defeat.

But tens of billions of instant decisions are made, and the error rate of the sage is zero.

Don't talk about the human brain, even the current quantum intelligence can't do it.

Now she wants Tong Ling to recreate the scene.

She was shocked.

"What...what does this mean? Is this to make me an armored warrior? But I have no potential, I can't do it at all! And there is no armored corps organization now!"

She has forgotten another key issue.

I am only twelve years old now.

Although it is time of war, this is the active attack by humans. The situation is still controllable. Ordinary warriors are rarely sent out, and it is far from the point where a twelve-year-old child is required to control the armor on the battlefield. .

Tong Ling really wants to ask Brother T why.

But unfortunately, after T brother gave the tutorial, he suddenly became very cold and disappeared completely.

She hesitated for about two minutes, and finally clenched the teeth, called the T100 nerve connection board, and decided to fight.


Looking at the little girl on the virtual armor control training ground, manipulating the T100 to stumble one step at a time, Fanxing asked, "Do you think she can really do it?"

Chen Feng shook his head, "Of course not sure, but isn't this what makes people interesting?"

The biggest difference between humans and machines is that no matter how powerful the machine is, it is When it is produced, the upper limit of its performance is already visible to naked eye.

People are different. With the continuous rise of genetic arousal and the constant combination and change of the quantum storm spiral in personal thinking, the large spiral law that creates intuition will become more and more complex and contain the amount of information. It will get bigger and bigger.

The amount of information determines the ability, so the probability of a person will never end.

Perhaps if one day human gene arousal can reach 100%, the information capacity of human brain thinking can truly be comparable to the universe, and then humanity will reach its limit.

But obviously, that itself is still equivalent to no limit.


June 2686.

The transport ship has just left the Stargate Transition Channel and is taking a short rest at the space station of the K89515 central galaxy.

Tong Ling is about to lose T100.

In the transport ship warehouse.

Tong Ling is standing under the T100 in a daze.

She worked hard.

In this year, she couldn't even walk from the very beginning and became a true elite warrior.

She has completed T brother's tutorial to 30%.

But she is still far away from the ultimate assessment.

The instructor looked at Tong Ling next to her with regretful eyes, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

The instructor did not understand what happened.

Tong Ling has stayed with T100 for a whole year, but her synchronization rate has not improved, and her control level as a pilot has not changed significantly, but now she is 13 years old compared to her A year ago, the whole person was already different in the imposing manner.

A year ago, she was still childish and looked cute and cute.

Now that just one year has passed, she seems to have become an iron Blood Fighter exuding solemn killing aura.

"Well, Tong Ling, don't look at it, it's time to send it away."

The instructor said.

Tong Ling shook the head, "Instructor, give me another chance. I want to try a new method."

"What new method?"

"Put me in, and I will program in it in real time. This kind of brother T will not let people down anymore."

The instructor shook his head suddenly, "Stop it, it's a smart weapon . There is no need for people to stay in it. The meaning of the existence of smart weapons is to replace humans into dangerous situations. To put it ugly, it is to die for humans. Let you follow in, then don’t put the cart before the horse?"

Tong Ling continued to shook her head, "I said. It has a soul. Instructor, don't say this again in the future. Brother T is so strong, you should not treat him with the attitude of ordinary intelligent weapons. It can change the war. The special existence of the direction."

Instructor: "This is only theoretical potential, and there is still infinite distance to be realized now!"

Tong Ling categorically said: "If there must be someone who can It can only be me to realize the potential of Brother T! I know that I can. I believe in it, and it also believes in me. It is mine! If I can't give my equipment the perfect battle strength, I can only watch. If it is reckless waste of natural resources on the battlefield like a pile of junk in the hands of others, and is easily torn apart, then I live as a pilot and it doesn’t make much sense."

Instructor Eyelids jumped wildly, "What do you mean?"

Tong Ling said categorically: "Literally, if I really lose it, I will choose to stop myself."

"What? Are you crazy?"

Tong Ling shook her head, "I'm not crazy, very calm. I have re-recognized its potential this year. It is undoubtedly the whole The strongest Forge armor in the empire. Even within this century, there will not be any smart weapons that can surpass it. But there is only one way to realize its potential, which is what I said."

The instructor browses tightly knit, "The high-level will think you are threatening them. This is not what a mature soldier should do."

Tong Ling grinned, it really looked like a Little child, "but I'm only thirteen years old, just a wayward brat. Right?"

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