The person in the mirror does not know that he is living in the mirror.

For the person in the mirror, the real world is in the mirror, and the "real" world outside is a parallel plane that can only be imagined but cannot be touched.

On the corpse planet, when people and space in the research institute are elongated in exactly the same proportions, people become people in the mirror, and they still eat, drink, shit and piss. There is no difference from usual.

Unless the mirror bursts and the world collapses someday, then the person in the mirror may be able to see another world with a glimpse at the moment the mirror bursts.

Although the corpse planet and research base have been elongated a lot, they can still be maintained.

The world in the mirror is fairly stable.

There are still some differences between the base and the outside world. The transfer speed of the energy-type real energy in the quantum state will not be affected by the physical lengthening of the distance. Such a transfer distance is for the quantum state. Almost if it doesn't exist.

There are two main aspects of quantum states in the research institute, artificial intelligence and human thinking.

Human beings maintain a relatively constant speed of thinking and changes in the body level, which will bring a little sense of dislocation.

When people interact with the outside world, the speed of the quantum storm in the brain and the transmission of information by the five sense nerves are slightly misaligned, and there is a time difference.

A single thought is generated in the brain's thinking, and a quantum law is born, which is then transmitted to the neurotransmitter.

The elongated neurotransmitter departs from the end of the axon, and then it takes longer to reach the next dendrite.

This will cause people's consciousness to misunderstand time's judgment and mistakenly believe that time is slowing down.

Human brain thinking will produce misjudgments, and subconsciously mistakenly think that one's thinking is speeding up.

In fact, it is not fast, but the speed at which neurotransmitters transmit information in the human body has slowed down.

The flow rate of absolute time is not affected by speed at all. The so-called Time Flow Speed ​​slows down, but it is just the illusion of the "noodle man" in this environment.

In the past, all light speed motions were under the protection of curvature bubbles, and the human body was simply static relative to the original three-dimensional space.

People's thirst for knowledge never ends.

Although human flying vehicles have achieved hyper-curved flight at 500 times the speed of light, humans still want to know that without the protection of the curvature bubble, the human body will fly in the original three-dimensional universe by means of pure physical displacement. What happens when.

For example, will people become light, or pure energy?

When did it become "light"?

What kind of "light" is it?

Also, according to the real energy theorem, human beings have proved that space is eternal, time is constant, and flying at the speed of light will not slow down or stop time, so why do those with advanced vision and amazing wisdom For a long time, the pioneers of ancient science firmly believed that the Time Flow Speed ​​would change when matter reached the speed of light, or when it approached a black hole?

No one dares to underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. Why did the wise ancients have such obvious misconceptions is a very meaningful research topic in itself.

Scholars have made countless speculations about this, and they have never stopped exploring.

The meaning of the corpse planet travel, in addition to resurrecting Chen Feng, is also a super large scientific experiment.

Before the implementation of this plan, scholars have done many simulation experiments, loading different creatures in unprotected vehicles, and then accelerating to infinitely close to the speed of light.

Animal experiments show that under a relatively constant acceleration state, as long as the basic conditions for survival of organisms such as air, pressure, and water are still met, experimental animals can still survive when the flight speed is infinitely close to the speed of light.

Human experiments have been done many times and similar conclusions have been drawn.

There is another conclusion.

The speed of physical flight must not really reach the speed of light.

When the speed of light is approaching infinitely, the bodies of "noodle people" and "noodle animals" will be stretched to the extent of nearly infinite length, and nerve signals cannot reach the organs from the brain at all.

At this time, the animal organs will mistakenly think that they have lost their brains, begin to "have no desire to improve", enter a state of shock, and die quickly.

To give a more superstitious example, it can be understood that it is generally believed in ancient legends and legends that a person’s soul cannot be separated from the body for too long, otherwise the body will die.

As for the changes in the human body when it reaches the speed of light completely, although it has been tested many times, scholars still don’t know.

In the past, flying vehicles, experimental animals, and volunteers had been stretched too long and completely disintegrated when they reached the speed of light. The reaction process is very similar.

