After chatting with her parents for a long time, Tong Ling hung up the communication reluctantly.

When Tong Ling left the communication room, an Afro brawny man wearing silver light flashing metal costumes lined up behind her passed by her and greeted her warmly.

"Sister, can you only talk for five minutes? I can wait, or else you and your father will talk again?"

This afro brawny man is coming from a traveler The galaxy is named High 1548627-LXZ.

He made his name by himself.

As a synthetic man who was raised by artificial intelligence and whose blood parents had died in the Battle of the Travellers, the sensible man expressed that he was tired of the traditional name, and the number code was more personal. More special.

So he made up a bunch of numbers, and after his last name, he barely counted as a name.

LXZ is the abbreviation of the initials of his galaxy to prevent the same name.

brawny man respects Tong Ling very much.

The Battle of Voyager is Tong Ling’s battle of fame. As Voyager, brawny man respects Tong Ling who is the only warrior who catches fish star warrior alive as it should be by rights.

Except for a handful of people such as Chen Feng, Fanxing, Lai Wenming, others do not know that the greatest contributor to the end of the war is the sage Chen Feng himself who has been "dead".

Tong Ling herself is not very clear, only somewhat ambiguous speculation.

She thinks that Brother T may be related to the sage, but she is not sure.

Tong Ling laughed and said to brawny man, "It's okay, Xiaoqi, let's talk to your family. I have said everything I should say, what I want to say."

In the war years, farewell does not need to be vigorous, let alone weeping bitter tears.

It is enough for each other to know where each other will go, what kind of life they will continue to live, and how they will eventually die.

At this time, another uninvited guest sounded next to him.

"Little girl, go to the side after talking, don't stand in the way."

This is a huge man with a height of 2.8 meters, his arms are thicker than Tong Ling's waist.

The giant man is naked, his body is covered with tattoo-like black lines, and his eyes are like bells. When he walks, he steps on the spaceship metal floor with bare feet and makes a metal rubbing sound of crack cracks.

Xiao Qi is about to get angry, but Tong Ling squeezes her hand to indicate that he doesn't need to care about it.

Just by looking at the shape of the tattooed giant, you know that he comes from the rumored giant source galaxy.

The pattern on his body is not a tattoo, but the real metallic skin that grows on his body.

These lines are not just for "beauty", their role is to form a bioelectric field in the giant source galaxy to counter the oscillating gravitational field released by the giant source star every moment.

The living environment in the Juyuan galaxy is worse than that of the Voyager galaxy after the war. It was originally unsuitable for human habitation, but 150 years ago, a group of wild explorers with unique tastes arrived. Juyuan galaxy, and decided to settle here.

This group of reckless explorers are not solar system people, but were born in another galaxy with super giant planets.

After 150 years of development, the giant source galaxy now has a population of nearly 2 billion.

The population of the giant source galaxy does not seem to be large, but on average, one out of every three giant source stars has a professional soldier who has reached the C-Rank evaluation of the imperial military system.

Juyuan warrior are all brave and good at fighting.

Today's giant source galaxy and the old warrior galaxy Orton galaxy are on par in fame.

At the same time, due to the special natural and human environment of the star system, the personality of the giant star people is generally irritable, which is very troublesome.

Tong Ling had dealt with the giant warrior in the Witten galaxy. She knew very well, so she didn't bother to care about this giant.

Gao Xiaoqi was very convinced of Tong Ling, only snorted in his nose, turned his head and walked in.

Tong Ling no longer delays, she avoids sideways and flashes people quickly.

Tong Ling just returned to the personal dormitory to lie down and listened to a nursery rhyme. A prompt sounded from the communicator, asking her to go to the fortress to join the meeting with other S-Rank combatants.

The main purpose of the meeting is to determine the combat sequence of many combatants.

This is no small matter.

In the Unnamed Fleet,

The commander needs to clearly know the boundaries of each person’s ability and make the right decision when needed.

Speaking out, I’m afraid no one will believe that the Unnamed Fleet, which is responsible for the first expedition mission of mankind, is actually a huge miscellaneous army.

The staffing of the fleet has just been established, and most people have not been together for more than two months.

The formulation of the expedition plan dates back to 2688, when Tong Ling hadn't even reached the Witten galaxy.

This is the decision of the imperial military leadership.

With several decades of trial and error, mankind has a deep grasp of the power that can be deployed in the hands of compound eyes.

I don’t deny that the new methods displayed by the compound eye from time to time will always cause a lot of trouble to mankind, but just as happened in the Battle of Voyager Star, when the human ability exceeds a certain boundary, face the compound eye No matter how busy Early-Stage is, humans can always rely on the amazingly rapid technological explosion and huge strategic depth to quickly integrate the power of multiple galaxies and even the entire empire to solve problems.

Now the empire commanders have developed new ideas. Since we can deal with compound-eyes now, there is naturally no need to give the opponent time to react, wait for the opponent to make a move first, and then fight back. This There will always be passive, and there will be heavy casualties and resource losses every time.

it's impolite not to make a return for what one receives, the commander-in-chief of the empire decided to take the initiative and commissioned Fanxing to conduct a feasibility demonstration on the matter.

