Since the squad has mastered the key points of avoiding patrol balls and new flying balls, the process of following the calculated route has no surprises. In order to save time, Zheng Feng even pressed the Time Acceleration button for simulation training.

Time Acceleration does not mean reducing the difficulty of marching. On the contrary, because the squad members have a shorter reaction time, they encounter more emergencies per unit of time, which further improves everyone’s mistakes. The probability.

So Zheng Feng did not increase the acceleration too fast at first, but chose to increase it from twice.

In the face of emergencies, Zheng Feng showed an amazing ability to quickly mobilize, and he was always able to continuously issue the most accurate instructions to the team members in the shortest possible time.

In the beginning, the team members were a little confused when facing these instructions to halve the preparation time. But about half an hour later, under Zheng Feng's quick guidance, the players finally adapted to this speed.

But Zheng Feng immediately increased Time Acceleration to four times.

It was another round of hustle and bustle, and the Flying Tigers finally managed to hold on.

Ding Hu, from Zheng Feng's squeezing operation to the players, tasted the taste of Tong Ling's previous training.

The difference is that Tong Ling's training for Zheng Feng can be repeated after death, but the third mechanical forest battle has no chance to come back after death. Once it fails, you have to return to the original point. , Wasting a lot of time, the previous simulation training is also considered as a waste of all previous efforts.

Of course, the purpose of the Flying Tigers is to strengthen training, so even if they fail, they can learn some lessons from failure. That is also a valuable experience.

Zheng Feng finally locked Time Acceleration 8 times.

This is the limit that other players can bear.

If it is faster, the preparation time will be compressed to less than 3.75 seconds, and the ten people in the two reserve teams will inevitably make mistakes.

The area of ​​error is not the body, but the mind.

For people in simulation tasks, the setting of Time Acceleration is applicable to all physical phenomena, including the body reaction of organic organisms, and even the intelligent weapons of mechanical structure, but the thinking ability of the human brain Has not been accelerated.

It is the human brain, not the body that is remotely controlled, that is upset.

Every disguise requires the perfect cooperation of 30 people. As long as one link goes wrong, the disguise will be completely invalid and there is no room for remedy.

Seeing this, Ding Hu couldn't help but comment in the chat room.

"Others can't stand it anymore. This should be the limit. Zheng Feng is too courageous. I don't know if he really doesn't take this simulation training place seriously or is it true. The boldness of execution stems from superb skill."

Brother Hu was immediately taken advantage of, and it was Zhou Donglai who was responsible for carrying the lever.

"Not necessarily, I feel that he seems to be still trying to find a way."

Dong Shan, who has just remotely accessed the chat room, interrupted and said: "Zheng Feng's brainwave activity is still high. It's abnormal, he must be still trying to find a way."

The entire group tone barely fell soon, Zheng Feng really started playing flowers again.

He further increased the acceleration rate to 12 times.

Ding Hu was afraid of being taken advantage of and dared not speak again, but he was already sighing in his heart.

Hey, the brat is swollen right now, he must have overturned.

3 minutes later, Ding Hu was lightly exclaimed and was a little puzzled.

The Flying Tigers encountered another flying ball patrol team. This time the team was very large, with as many as 1,500 flying balls in five rows, but the Flying Tigers still responded in time. And complete all disguise 0.1 seconds before being swept by the other party's detection signal.

Brother Hu was so shocked, he clicked slow replay and found out the clues.

The preparation speed of the other team members did not increase.

The total time from the alarm sounding to the completion of the disguise is still 3.6 seconds.

The problem lies with Zheng Feng.

The time when he issued the alarm order was 1.25 seconds earlier, even before Matta Nicklaus, who was in charge of intelligence work.

Ding Hu pondered for a while before he said suspiciously: "He predicted? How did he decide that he would encounter a patrol before he came into contact with the opponent's trail?"

At this time, Tang Tianxin, who had gone and returned, gave an explanation: "I know."

Ding Hu: "What is this?"

"His brain is now What is going on is invalid thinking in the strict sense."

Ding Hu: "What is invalid thinking."

Dong Shan interjected: "It is the meaning of believing Ma Youyan to release himself. He is now Try to hand the decision to instinct, use the subconscious mind to analyze the external environment, and simulate a complete enemy patrol route in your mind, and then use this as a basis for judgment and make quick decisions."

Ding Hu: "This What a nonsense. If it is in the real battlefield, if he makes a mistake in judgment like this, the whole team will be ruined."

"But the greater the risk, the greater the profit. If Zheng Brother Feng is in the normal Time Flow Mastering this ability in Speed, then he and his team will become extremely powerful. Instructor Tong Ling was originally in the Voyager Galaxy, using near-predictive intuition and judgment ability to stand out."

Tang Tianxin gave The whole thing is a summary.

