The intense radiation and plasma storms in the explosion zone are expanding outward at the speed of light and continuing to attenuate. The trapped compound eye fleet must be at least 700 million light-years away from the center point before it can barely escape. The explosion shock wave covers the core area, and the curvature flight is moderately turned on.

Then, apart from scattered ships forcibly rushing into the battlefield in a desperate manner, it will take at least seven years for the majority of the compound-eye army to begin to break out on a large scale.

The human fleet has enough time to complete the reorganization, forming a circle around a fast and medium-sized battleship with high maneuverability and a large number of other ships with ordinary maneuverability.

He has proved that his Tang Xiaao has the highest authorization to become the commander-in-chief of the War Zone in the stellar explosion zone.

Tang Xiaao quickly integrated the more than 600,000 ships and 40 million people that had already arrived and soon to arrive, and began to formulate a new combat plan around the explosive area that was continuously expanding.

Tang Xiaao chose to break into parts, and it was more extreme to break into parts than any previous action.

The entire explosive zone fleet was completely broken up, with a manned ship and two unmanned ships of the same type, forming a total of 190,000 formations.

These 190,000 formations will arrive at the predetermined location within a few months, forming countless pentagons, forming a 16 light-year diameter outside the explosion zone in the form of a super-large football model. The spherical chain formation.

The three ships in each small formation will form three different operating modes, one manned ship is responsible for reconnaissance, and two unmanned ships are responsible for energy collection and rapid production. .

When each formation arrives at the predetermined location, it must dispatch at least 10,000 micro-unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to the outside world, and must maintain an average of 2,000 per day for the next time. The production scale of one reconnaissance plane and one thousand unmanned aerial vehicles must be assisted by artificial intelligence to continuously increase the scale of industrial production capacity and accelerate the output of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Thanks to the fact that this place is close to the Galactic Center, the density of stars has greatly increased, and one or two or more stars can be found near the coverage area of ​​almost every formation.

With the support of the rapid development of new stellar technologies, as long as these small formations can not be disturbed by external forces, the capacity climbing speed will quickly reach the limit.

According to Tang Xiaao's requirements, these small formations must maintain the development ability to drain at least one star every two years, and this is still not the final standard.

Because one year later, the positions of the 190,000 formations will be moved out as a whole, and the encirclement will continue to expand. At the same time, the number of unmanned ships in each formation must be doubled from two.

In addition to these basic layouts, the medium-sized warships from the core fleet led by Tang Xiaao are not included in each squadron, but remain intact.

Once the reconnaissance planes scattered in the small formation find the enemy's tracks, they must not pick up the enemy autonomously, but quickly withdraw from the enemy's path.

At the same time, the entire huge chain formation will quickly maneuver, and the rest of the nearby formations will quickly move closer to each other and begin to reorganize forces. After reaching a sufficient scale, the battle strength in this part of the formation will be able to receive the enemy. Fight the first wave.

In the exchange of fire, these human fleets must be wiped out if they can't be beaten, dragged if they can't be beaten, and if they can't be dragged or held, they will disperse again, regroup, and wait for a larger-scale formation integration. Supported guerrilla warfare strategy.

As for the highly mobile medium-sized formations with the ability to flex, they will quickly arrive on the battlefield in the second time under the leadership of Tang Xiaao, and will be responsible for attacking and annihilating powerful enemies.

So, under this kind of plan, no matter if some of the enemy ships inside have successfully assembled and rushed out in an organized way, or if a fleet of compound-eye slave tribes rushed in from other places, they would Under the full blow of the explosive zone fleet, the military strength and production capacity of the human fleet in the explosive zone will increase day by day.

On the basis of the Oasis Star Base, Tang Xiaao combined the actual situation and centered on the characteristics of the star explosion zone, and launched a new type of tactics that perfectly combines the tactics of breaking up into parts and quickly gathering to form regional superior forces. Mode of warfare.

In Tang Xiaao’s report to Zhou Donglai and the headquarters of the empire, he said: "I will wipe out the enemy’s main forces here, and at the same time, I can also use areas, systems, equipment, and special battle strengths. Advantages, forming a situation of encircling and attacking the enemy, if one more ship can be wiped out, one more ship."

