Tong Ling refused the promotion order given to her by Qin Guang on behalf of the Fleet Command.

That was what she said at the time.

"Since 2685, I became a warrior for the first time in the Battle of the Traveller. By 2713, I have been on the battlefield for 28 years. I have participated in a total of seven major battles. Mission 1,362 times. I'm still alive, and I have the credit for my own efforts to survive, but many comrades give up their lives to cover me again and again is the most important reason why I am alive."

"My military rank goes up step by step, from lieutenant officer to major general, but my comrades in arms have been changing. Few people have been able to fight with me until now. I often have the illusion that I have a military badge on my shoulders. The rays of light are stained by the blood of my comrades. The more comrades I lose, the more dazzling the military badge."

"Others always praise me, saying that I am invincible and invincible. The comrades in the Vine galaxy even gave me the nickname of the pioneer Goddess. I am ashamed. But in the Witten galaxy, I am a role model for everyone. Whether I am calm in my heart or not, I have all these honors and titles. Suffering."

"I gradually become numb, thinking that I can do better, so I can be worthy of others to sacrifice for me. I thought I was used to sacrifice, I thought I had gotten the stone Heart."

"But I have never experienced such a task. 267 people were dispatched, but I was the only one who returned. I was wrong. Every comrade in arms has the right to live. No one is born. I should sacrifice for others. I shouldn’t be numb, let alone be calm. They handed over their energy and their lives to me, but I came back alone."

Tong Ling said a little bit Meal: "I...I really had enough."

"If I had allowed myself to have the ability at the time earlier, we could have prepared enough external energy modules for the T100 when we set off. Or part of the intelligent weaponry will play the role of the space tanker. Then we had the opportunity to avoid more sacrifices, at least to come back dozens of people."

"I am too self, I am ashamed. My innate talent is ashamed of everyone's cultivation, and my mistakes are inexcusable, so I can't afford the rank of lieutenant general."

Tong Ling's tone is very flat, but her attitude is extremely firm.

Qin Guang left angrily, and even the commendation meeting was cancelled because Tong Ling was unwilling to cooperate.

When Qin Guang left, Gao Xiaoqi and Opp tried to persuade them.

Tong Ling jumped down from the medical bed and waved her hand, "I'm fine. Go on your own, I'm going to train."

"Ah! Big sister... …"

Gao Xiaoqi seems to want to say something, but Tong Ling has already gone.


Fanxing has stopped talking with Chen Feng and mobilized most of its computing power to cooperate with the analysis work of the Solar System Star Front Research Institute.

Yang Zhonghua has transmitted back a large amount of previously captured data related to the crystal water bear through a one-way encrypted channel.

The source of the data is not only Tong Ling’s slashing feedback, but also the dramatic changes that occurred when the zero-returning universe swallowed the water bear after the detonation of the fragmentation bomb.

Large creatures composed of virtual energy that can survive in the real-energy universe have extremely high reference value, and are likely to bring a new technological change to mankind, and further draw the relationship between mankind and the master behind the scenes. gap.

Human scientists and Fanxing have both deeply deciphered spare no effort.

Chen Feng is not busy, and only focuses his attention on Tong Ling.

The analysis report placed in front of Chen Feng wrote that when Tong Ling entered the "War God state", her thinking was completely immersed in simulation training. The brain thinking quantum storm and Chen Feng's simulation in T100SmartBrain Combat personality is deeply integrated. At this time, her intuitive reaction ability has reached the boundary of her ability, and her instant reaction, judgment, and nerve-controlled physical state have also been improved to Peak.

The process of the synthesis and decomposition of adenosine triphosphate has been accelerated to more than ten times the normal speed, and her body seems to be continuously erupting with countless small nuclear explosions.

Logical ability, dynamic intuition, predictive ability, and reaction ability are the same as Chen Feng himself, breaking through the limit of the human brain.

This allows her to control the T100 to complete operations that others cannot imagine.

But she and Chen Feng are fundamentally different.