However, no matter what outsiders say, the focus is still on the effect.

Under Ding Hu's fearful attention, six more hours passed.

During this period, the Flying Tigers have been accelerating by 12 times, pushing forward continuously and traversing a distance of 16,751 kilometers.

At this time, everyone in the Flying Tigers is doing as usual, but the onlookers outside suddenly raised their hearts to their throats.

Flying Tigers advance less than 50 kilometers before they enter the core area.

The elite warrior who participated in the third mechanical forest battle before broke the sand in this area.

People are afraid that Zheng Feng will hit head-on, but didn't expect that when he was close to 30 kilometers, Zheng Feng suddenly adjusted the Time Flow Speed ​​and returned to the normal speed again.

At the same time, the camouflage ball rolling forward also snapped to a stop.

Obviously, Zheng Feng smelled a crisis.

This is already the Core Zone of Mechanical Forest Star.

In addition to the huge sharp cones stacked on top of each other, there is a sudden "urban" atmosphere.

Just a few kilometers away in front of everyone, debris began to appear on the bare metal ground.

The two sides are entirely different, one side is a flat metal surface, and the other side is covered with stone-flower-like grass.

On the ground and in the air, there are small mechanical units that are large or small in the shape of Insect running around.

Although it has reached the back sun, it is at night, but under the fluorescent light of the sharp cone main body and the surface of these small mechanical bodies, it seems like daylight.

In order to improve the ecological breeding ability of the mechanical forest star, in addition to transforming the core of the ancestor, the compound eye even created a complete ecological system.

On this vacuum planet, which is made of metal and has almost no atmosphere, all mechanical life is alive and well, forming an ecosystem with a sense of beauty.

However, the real threat to the Flying Tigers at this time is the tiny mechanical creatures in front that seem to be harmless to humans and animals.

When the other squad approached the ecosystem, they were caught in uncertain confusion.

We all know that the core of the ancestors must be in the inner layer, but no one knows the characteristics of the metal bioecosphere ahead.

After hesitating again and again, those special warfare squads adopted different methods to continue advancing.

Some tried to change the form to fly directly from the sky, some continued to use the previous mode, lurking and approaching from the ground, and some simply advanced with full power.

But these warriors quickly exposed their whereabouts without exception, and fell into the surrounding circle of hiding the sky and covering the earth generated by the entire launch of the mechanical forest star.

Zheng Feng considered for a moment and decided to lead the team to continue rolling forward.

People who were on the sidelines sighed.

Zheng Feng made a mistake in his judgment, so he should directly rush, so that at least he can go a little further after exposure.

If you rush fast enough and the dodge operation after exposure is performed well enough, you may even have a chance to see the seat through the horizon. Although it is not tall, the color of the case is completely different from other sharp cones. The silver white ancestor tip cone.

In just 3 minutes, the Flying Tigers approached the grass.

Li Qingqing, who is in charge of biological analysis, cautiously collected the information with optical instruments and relayed it to Zheng Feng.

"Compared with the organic plants we are familiar with, the growth pattern of the metal grasses in the front is very strange. They grow very slowly, and the chemical reaction is mainly electrochemical, which is a little by the weak force of the magnetic field. Little affects the atoms to transfer and slowly aggregates into new substances. Under normal circumstances, the process of this reaction should be very long, at least hundreds of thousands of years to grow a half-human metal grass. As for those beetles, etc. For mechanical animals to evolve these things, it will take at least tens of billions of years to be possible."

Zheng Feng pondered: "But according to the records of nihilistic history, this mechanical forest star is not Exist. So it took only a few hundred years for the compound eye to mature the mechanical forest."

Li Qingqing nodded, "Yes."

Edgar: "So There must be another unnatural external ability involved. Is it a factory?"

Morrison: "Yes!"

"You all shut up, I Think about it." Zheng Feng's incarnation ball rolled around in place.

He suddenly remembered a joke from a thousand years ago, indecisive, quantum mechanics.

Assuming that under the magnetic field, there is another layer of law that has been operating quietly, allowing the weak force of the magnetic field to be regularly strengthened, and the chemical bonds and even the strong interaction between nuclei are constantly broken. Then it seems entirely possible to accelerate the growth process.

I want to return, but after all, I have to go one step further to find out.

After discussing for a while, Zheng Feng decided to look forward alone.

He cut off his contact with everyone else and arranged the "funeral."

"If I fail, Mata will be in charge. Your task is to rush forward with full power. You can rush as far as you can. By the way, Edgar’s ability to escape is second. Only to me, others should cover Edgar more when the time comes. Our score is based on the distance to the destination."

After the order, Zheng Feng rolled forward , Entered the mechanical biological ecosystem.

In the next moment, Zheng Feng's rolling body suddenly stopped, and there was no more movement.

