October 3, 2999.

The 21-year-old Ding Hu finally completed his basic studies with qualified grades at the Academy, the third Earth officer in the solar system, and became a freshly released lieutenant.

There are two employment options in front of Ding Hu.

First, enlist in the army on the spot, join the Solar System Defense Force, start from a combatant Small Captain, and rely on Goddard’s training, ready to face offensive enemies at any time, in a peaceful environment in the region Slowly hone your abilities.

Secondly, go to the frontline battlefield on the cantilever of the Sagittarius and plunge into the dangerous battlefield. Under the trial of blood and fire, you will either grow rapidly or sacrifice.

According to Ding Hu's own ideas, he is more inclined to choose the second path.

But his family and friends disagree.

After all, he is too mediocre.

Turn the time back to 2978. In fact, when Ding Hu was born, the social resources support he received was amazing, and his early growth rate was not slow.

Unfortunately, Ding Hu reached the upper limit of his ability as a combatant when he was about twelve years old.

His talent is so ordinary that he tried his best to barely cross the B-Rank boundary at the age of eighteen.

Since then, every potential evaluation system has been branded deeper on him, indicating that his life's limit, that is, B-Rank.

Even if he goes through many trials on the battlefield, and no matter how many life-and-death walks he has, this determination cannot be changed. At best, he can only change from a freshly released B-Rank player to one. An experienced B-Rank old oil.

On the battlefield, he will always be impossible to take on key tasks that are sufficient to influence the situation of the battle, and will always only be able to follow in the large army and do things within his power. Maybe it was an unremarkable trash fish in the general battle, or some scraps of conventional troops fighting against ordinary enemies, or maybe a garrison troop that used their lives to hold on to a certain place and discovered some enemy's surprise attack intelligence.

Ding Hu is not dissatisfied with these comments.

As a firm practitioner of the Destiny Pact, and an avid fan of the sage, Ding Hu treats a sentence in the sage’s quotations as a holy scripture.

"Every unremarkable screw has a value that cannot be ignored."

He is willing to become that screw and work hard for it until he suddenly graduates. Have to face new choices.

At the moment of graduation, the goal he was striving for until now became illusory inexplicably.

Ding Hu knew he shouldn't have such absurd and vacillating thoughts, he just couldn't make up his mind for a while.

There are more than 20 days left for him to consider, and he only needs to make a decision before 12 o'clock on the night of October 31st.

Ding Hu spent many days discussing with many people, including family and friends, as well as some famous great characters, and many non-profit consulting agencies.

He even went to the Academy of Social Sciences of the Xingfeng Research Institute, and chatted for a long time with some well-known old scholars who helped others in their life planning.

Ding Hu wants to find a way for himself to maximize his self-worth.

Running east and west for two weeks, asked hundreds of people, and entered the consulting library of the main brain, Ding Hu was empty-handed, and could not get the answer he wanted.

With a bit of lingering confusion, Ding Hu drove a solo shuttle to the Earth Great Snow Mountain.

There is a memorial hall for the sage, to commemorate the growth of the sage Chen Feng in multiple periods of emptiness.

There are a lot of digitized historical materials in the memorial hall. The historical materials record how Chen Feng step by step from an ordinary person to human hope in this ordinary training base.

Ding Hu likes this history very much. Whenever he feels tired, he will come here, not only to temper his mind in history, but also to look at the beautiful scenery of Great Snow Mountain to cultivate his sentiment.

The Great Snow Mountain Memorial is a "privilege" unique to humans in the solar system, and can always get a certain degree of spiritual stability when needed.

And what is unique is that whenever Ding Hu sets foot on the grounds of the Great Snow Mountain Memorial, he feels that his heart is particularly peaceful and his thoughts are particularly clear.

It's just that in the historical materials that Ding Hu saw, except for the sage’s own face, the faces of the others were very vague, as if they had been deliberately processed to conceal the appearance of these people.

Ding Hu once asked the history teacher about this matter.

The teacher told him that this was indeed a deliberate act of the Academy of Scholars. The purpose was to protect the people around the sages and prevent them from being disturbed during their growth.

Walking around in the exhibition hall of the memorial hall, then Ding Hu quickly walked up to Snow Mountain.

More than half an hour later, both of his hands stuck in their pockets, and their feet made a crunching sound when they stepped on the snow.

The icy wind was blowing on his face, it was a little bit cold, but it didn't hurt him.

On the mountainside, the newly evolved snow-white goshawk is slowly flying by, seeming to be hunting.

Ding Hu looked towards Goshawk with a slightly envious look. He sometimes envied these animals on Earth. Without wisdom, there would be no worries and no worries. He was born in ignorance, and Die in ignorance.

