The battle that took place on Oasis hasn't stopped for a moment, and several months have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past few months, the two sides have watched endlessly around themes of reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance, assault and defense.

The compound-eyed slaves also carried out analysis work on the magnetic storm, but they also encountered the trouble of communication interruption, and always encountered the harassment of the new human material small combat units, so that the compound-eyed slaves’ scientific research Work has been ruined time and time again.

At the same time, the compound-eyed slaves also quickly assembled their forces time and time again, and launched a charge to the sky cave at any cost, but they were all used by humans to use the more and more complete defenses in the sky cave, as well as the magnetic storm itself. The geographical advantage keeps it away from a large number of combat units.

In the history of human space warfare, there has never been such a peculiar situation.

A large number of people accumulate in the vicinity of a star, rooted in a relatively small space, facing an enemy whose battle strength is several times greater than one's own, instead of fleeing, but defending instead.

The fighting method of the compound-eye slaves did not exceed the expectations of the human commander, and everything was under the control of the strategic policy formulated by Zhou Donglai and Andre.

This is not the divine strategy and wonderful planning of an unknown prophet, but at this time the human science and technology power has developed to a sufficient level.

Accurate intelligence work, perfect overall planning, and the mobilization of the Fate Pact completed ahead of schedule have destined that the war can only advance in the direction of the established strategy of mankind.

The core factors that determine the success of the strategy are as follows.

First, through the early technical analysis, the human fleet has determined the characteristics of the magnetic storm. Ordinary human ships cannot pass, nor can the ships of the compound-eye slave tribe. This is not just false statements, but the strategic staff of the Unnamed Fleet comprehensively considered for a long time the extensive combat experience of the compound-eyes and the slaves, and made a comprehensive judgment that is both statistically and logically consistent.

Secondly, human beings who arrive early and complete scientific research work in time, complete the research and development of new materials occupy an absolute advantage. The advantage of this geographical location continues to magnify with the lengthening of the fighting time, because humans have created more and more intelligent weapons and artificial combat units that can freely shuttle through the magnetic storm. Mankind's understanding of the characteristics of plasma and magnetic storms is constantly deepening at an extremely fast rate. Where will there be abnormally high-energy reactions, what are the precursors when a high-level storm erupts, the statistical direction of the turbulence of strong interference and destructive power... Each of these parameters has become a weapon in the hands of humans.

Thirdly, the long-term escape life has indeed caused tremendous psychological pressure on the human fleet, and even almost collapsed. But after suffering, human beings have created a convention of destiny for self-restraint and a unified group consciousness. Now I finally got a chance to settle down and fight the opponent, which is really inspiring. Since the tens of millions of men, women, old and children in the combined fleet represent senior and represent themselves, it is absolutely impossible to let go of this opportunity for frontal engagement that has been waiting for two and a half centuries. The joint fleet ushered in a national mobilization with the strongest action, the strongest will, and the most consistent concept in the history of human civilization.

Under the urging of these many factors, even though there were many dangers near the Tiandong, human beings finally carried it down.

However, the compound-eyes seem to have seen through the plan of mankind, determined to annihilate the combined fleet here.

In the nearby spherical area with a radius of more than a thousand light-years, a large number of compound-eyed slave fleets stopped patrolling, or decisively gave up their immediate goals, and began to gather in the oasis star.

In these four or five months, a new fleet of compound eyes arrived almost every two or three days on average.

The other side is continuing to increase its weight, trying to use fuel tactics to accumulate absolute numerical advantages to overwhelm the combined fleet.

However, this situation is also in human expectations. The solution is nothing tricky, that is, meet force with force.

On the one hand, we will continue to strengthen the Tiandong fortifications, and the third phase of the project has already started.

On the other hand, some squads have also begun to come here. The frequency is not as good as that of the opponent, but they can reach a human squad every four or five days on average. On the road, these teams have already used the scientific information shared by the joint fleet to complete ship transformation and equipment upgrades in advance. At the same time, they have also absorbed a large amount of battlefield intelligence and are ready to fight.

Although the compound-eye army adds more fuel than the human joint fleet, the human oil is better. Although the balance of strength has always been biased towards the opponent’s advantage, the joint fleet is on the verge of collapse Steady the situation in the appearance of.