Fanxing has calculated according to the usual practice for a long time, but has not come to a clear conclusion, because no one knows whether the compound eye is still hiding any hole cards in the Yinxin base.

Will human beings take the initiative to trigger any new actions on the other side?

These are all unknowns.

In the end, Chen Feng made the decision.

It's done.

Anyway, the war has begun. To achieve a real victory, the opponent’s stronghold in the galaxy must be destroyed.

But Chen Feng puts forward two prerequisites. The human fleet must have the ability to sail 500 times the speed of light, otherwise the day lily will be cold when it reaches the Yinxin.

At the same time, the battle strength of this expeditionary fleet must surpass other human armies by an era.

Because no matter how concealed the marching route is, the possibility of encounters halfway cannot be ruled out.

If the human forces are not sharp enough to break through the opponent's interception, and cannot show an overwhelming firepower advantage, then such an expedition is meaningless, and it's just a waste of resources.

To do it, you must succeed.

Finally, after more than two decades of preparations, the fleet, which has accumulated the highest technological crystallization of the empire, has finally been deployed smoothly.

In addition to the equipment advantage, the Unnamed Fleet is also the first to conduct personnel selection for the entire empire, selecting 50 million people from as many as hundreds of thousands of colonies.

If the current Orion arm humans are divided into races by the galaxy, there are at least one hundred thousand races in the unnamed fleet.

Whether it is a scientist, a warrior, or an engineer, everyone in the fleet is the elite of their respective races.

Now about 50% of the top genius in the entire empire are gathered in this fleet.

Regardless of the level of cooperation, judging from the perspective of the total personal abilities of soldiers and the level of equipment and technology, the paper strength of the Unnamed Fleet is enough to be worthy of the huge army of an entire galaxy.

But interstellar war is not a personal bravery. When it comes to the battlefield, this miscellaneous army can perform at a certain level. It depends on the warriors who were born in different cultures and have different habits. The level of mutual coordination.

This is a headache for the commander Qin Guang.

About an hour later, Tong Ling took the synchronous shuttle to the fortress and went directly to the Conference Hall.

There are 3,700 S-Rank warriors eligible to participate in the conference, from 2,600 planetary systems.

Among them, there are sixty-three people who are born in the solar system like Tong Ling.

Seventeen people in the giant source galaxy, and twenty-one people in the Orton galaxy.

As for other galaxies, most of them only have one or two.

Because of the vast territory of the empire, the human bodies and personalities in different galaxies are too different, causing these 3,700 people to look grotesquely shaped, and the demons dance in a wild.

Some people have thick hair all over, and they seem to have a tendency to return to their ancestors.

The planet in which such people live is either irritated by strong radiation, or the temperature is extremely low, or the temperature difference between day and night is very large, or it may be that the quantum rules of the galaxy would have stimulated the dominant expression of human hair genes.

There is also a very small human body, even less than one meter tall in adulthood, but it is not dwarfism, but the entire galaxy he is in is such a small man.

When someone is standing upright, his fingers can touch the back of his instep after his arms hang down, and he has an amazing three-knot elbow joint.

It is rumored that the planet where the long-armed man grew up is the corpse of a colonizer who has undergone transformation in the last century.

The long-armed planet refers to the reincarnation reformer as the ancestor.

As a space life, the ancestor chose to be an endless traveler.

After he left the solar system far away, he wandered in the universe for a long time, quietly waiting for the end of his lifespan.

Humans provided great convenience to the ancestor and gave him the qualification to use the Zigzag Gate.

But one day in the early 27th century, the ancestor suddenly realized that his body could release a gravitational field to attract nearby particles to him.

He wants to know his limits.

The long journey of the ancestor stopped in Ursa Major, where he found a huge fragmentation zone.

He began to enrich particles and meteorites for the rest of his life to make his body bigger and bigger.

The ancestors tried to reintegrate into human society again, learning some knowledge of interstellar ecology, and controlling the attachments around their bodies to change their traits little by little.

Finally, the ancestor died in 2633. Before he died, he successfully transformed himself into a planet extremely similar to the former Earth.

The people in the entire empire received the invitation he sent before he died.

He invited people to come and settle in his Big Bear star.

After nearly two hundred years of development, the Big Bear has more than 3 billion inhabitants, and it has bred to the fifth generation.

Starting from about the fourth generation of the Big Bear, the arms of the people here have become longer and longer, and finally formed what they are today.

The changes in the Great Bear Planet are just a relatively special one among the hundreds of thousands of different human colonies.

There are even more exaggerated.

At the end of the crowd, there is still a "person" sitting.

Strictly speaking, this person is no longer considered a human being. He is clearly a huge white elephant.

He is indeed not a human being.

He has forgotten his name, and people call him White Elephant.