After rigorous discussions and calculations, as well as a large number of simulations carried out by the main brain, Zhou Donglai and An Delie and the commander of the Empire headquarters approved Tang Xiaao's strategy.

As long as the people in each small formation can perfectly complete their respective tasks, Tang Xiaao created a multi-layer intelligence system and defense system formed by countless reconnaissance planes and integrated drones. Target, then Tang Xiaao's strategy has more than 80% of the possibility of perfect accomplishment.

On the other hand, the situation in the Oasis Star has also changed day by day.

As the slave fleets that arrived earlier have been annihilated one after another, the compound eye fleet besieging Oasis Star has changed round after round.

In just three years, the compound-eyes have hundreds of original standing defenders of various sizes within a thousand light-years near the Oasis Star. The focus is on have nothing common with each other. Until now, But it has been polished.

Although the compound-eyes have seen a decline near the Oasis Star, they can still maintain a considerable attack intensity.

The reason is that, unconsciously, the huge pseudo-human Legion composed of countless Fu Ruowei took over the baton and became the main force to besiege the Oasis Star.

The pseudo-human Legion has expanded rapidly since its birth, and now has as many as 10 million ships, and the total force is even greater than the Oasis United Fleet, but humans are defending. With high fighting spirit, and endless new equipment that is renovated every day, can they have the upper hand with fewer enemies and more.

In this process, countless Fu Ruowei is still arrogantly quibbling, saying that she is just an ordinary diplomat among the great "virgins", because of the stubborn of the Earth human beings, she was only Forced to create countless fast clones of himself to complete the military return.

"Fu Ruowei" also explained by the way why the captured clones are only similar in appearance to humans. Inside, they are not mammals, but arthropods.

That's all the "rapid cloning technology" used to shorten the formation time of force scale.

Anyway, the appearance of Fu Ruowei perfectly demonstrates the unique and profound skill of the compound eye, even if it is commonplace in other technological aspects, but in the shortcut of biological cultivation to the end of its own science and technology.

Even if this shortcut is an evil road, it is destined to never reach the limit of science. Compound-eyes have also taken the evil road to the extreme, stepped out of a strong self-civilization style, and brought it The rapid expansion capabilities that other types of technology can’t match are shown to the extreme.

Mass production and rapid prototyping of pseudo-humans, as well as the same seemingly standardized, but with their own characteristics, the performance is not inferior to human ships, and from time to time, the biological battleships with different exotic species and specialties are combined to give oasis The combined fleet caused great distress and pain.

Although the opponent's offensive is weakening, for three full years, the enemy fleet seems to never be defeated, and the harassment and storm have never stopped for a day.

Fortunately, the imprint of the Pact of Destiny has greatly improved the mental tolerance of human beings. In such a high-intensity confrontation, everyone who survives has become an elite of the hundred warriors, and can use less Human power exerts stronger battle strength, if the human situation in the past, I am afraid that it will not be able to hold it.

However, attrition is always happening and it will inevitably make people distressed.

On the morning of February 14, 2946, Andre looked sadly at the comprehensive report before him.

Zhou Donglai pointed out that although the joint fleet combats bravery and deserves praise, the resources and production capacity of industry, population, technology and other aspects have not reached the expected target.

Zhou Donglai didn't mean to blame Andre.

Everyone knows that the situation here is difficult.

It’s just that Zhou Donglai believes that Andre must find a way to annihilate Legion’s "arsenal" as soon as possible and free up more productivity from the replenishment of armament resources as soon as possible.

Even if only a few months of respite can be obtained for the joint fleet to complete the reorganization, the warrior will return to participate in theoretical studies and absorb the practical experience gained in the past three years, and further consolidate the foundation, so that the strength of the human army can be Go up one more step.

At the same time, the fleet can make use of existing resources and innovative technology to carry out a comprehensive technical update of all equipment again, and the human force can continue to grow.

Then, if we further expand the resource collection and production capacity, we can continue to explode industrial capacity and continue to climb the slope of material assets.