Finally, the ever-growing oasis fleet is constantly tapping its potential and beginning to implement some more extreme war-breaking measures that could not be done before.

First, the second stage population surge plan.

Before that, in order to expand the population base as soon as possible, the Unknown Fleet had strictly implemented the first stage population explosion plan for more than two decades. The typical plan was to develop a complete artificial embryo training plan, and the implementation was combined with autonomy. Choose a program that is optimally paired with genes, use egg cells efficiently, and turn every healthy egg cell into an embryo. The previous population inflation index basically followed this law.

Now on the Oasis Fleet side, the execution is even more extreme. Artificial intervention is carried out before the first, second and third divisions of each mature embryo, which is believed to create multiple identical multiple births. On average, every newborn embryo can transform into at least 5.7 identical multiple births. This is obviously not in line with the "humanitarian" in the peaceful era. The people responsible for implementing this strategy in the joint fleet and Andre will inevitably be criticized by the world for this in the future, but at this moment, no one cares.

The plan is not aimed at the current battle strength, but uses the relatively stable environment inside the Oasis Star, as well as the extremely rich energy and resources, to complete the rapid population expansion, and prepare for a rainy day after ten years.

Second, the undead plan. Improve the combat plan, use the top warrior and elite pilots as the core framework, establish a battlefield rescue team, and increase the survival rate of the warrior. In the past, since the main goal of the Unnamed Fleet is to escape, the War Zone has been moving. If a warrior is injured on the battlefield without dying, there is basically no way to rescue it. But now mankind has the geographical advantage of Oasis Star, and can defend against danger. It is no longer a guerrilla warfare, but a positional warfare. The human warrior finally no longer has to give up the comrades who lost their mobility, and they can start to save people back.

This team of special agents, called the rescue team, actually played an extremely important role on the battlefield. They never love war, they just shuttle around frantically, dragging back one after another wounded but surviving comrades according to the signal from the escape pod.

The warriors’ per capita participation in battles has increased from 2.7 times in the past to 11.8 times. And as the professional ability of the rescue team continues to improve, the survival skills of the warriors follow as the tide rises, the boat floats, and this number continues to increase. The so-called number of battles per capita refers to how many times the warrior is dispatched and how many missions are executed and then killed.

At present, the highest record holder of the All-Anonymous Fleet is Tong Ling, who has participated in more than 9,000 battles, but the average per capita of the entire fleet is only 2.7. The heavy casualties can be seen. The Oasis United Fleet changed 2.7 to 11.8, and if the limited battle strength resources were expanded out of thin air by 4.37 times.

Andre emphasized in his military speech that the undead plan has become the main policy of the joint fleet. The joint fleet will continue to improve its equipment and technical and tactical ideas, and the number of battles will continue to increase from 11.8 to 100 or even higher.

Third, use the unique rich mineral deposits inside the Oasis Star and combine the actual situation to further improve the performance of the equipment. This includes quickly completing SmartBrain performance upgrades, creating more and better offline sub-SmartBrains, and gaining a higher advantage for smart weapons in the magnetic storm. At the same time, the old Forge armor has finally been completely eliminated, and the latest Xuanyuan Zhan armor, which surpasses the most powerful modified version of Forge armor, is officially off the assembly line.

Xuanyuan Zhan is 33 meters high, with deformable mechanical structure, speed-up performance, firepower index, offline information function, energy stability, overload capacity and other parameters are overwhelming. Ergai armor, and with the support of Oasis Star’s unique resources, can be mass-produced here.


From the overall situation, in the past few months, the joint fleet has completed more than 30 major adjustments in the system, which has always regarded humanity as The proud war potential is vividly and thoroughly vented.

From the details, at the end of 2944, a young surnamed Zheng was born.

At only 21 years old, Zheng Chenglong started as an ordinary combatant, and his military rank was quickly promoted as a colonel-level combatant in just a few months.

His rays of light are too dazzling.

Zheng Chenglong was the survivor of the 10881 fleet.

At the time when the old captain and other sixteen warriors died, Zheng Chenglong, who was only six years old, was just a D-Rank combatant. He was injured in an early battle and retreated. Be in the second line and become a pilot in the budding ship.

