One year later, Zhou Donglai finally mastered the body language and successfully entered the Free Will League.

This secretly operating underground organization already has its own name, and it sounds very magnificent.

Free will, in this extreme situation, preaches the power of personal choice.

It sounds very noble and beyond reproach. After all, everyone has the right to choose their own life.

But if the free will of some people needs to be built on the premise of harming the collective interests and common will of more people, and it will shake the foundation of the existence of race, this so-called free will becomes non-existent. The root duckweed lacks height and depth.

A selfish person will always say why I should contribute to the society. My contribution has far exceeded the rewards I have received.

But the person who speaks this kind of statement has already taken himself out of the operating system of society in his mind, focusing only on personal characteristics and ignoring the social attributes of being a person.

It is easy for people to fall into a misunderstanding, thinking that their food is not a gift from society or the group, but only from the wages received from work or in exchange for contribution points, thinking that this is a narrow measure measured by money Business, not social life in a broad sense.

In fact, it was wrong.

As early as in Far Ancient Era, when humans began to learn tribal life, learn to support each other in groups, and learn to fight each other to save each other’s lives, humans are already in nature. Under my education, I have a deep understanding of one point.

No one can live meaningfully alone.

In the modern technological society, this phenomenon is especially obvious. Any individual item, from the most primordial raw material to the consumer goods in the hands of people, has to go through at least several or even dozens of links. After deep processing, it can become items such as cars, computers, mobile phones, etc. that ordinary consumers can use.

Work can indeed be exchanged for remuneration, but the remuneration itself also needs to be turned into food, learning tools, alcohol, tobacco, tea, entertainment tools, personal special modified combat equipment package, etc. through the operation of the economic system. Private item.

A person is impossible to not only produce food, but also to promote science, but also to engage in the manufacture of production tools, which is even more impossible to develop civilization.

This is because of human fragility and short lifespan.

In the basic attributes of human beings, social attributes are included.

In addition to material civilization, the value of society to people cannot be ignored in spirit. Isolation will make people lose the nourishment of social attributes.

An isolated person is equivalent to a walking corpse. People must live meaningfully and must not ignore society.

Individuals must not ignore one point, that is, even in the daily necessities obtained from their work, there is still the dedication of other people's labor.

The nature of human beings always depends on the collective existence.

Extreme individual liberalism, in essence, only recognizes one's own labor and denies the help of society and the collective to oneself as an individual. It is also extremely selfish.

This principle is very simple. People born in the planet and the gregarious space station are self-taught.

However, some of the second third generations born in the nameless fleet have forgotten this in their active or passive self-indulgence, pursuing despicable pursuits for seemingly noble reasons.

Zhou Donglai’s method of gaining the trust of others is not complicated, nor is it profound.

He didn't ask for too high status, and only briefly contacted a manager of the freezer after a deep sleep.

This person is a third generation and a marginalist of free will.

When this person first discovered that Zhou Donglai was pretending to be asleep, he was shocked. He almost immediately strictly enforced the fleet management regulations and reported on the spot.

But Zhou Donglai succeeded in persuading him, told about his distress, and proposed that he wanted to learn body language and integrate into the underground organization.

Zhou Donglai's military rank is very high, and his reputation in the second generation is not low. It can even be said that this is the person with the highest position and the most outstanding talent among the people who have actively joined the organization at present, and deserves attention.

Since then, the manager of the freezer warehouse has become Zhou Donglai's contact.

Six months ago, Zhou Donglai pointed out the shortcomings of the communication method of body language.

He said: "Don’t underestimate the learning ability of artificial intelligence. Fleet intelligence has indeed never mastered the body language, but through a large amount of data collection and comparison, it finally solves the problem of people by statistical methods. The problem that cannot be solved is the innate talent that distinguishes artificial intelligence from ours. To win, we must keep in touch, exchange what is needed, maintain the spirit, and plan as a whole. The organization must be transformed from a scattered sand into a real collective. Otherwise, the so-called structure Zhudu is just a child’s manager."