When the opponent's consumption rate is completely overwhelmed, the situation of the Oasis Star Base is truly stable.

With only a three-month buffer period, the combined fleet can increase the overall battle strength by at least three times, and the resource collection and production speed can be increased by five to six times.

By then, the situation will be completely opened.

Zhou Donglai reminded Andre that as the commander-in-chief of the joint fleet, he was doing dangerous things. He had spent a lot of resources and invested a lot of elite warriors, even Tong Ling and Tang The main force of Xia Ao's core fleet is here. Naturally, Oasis Star can't seek stability and be satisfied with the petty profits in front of him. He must find a way to get rid of the predicament.

Andre knew it well, but he could only wait calmly.

The turnaround appears after half a month.

On March 8th, through the charge ahead of elite scouts again and again, and a large-scale search in the outer space of the oasis, mankind finally gained something.

A team of investigators caught unusual radiation fluctuations in a dense nebula 16 light-years away from Oasis Star.

On the way to evacuate, this team of investigators was frantically pursued by the enemy's lurking garrison, losing 90% of its members, and finally returned successfully one person and one aircraft, bringing back important information.

Lu Guangda completed the analysis in two hours and calculated the modeling.

A model of energy flow that has been hidden in the nebula appeared in front of Andre.

In the center of the model, there is a huge crystal close to the size of the solar system Jupiter.

The energy response level in this crystal is extremely high.

So far, humans have only dealt with a small number of warships, but they have never encountered a ball-shaped battleship that has become a human nightmare in multiple void timelines.

However, some of the top scholars of history and energy, who have deeply studied the history of nothingness and completed the modeling of the special energy data consumed during the manufacture of the blade beetle, have instantly analyzed the origin of the huge crystal. .

This is exactly the need to slap a big hand, which can support the ball ship to complete the giant cocoon deformation, can also create a blade beetle, and can interfere with the information flow that humans can achieve by almost exhausting most of the solar system's energy for a century. It is a powerful energy carrier with plenty of extra power.

This is obviously Ultra Grade technology from Boss behind the scenes, an ultimate battery.

Now, this thing is as big as Jupiter.

After conversion, scholars have concluded that although the energy stored in this crystal cannot be compared with the magnetic storm of Oasis Star, it is at least 5% of the total amount, and it is extremely easy to take. use.

No matter how humans kill, it seems that the pseudo-human Legion, which will never be completely eliminated, comes from the hidden base under the cover of this nebula, from this ultimate battery.

Unfortunately, when Andre was quickly deploying troops and preparing to form a special attack team to attack the opponent's "Arsenal", the second elite reconnaissance platoon returned bad news.

The nebula is already empty.

At the same time, the enemy pseudo-human Legion's force enhancements suffered a short break.

The frontline soldiers of the United Fleet enjoyed two days of stability.

But while Andre Fréček was pleased with the rare holiday of the frontline soldiers, he scratched his scalp.

Obviously, after the reinforcement troops unfortunately fell into the pit built by Tang Xiaao and couldn't get it in place at all, this arsenal has become the only means for the compound-eyes to maintain the suppression of the oasis galaxy.

The enemy's commander is absolutely impossible to allow this core strategic resource to go wrong.

In the years of confrontation between the two sides, no matter how stupid the command center of the compound-eyes is, it is time for mankind to organize top-level warriors, mobilize superior forces to penetrate defenses, and directly attack strategic decapitation tactics. .

So, seeing the whereabouts of this arsenal was revealed, it ran on the spot decisively, without spirit and morality.

This makes Andre's head pale.

The previous scouts only caught the opponent's movement when they got close, indicating that the arsenal has hidden technology that humans have not yet cracked.

Then you must find the opponent again in the vast universe, the difficulty is no different from the ancients who rely on naked eyes to find the green hair on the football field.

Definitely it can be achieved, but it will inevitably be delayed for as little as several months and as long as several years.

However, after two days of meticulous work, Andre finally came up with a feasible plan.

Three hours later, 3,622 female warriors, currently ranked among the top ten thousand in personal comprehensive strength in the combined fleet, appeared in a top-secret Conference Hall.

