Lin La sent a message to Yang Guoding.

Yang Guoding looked at the private communication channel and moved the cursor back and forth for five seconds between deleting and opening.

"You are insulting us with your selfishness. I used to be proud of you, but that is all in the past."

Seeing this message, Yang Guoding's facial muscles Twitched a little, and then replied, "I'm busy. You just need to obey the order."

"I know you are not busy, because you haven't found a busy direction yet. You are lying, You are running away. You are selfish. I was not sure, but when you lied to me, I knew the answer. Do you know what you are doing? You are heading towards the abyss of sin. You think you are great, but you are actually very Despicable. You are sinning and you will become a sinner in history."

This message of Lin La is no longer in words, but in speech.

The two met after all.

In the hospitality area of ​​Yang Guoding's office, the two sat opposite each other.

Lin La stared at Yang Guoding angrily.

Yang Guoding, who has always been happy, anger, and colorless, has a rare dodge in his eyes.

"I know I’m a bit rude. At my level, from the perspective of official relations, I’m not qualified to see you at all. You can stop me at the door, and you can even order a guard to come. Take me away. But you still saw me, which once again proved my conjecture about your selfishness."

When Lin La spoke, he attacked fiercely.

Yang Guoding's eyes shrank slightly.

Lin La: "You are upset. You regret it. You are shaken. Your will is no longer pure. Your self-pretended nobility is collapsing. You really are not a qualified politician, just a scientific researcher. Worker. It is actually a mistake to ask you to be the Chief-In-Charge of our project."

Yang Guoding was silent.

"You have qualified knowledge, but you are not cold-blooded enough. Under your leadership, we have not been able to achieve the highest potential. In order to prove yourself, you took over the position of Chief-In-Charge of the project .But you didn’t do your job well. Therefore, the reality we have to face is that an unqualified leader led us to conduct an unqualified scientific experiment, and failed to give full play to the resurrection of sages. Ability. In a world where failure is equal to death, there is no such thing as honor to fail. Incompetence is a crime in itself. You are committing a crime."

Yang Guoding finally spoke, "Enough, I ask myself. Except for your business, I have no shame in my heart."

"You really have no shame in your heart. You should die with everyone, not trying to drive others off the boat. "

Yang Guoding: "But it's murder."

"according to what you said, every general should be sent to the gallows? No, really should be hanged Taiwan’s general is like this. He knows that a warrior is still helpful to complete the task, and this warrior himself is sufficiently conscious, but he forcibly drove people out of the task out of selfishness, and the task was irretrievable. This is the murder. The target of his murder is the victims of billions, tens of billions, or even tens of trillions and trillions of billions in future wars!"

"Your rhetoric It makes no sense. You are taking care of me and want to keep me alive. I admit that my physical condition is not good, but what does it matter? You should have my assessment data in your hands. Yesterday, I became the best in the base Nutritionist. You drive me away, you are irresponsible to mankind as a whole, and you are also humiliating me."

Yang Guoding turned his head stiffly.

"Yang Guoding, if you are really selfless, then you should let me stay. There is hope for the sage, do you know the water bear? The water bear has been frozen to death for hundreds of millions of years in space. It can also restore life force and reproduce. The underlying information of the sage gene is more primordial than the water bear. As long as we can complete the in vivo reverse engineering and integrate the sage’s genes with the characteristics of the water bear more deeply, there is a chance. "

Yang Guoding shook his head, "This is unrealistic. The underlying information belongs to the underlying information. After all, the human body is different from the water bear."

"But if it can exist widely in the universe What about the crystal water bear that our unnamed fleet encountered before? According to my calculations, if we first convert the embryo into a virtual energy substance, then engrave the characteristics of the crystal water bear."

"When the spaceship truly reaches the speed of light, as long as the sage's consciousness still exists, it will be sucked back by the infinitely amplified water bear worm's absorption characteristics, and the last remaining personality of the sage will have the opportunity to be unimpeded. Enter the embryo, then the fusion is completely completed. From now on, it will be his business. We will have no regrets if we win or lose."