"Ai, it's over."

Brother Hu, who has always been a fan of Zheng Feng and spared no effort, commented decisively.

Although other onlookers didn't say anything, they thought so in their hearts.

According to past experience, Zheng Feng is already a "dead man" at this time.

It's not just his remotely controlled camouflage ball that died. In the simulation system, his body hidden in nearby planets will also be brain-dead simultaneously.

Most of the past agents were defeated here.

Zheng Feng's biggest mistake is that he, as Captain, should not be the first to take the lead. He should let the members of the reserve team try the depth first.

Looking back when he knew he was great, he led the team to charge again, but at least he could get closer and get more points.

The simulation task monitor cuts into Zheng Feng's virtual body simultaneously.

A cloud of mist made up of thousands of threads of very fine fibers appeared.

This is exactly the brain quantum storm in Zheng Feng's sleeping body after visualization.

At this time, the real Zheng Feng is sleeping in the simulation training room of the First Pioneer Academy.

During the mission, his virtual body was also sleeping, forming an independent new consciousness.

The fog group that everyone saw in front of them became Zheng Feng's dream dream, which was reverse-transcribed by Fanxing who hosted the special training.

At this time, the mist that had been highly active before suddenly became absolutely still.

Dong Shan old man explained: "Fan Xing has already figured out the principle of the ancestor core of the mechanical forest, and she can simulate it to the truth. At this moment, Zheng Feng has entered a state of frozen thinking and is being in the core of the ancestor. The ancestor’s preset program reads thoughts. The ancestor core will peel off the disguise of his thinking surface, find the core of the human inside, and complete the judgment of friend or friend."

Zhou Donglai was un'ed, expressing understanding, Then his mind moved slightly.

In the next instant, two people were kicked out of this ultra-small chat room.

One is Ding Hu and the other is Tang Tianxin.

Tang Tianxin didn't have any comments. She knew what secrets might be involved in the next thing, but she didn't care, so she turned her back and went to her own business.

Ding Hu was at a loss, and was furious.

Brother Hu was so pissed on the spot, he really got into a ghost!

I'm the head teacher!

My students are pushing their limits, how can they not let me watch!

However, Brother Hu couldn't do much, so he turned to the point of view of others in the Flying Tiger squad and became a side observer.

From the perspective of other people, Zheng Feng's incarnation of the ball still stopped in place blankly.

Time gradually passed, and almost an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, the other twenty-nine Flying Tigers members were reorganized into sharp cone camouflage twice to avoid the accidental approach of the patrol ball.

Under the previous Time Acceleration intensive training, even without Zheng Feng's command this time, everyone did nothing wrong.

But the amazing thing is that there is no change in it, and Captain Zheng Feng still stays in place.

Finally, Zheng Feng's voice came from inside, "It's done, you can all come by."

His voice sounded very tired, but there was something inexplicable. The excitement and excitement.

Everyone moved closer in confusion.

The next order of Zheng Feng made everyone even more puzzled.

"Okay, no need to pretend, just switch to the high maneuver mode, and we will fly straight on the ground. After five minutes, we will be able to see the core of the ancestor."

Edgar wondered, "Captain, what did you do?"

Zheng Feng smiled mysteriously, "Confidential."

He really thought it was a major secret. But I don't know that Zhou Donglai and Dong Shan are already looking at each other in blank dismay, and they are puzzled.

In just this hour, it was obviously the ancestor core that Fanxing had completely reproduced and was ready to infiltrate his mind, but it turned into the ancestral core and he reversed it.

On the concrete fog, people have only seen such a change.

A symbol representing the regular consciousness of the core of the ancestor floated out slowly, rising from the wind, and expanding into a piece of cloth, covering it like a plastic wrap.

In the past, in the real world, the consciousness of other special forces would be easily swept away by this cloth, and all secrets were hidden.

But Zheng Feng did well, and the cloth disappeared out of thin air not long after it was covered.

The main brain Fanxing sent another explanation to Zhou Donglai and Dong Shan, "I also not quite clear what happened. In short, he seemed to use this brief contact to absorb the core knowledge of the ancestor of the mechanical forest, and Implanting his own consciousness, the ancestor of the mechanical forest, who had only operation rules and no autonomous personality, became a part of his own body."

"How is this possible! The ancestor of the mechanical forest is not a transformed one. Is the Mizu core? The regular knowledge mastered by the Mizu core is a huge stacked memory symbol! What Zheng Feng put in now is just a virtual personality generated by a brain chain projection, and the memory is based on the support of the master brain's database. Come on. How can you not know what happened? How can he absorb such a huge flow of information!"

Dong Shan shouted.

Fanxing shrugged, "If I really know everything, then human beings don’t need a philosopher, only me."


Dong Shan old man is dumb.

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