People are different. They have lived in the collective since they were born. Although they can enjoy resources that non-intelligent creatures can never imagine, they also have to face things that non-intelligent creatures will never produce. concern.

The more you know, the more fear you have, and the more you have to overcome fear.

"You...you are Ding Hu?"

Suddenly a woman's voice came from behind.

Ding Hu turned around.

An athletic woman wearing a cyan-gray color technical staff uniform stood below, looking up at herself.

The woman wears shoulder-length short hair, looks neat and tidy, with a curious and nervous look on her face.

Ding Hu took two steps back and got closer, "Yes, are you?"

The woman suddenly turned away a little nervously, "My name is Liu Weiwei, I am a heavy nuclear collection technician."

"Oh oh oh, hello Liu Weiwei. How do you know me?"

Ding Hu wondered.

"That...that..." Liu Weiwei had some conclusions.

After a long while, she said, "We are neighbors, and my house is downstairs from yours. When we were young, we often met up and downstairs."

Ding Hu thought for a while, his eyes looked It gradually lit up, "fatty girl."


Ding Hu was happy, "I can't believe it, you are so beautiful now. By the way , Why are you here?"

"I...I'll just go shopping and relax." Liu Weiwei lied.

After all, she is not a professional secret agent, let alone an actor. Under tension, she is not good at acting.

But she can't admit that one day ago, she was working on the regeneration of Saturn's rings, and she had received a news about the establishment of a rapid cycle station for heavy nuclei. The news told her that the little brother Ding Hu, who had peeped at countless eyes when she was a child, has graduated successfully and is ready to get married.

She didn't think so much, she took a personal leave, and took the fast shuttle of the solar system transportation network back to Earth, which happened to intercept Ding Hu here.

She rushed to get married. But after all, it's a girl, with a thin face, she can't speak for a while.

Ding Hu, a straight man, did not understand Liu Weiwei's thoughts at all. He just saw that the other party was a child when he was a child, and he invited him very enthusiastically: "Then let's go shopping together, how about?"


One person's walk turned into two people, Ding Hu's attention was distracted.

The two chatted for a long time as they walked. They talked about some interesting things from childhood, their current work, and their prospects for the future.

"Gatherers are very hard, right?"

"Fortunately, most of the time, they sit in the space office and cooperate with artificial intelligence to deal with some unexpected situations. Compared with your soldiers It must be a lot easier."

"Hi! There is no distinction between high and low work, no distinction between dedication."

"Ding Hu, you really like to quote quotations from philosophers."

"cough cough, I don't have much culture myself. I carry something to fill the big tail wolf."

"hahaha, you are so funny. I didn't dare to talk to you when I was a child, I always worried about you Very serious, I always think that you are excellent, and I will be nervous when I see it."

"Ah? Is that so, then you can praise me too much. Maybe now in the world, only you think I am excellent, right? I’ve worked so hard, and I’m just a B-Rank fighter."

"There are still many people who can only C-Rank. Like me, fighter innate talent is evaluated as D-Rank. You know, I am not qualified to join the army, so I can only be a collector."

Ding Hu: "It's okay. Collectors are also very important positions. Just work hard."


"So are you."


"What is Ding Hu going to do next? Have you chosen it?"

"I want to go to the front line, but my family disagrees. They are either afraid of my sacrifice, or they feel that running to the front line at my level is a hindrance, and death is meaningless. They tend to die. Yu asked me to stay in school, saying that I was quite talented in bringing recruits."

"Is that so?" Liu Weiwei was overjoyed. Since I don't leave, the two people's affairs should be the same. It can be done.

"I agree. Since Ding Hu, your innate talent is in this respect, it's better to be really strong. Keep it."

"But I...not Too willing, I think that instructors who have not been tested on the battlefield are just talking on paper, which is irresponsible to the students. And I always feel..."

"What do you think?"

Ding Hu had a sudden meal and slowly said: "I think someone in the distance needs me and is calling me."


"I can't tell how this feeling came from, It may be my illusion. It may also be that I am too pretentious. I always feel that destiny has arrangements for me. This arrangement may make me die early, but if I don’t finish it, I don’t try it, maybe I will live forever. I don’t have peace. Living is also a walking corpse."

Liu Weiwei doesn’t know how to take this, "but...but..."

"But I’m too weak and can’t afford it. What burden is it? Haha, I know. I am very self-aware."

"So you still have to go to the front?"

"I don't know."

The two were chatting, Ding Hu's communicator rang.

This is a global broadcast message.

He opened it and took a look, the complexion slightly changed.