In this super large-scale experiment, there are two considerations for allowing the Primordial Genetics Institute to attach to the back of the Murloc corpse planet.

First, Chen Feng's stacked mnemonics cannot be maintained in the universe in an energy state for a long time. It needs to be burned on the carrier just like burning data into a disc. The corpse planet composed of the body of the fish star is just the best "disc".

Secondly, the living fish people can release strange radiation waves to the outside world. The intertwined omentum of these radiation waves allows the fish star to move at a steady speed of light without spraying a thin medium. The omentum is different from the curvature bubble. It does not cut off the connection between matter and the outside world. It just allows the fish star human’s body to produce transformation, oscillating and switching between energy and matter at a very high frequency, simulating light with wave-particle duality.

After a large number of experiments over several decades, scientists have discovered that even if the fish star people have died, this ability has been preserved.

When the speed continues to increase and approach the speed of light, as long as there is enough energy supply, under the stimulation of the space elongation effect, the elementary particles that make up the main body of the corpse planet will release radiation waves by themselves, showing Oscillation characteristics of wave-particle duality.

These real-level elementary particles with oscillating characteristics will collide with real-energy particles generated "out of nowhere" in the universe.

The two parties involved in the collision will annihilate at the same time, and release light energy and heat energy outward.

At the same time, the energy injected from the rear will be transformed into a replica of the original real energy particles of the corpse planet under the influence of the radiation wave.

As long as the energy supply to the rear is not interrupted, the quality of the corpse planet will not be reduced due to the external release of light and heat, but will remain in a constant state.

The energy library of the Institute stores a total of terrifying super positive and negative matter annihilation batteries and fast-transforming bio-batteries, and is also equipped with extremely powerful dark energy capture collectors.

According to the design standard, when the collector is not in operation, the research institute’s reserve energy is sufficient to sustain five thousand years at the speed of light.

After the collector is turned on, it can even continue to run for tens of thousands of years.

This makes the corpse planet just the best shelter for human flying vehicles to reach the real speed of light.

Although the resurrection in this way is a temporary decision of Chen Feng, the seven-year preparation time allows humans to make a lot of careful planning and arrangements around this plan.

Today's Chenfeng Empire has inherited Chen Feng's own fine traditions. It does not fight unprepared battles. As long as time and external conditions permit, everything must be thorough and detailed, leaving no loopholes.


At this time, Chen Feng is still staggering in the foggy forest.

He no longer asks himself questions, because he has forgotten his name.

Everything is silent in the forest because he has forgotten all the sounds he has heard in his memory.

The mist in front of him became as black as ink, and he couldn't see his fingers or see anything, because he had forgotten all the pictures his vision had ever seen.

The peculiar smell of humus in the lingering forest has disappeared out of thin air, and he has forgotten his sense of smell.

Sweat and blood drops from the top of his head dripped into the corners of his mouth, staining his lips, but he didn't know it, and his sense of taste was gone.

The vegetation and thorns scratched his skin, but he didn't feel the pain. He had forgotten all the touches his body had ever felt.

Chen Feng took the initiative to strip away his five senses, but the amazing thing is that he still knows which direction he should go in.

It is no longer a piece of cloth that is scattered along the way behind him, but his skin and flesh and blood.

At this time, in the depths of Chen Feng's thinking, there is no concrete sight, no sound, only an endless dark world.

In the distant part of the dark world, there is a light spot the size of a soybean floating.

The glow-like light swayed and flickered.

Every time this light flashes, Chen Feng will take a step forward.

The last piece of information in his mind is stored in the light spot.

A string of symbols that he can't understand now, horizontal and vertical, vigorous and powerful.

That is the name of more than ten people such as "Zhong Lei, Tang Tianxin, Ding Hu, Lin Bu, Ou Junlang, Lai En..." handwritten with a pen by himself.

This is his last wealth.


In the research institute base, Lin La still sits on the workstation with solemn expression, staring intently at the upper right corner of the virtual projection, and countless information in his mind is rapidly tossing.