"But I have just begun to get in-depth contact with the Unnamed Fleet’s latest update on the crystal water bear. The research results, but you want to drive me away? Because of your selfishness, Yang Guoding is finally completely aphasia, and there is no reason to refute it.

It didn't take long for the second person to come again, who is a research expert in the field of imaginary energy.

His reasons are similar to those of Lin La. Since the new direction happens to be within the scope of his professional field, he should not go either.

Yang Guoding had to let go again.

The wonderful thing about the system is that it cannot be easily broken for a specific object. Once a gap is opened and the news leaks out, there will only be more and more imitators, and the original plan will be Can't continue.

As Lin La scolded, Yang Guoding was not a qualified politician or a soldier.

He can neither cold blooded and emotionless nor absolute order and prohibition.

People say.

"It’s not that you, Yang Guoding, is great alone, and we never gave up. People are mortal after all, or lighter than a feather... Now that we have a new plan, we still want to try again."

Some people even refuted Yang Guoding's words.

"You once said that we are soldiers, and this is our battlefield. We recognize it. However, you should know that soldiers have no emergency right to avoid danger in their missions. Every soldier has taken an oath when he enlists, Although we have never sworn an oath, we have made our mind. If there is a risk of death and the soldiers retreat, how can we fight this war? Who will guard the people? Who will guard our base?"

"The nature of this kind of desertion is to distrust the outsiders. We should believe that this is where we are most needed, so we do not approve of Director Yang's judgment."

"There are hundreds of billions of people out there. We are not many, and we are not many. But here, for every one less person, the operation speed of the organization slows down. This is where we are most needed. We The greatest value is to die here, regardless of success or failure. Even if it fails completely, our story will always shine in the universe like the sun, and together with the sages will inspire future generations."

Yang Guoding could not tell others that the original declaration was not his original statement.

He can't tell about this matter.

He can only recognize it, and there is no way to recover.

This is the only time the project participants have collectively disobeyed his orders since the start of the entire project.

But no one should be punished.

The last attempt of the research institute has begun-to de-energize the dead embryo, and the genetic information carried by the de-energized embryo must be completely consistent with the original embryo composed of actual energy.

When everyone was gone, Yang Guoding's office became quiet again.

He suddenly remembered the words that the main brain Fanxing gave him.

He couldn't help but wonder if Fanxing had already anticipated his personality flaws when he was compiling that speech, and he anticipated that there would be today's one?

Since the mastermind Fanxing even calculated the human nature when the mission was about to fail, would it also be counted as embryo death or suspended animation?

If all this is really planned, then the other way round shows that there is indeed hope for things.

Yang Guoding suddenly broke into a cold sweat and was deeply grateful for it.

If it hadn't been for Lin La to use the lingering feelings between the two to force him to give in, now there are only more than 20,000 people left in the base.

Lin La pulled him back from the cliff of the sinner.

A hard to describe complex smile appeared silently at the corner of his mouth, a little grateful, a little ashamed, and a little relieved.

He knew that before Lin La entered the door, he had anticipated what would happen when the gap was opened.

She is still using all the last strength of her little life to help herself in every angle.


The void of the universe is silent.

The slightly elongated eighteen worms III and the longer-stretched corpse planet slowly drifted past like an arrow that pierced the sky.

The starry sky in the distance is still the same, and the huge extragalactic galaxies farther away look exactly similar to ordinary stars.

In the process of mankind's exploration of the universe, the most intuitive gift that the universe bestows on mankind is "loneliness".

The farther away from home, the easier it is for people to sink into the endless emptiness left by the universe.

But at this time the emptiness is an illusion.

Heaven and Earth turning upside down is happening in a level that human naked eye cannot see.

However, when the actual energy rules in the external environment change more than a certain range, the monitoring equipment can find some clues.

"Reports, the outer space of the fleet is undergoing a violent quantum tidal surge. With us as the center of the sphere, the frequency of birth and annihilation of real particles within a diameter of 50 billion kilometers is continuing to rise. High."

This is the first reference information provided by the Intelligence Section.

The second piece of information comes from the Intelligence Section of the entire Morrowind Empire.