"Chou, what do you think we should do?"

"The only thing that can hide from artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence. I have studied information science from General Qin Guang and know how to build a top-secret channel that artificial intelligence has no right to snoop in the quantum network. We can use this channel to build a dark web of our own."

"Impossible! The mastermind will always be loyal to the empire."

Zhou Donglai laughed: "You are very wrong in this sentence. There are three things wrong. First of all, some of the secrets of the highest level, you I have no right to know. I can tell you that the main brain Fanxing is not loyal to the empire, or even to humans. She is only loyal to the sages. Second, the expedition plan is not arranged by the sages, so no matter what strategy we adopt, the judgment of the main brains is not loyal to the sages. In the middle, it will only be the internal affairs of the sage’s successor, and has nothing to do with her. She will not deliberately target us. Third, the fleet’s artificial intelligence is only a sub-body of the main brain, and does not have the ability to judge human emotions. Implement the established basic principles that can be run offline. For specific principles, refer to the first and second articles."

"Yes, I will report your words truthfully."

After several tentative experiments, the Free Will Alliance determined the security of the top secret channel provided by Zhou Donglai.

Zhou Donglai's original position was too high and he provided too much help to the alliance. He successfully entered the core circle.

Not only that, Zhou Donglai also formulated a strict action plan and organizational structure outline for the alliance. It took only ten years to knit this loose underground organization into a highly actionable whole.

The original team with Oferos Cage as the spiritual leader naturally surrounded Zhou Donglai.

Opheus has no opinion on this, it can be seen that this young man does not have any selfish intentions, but is fighting for the lofty ideals he thinks.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

In 2907, a top-secret meeting was held in the Free Will League.

All the leaders agree on one fact.

The fleet has turned its direction, and is no longer advancing away from the Milky Way. It is approaching the Milky Way again, and the target is directly at the Galactic Center.

I'm about to enter the heart of the silver heart, we must take action as soon as possible.

According to front-line intelligence, after the first contact war between humans and compound-eyes, compound-eyes have changed their strategy, no longer blindly self-confident, but have already developed a slave civilization madly.

The slave fleet, which seems to be wiped out forever, is proof.

So, it can be expected that at this time, the military arrangement of the compound-eyes near the silver heart must be impossible again as empty as in the history of nothing, but full of militarized development galaxies one after another like arsenals, countless can The war fortress, which produces a large amount of troops at any time, and the slave fleets that are ready to go one after another.

Therefore, if the Unnamed Fleet is good luck, it can still lurch into the Silver Heart, but when it encounters a large enemy force, the probability of a large-scale war erupting is increasing.

This matter does not change due to human will, it is only determined by luck, and a decision must be made as soon as possible.


A small dispute occurred in Solent Cage's bedroom.

The two parties in the dispute are General Solent Cage and his son Oferos Cage.

But no one has discovered this mystery.

The communication between father and son was only completed in their silent flips.

"Father, someone told me that General Qin is investigating us secretly and intends to collect a list and execute us."

"This is impossible. Although your behavior is unwelcome Yes, but it's just a little disagreement. According to the regulations of Level 2 control, it is far from the point where it needs to be dealt with by military law. Of course, when General Qin collects the conclusive list, you will definitely be punished. It will also bring stains to your reputation. I have advised you to stop, but you are stubborn. It’s still too late to look back."

"No, father. Do you remember General Qin once mentioned it." Is the Level 1 control? Level 1 control applies the death penalty. You were deceived by his surrender. He never gave up, he really wants to execute some people. I am one of the leaders of the alliance. Others may be able to survive, But I will definitely die. Even if I do not die, I am afraid I will be brainwashed into a battle-type blank."

"Who is your source of information?"

"Zhou Donglai. Qin Student of Light."

"I'll talk to General Qin."

