Light and shadow rotate.

Flying away.

Lin La sat by the window and watched the things outside keep flying back. His thoughts fluttered in an instant, but they didn't float to Yang Guoding.

The things that waved like waves in her mind were still the unfinished work in her hands.

Countless kinds of nutrient ratio schemes are repeatedly appearing in her mind, and then calculations and demonstrations are carried out in the human brain.

The ratio scheme is not a simple percentage combination.

It can be traced back to the specific process in the synthesis stage of nutrient solution raw materials.

Each nutrient synthesis method, as well as the modification and fine-tuning after synthesis, has extremely strict standards.

In the future, a series of biochemical reactions may occur after the substance is absorbed by the "resurrected" embryo.

Although the similar calculation process has been completed by artificial intelligence no less than tens of billions, it still failed to get 100% results.

Lin La and countless other researchers in related links are racing against time to trace the root cause, trying to find the cause.

At this level, nutrition and aerospace engineering have the same effect. They both use a large number of calculations and simulation experiments to find the point of failure as much as possible, and then improve the process and design a little bit Plan and finally solve the problem.

Unfortunately, I'm always short of breath now.

So Lin La is trying to give up the computing power assistance of artificial intelligence and use his own human brain thinking to make mental calculations.

From the launch platform to Linla's station, it is only about five kilometers.

This section of the road, the shuttle takes only 16 seconds to arrive.

On the way, she completed a round of deduction, but it was useless.

Along the way, Lin La's thoughts fluctuated briefly as the shuttle passed through the Chief-In-Charge office area of ​​Yang Guoding's project.

She can guess what Yang Guoding is doing now without having to look.

He must still be sitting there, staring at the simulated embryos, his mind is full of countless details from the front to the end of the whole project.

His body temperature must be much higher than normal.

Because his brain has never stopped for a second.

After one minute and seven seconds, Lin La sat back on his desk again.

She completed another embryo simulation modeling at a very fast speed, and sent the photon mapping information.

In the real printer docked with her workstation, once again began to synthesize a replica that was one-to-one with the primordial embryo.

Her next experiment will be based on this replica.

The nutrition group leader who was waiting anxiously outside received the instructions from here and found that Lin La was working again, startled.

"Lin La, what are you doing! Didn't you say that you are going to visit Director Yang? You let me quickly get off the workbench! I must evacuate!"

Lin La's side Looking at the synthetic embryo copy that was rapidly formed in the sealed compartment of the Real Energy printer, he shook his head slightly and said, "Team Demon, I'm sorry, I lied, I decided to stay. You go, leave me alone. "

"Shut up! You know what the consequences are. Everyone on this planet will die. You don't have to sacrifice needlessly. The reserve station on the mothership is ready. Go there. What's the difference in work?"

Lin La: "Only in the research institute base, can the pure energy level scanner be used to carry out the most accurate physical reconstruction of primordial embryos. Leaving here, any Data must be transmitted through a quantum network. When information is transmitted, there must be gains and losses, and the results obtained must have nuances. This is the significance of our research. Did you not say that the leader of Demon? Well, we have the best experimental conditions. If everyone fails, we are the most shameful, isn’t it?"

Demon’s beard trembles violently, "But thousands of people have been left in the space station. People, they are enough. The sage once said that the Chinese have an old saying that you can leave the green hills without worrying about firewood. The meaning of living is more important than dying in vain."

Lin La grinned. , "Team Demon, you are from the United States, so you can actually remember the old Chinese sayings."

Demon: "I have read a lot of quotations from philosophers, but this is not the focus now."


"But you only read about the sage-related things, right?"

"Yes. I said this is not the point!"

There are 3 minutes, during this period Lin La is relatively idle, after a short period of thought, she decided to have a frank and frank talk with Demon James.

Lin La slowly said: "Team Demon, I recognize your academic ability. But I never admire you, do you know why?"

"I You don’t need your worship, you just need to abide by the rules and regulations, come out obediently and honestly, board the spaceship, continue to live, and then go to the mothership to complete the work you should complete."

Lin La: "No no no, my most important job is here! It is to ensure the survival rate of the philosophers! This is our career! Our most important career is here! So I won't go anywhere!"

Demon: "Are you for Director Yang?"

Lin La: "This has nothing to do with Director Yang, it is my own decision."

Lin La breathes deeply , The tone suddenly increased, "Although the world government and the salvation have been emphasizing a community with a shared future for mankind. Mankind has put aside the concept of nation and race for hundreds of years. But many things are deeply rooted in the bones and cannot be shaken. Just like my family, the leader of Demon I know, my family implements a very strict traditional education mechanism. In addition to receiving regular knowledge learning, I also have to maintain a high degree of interaction with my family. Before joining the Primordial Institute of Genetics, I even worked with my parents Live under the same roof for a long time."

