"It’s not that I have any moves, it’s that you have several points of means. In the next training, you can use it as much as you want. Show your best state and do the best Myself. Alright, the first task begins."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he quickly accessed the data synchronized by Fanxing without giving other people time, and transferred more than three thousand people to their own The equipment is synchronized.

In front of the pilot is a programming console.

In front of the console is placed the S-Rank custom-made individual combat armor owned by the pilots.

The armored pilot and the warrior appeared directly in their armored cockpits.

Action instructions appear in front of everyone simultaneously.

The battlefield environment is simulated and deduced. The time background is set to the 32nd century, and the location is the shadow galaxy.

Every warrior has been pre-identified as a member of the Shadow Galaxy Special Forces.

In the simulated battle, Legion, a new creature of compound-eyes, has arrived in the shadow galaxy. The elite vanguard troops have penetrated the shadow galaxy's garrison line and are rushing towards the Science City space station.

The task of the special forces is very simple, meet the enemy, and annihilate this elite vanguard force halfway.

S-Rank combatants have performed many similar interceptions in their respective War Zones and the original army, and they have achieved outstanding results.

Seeing that the task is so simple, these people are full of confidence.

But they didn't know, this time is different.

Fanxing combines the evolutionary route of the compound-eyes provided by Chen Feng in the last timeline after the 31st century and the cannon fodder troops continuously sent by the compound-eyes in this timeline for more than 30 years. On the basis of the blade beetle, it accurately deduced the various abilities and firepower equipment that the main force of the blade beetle of compound-eyes in the 32nd century should have.

Although this deduction forecast is certainly not 100% accurate, the error will not exceed 5%.

So, what S-Rank combatants have to face today should actually be the new type of powerful arms that the compound-eyes may slowly develop in three to four hundred years.

Although the imagination of compound-eyes is not as good as that of humans, their innovative ideas are biased towards the passive type of latecomer, and the technological process is much slower than that of humans, but after all, it is hundreds of years ahead. S-Rank fighters There is no chance of winning.

In just five minutes, as the Science City Space Station exploded all split up and in pieces in the orbit of Europa, the warriors’ mission failed.

The battlefield simulation environment suddenly disappeared, and everyone's silhouette instantly returned to the platform.

Some people are still roaring hysterically, some have already squatted aggrieved with their heads in their hands, and some people looked down at their hands with a confused face, and more people stared with eyes wide in disbelief. Looked at the various parameters reported back in the console.

No one has the slightest confidence on his face.

It's miserable, it was a miserable loss, and there was no resistance at all.

No matter what type of combatant they are, they are as vulnerable as an ant in the face of enemy combat units with comprehensive mobility, firepower, and protection capabilities.

Maybe even ants are inferior.

For a long time, when everyone's swollen foreheads gradually returned to normal, a system list fell like a curtain from top to bottom in front of everyone.

This is a simulation system and Chen Feng scored each warrior's performance.

The highest score was 17.15. This warrior persisted for nearly ten seconds under the siege of two alien blade beetles.

The minimum score is 0 points. The armor programmed by this pilot was hit by an ordinary energy beam from the other side before it actually came into contact with it, and it exploded into a firework in space.

The average score of more than 3,700 people is only 5.89.

"The full score is a hundred-point system, and you have a pass of 95 points. You see what level you are."

The image of Chen Feng appeared in the space in front of the warriors, hands behind back said.

A man from the giant source galaxy yelled: "This is unfair and unscientific. You can't force an enemy with such an unconventional strength. The compound eye does not possess this type of unit. With our existing equipment, it is impossible to stop it. Such training and evaluation are meaningless!"

Chen Feng grinned and smiled, "Really? It's just that you can't do it."

In the next moment, Chen Feng waved his hand again, reappeared ten special-shaped blade beetles in the space not far away.

A pair of armor appeared on the platform, it was T100.

Chen Feng's figure floats into T100 and rises into the air.

About 3 minutes later, the undamaged T100 fell back to the platform, and the remaining energy reserve indicator on the shoulder just improved to orange-yellow with insufficient energy.