Andre stood on the side of the podium, only in charge of sitting.

Today's protagonist is another person.

Hands behind ones back Standing in the middle of the podium is an 82-year-old middle-aged female commander named Mu Chenglan.

Major General Mu Chenglan was formerly the commander-in-chief of the First Foreign Fleet, Ranked 3rd in the command sequence of the entire joint fleet, meaning that if Andre and another commander die accidentally, she will automatically postpone Inherit the position of commander-in-chief of the combined fleet.

Valiant and formidable looking Mu Chenglan said slowly to the audience: "Now there is a difficult but important special task that we need to complete. This task is only for women and requires a thousand People. I hope that those who are interested will sign up. I will conduct a top-down selection based on the comprehensive strength score to determine the final list. Before that, I must inform you of the fact that this task won but never returned, and we will definitely die. And we His body will be completely transformed, and we will no longer be ourselves. Registration will take five minutes from now."

Five minutes later, the selection is complete.

Almost all members signed up, but Mu Chenglan only selected 1,000 people to form a women's camp.

The rest left, and Mu Chenglan and the women's camp turned around and went to the biological laboratory.

One day later, when the pseudo-human Legion launched another attack, a complete pseudo-human biological ship captured by humans flew out of the human mothership and quietly mixed into the pseudo-human Legion array.

There was another fierce battle between the two sides. This pseudo-human Legion had a total of more than 8,000 battleships that were severely damaged to only more than a thousand ships. Most of the battleships were severely damaged.

The commander of one of the biological ships with 77% damage is Mu Chenglan.

But at this time she doesn't look like she was before, she has become "Fu Ruowei".

Regardless of appearance, height, or even the internal structure of the body, there is almost no difference between Mu Chenglan and "Fu Ruowei" at this time.

The more than 900 comrades-in-arms in her battleship have all become "Fu Ruowei" who are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Yesterday, these one thousand and one female soldiers underwent the cruelest reproductive transformation so far in the biological laboratory.

While staying awake, completely replace the body from beginning to end, even including the brain!

The pain is beyond words.

They transformed their bodies into the same form as the pseudo-humans. Even their brains have become pseudo-human Insect brains, but they still barely retain human memories in their minds.

However, this memory is inevitably lost quickly, which has brought endless soul tearing pain to the heroine warrior.

You must keep in mind who you are and the mission objective, and you must not reveal your true identity. These female generals are clenching their teeth with the unimaginable willpower of ordinary people.

The female battalion has only one mission, anti-living, reverse osmosis, finding a local arsenal, and then destroying it!

After half a month, the scouts captured the information 10.8 light-years away from Oasis Star and sent the information back to the combined fleet.

This terrifying explosion is happening there.

A new giant dark energy black hole is rising.

A few hours ago, the women’s camp suddenly raged, all of which activated the lethal transformation in the transformation of the colony. The battle strength of all members was approximately equal to the iron bone of one third Xuanyuan Armor, the War General.

In just one hour, the female generals first exploded the giant energy crystals of the arsenal, and then continued to expand their results, destroying the opponent’s supercomputing center, shredding the enemy’s War Zone command ship, and killing them. Hundreds of different-looking fly eyes also destroyed the three Insect Queen communication hubs used to control large-scale information exchange!

After over-completed all the tasks, the women’s battalion of this all-female female general continued to fight for three full hours, and then smashed many enemy ships under construction or repairing, and burned them down. After countless incubation cocoons of "Fu Ruowei", she died after exhausting self-destruct.

In fact, before the report from the front came back, the human side had already discovered the changes in the battle situation.

Legion, the pseudo-human being at war, suddenly went into chaos.

The opponent did not flee, but the coordination between different battleships and combat units suddenly became a weak spot, which was beaten by humans.

Before, Andre judged that there must be a problem with the other party's communication and auxiliary computing system.

Now it seems to be true.

Then Andre received Mu Chenglan's last words forwarded by the scouts.

She said in a hoarse voice: "Report to the commander, the women's camp is fortunate to live!"

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