When there is no expectation in her heart, Tong Ling has no idea about getting old, and it doesn't matter at all.

She doesn't know when or where she will die.

But she knows that warrior's fate is to die in battle.

She has changed now.

She regards it as greed, and this greed is difficult to satisfy.

She can only hide her delusions deep in her heart.

In 2805, when Tong Ling participated in the top-level meeting of the fleet as the unnamed fleet chief instructor, the situation changed.

"Three days ago, we received a piece of the latest scientific research results integration package packaged and sent by the Imperial Command. In fact, we used to receive this integration package several times a year, but this time Something special and very important to us."

Sitting on the stage, Qin Guang tried his best to restrain himself, trying to tell the truth in a calmer tone.

But people still heard something different from his slightly trembling tone.

It's a major event.

"The name of this new technology is called cryonics technology."

Sure enough, Qin Guang's words caused an uproar in the audience.

In the previous expedition plan, the final combat order was planned like this.

Neither the command sequence headed by Qin Guang nor the combat sequence headed by Tong Ling can survive until the day they arrive at their destination.

So when the real final battle breaks out, the main battle strength on spaceship will multiply for at least one generation.

What kind of result can be achieved in the end will first depend on how much technological breakthrough humans can obtain in the nearly three hundred years of voyage, and how much results can be transformed with the existing resources of the unnamed fleet.

Secondly, it also depends on how many outstanding successors can be cultivated by the 150 million people in the fleet, and how much the fleet can accumulate during these nearly three hundred years of voyage. An excellent commander and combatant.

This is an expedition destined to span at least two generations.

Before Tong Ling exploded into potential, there was no big problem with this plan.

After all, the population base in the fleet is not small, and those who board the fleet are all elites with great genetic potential.

Every time an S-Rank combatant falls in the ebbing of time, there will always be more or less new S-Rank personnel on top.

But since Tong Ling exploded his potential, the problem appeared.

Even more than eighty years have passed, only a few peak warriors have been cultivated within the fleet, and the gap between these peak warriors and Tong Ling in actual combat is still visible.

This means that even if two hundred years have passed, Tong Ling’s cutting-edge battle strength may not be able to make up for it.

It also means that human beings cannot save the strongest individual battle strength in the great decisive battle. This is a huge regret.

In addition, several top scientific talents have emerged in the fleet over the years, and these people have shown equally difficult innate talents in different fields. Even if the fleet cannot transmit information in real time with the outside world, which increases the difficulty of obtaining information for these scientific geniuses, they can still keep up with external developments in most areas and help the fleet digest the high-precision shared externally in the shortest time. Sharp scientific and technological achievements.

Unfortunately, because researchers generally overuse their brains and have short life spans, it is difficult for these geniuses born early to survive two hundred years later. Even after waiting for dozens of hundreds of years, it is still unknown whether the fleet will have the same level of scientists, and whether it will continue to keep up with the technological progress of the entire empire.

This will inevitably make people worry.

"This is the case. About sixty years ago, the Empire conducted an ultra-large-scale scientific experiment. In this experiment, scientists analyzed human genes, Earth biological genes, and HeLa cell genes. In-depth research has been conducted in many fields, such as sage primordial genes, virtual energy water bear insects, fish star people stacked memory, and personality storage technology."

"Up to now, after several decades of calculations and repeated demonstrations , And completed a large number of experiments. Scientists finally found a way to seal the personality. Of course, the technology is still in the processing stage. The success rate of a total of 360,000 volunteer trials is still zero."


The sounds of cold breath in the Conference Hall come and go one after another.

The new generation chief scientist of the Unnamed Fleet, Emerson Cobert, who has just taken office, stood up and added: “360,000 volunteers did not sacrifice in vain, and a large amount of data was collected for the project. After research, scholars generally believe that the problem is that irreversible data overflow occurs in the process of transforming human memory into stacked memory, resulting in insufficient integrity of the final frozen personality, and there will always be irreversible loss of more data until the personality Bengsan. Until a solution to this problem is found, cryonics technology still lacks reliability."

The last chief scientist has passed away. Emerson Cobert, who is only 43 years old, is in the fleet. New Generation, born on the No. 3 scientific research ship, his parents are two senior physicists.

After Emerson finished speaking, other scientists stood up and asked questions, "This requires the subject's mind to have mechanical properties, right? Then, freezing the blank can be successful?"

Emerson was nodded first, then shook his head.

"The blanks are indeed very suitable for cryonics, but the freezing of the blanks is meaningless, because the mind activities of the blanks can be turned off and restarted at any time like light bulbs. The freezing technology of the blanks has been used as early as ours It was successfully verified before departure, but it did not cause a sensation. Its essence is the same as storing the machine for several decades and then taking it out. It is not considered a qualitative change and is not worthy of attention."

