The judgment of the elderly ancient apes saved the lives of the tribesmen in Early-Stage. Avoiding the rocky mountain in time can avoid being swept away by the flood or being submerged by mudslides, but at the same time it was broken. The escape of the ethnic group.

The evacuation became a fantasy story.

The ancient apes at that time did not have the knowledge reserves for shipbuilding at all.

Tie it to the wood and follow the flow, see where you can drift, and leave everything to luck?

This idea looks beautiful, but in fact there are many problems.

First, there was no rope at that time, only rattan. The rattan can be used to drag things, but it is difficult to fix it firmly when it is used to tie people, and the tied person is easy to slip off.

Secondly, there are not enough rattans to save a few people.

Thirdly, here is a bare rocky mountain without many trees.

Fourth, in the turbulent flood, even if people are drifting with a tree trunk, it is easy to get buried in the water and drown.

To sum up, this is not an idea with a high survival rate, and its feasibility is extremely low.

Even if people in small groups can survive, the tribes no longer exist.

The lonely apes enter the wild, and there is no possibility of surviving.

Even with Chen Feng’s ingenuity and modern knowledge, he could not think of how to escape alive the primordial human being locked up on the top of the mountain.

So, even though they know that they can only wait to die on the mountain, the surviving ancient apes have no choice but to live one day.

The virtual history in front of Chen Feng slowly accelerates.

As time goes by, due to the scarcity of food, the living habits and posture of the ancient apes have gradually changed in extreme environments.

First of all, the ancient apes more powerfully control their diet and adjust their bodies to adapt to the current situation of food scarcity as much as possible.

Something strange happened. Although the size of the ancient apes seemed to be getting weaker and thinner, the thin body and extreme malnutrition did not help these people who survived the first month quickly. Rout.

Their movements are still agile, and their lighter weight and smaller size allow them to consume a lot less energy when moving.

The changes in the adult ancient apes are obvious, but the changes in the juvenile and juvenile ancient apes are even more significant.

In order to reduce the energy consumed when moving short distances, these children gradually try to walk upright on their feet and rely on a more developed cerebellum to maintain balance when going out.

When an upright walking animal of the same size and weight moves the same distance at the same slow speed as a quadruped walking animal, as long as the balance of the upright animal is well controlled, the upright animal consumes less total ATP , And the field of vision is higher, allowing these straight children to look for food or wood on the rocky mountains more efficiently.

Not only that, the child who should have been protected has gradually learned to water-taught self-taught, and water is very good, the probability of going out to find food and returning again is much higher.

These children even learned to dive and fish in the flood.

During this process, in order to swim faster and more effortlessly in the water, the hair on the surface of the ancient ape child began to recede at an extremely fast speed.

Although the ancient ape child did not quickly and completely become like modern people, the villi on the body surface have become much shorter, and the hair gradually no longer absorbs water, and the hair expression layer is quickly secreted by the stratum corneum. Covering, forming a tiny hydrophobic scaly structure, more and more similar to modern human hair and perspiration.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Chen Feng was stunned.

It turns out that the human body shape changes in Ancient Times can really be so fast.

There is no need to pass generations, just in the same person, because of the demand for the external environment and quickly change.

Chen Feng also learned that the original way of expressing human genes has such a powerful potential.

Scientists have had many different guesses about the evolution of humans.

Even in the later generations when the technological process is highly developed, humans can already use genes to synthesize some new species, and can even use cloning technology to turn themselves into new species. What about humans millions of years ago There are still many controversies and speculations about how the process gradually becomes the final appearance.

Most people agree that the human form is the result of slow evolution in constant natural selection.

But in fact, when human beings have wisdom and become Homo sapiens, nature's right to choose Homo sapiens suddenly decreases a lot.

But the process of losing hair on the human body has not ended, but is still advancing.

It can't always be the tendency of natural selection when the population reproduces because of aesthetic changes.

Who knows what the aesthetics of ancient humans is like, maybe the more hairs, the more popular it is.