Tong Ling’s "War God state" is not possessed by Innate. Part of it comes from her own hard training, and the other part comes from Chen Feng’s simulated personality in T100. This is forcibly achieved through acquired hard work. What he couldn't do before was like an ancient young swordsman carrying a backlash and mastering a peerless demonic weapon that didn't belong to him.

The advantage of this is that it gives Tong Ling a personal ability that transcends the times, proving that the value of humans can also surpass science and technology, but the disadvantage is that it makes her thinking suffer from the imitation of personality. , Will gradually lose the diversity of chaotic thinking, and unconsciously judgement will rely more on intuition, and thinking will gradually become quantized and mechanized.

Her mentality suddenly collapsed, she was sinking into self-blame and refused to relieve her spirit, and this was the reason for her firm refusal to promote and commend.

She should have realized that others sacrificed for her not for her personally.

As long as there is a choice, everyone wants to live.

The martyrs went to death generously, just because they believed in her ability and believed that letting her perform better would be more beneficial to the entire fleet and more beneficial to the race.

Sacrifice in the war is inevitable, but if the purpose of the martyrs' sacrifice is forcibly locked on the individual, it will appear to be disrespectful to the martyrs.

Tong Ling can survive, and accept the rank and commendation calmly, then her deeds with the 266 martyrs of the Han Jie will always inspire others.

In the eyes of the members of the Unknown Fleet, Tong Ling is no longer a separate entity. The spirit and will of the 266 martyrs will always live on her lieutenant general's epaulettes.

Tong Ling didn't realize all of this.

Qin Guang indulged her too much.

Chen Feng can intervene strongly and force her to change her mind, but Chen Feng does not intend to do so.

Some things have to be realized on their own, and the compulsion of others will only backfire.


"Lieutenant General Tong Ling, please wait a moment, we need to conduct an emergency inspection and debugging of your armor, after all, it has just been restored, and we have installed ten more Times Energy Module. I’m very sorry, we didn’t expect you to come so soon. Now, shouldn’t you be honored in the Fleet Broadcast Channel?"

The Chief-In-Charge of the Logistics Department is slightly nervous Said to Tong Ling, who was still wearing casual clothes.

Tong Ling shook the head, "I'm not a lieutenant general. What you just said are all external equipment? I only need to use the whole brain link cockpit, is this okay?"

"Uh, this is fine."

"Ok, thank you."

Tong Ling sat in the T100 cockpit again.

Compared to seven days ago, some minor changes have taken place in the cockpit, and some equipment has been upgraded.

Some of the modules that could clearly see the traces of splicing have become more resembles nature itself, and the entire cockpit seems to have grown like this on its own.

Countless biological links slowly twist along the special metal surface, like a rainbow.

The neural link board has also undergone tremendous changes. It is no longer a flat plate, but has become a deep penetration equipment covering the whole body.

Tong Ling whispered, "Start."

In the next moment, the chair under her quickly softened, and then spread upward, following her feet to the sides of her cheeks.

She was wrapped up like a mummy, with countless molecular nerve links penetrating her skin along the organic battle suit, connecting with her neurons and nerve endings in the body.

Tong Ling was slightly trembled first, and then closed her eyes.

Her consciousness merges with Chen Feng's simulated personality in T100 again.

Compared to the last time, there is a slight difference.

She is no longer in a coma, no longer loses her active consciousness, but keeps her sense and thinking.

"Dear top warrior, hello, welcome. The armor is being debugged and is temporarily unable to move. What are you going to do now?"

Chen Feng’s simulated personality is in accordance with presets The instruction, imitating Brother T's voice, said to Tong Ling.

Tong Ling whispered in her heart: "For simulation training, I want to challenge the ultimate assessment again."

"You have not fully recovered, there is a certain risk of injury, please confirm you Do you want to start the assessment?"


Chen Feng saw everything in his eyes and shook his head slightly.

This girl is devilish.

Five minutes later, Chen Feng's expression changed instantly.

He discovered a very strange thing.

As Tong Ling re-invested in the ultimate assessment over there, and began to make various simulated maneuvers, his own thinking also involuntarily produced corresponding reactions.

Tong Ling’s fighting instinct is being fed back to him through the resonance between Chen Feng and the simulated personality!

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