Everyone is nodded.

This is the reason.

Emerson said again: "After talking so much, I want to tell everyone. In the previous information sharing, the technology provided to us by the Empire is basically a finished product, we only need to digest and absorb it. But this Time, the empire needs our help."

Someone immediately stood up and said, "How can this help? We only have more than 100 million people. Should we select volunteers from our people? What should we do if we fail? Are we going to die for nothing? We are different. We don’t have unlimited resources, and we don’t have an infinitely huge gene bank. We have limited manpower, but if we die, we will lose one."

"Yes, It’s not that we are selfish. We are not afraid of death. We really want to let me go and I will go. But we are a lonely and deep expeditionary army. The core task is to reach Yinxin, and we have to fight the strongest enemy in the opponent’s base camp. He is Heaven and Earth turning upside down. We are not freer than the outsiders."

"In case we lose our strength in order to cooperate with the empire’s scientific research, and finally the scientific research here fails, our mission is also Failed. Then who can reason? In case the sage is resurrected, I look back at the records and find that our grandiose expeditionary army has become a joke to give people a head. ."

Qin Guang squeezed his hand and signaled that the people below don't be impatient.

When the Conference Hall calmed down again, Emerson slowly said: "I understand everyone’s concerns, and the empire’s senior leaders also understand it. Therefore, it is not mandatory, but to consult us whether we are willing. The main thing is to see Well... Forget it, let me talk to you about the value of cryonics technology."

There is no doubt that Emerson is biased towards the experiment.

Human civilization is a huge collective composed of countless individuals.

In this collective, some people will be in high positions and in power, some will be able to lead science and technology, and radiate the age, and some will be able to defeat the heroes at the level of combat, by the strength of oneself, constantly elevating the entire civilization The level of combat.

This small group of pioneers is waiting for the steering wheel of a civilized war chariot, or a guide bearing.

But no matter what era, there are very few who are famous in the world. The main component of civilization is still innumerable living beings, which are screws that are unremarkable one after another, and can even be easily replaced.

Does not deny the value of screws.

In the huge war chariot system, one screw is missing. It doesn't take long for another screw to be quickly made up, war chariot completely motionless. But what if all the screws are removed in an instant?

No matter how huge the war chariot is, it will collapse.

But in the same way, the value of the steering wheel cannot be ignored.

Take away the steering wheel briefly, and the civilized war chariot will go a little bit.

Wait a few days before a new steering wheel will gradually grow up, take over the responsibility of leading the way, and correct the wrong direction for war chariot.

But at this time, civilization has been taking a detour for a few more years, wasting a lot of resources.

This situation may also arise. For example, the innate talent of a certain steering wheel completely surpassed the times and was not understood by the times at that time. He did not reach the height where he should be in his entire life. A waste of talent.

Until many years later, later generations reacted and often sighed over his untimely life, utterly crying out, such as Ryan who was active in the 21st century.

In such an extensive scientific background, Ryan still used a keen sense of smell hundreds of years ahead of him to propose and complete the design of the universe’s large logistics pipeline. Hundreds of years have passed, but the core idea that Ryan put forward that year is still respected. If Ryan can be active in the twenty-sixth century, it will be a great blessing for him and for the entire civilization.

Similar situations also happened to Tesla, Zhang Heng and the others.

This kind of waste is not limited to science, but also has similar waste in the fields of art, politics, and business.

For example, Yu Boya, Beethoven, Zhong Lei...

If these people with extremely high musical creativity are exposed to more musical instruments, they hear more different sounds, and see With more synthetic sound technology and a more complete modern and postmodern music arrangement system, how many more songs can these people create in their lifetime? After accessing the brain chain technology, how many classic melodies that are quietly wasted in the brain can be saved?

Can't imagine.

Perhaps these people have used their talents to the extreme in their lives.

But the so-called extreme must take into account the constraints of the times.

The core value of cryonics technology is to allow these talents to escape the limitations of the times and open up another possibility for the entire civilization.

When necessary, freeze the forerunners to preserve their talents, and save them until needed and appropriate. After certain necessary conditions are met, these talents limited by the times will be more appropriate. How much help will it bring to civilization to allow them to change to a more comfortable environment to bloom again?

Ordinary people are really unimaginable.

For example, a top scientist has advanced an important project to a certain extent, and the rest of the research needs experimental verification. The next step can not be deduced until a large amount of experimental data is obtained, or it needs to be carried out. Huge calculations and long-term observations.

This is very realistic.

Some astral physics projects involving stars require several decades or even hundreds of years of observation and waiting.

When there was no cryonics technology, the scientist brimming over with talent had to waste his life and wasted his talent in needless waiting.