The White Elephant was one of those people in the solar system who had undergone a comprehensive transformation.

The lifespan of the white elephant seems to be very long, and it has been alive until now.

After wandering in the universe for a hundred years, he finally recalled that he was once a human being. After arduous learning, he re-mastered human language and thinking mode, and returned to society, becoming a top class Armored warrior.

Curiously, although the Conference Hall is full of freaks at this time, people occasionally burst into provocative gazes when they look at each other, but the overall atmosphere is very serious.

There was absolute silence in the huge Conference Hall, and no one made any noise.

Everyone is honestly sitting in their place according to SmartBrain's assignment.

The sorting is basically based on height.

At present, almost everyone is a newcomer. Everyone here is a well-known figure in their own galaxy or Legion. It is hard to say who is convinced.

Perhaps after a period of voyage, the warriors will gradually show a gap in the comprehensive training, or the encounter will break out, then when the time comes is that the donkey is the basic obvious at a glance.

Tong Ling both hands crossed near chest, sitting right-handed, her eyes erratic from time to time, she has been observing other people.

T brother once said in the combat teaching that although the top warrior can be one enemy to one hundred on the battlefield, it can play the role of ordinary warrior completely impossible to mention on equal terms, but it does not mean that the top warrior is just You don't need to care about your comrades.

On the contrary, the better the warrior is, the better at using all the available resources around.

Resources include the warrior's own equipment, external environment, the enemy's loopholes and shortcomings, but the most important thing is the coordination and cooperation of comrades.

No one knows what the Unnamed Fleet will encounter in the next voyage and when the battle will break out.

Tong Ling is also not sure who she might collaborate with, so she follows the habit developed for a long time and tries to observe others as much as possible when she catches the opportunity.

Look at the person first, and observe his words and deeds. This is the fastest way to get an initial understanding of a person 50%.

Then in case she needs to work together, she can predict the action patterns of her comrades as accurately as possible and adjust her strategy in time.

At the forefront of the Conference Hall is a group of low warriors of various shapes.

Although these warriors are short in stature, it does not mean that they are weak.

The density of their skeleton is usually higher, and the fiber strength of the internal organs and muscles is higher. They are used to living in a high gravity environment.

Today's combatants are divided into three categories, one of which is like the armored warrior in the old era in virtual history. This type of warrior has the strongest adaptability and can maximize the potential of the equipment.

But this type of warrior is the least, because the fighter’s intuitive reaction ability, genetic arousal and physical fitness are too high.

Most armored warriors are relatively low in stature, and the tallest is no more than two meters.

The second category is armored pilots like Tong Ling. When fighting, the armored pilots will also stay in the armor for real-time programming. But compared with the armored warrior, during the entire battle, the armored pilot only needs to bear and deal with the impact of the armored maneuver.

The number of warriors of the second category is second.

The third type of warrior is the pure pilot who dominates this timeline, and is the kind of person Tong Ling should have become.

Tong Ling's most concern is the armored warrior.

She has a special situation.

Although she has only played in the posture of the second type of warrior so far, in fact she has been receiving simulation training of armored warriors.

It's just that she still failed to complete the final step of the T100 ultimate assessment.

In Brother T’s evaluation, she is still an unqualified armored warrior. She is an unfinished body. She hastily appeared on the battlefield as an armored warrior and is easy to die in vain.

Of course, Tong Ling firmly believes that one day she can pass the exam and become a real armored warrior.

Tong Ling observed less than 3 minutes, and the fleet commander Qin Guang finally arrived slowly.

Qin Guang said the first sentence after appearing on the rostrum.

"Everyone, you are all well-known figures who have made famous names in different battlefields. But I want to know who is the strongest among you."

Qin Guang Just one sentence caused an uproar in the audience.

Only Qin Guang himself knows what he intends to do.

One day ago, Qin Guang was finally absorbed into the Salvation Club and became one of the core insiders of the Salvation Club.

Of course, he still doesn't know that Chen Feng is still alive, let alone that Chen Feng is planning to resurrect.

Qin Guang came into contact with another anxiety in the Salvation Society.

So far, there is still no warrior that shows the innate talent and potential of the battle strength mention on equal terms that can be demonstrated in the void history with the sages when operating equipment of the same level.

Assuming that the sage cannot be resurrected this time, in the 31st century, how can human beings fill in the cutting-edge battle strength gap caused by the absence of Chen Feng?

This is a huge problem.

The hope of civilization cannot be pinned on another warrior Linbu that has not yet been born.

The safest way is to try to cultivate the Ultra Grade warrior from now on, and form a complete training system, as far as possible to mention the probability of the birth of the Ultra Grade warrior of the expert class.

Among all human armies at present, the Ultra Grade warrior is most likely to be born. Of course, a large number of combat geniuses will be concentrated to perform the most dangerous missions. It is likely to face the unnamed fleet of the most intense war.

So Qin Guang decided to change the selection process to try to ignite a more intense sense of confrontation.

This behavior is commonly known as Gong Huo.

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