Demon is nodded, he knows this very well, "This is not uncommon in a pure Chinese family. The Chinese are so old-fashioned, but we understand that you are different. National customs, just like you understand other people very well."

Lin La: "In fact, this kind of family has caused me a lot of trouble. I used to feel very painful, and even occasionally suffered tears. Feeling. I live in the gap between the knowledge system of a modern society and the old traditional family concepts."

"I wanted to escape, but I couldn’t give up my family. I wanted to be lazy, but I couldn’t let it go. The responsibility given to me by the sage church. My heart was like a duckweed, and there was no place to pin it. Until I met Yang Guoding, I didn’t know how happy it is to leave everything alone and focus on a specific person and specific things."

"I have repeatedly asked myself many times, whether my desire for Yang Guoding is love, or simply a desire for genetic matching, or the urge to produce better genetic offspring for humans? I didn’t Find the answer."

"Later, I found that when I started thinking about love, I would always compare myself with my parents."

Demon interjected: "Your father Lin Academician and mother Academician Li are free to marry, right?"

"Yes, their childhood sweethearts love them sincerely and deeply. I can feel my envy for them, and I am aware of it. , I am still a very traditional China after all people. Whether I have resisted or not, my family inevitably determines my thinking mode. Of course, I am also trying to adapt to other people's world views, because the importance of unity needless to say. But I have to admit that no matter how many languages ​​I have mastered and how hard I try to integrate, I will clearly realize the difference between me and you. "

Demon: "The diversification of ideology is in line with the outline of the empire's development. You don't need to worry about it. All of us are using our different lifestyles and working towards the same goal. "

Lin La: "But I must tell you the difference between the real Chinese and you." Before human science and technology began to take off, China experienced hundreds of years of decline and depression. We suffered heavy losses in the war, loss of life. After the war, we endured a long period of suppression that lasted for decades. "

Demon: "That's all from the past." The empire does not encourage hatred, and now we have a common enemy. "

Lin La: "Yes, I know. But what I want to talk about here is not hatred, but objective facts that must be respected. Compared with you, the Chinese have experienced more. This kind of modern history is different from the history thousands of years ago. The new data carrier in the information age and the detailed image materials allow us to see this history more clearly. "

" Leader Demon, do you know? The road to the rise of China is far from being as easy as it was described casually after the establishment of the world government. It was a lonely and thorny journey of suffering. We rose at the end of the day, and moved forward a little bit hard in the encirclement of hostility. We have spent a hundred years of struggle to stand on top of the world again. The difficulties and obstacles in the struggle have been carved into the depths of our national memory. Compared with other people, we have a lot of experience and lessons in dealing with difficult situations. "

"More than six hundred years have passed, and the memory of the nation is not so easy to forget. In the past, we have curbed our edge for the common goal of all mankind and chose to treat the world with a more tolerant attitude. But today, I have to let you know how Chinese people in trouble usually treat their jobs. "

"My father once told me that my job is my life! If the job is important enough, if the job is related to the life and death of more people, the Chinese will stick to their job. We will complain, and we will also be envious. We are mortals for most of our lives. But if it's time for us to go up, we will stand where we should stand. "

"I know that the corpse planet will be physically accelerated to the speed of light without outer protection, and the human body will disintegrate in this environment. But I don't care at all. This has nothing to do with human rights and freedom, but only with the choices I made proactively driven by my personal beliefs. "

"All of you don't understand Team Leader Demon. Just now you said that there is no need to worry about keeping the green hills without firewood, but in the logic of my elders and me, there are two kinds of green hills. One is to treat oneself as a green hill, and the other is to treat the entire civilization as a green hill. If I use my sacrifice alone, I have a chance to get a higher return, which can make the green hills greener and the trees more lush. I will sacrifice myself without the slightest hesitation choice. "

"Team Leader Demon, you have only read the quotations of the sages, but the sages are only a part of the Chinese and they are a representative. You have not been able to understand the inheritance of the Chinese for thousands of years from him alone. "

"Group leader, you can take a look again, besides me, are there many people left? Not a lot? "

Lin La asked at last.

Demeng glanced at the list again.

Indeed, as Lin La said, three thousand in his group Among the remaining people, there are as many as 600 people who still haven’t come out. These people even ignore his summon at all.