Even if he shifts to other directions and produces some results during the period, in fact, it is not as significant as the major project that can run through his life.

If you have cryonics technology, you can allow the same person to wait for the maturity of the project and engage in greater research in a period spanning thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. What about civilization?

Some people may say, as a mentor, aren’t you able to train students? Don’t you have a successor?

But every successor learns from a mentor, it takes time and cost, and different people think about problems in different places.

Some projects require a complete of common origins mindset.

The mentor training successor itself is a huge trial and error process.

This will not only waste the life of the tutor, but also waste the lives of many students who have been eliminated and may not be so suitable.

How much waste of resources did this cause?

What if these resources are saved?

In the past, people did not dare to think about it because no one could match time, the sharpest weapon in the universe.

Eternal life has been proved impossible.

But it's okay now.

This will undoubtedly bring qualitative changes to the scientific research process of mankind.

The same goes for other fields with similar requirements, such as warrior.

No matter how strong the warrior is, if he is born too early to survive the great decisive battle, he can only be an outsider after all.

However, cryonics technology allows the genius warriors born in generations of humans to enter the frozen state, and stand up again when civilization has reached the most dangerous life-and-death crisis.

Another example is the ultra-long voyage across the star system.

This effect is more intuitive.

Assuming that humans choose a galaxy beyond ten million light-years as their voyage target, even the current fastest spaceship of 500 times the speed of light will take 20,000 years to reach the destination.

Under normal circumstances, the humans in this fleet have been reproduced for at least one or two hundred generations.

But when the natural phenomena of the universe cannot pose a threat to mankind, mankind's greatest enemy has become itself instead.

In the infinite time and distance, there are too many uncertain factors in the direction of the human heart.

In the middle of the journey, as the population structure is constantly updated, it is easy for successors to lack a sense of belonging to the civilization as a whole, causing these people to lose their faith and eventually fall apart and die in internal fighting. In the universe.

Then this voyage is a complete failure.

But if the cryonics technology is available, the voyage fleet can use it flexibly and arrange a backbone that can run through the endless expedition plan.

"In short, mastering cryonics technology can preserve some talents that are destined to be wasted. In essence, they have mastered time and created new and infinite possibilities for the development of civilization."


"This technique is similar to Chen Feng’s intervention in the timeline. The sage steals time from different timelines and piles it up in our last timeline to create a stronger one for us. The explosive power of civilization. But human freezing is a further infinite squeeze of the value of time in the same timeline. This is a more extreme means of stealing time."

"We can make great people live forever , Even if this is just a fake immortality, it is enough to make an important figure with super high IQ and super ability to run through the longer-term era, form a greater influence, and provide a stronger civilization explosive potential!"

"Its technology application prospects and applicable scenarios, infinite and vast, will bring changes to civilization. I can't help myself with the excitement just by imagining it. This means that we truly have the possibility of moving towards the endless universe. "

"This is an important sign that human civilization is striding forward on the road of Level 4 civilization!"

Emerson said impassionedly.

After a long time, someone in the Conference Hall sighed.

"It sounds so good. Alas, it’s a pity that the sage can’t enjoy it. Otherwise... if everyone knows that the sage is still asleep somewhere, that’s great."

Qin Guang thought for a while, but did not reveal the secret that Chen Feng was indeed "sleeping".

That is another "personality cryopreservation" technology that is more beyond understanding. It is not universal and has no reference value.

"Well, Mr. Emerson, you said so much, but you want to convince us to support the project. Tell me, what should we do?"

An officer stood up , Asked.

Emerson turned his head and looked towards Tong Ling, who was sitting in the front row and wandering all the way after hearing the four words Cryonics, and said: "Instructor Tong has the closest mechanized quantum thinking among human beings. Instructor Tong’s intuitive thinking mode has made her the only person who has acquired mechanized thinking ability without relying on "Song of the Outside World". Therefore, we need the help of instructor Tong."


Qin Guang and many other military personnel suddenly complexion greatly changed.

Scientists want "little white mouse".

Yes, they have no objection.

Even if it’s on your own, it’s okay.

But these scientific lunatics dared to think too much. They focused on the entire unnamed fleet, and even the most cutting-edge battle strength of all mankind, Tong Ling, she just wanted to eat!

Should something happen to Tong Ling, it would be a disaster.

When you look back and meet an enemy combat unit of the same level as the Crystal Water Bear, who will lead the battle?

No one is afraid of death, only fear of losing.

"I'm against..."

Gao Xiaoqi, who has been promoted to major general, stood up and spoke loudly.

But before he finished speaking, Tong Ling interrupted him.

"I agree."

Tong Ling's reply is concise, sonorous and powerful, with unquestionable taste and no room for negotiation.

No one knows, but she was so excited that her soul was trembling.

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