The third option appears.

The real frontline information is sent back. The Tiandong Transmission Gate located in the War Zone, Genting Star Domain, has been operating stably for two years, and a large number of human fleets in the forward position have successively passed through the Tiandong channel and entered the Yunding Star. Domain, joins the fiercest battle between humans and compound eyes.

Humankind needs to face extremely tyrannical compound-eye forces over there. The battle situation is very tragic. In order to prevent the reserve force from being unable to keep up with the frontline consumption, the Morrowind Empire has launched a large-scale conscription involving the entire empire in advance.

From now on, all soldiers in the garrison of the rear galaxy can choose whether to sign up for the selection. The soldiers who pass the selection will enter the front line reserve and go to the turn of the star gate of the sky cave. Star Gate, while receiving intensive training.

Once there is a need on the front line, this part of the reserve will be immediately put into the battlefield.

Recruits who have just graduated from the military academy are also eligible for registration, including Ding Hu.

Ding Hu was stunned suddenly.

His heartbeat began to speed up inexplicably.

There is no doubt that among all human battlefields, Genting War Zone is the most important, and there is no other one.

Even ordinary soldiers with extremely low knowledge and authority can know that as long as the Genting Star Domain does not fall, the safety factor of the rear empire headquarters will be much higher.

But in this level of battlefield, do I qualify for Ding Hu?

Definitely not, I'm afraid I don't even have the chance to be selected.

But why do I have a strong sense of fatalism when I think of that place?

"What's the matter with you, Ding Hu?"

"No, nothing."

"You have something on your mind. Let me see what the news is. Hey , You are going to Genting Star Domain! My God!" Liu Weiwei was shocked.

Ding Hu shook his head awkwardly, "Just think about it, I'm afraid I can't make it."

Liu Weiwei puzzled, "Why! Isn't it dangerous? nine deaths and Still alive!"

Ding Hu asked back: "But now we still have hundreds of billions of comrades who are persisting over there. Including the original expeditionary fleet, those seniors didn’t even think about it when they set off. Come back. The warriors in the fleet that have been added now know that there are nine deaths and still alive, but everyone is still there. It can’t be said that because they think nine deaths and still alive, they will not do it. If every soldier does. Think of it this way, what hope does humanity have?"

Liu Weiwei lowered his head in shame, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, don't blame you. The job of a collector is not also dangerous. Sex, aren’t you still doing it?"


After a long time, Ding Hu slowly said.

"The sage once said that the compound eye is not our ultimate enemy. Behind the compound eye, there must be a powerful behind-the-scenes agent beyond our imagination. So sooner or later, we will all have to face each other. Against an unfamiliar and more powerful enemy. Human resistance is not a short-term war that can easily see the results. This war is bound to be protracted and extremely difficult, and there are bound to be countless bloodshed and sacrifices."

"But the sage also said that mankind has the ultimate potential beyond the limits of the universe. As long as mankind can unite and fight generation after generation, everyone will remember that he is a part of the wave of this era and will not stay out of it. Everyone is not afraid of sacrifices, and perfects their work in their respective positions, and advances like Yugong Yishan, little by little exerts our potential and raises our limit, so the enemy is strong and we are weak. The relationship will definitely transfer."

"When the transfer of this strong and weak relationship reaches a certain critical point, human resistance will crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, unstoppable. Humans will definitely One day, and now, the existence of Genting Star Domain represents the transformation of our strong and weak relationship with compound eyes, and has reached a certain limit."

"This is an unprecedented major node. As long as we win the Battle of Genting, we will gain a staged civilization and freedom that we could not imagine in the past. The global call represents that the imperial leadership has realized this. Although I am humble and small, I am eager to go to the most dangerous. Participate in the most dangerous missions and make the greatest contribution that belongs to me. Regardless of success or failure, I will sign up and try it out. If I can go there, whether as a warrior or as a leader Recruit instructor, I am dead without regret."

He is no longer confused.

After just two weeks of wandering and searching, Ding Hu has found his final choice.

Liu Weiwei looked at this man when he first saw him when he was a child, and he felt that he was a destined man, and his heartbeat accelerated sharply.

She hugged Ding Hu suddenly, "Then you have to leave a child for your parents first. Let's get married! Brother Hu! I like you! For many years!"

Brother Hu's face suddenly turned red.

Ding Hu did not expect that there are still a group of scholars staring at him and Liu Weiwei in the philosopher’s plan.

The scholars exclaimed.

Deserving of the enlightenment instructor of the sage, he gathered two threads of fate at once.

One is his destined wife, and the other is his destined instructor.

The power of time and destiny is incredible.

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