"Leader Demon, look at the other groups. What percentage of the people who declare the left-behind list are Chinese? "

Demon took out the staff list of the entire institute, then swallowed his saliva, said slowly: "More than 80%. "

Lin La smiled freely, "Now you know why your ancestors were always wary and fearful of the eastern power before the shadow of war dissipated? Of course, the facts now prove that they were ridiculously wrong. Because as early as many years ago, when we had the ability to reject war, we were the first to set our sights on the community with a shared future for mankind. "

"The sage is indeed a Chinese, but his life is related to whether the entire mankind can overcome the difficulties. Everyone's goal now is the same, they are doing everything possible to ensure that he is alive. So I respect your choice, but you should also understand us. "

" Those of us who have stayed have never communicated with each other. It is our own decision to stay. Why do we make the same decision without an appointment? It is because we all believe that this moment is the most important moment of life and death facing mankind from the 21st century to the present. "

"In the previous few hundred years, we have united in the way of all mankind for hundreds of years. Now is the time for you to see how unique the Chinese way of unity is. "

Demon was silent for about thirty seconds.

Then he dialed the communicator.

The other end of the communicator was his wife who was far away in Earth. Stella.

He didn’t say too much, but told Stella in a very calm tone that he decided to stay because the work was not finished yet.

Stella asked Is this a request from the government? His expression and tone are a bit indignant.

Demon shook the head, "No, I just want to do my job better. I don't want to look down at him in shame when the child asks me if I have done my best to accomplish the most important work in my life after many years. "

The decision left by Demon spread quickly.

Many people came to ask him what happened.

Demon didn’t say much, just The recording of the conversation between myself and Lin La was transferred out.

About thirty seconds later, more and more people who had already boarded the small spaceship turned and rushed down the steps.

Arrive early The people on the mothership also submitted applications one by one, requesting to return to the institute.

The small spaceship between the mothership and the space station will no longer return without load.

Within half and a half, 400,000 people changed their minds.

Everyone’s ideas are different.

Some people disagree with Lin La’s statement and strongly oppose the narrow Chinese concept Re-surpassed the idea of ​​a community with a shared future for mankind, and even secretly criticized Lin La for this remark that some morals kidnapped other people. To be more serious, it even agitated a little bit of division.

But some people just indulged in work before. He only numbly followed the orders of his superiors and did not consider his personal choices at all. Now he was awakened and realized that he could stay behind.

It doesn’t matter what everyone’s motivation is. The important thing is that the final choice is exactly the same.

The sudden change made people outside even mistakenly believe that a new technological revolution has occurred again, and staying behind the murloc corpse planet is no longer a mortal thing.

The administrative department even consulted the Confidential Project Organizing Committee, saying that now that safety is guaranteed, should it allow more technical personnel to come to the base to improve the primordial genetic research institute’s Technical ability.

There are indeed many youngsters out there who are petitioning for registration.

The administration quickly got a reply.

The miracle did not happen.

Stay behind and death are still equated.

These people who were to be evacuated suddenly changed their minds. It was not a technical breakthrough, but these staff made new choices on their own.

The dialogue between Lin La and Demon spreads in the high-level area.

The highest Conference Hall of the imperial government fell into a dead silence.

The solar system A quick summit meeting was held, and it was decided to respect the different self-choices of the staff of the Institute.

The consul of the solar system realized that perhaps, since the dome was resolved, the solar system has gained too much as the rear of the war. Excessive conditions have caused the humans of the solar system to lose their bloodyness to sacrifice and forget the principle of omnipotence.

Lin La uses her method to reclaim the bloodyness of the humans of the solar system.


There are several millions of families affected by this incident.

This incident will affect the solar system and this sever For al millions of families, it is the first-class major event.

But if the area is enlarged and the time lengthens, this is only a drop in the ocean in the history of the Orion Arm humans and the Morrowind Empire. On the front lines, similar things happen every month.

The staff from the nutrition group returned quickly, without much greeting, and there was no need for mutual encouragement and cheering, and they returned their attention to their respective work at an extremely fast speed.

Lin La, who was sitting at her workstation, watched the previously empty laboratory cubicle become lively again, but she said silently in her heart, "I'm sorry."

The remarks she and Demon said earlier were actually a conspiracy.

She is actually very selfish.

She just didn't want Yang Guoding's sacrifice to become meaningless.

But the other side of selfishness is selflessness.

The first condition in her conspiracy is to sacrifice herself first.

Her ultimate goal is to ensure the survival rate of the sages. Even if it is to fill the last point with a failure rate of 0.0000...1% with hundreds of thousands of lives, it is worth it.

"Everyone is listening. We will definitely die here. There is no doubt about that. What we have to do now is to make our own death more valuable. So, don’t worry about each of you. Whatever tricks are needed, whatever the support of the mastermind and Fanxing, please give me the plan! No matter it is useful or useless, as long as it has not been tried before, there is no precedent, and all are taken out. The embryo of the sage is by our side, here we are. Hundreds of thousands of people are now carrying the hope of hundreds of billions of human beings!" Demon's thick voice suddenly sounded in the nutrition group communication channel, full of breath, imposing manner awe-inspiring.

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