"Then father, you will kill me, Zhou Donglai, and more people. Father, free will Unstoppable, wildfires have started a prairie fire and cannot be stopped. Anyway, we may break out at any time in the future, so that hiding our whereabouts is of little significance, but it only slightly increases the probability. We don’t need to give up ten more for this little probability. Hundreds of millions of people’s lives. Many geniuses emerged in the third generation of human beings, whether they are on the scientific level, on the combat level, or on the management level. We are full of talents. But now you look at it and don’t do anything to contribute to that. Women nurture offspring. One after another is forced to work in areas that they don’t like and are not good at. This wastes not only our time, but also our lives, and the value of our lives. Some people could have invented stronger new weapons. , Better equipment, and also have the opportunity to become the same powerhouse as the instructor Tong. But Qin Guang’s pedantic stopped us. He keep on saying that everything is for the highest goal, but he did not expect that his staleness is damaging the fleet Strength is suppressing our progress. Qin Guang has become a stumbling block of history! It is time to change the status quo. We should return everyone with real freedom! Give everyone a real right to choose! Father, support me once. Even if it's just this Time is good. I will not be a deserter, I will go to Yinxin with you and sacrifice there bravely. Many friends around me also hold the same mind with me. This should be our active choice, not Forced. The other second and third generations are innocent, They should not be destined before they are born! They should also have the right to choose. They are simply not treated as human beings, but sad tools! You fight for your honor and ideals, but have you ever asked these people what they want in their hearts? "

Opheus turned the book quickly.

The sound of turning the pages of the book was like a storm in a small room.

After a long time, Solent was shaking his fingers.

"I know what you want. Only high level officers can approach General Qin without tight security. But he and I are comrades swearing blood as an alliance, and I am impossible to help you kill him. "

"No, father. You just need to cooperate with our actions and let him pass out. We just want to stun him and let him enter the freezer. Father, you have slept for nearly thirty years. But General Qin has been reluctant to fall asleep, getting older and older, he should rest. When we arrive at Yinxin, we will wake him up again and return the command to him. General Qin is best at marching and fighting. His precious life and talents should not be wasted on boring journeys. I know he has designated that woman's descendant as his successor, but don't you think this is absurd, father? How can we pin our hopes on a person who has not yet been born hundreds of years in advance? This is ridiculous! "

A long time later, Solent Cage closed the book.

"Okay. Take a break and take action in eight hours. "


Qin Guang and Emerson were forcibly frozen.

His most trusted deputy, Solent Cage, ambushed in his office He.

Because of the careful arrangement, the concealment of the move, and almost no resistance, almost no dead people, there are very few people who know the truth of this matter. This matter did not cause much commotion in the fleet, only It happened quietly.

Then everyone in the fleet received an announcement.

The announcement stated that General Qin’s telomere report indicated that he had little life left. He changed his mind, chose to enter the frozen sleep, and handed over the command to Solent Cage for the time being.

His student Zhou Donglai regained consciousness and became the adjutant of General Cage.


Afterwards, the fleet operation system began to peacefully change, Level 2 military control was abandoned, and surveillance and spying everywhere were banned.

And the fleet command also announced that it would open independent registration, think Those who want to leave the fleet will be able to board the new ships of the free-will column in five years and go to the endless universe.

Apart from this, researchers who are tired of the Nuwa project can also choose by themselves. Employment direction.

Although the Nuwa program has a high priority in the built-in program of the intelligent mastermind, participating in the program will surely get the most lucrative return, but there are still as many as tens of millions of practitioners changing the industry on the spot .

As for the number of people who sign up for the free will column, there are more people.

Among the more than one billion third generation population, the proportion of applications is as high as 80%.

Opheus was shocked.

The situation is a bit different from what he imagined.

Among the people he knew, only about 30% of the third generation tended to leave before. Fleet, as soon as the registration channel was opened and a large number of grassroots personnel swarmed in, many people around him quickly wavered and changed their minds.

Opheus went to question these people who had eaten their promises.

The answer I got is like this.

"Since it is a free will, it should not be constrained, including promises and decisions you have made. Everyone should have the right to choose as well as the right to repent. "

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