In the distant outer space, there are countless pieces of torn apart corpses of alien blade beetles.

"Impossible! There must be something tricky!"

Someone protested.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, he just announced all his battle data.

He gave these people close to two hours to browse through the battle data.

Afterwards, Chen Feng asked again: "Do you think it is possible now?"

At this time, no one said anything.

The complete combat parameters show that the strength of the ten alien blade beetles that the Dragon instructor dealt with was exactly the same as that faced by others, without the slightest difference.

Instructor Dragon used the formidable power of the special Forge armor T100 by 200%.

This is the key to his victory.

"Remember, you can't do it, not your equipment. The simulated battle I just had was really dangerous. I could be destroyed at any time, but in the end I won. . You have enjoyed too much technological help, and you always think that compound eyes are not too bad. You have been paralyzed by the technological advances brought by scientists, and you are used to relying on equipment to easily solve the enemy."

" But you have to know that in the timeline of the past, every time a human warrior fought with it when the technology was far inferior to the other. Xiaomi and rifle can sometimes fire planes and cannons. But this is not our arrogance, it’s just Because we have no choice! Impossible because we are weak, others will not fight over."

"You must jump out of the thinking of relying on equipment and get used to the thinking of the weak again. You must know that in the technological era When the difference does not form an absolute crush, it is not the equipment but the people that determine the direction of the war. This is what I want to teach you today."

"The fleet will have to fly more than two hundred and sixty. We can only reach the Yinxin in two years. Although we can communicate with the empire headquarters, our equipment and technology impossible are completely synchronized with the outside world. You should understand your own situation. The most likely situation is that after one or two hundred years, you Each is still using the armor in front of them. But will the compound-eyes stand still?"

"The silver heart is the opponent’s nest. It has been in operation for millions of years, and a combat unit of this intensity has emerged. It is almost inevitable. The alien blade beetles that you now think are elites, when the time comes, may even be used as cannon fodder to fight the war of attrition."

"This is the end of today's class, class is over!"

After speaking, Chen Feng kicked all the warriors out of their dreams.


Tong Ling lay on her bed blankly, the number 8.91 in her mind over and over again.

This is the score she just got, not high.

She fought with a special-shaped blade beetle for about ten seconds, but in the end she was still smashed into the cockpit by the opponent's enhanced cutting knife and simulated death.

Instructor Dragon also controls the T100, and the basic parameters are exactly the same as him, but the result is as different as heaven and earth.

Tong Ling is the one who has suffered the most impact among all warriors.

She slowly began to recall and organize, and re-examined the each step of the dragon instructor.

Of course she is not reconciled.

However, in another internal virtual network cafe, a group of grotesquely shaped warriors also gathered together.

The atmosphere is very silent.

Some people pour drinks into their mouths bit by bit, while others look up at the sky, tapping on the table with their fingers da da da.

In the end, an armored warrior sighed from the solar system said, "This may be the end of human ability and the true ability of the sage Chen Feng."

"Well, yes."

"I'm so ridiculous, I wanted to challenge him before."

"I don't think he will agree. The gap is too big, and this challenge will not help us improve at all. "

"But I don’t understand one thing. Why did he use the T100 armor to complete the demonstration? Is there anything special about the little girl named Tong Ling?"

"Who knows. I heard that the command team is dividing teams based on the results of our first simulation test. I don't want to be assigned to a team with her. I didn't even get ten points. It's really useless."

It was obviously Juyuan warrior who said this, and the atmosphere on the scene was awkward in an instant.

By chance, none of the other warriors who sat with him scored more than 10 points.

The embarrassed people quickly flashed away.

This giant warrior twitched his lips, but he didn't think he offended anyone.

He began to rub the metal lines on his shoulders, rethinking how to better combine his own characteristics with the armor, and strive to perform better next time.

At this moment, every S-Rank fighter received a prompt in the communicator.

Qin Guang's grouping is complete.

Juyuan warrior looked at the list and was stunned.

"Damn! What a shame!"

He really got into a team with Tong Ling.

And Captain has been designated, it is Tong Ling.

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