The changes in hair that occurred during the evolution of humans have puzzled many paleontological scientists and have put forward various speculations.

Now Chen Feng knows the reason.

In the evolutionary history of the human population, there is such a history that requires swimming to save the survival of the race.

Perhaps after this generation lives, the hair will be restored to its original shape due to the needs of hunting and warmth, but fewer hairs can cope with more complex environments but it has been carved into human memory. , And continue the eternal inheritance, until one day, when human wisdom reaches a certain level, productivity can meet the needs of clothing and warmth, the tendency of hair reduction is strongly expressed again, and finally becomes the mainstream.

The rapid evolution of the little children gave the population a little respite and eased food sources a little.

But if the rain continues, the population still does not have the probability of expanding and reproducing, and the population will continue to decline due to the harsh external environment, perhaps due to natural death, or death from disease.

In short, the population will continue to decline, but the rate of decline is much slower than the first month.

The real change occurred five months after the heavy rain continued to fall.

Five months of lightning and thunder, the oxygen and hydrogen on Earth reacted quickly to produce more and more water. The torrential rain caused the ocean's water level to continue to rise, and eventually formed the Earth Appearance.

The persistence of this ancient ape tribe has finally reached its limit.

The ancient apes have been sick and wounded from old age to minor illness.

No one can go out for food anymore.

The tribe is truly in desperation.

On this day, a huge biological submarine approached the rock mountain.

In a sense, this cannot be considered a submarine, because there is no air in it.

The upper body is similar to the ancient ape, but the fish-tailed murloc came out of the submarine and stuck his head on the surface of the water.

This is a female fish star.

She is very tall, eight meters long.

She barely squeezed out a smile and waved her hands in a friendly manner like ancient apes greeted each other.

After that, a ladder extended from the top of the submarine to the cave entrance.

The upper part of the huge submarine began to grow like a plant growing up like a building that the ancient apes had never imagined.

The submarine has become a small floating island.

The remaining eighty-seven ancient apes supported each other and walked onto the surface of the submarine in confusion and tension.

Here, the ancient apes first came into contact with cooked food-grilled fish.

The ancient ape is also the first time to come into contact with medicine.

Chen Feng suddenly learned the origin of the fantasy about Noah's Ark in Western myths, and the origin of the legend of Nuwa in Chinese myths that he was able to repair the sky and save the world in the flood.

Stacked memories have been hidden in people's hearts through fish food, and eventually become Myths and Legends.

The ancient apes settled on the floating island, and more than seven months have passed since then.

In the third month, the heavy rain finally stopped gradually, but it was still covered with dark clouds, sometimes there was drizzle, and there were still floods everywhere outside Heaven and Earth.

It wasn't until more than seven months later that the warm sun finally filled the ground again, and the ground began to dry out again.

At this time, the ancient apes arrived in the African continent in the fish star submarine, walked off the floating island, waved goodbye to each other, and started a new reproduction.

The picture in front of Chen Feng stopped abruptly.

What he saw was a real history.

Chen Feng fell silent.

This is just one of many things that fish star people do for Earth people.

Perhaps this period of history is more important, so the fish star hidden it in the depths of the stacked memory, and after additional encryption, it was finally presented to Chen Feng.

But why must be this paragraph?

and nothing else?

Chen Feng soon understood why the fish star people wanted to encrypt it.

It turns out that there is another huge secret hidden in this memory.

During the two hundred days that the ancient apes lived on the surface of the submarine, they received medical assistance from the fish star, and their DNA information was also deeply sequenced.

In the DNA information of the ancient ape, there are secrets that Chen Feng never thought of.

It turns out that the evolution of mankind actually stagnated as early as seven or eight million years ago.

Follow-up so-called evolution is nothing more than pseudo-evolution of directional feature expression, as well as small mutations that occur when different ethnic groups in scattered places exchange bloodlines with each other.

The nature of human genes has never changed.

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