With the solar system as the center of the sphere, violent quantum tidal surges appeared within the radius of nearly two hundred and fifty light-years.

Next, the contour line of the actual reincarnation frequency was drawn.

At this time, the contour line looks like a naked eye, as if a water wave is being reversed. The lines representing the intensity of the tidal surge are beginning to reclaim from the range of 250 light-years. , Gathered towards the location of the corpse planet.

There is no real unsolved mystery in the universe.

All seemingly abnormal supernatural phenomena must have reasons that are temporarily unknown to mankind.

But this time, it is too abnormal and unreasonable.

That is a huge spherical area of ​​exactly 250 light-years in diameter.

Such a large-scale, large-scale abnormal quantum tidal surging occurs instantaneously at the same time, which is completely beyond human understanding of the universe.

Behind the abnormal tide, it represents the change of spatial law.

Only simple calculations are needed to calculate that if human-made explosives are required to complete the same scale, and the space law changes instantaneously, then the heat energy of all stars in the entire galaxy will be burned. not enough.

Humans can't imagine what kind of power can accomplish such a feat.

Some people even secretly speculate in despair.

Is it true that the Ultra Grade civilization behind the compound eye is finally dispatched in person, using the Universe level "nuclear weapon" that transcends the fragmentation bomb and destroys the rules of the game.

In the empire where people were alarmed, the people in the Planet Research Institute were extremely calm.

Only the intelligence team observes the external environment step by step, exchanges information with the empire, and then organizes the information and provides it to scientific researchers.

As for others, they put all their energy into the project of how to make embryos virtual, and are "indifferent" to the disturbances of the outside world.

The supernatural phenomenon outside is very strange, but nothing more.

It may or may not be related to the sage.

But now that it is impossible to determine where the association is and how it will affect the task, just ignore it and just do your own thing with peace of mind.

After another seven days, the intelligence team finally got the new data.

This is the result that the highest SmartBrain Fanxing transferred 90% of the computing power and continued to analyze it for three days.

It is "people" that cause the abnormal surging of the quantum tide.

Maybe it is not a person, but at least it is a shadow of a person.

Tens of billions of extremely tall humanoid phantoms, squeezing each other one upon another, approaching the corpse planet.

Looking at these gigantic silhouettes, the scientific outlook that scholars have gradually formed for a long time is overturned.

Many people even wonder whether people really have a soul.

Does the soul still exist after death?

Are these silhouettes the souls of the dead in the past?

Then why are there only tens of billions, not more?

Seven more days passed, and when the faces of these silhouettes became clear, Fanxing was the first to get the answer.

The answer to Fanxing is the memory Chen Feng copied to her.

These "people" are blanks.

There are blanks in this timeline who actively let "Song of the Outside World" penetrate and mechanized their thinking in order to increase computing power.

But Fanxing has a list of all self-sacrificing blanks in this timeline.

The number is far less than that, at most billions of people.

The origin of the other tens of billions of blank people makes Fanxing unable to understand.

If she didn't get Chen Feng's memory, then she would never know the answer.

But after comparing with the pictures in Chen Feng’s memory, Fanxing was surprised to find that these silhouettes came from Chen Feng’s ninth, eighth... and even the first history of the year. middle.

Every experience of Chen Feng's resurrection has a span of at least one thousand years, and human beings will multiply through countless generations.

Over ten thousand years, countless people have been influenced by "Song of the Outside World".

There are both those who sacrificed actively, the innocent ones who were implicated, and the eight million blank people created under Lei's control, all here.

Fanxing "sees" a lot of the same people, and even saw five Sergey. It was Sergey who was infiltrated and brainwashed by "Song of the Outside" before getting "Morrowind". .

Fanxing doesn’t know what’s going on, and doesn’t understand why these people who obviously shouldn’t exist in this timeline appear, but that is the case.

It seems that since they died in different timelines, their so-called soul, that is, the personality melted into the laws of the universe, has never been far away, but has been quietly approaching the solar system, and Gathering together at this moment, causing the quantum tidal anomaly.

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