When he was only six years old, he watched the old captain and other friends sacrifice in order to cover the retreat. After receiving psychological intervention, he has never even been on the battlefield again.

When the Oasis Star Wars just started, he was just a very mediocre C-Rank fighter.

Due to the huge external pressure, the 21-year-old Zheng Chenglong watched one teammate after another and never returned. He finally took the initiative to sign up for Suicide Squad again, thinking about death ends all one's troubles.

Unexpectedly, he was desperate to die, but he has transformed, as if a genius in martial arts suddenly opened up the two lines of Ren and Du.

Two months after the war started, he reached B-Rank.

Three and a half months later, he reached A-Rank.

S-Rank six months later.

In the eighth month, he only used less than one hundred battles to formally cross the threshold of an S-Rank combatant and become a top warrior, and his personal abilities continue to improve. Promoted.

He has strong thinking control, on-the-spot adaptability, and unimaginable emotional contagion.

The warrior in the special attack team led by him can often explode more potential under the sprint of his pioneers.

At the same time, as the position continues to be promoted, the responsibilities have become more and more important, and he has gradually shown excellent ability to make decisions on the spot.

He began to realize that he should be responsible for the lives of his comrades, so that he unconsciously cultivated a keen sense of smell and an instinct to judge a small battlefield.

He knows when his squad should erupt, when to hide, and what actions should be taken to ensure that the large forces complete the established goals.

Tong Ling commented on him, "Zheng Chenglong's fighting style is different from mine, but I think he has the potential to wait for me."

Zheng Chenglong's fighting style It is too similar to the sage Chen Feng in historical records, as if printed out by a mold.

If it weren't for his appearance that was quite different from the sage Chen Feng, and his surname was also different, many people would even mistakenly think that the sage was born early.

Zheng Chenglong is indeed very good, but it is only a microcosm.

In the past few months, the number of battle heroes of this kind has been in the battle, but he is the most dazzling.

At the end of December 2944, Zheng Chenglong, who had just been promoted to major general as a combatant, suffered the biggest test unfortunately.

He received information that a compound-eye prismatic ship had quietly lurked close to the magnetic storm and hovered in place for eight hours.

In these eight hours, hundreds of scientific research-type blade beetles went back and forth from the compound-eye raft.

This prismatic ship has probably obtained a lot of analysis data, and the mystery of the magnetic storm has a very high risk of exposure.

Just as Zheng Cheng Dragon Fruit in the vicinity led five hundred warriors to turn around and rushed straight to the prismatic ship, first arranged jamming bombs that could block the transmission of information, and then launched a super-high intensity impact. Tear it to pieces.

This prismatic ship seems to have really made breakthrough progress.

In order to cover its retreat, two fully organized slave fleets lurking in the vicinity quickly approached.

Zheng Chenglong had to lead 500 people to face the forces that normally require at least a whole team to contend.

Finally, Zheng Chenglong successfully destroyed the prismatic ship before the prismatic ship transmitted the information.

But his own customized Xuanyuan armor also runs out of energy, unable to move even a little bit, and can only pop out the escape pod.

The rescue team in the distance was again blocked by two integrated slave fleets.

Zheng Chenglong was unfortunately taken prisoner.

Yes, he was not shot but was captured alive.

This is not an isolated incident, but a sign that the compound eye has changed its strategy again.

Before this, whether it was in the unnamed fleet or near the empire's mainland, the compound-eyes would only capture human warriors from time to time, and most of the time they chose not to leave a living.

But after Zheng Chenglong, at least on the side of Oasis Star, the compound-eyes no longer killed the human warriors who had lost their mobility, but instead had one alive.


Zheng Chenglong, who was frozen in the escape capsule, stared angrily.

He wanted to struggle, but the cabin was filled with glue poured in by the opponent, unable to move even a little bit.

The light on the bulkhead is wandering.

The opponent is cutting the deck.

He gritted his teeth and tried to activate the personal battle clothes again and again, but the energy system of battle clothes was also blocked.

Finally, the deck is cut open.

He appeared in an empty crystal hall.

He looked up, but there was nothing, only a few biomechanical arms swayed above his head.

"Hello, human."

Zheng Chenglong turned his head fiercely, turned pale in fright.

Behind him, is a woman.

At least it looks like a person.

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