In November 3007, the empire’s unified military skills competition will be held on time.

As an annual super-large military competition, for many outstanding soldiers, it is basically the last big exam before joining the army.

This is not a short-term thing, but a progressive elimination competition.

If you can stand out in the competition and enter the Star Domain level rematch, you can prove that the contestants have the ability to stand on the battlefield.

If you can break through the limitations of the Star Domain and enter the real empire finals, no matter what rank you can get in the end, you can join the army immediately after the game, take up important positions, and be given important tasks.

Finally, if you can beat the crowd in the Empire finals, jump out of the school age limit, and enter the final step of the cross-age and cross-level actual battle finals, then wait if you have already set foot on the battlefield in advance and start long-range Perform tasks.

So, the time of this integrated training is floating.

If you are eliminated quickly, you will be fine on the first day.

But if it can continue to win, it will not last for a month or two, or even a few years.

It is rumored that the finals fifteen years ago have reached the present, but there are still two teams who have not yet distinguished the victory or defeat. They are still remotely controlling the bionic special operations unit to develop in the depths of the enemy camp. NS.

The original contestants have successively passed through the Tiandong Star Gate and reached the depths of the Genting Star Domain.

Since the missions of these two squads have not been completed, and they have successfully penetrated into the enemy’s interior, they have become "nails" for humans to take root in. As long as they are lurking, they can always harvest intelligence continuously, so this The two squads were simply converted into secret departments and became members of the third front.

The first front is the front line of the exchange of fire between the two sides, including the Genting War Zone and the Sagittarius spiral arm front where there are still a few sporadic wars. The main task of the first front is very clear, which is the struggle for martial power.

The second battle line is inside the empire. There are countless humans in the depths of the galaxy and the Star Sifting Cover space station, as well as a larger number of small and medium-sized floating bases for scientific research, production, military training, and breeding. composition. The main task of the second battle line is to be responsible for tasks such as production, technology research and development, population breeding, and military defense.

As for the third front, it was established in recent years. After creating the multiverse and coming into contact with pseudo-humans, after years of technological innovation, humans gradually mastered the ability to pretend to be compound-eyed slaves. At the same time, the composition of the three-way army of compound-eyes has become more complex, with more species classifications, and more and more information exposed during the long-term confrontation. In order to maintain productivity, compound-eyes have to mix more races. Living in the same subspace or large base increases the complexity of the situation. Under the new external conditions, humans and insurgent slaves finally began to sneak into the enemy's interior through cloning technology, bionic camouflage, and remote artificial intelligence, forming the current third front.

Zheng Feng and the Flying Tigers participated in the elementary school group competition, mainly for the whole class to participate in the team.

According to the speculation of the head teacher Ding Hu, the Flying Tigers can break out of the first pioneer Academy and become the representative of Planet 7 already.

But after the Flying Tigers break into the galaxy-level competition, they will definitely struggle, not to mention the Genting Star Domain, which contains the elite of today's elites. It will definitely make him difficult and desperate to survive.

Ding Hu wondered, Zheng Feng’s team could stay in the competition for about seven or eight days. When the time comes, he just finished the new textbooks, and then he was able to reason with him and tell him On top of the Genting Star Domain, mankind also has ten top-tier War Zones. They are the origin War Zone in the center of the solar system, the eight major War Zones divided according to the eight quadrants, and the tenth longitudinal War Zone extending from the front line to the Yunding Star Domain. It is necessary to get out of the tenth War Zone to have a chance to truly reach the top of mankind and compete fiercely with all the well-known figures of the peers on the highest stage. After winning the competition with peers, you will have the opportunity to compete with experts of all ages and join the long-range missions deep into the third front.

"Oh? I almost forgot that you already lost. But you don’t have to be discouraged. After all, you are only eleven. You are still young. Oh, I forgot. You are now in the elementary school group. The Junior Class, so your opponents are generally between three and five years old, um, the so-called'peers'."

Brother Hu has even designed the lines to "comfort" people.

Zheng Feng lost.

He himself is very strong, but it is undeniable that the classmates of the Flying Tigers that the Academy configured to match his poor progress in cultural classes have exchanged strengths and weaknesses. The situation has reversed and become a dragger. .

In the past, Zheng Feng's situation was that he was weak and his teammates were strong. The team's shortcoming was himself, so as soon as he broke out, he pulled the level of the entire team up a lot.

Now the situation has changed. Zheng Feng himself has become the top one, but he has to carry another twenty-nine oil bottle. Then no matter how he exploded, it would be of no avail.

Due to the approaching competition, cultural courses were stopped on the second day. Zheng Feng and his 29 younger brothers appeared in the special training venue at the top of the Academy Tower.

As for Ding Hu, he just stood on the teacher’s office building and looked far away.

From now on, his head teacher will not interfere with all the progress of the Flying Tigers.

Twenty-nine children stood side by side obediently and honestly, while Zheng Feng paced back and forth with hands behind ones back.

Although the time spent with these babies is not long, as the oldest person, the Flying Tigers Captain, it is necessary for Zheng Feng to deepen his understanding with the players and master each person’s strengths and personality. , Design a variety of combat plans in advance, so that your squad can be combined organically, instead of thirty mobs gathered together like a straggler.

The average age of the young children is only 3.5 years old, but due to their premature maturity, at this time, they are wearing military uniforms and standing proudly with their hands on their backs.

Zheng Feng quickly scanned each person's description, and then began to roll the names.

"Qin Wu, Li Qingqing, Edgar Julian, Morrison Scott, Mata Nicklaus, Jane Rowland, Lev Tchaikovsky, you seven People, get out!"

After finishing the call, seven boys and girls stepped forward.

"The seven of you are the first sequence. In the next game, you will complete the tough task with me. Do you understand?"


Afterwards, Zheng Feng called his name again and began to divide the remaining 22 people into four squads, two six-man teams, and two five-man teams.

These four squads are responsible for intelligence, material production management, and preparation responsibilities.

After such a simple deployment, the all-around combat team composed of thirty people is a bit tasteful.

Ding Hu, who is secretly watching, is not surprised.

In the previous simulation training, Zheng Feng has set up a temporary combat squad more than once to hunt long worms.

He now this is just a basic operation, no need to make a fuss about nothing.

"Okay! According to the rules of the competition, in the early stage of the simulation of special operations, we can choose the next new level of armor. This is the model I selected for you. You can see for yourself. If you have any comments, please Bring it up."

In the next moment, Ding Hu was surprised by what Zheng Feng did.

Nowadays, the mass-produced main battle armor of human beings is Xuanyuan Armor. Whether it is manned armor or smart weapons, it belongs to Xuanyuan Armor.

However, Xuanyuan Jia, which is produced in different galaxies, uses different materials, and meets different design concepts to meet various needs, has as many as tens of thousands of variants.

At the same time, in order to ensure the absolute fairness of the game, there is an upper limit that cannot be exceeded for the combined performance of armor and armaments that all participating teams can use.

So how to choose equipment and how to allocate equipment more reasonably is an extremely test of skill.

Didn't expect that Zheng Feng's shot is a perfect configuration, just like the handwriting of the battle-tested Old General.

Ding Hu always finds something weird.

This brat shouldn't have this knowledge reserve and tactical thinking, right?

Wait, could it be said...

Seeing the triumphant smile of Zheng Feng in the distance, Ding Hu suddenly understood.

This product must have asked the "off-site audience" for help in advance!

Who is it?

His father Zheng Yifeng?

No, they all say that Zheng Yifeng is upright, impossible to do it like cheating.

Oh yes, it must be Tang Tianxin!

That's a lieutenant general!

Damn it!

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