At the top right of everyone's workbench in the institute, there is a percentage parameter in green font that is slowly rising at a rate of 0.01% every 3153.6 seconds.

This parameter is exactly the degree of fusion between Chen Feng's soul core and the resurrected embryo. It has now reached 97.76%, which is higher than the data obtained in any simulation experiment so far, and it is only one step away from success. Far away, but so close, yet worlds apart.

For more than two years, everyone in the institute has hardly breathed a breath except necessary rest, but people still have not been able to find a solution to the fatal flaws that were exposed before departure, and the success rate is still Failed to reach the perfect figure of 100%.

Lin La is scratching her head, thinking hard.

Compared to more than two years ago, her mental state is much worse.

In the past six months, the physical condition of my colleagues has become abnormal one after another. Many people have become weak inexplicably, and are extremely prone to illness. Colds and fevers have emerged one after another.

There are even thousands of people who simply cannot afford to be ill, and even the entire replacement operation has not been able to save them, so they sacrificed in advance.

Although Linla is not dead, she often feels tired and sleepy, and the frequency of pain under her chest is getting more frequent.

During each attack, the reproduction speed of the foreign body DNA will be faster than the last time, the reaction will be more violent, and more body tissues will be affected.

Her personal medical security system has repeatedly sounded the alarm, reminding her that her physical condition has reached the point where a 98%-level total replacement surgery must be performed as soon as possible.

The so-called 98%-level replacement surgery means that the human brain occupies an average of 2% of the body's body weight. Except for the brain, the remaining 98% of the human body components will be completely reconstructed by actual-level surgery.

If Linla continues to refuse the operation, there will be at most 30 attacks, which is five months later, when the foreign body DNA bursts, it will directly invade her brain. At that time, wait for her death countdown stopwatch to start counting.

But now she can't control that much.

After performing 98% total replacement surgery with actual accuracy, it will take her at least two months to fully recover and obtain complete thinking ability, and this surgery may not be successful yet.

She felt that she might as well just stick to it, anyway, within five months, the corpse planet would have been accelerated to the speed of light, and she would have died by then.

After thinking and meditation for half an hour, Lin La finally sorted out some thoughts. When he was about to enter a new plan, the parameters in the upper right corner jumped again, becoming 97.77%.

The next moment.

The green font suddenly became crimson.

The same harsh siren as the air defense siren a thousand years ago sounded in the institute.

Lin La stood up fiercely and called up the monitoring model of primordial gene embryos at the fastest speed.

The embryo loaded with the soul of the sage is shaking with an extremely chaotic law, and the quantum entanglement signal released by the outside world has become extremely manic, like a storm.

Lin La's breathing became short.

The thing everyone was afraid of finally happened.

At that moment, the energy absorption requirements of the fragile embryos being resurrected suddenly increased hundreds of millions of times, and the nutrients contained in the nutrient solution in the culture tank were instantly absorbed.

Although the preparation tank responds quickly, countless delivery tubes reperfuse a large amount of nutrient solution at a very fast speed, but the lack of energy supply in this very short period of time has caused serious damage to the embryo.

The embryo is dying.


In the foggy forest, Chen Feng finally stopped moving forward.

He closed his eyes tightly and stood in place like a statue.

He crouched on his back, his hands hanging empty.

On the tips of the ten fingers of both hands, there was red blood ticking down, hitting the muddy ground, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

More blood drops are pouring from the wounds on almost every inch of his skin, flowing down his back, thighs, and calves to the ground, being quickly absorbed by the ground, and disappearing out of thin air.

At the same time, the fog around him began to sink to the ground and recondensed into water.

After a short while, the ground began to seep out water.

The water level rises rapidly, first without his ankles, and then jumping up section by section, until he is completely swept in.

After being submerged, Chen Feng's body gradually became blurred.

He melts like a clay figure falling into the water.


Outside, Yang Guoding immediately issued hundreds of orders.

All kinds of stimulus methods have gone up.

The embryo must be stabilized as soon as possible!

He must be rescued!

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