This is a small metal planet.

The location of the metal planet is 0.1 light-years away from the edge of the galactic dome.

It does not exist in isolation, but a part of a huge system of unnatural creations.

Think of it as a part of a huge machine.

This machine was named by anthropologists as the Galactic Iron Wall Interlocking Array. It covers the outside of the Galactic Dome and is composed of countless artificial planets.

The countless stars in the silver core inside the dome release a large amount of light to the outside at all times, and the space here has inexhaustible light energy.

After dispatching the three major fleets at one time, they still failed to break through the human defense line. After the war once again entered a stalemate and anxious state, the compound-eyes consumed a huge population and resources. It took twenty years to This chain formation was built outside the Silver Heart Dome.

The interlocking array is composed of as many as tens of billions of planets. In the center of the Milky Way galaxy, it forms an olive-shaped structure about 2.2 light-years high around the galactic center.

Different planets are more or less different in composition, function, and species. There are both metal fortresses and the blue planet like Earth, and there are no atmospheres but they are particularly suitable for the growth of silicon-based life. There are even pure rock geothermal stars that simply don’t have a physical form, and only consist of powerful space-bound magnetic fields.

Obviously, the compound-eyes have smashed out all the technologies accumulated in exploring the galaxy for countless years, and all the slave species in a single brain.

The planets are rigidly linked together by a directional enhanced space-type universal gravitational beam, forming a chain network structure.

The chain array has three major functions.

First, monitor the surrounding space through the detection field closely linked with one another to prevent human special operations units and detectors from approaching the galactic center dome.

Second, this is the core of the productivity of the compound eye. Its products include all materialized and non-materialized resources such as ships, armaments, slave population, science and technology.

Third, it can be called the military defense fortress front of Copper Wall Iron Bastion.

For more than 20 years, the Iron Wall Chain Formation has not only served as the last solid line of defense in front of the Silver Heart Dome Formation, but at the same time it has continuously sent troops to the outside world, resulting in a great deal of mankind’s next move. The obstacles that threaten the hinterland of mankind all the time, it is hateful to humans, but it is helpless.

Since 2982, mankind has completely stood firm in the Genting Star Domain, nailing the three new fleets dispatched by the compound-eyes to the front of the Genting War Zone, and such human special battleship teams have reversed infiltrated The small-scale raid near Yinxin, everyday all is happening.

Three days ago, a small-scale battle broke out near this metal planet. The remote commander who executed the battle was Tang Tianxin.

Nearly a hundred humans’ high-speed battleships suddenly jumped to this point, launching a surprise attack on the unnatural metal planet bathed in rays of light from numerous clusters of stars with extremely high lumens.

I noticed that the enemy ship was approaching, and nearly tens of millions of large or small compound eye army combat units lurking near the metal planet brazenly tore off their camouflage and culled from all directions.

The battle lasted less than ten minutes, and the human fleet was declared annihilated. Only one manned command ship with strong mobility and protection capabilities retreated. The rest of the various models were unmanned. All smart battleships were destroyed.

This battle did not cause too much disturbance. Compound-eyes have completely adapted to the numbness of this meaningless small-scale sneak attack on humans.

At this time, three days have passed, the gunpowder smoke has cleared, and the shattered and melted metal fragments have long solidified.

There are also a small number of high-energy batteries that have been blasted out are continuously rising, spewing particle flames, dotted in the empty starry sky, like short-lived stars.

In space, one after another, large or small, wreckage of various shapes wafted randomly.

Most of the wreckage came from destroyed human ships, and only a small part came from the compound eye fleet.

Countless beetles the size of fingernails and the shape of ladybugs are wandering around in this war zone full of debris.

The flying method of the beetle is very primordial. It flaps its wings frantically at a very high frequency, and relies on constantly changing the angle of the small wings to form the front and rear thrust difference, which is achieved by the collision of the wings with the extremely low-density space particles in the universe. Energy-saving low-speed exercise.

The beetles swam around like swarms, sometimes falling on large or small battle-damaged remains, biting their jaws, spraying acid in their mouths, little by little, turning whole pieces of recyclable remains Disassembled into micron-sized particles, and then carry these particles to the about one zhang long unmanned mothership that patrols not far away, where they are continuously collected, integrated and transported by the small mothership.

Of course, some beetles are also exceptionally unlucky. They clearly detected that there was recyclable energy somewhere and flew past them in droves. As a result, the high-energy battery that was targeted just exploded. A large group of beetles were roasted to melt on the spot.

But the amazing thing is that these beetles that melt into liquid metal balls will be in a state of temporary suspended animation, floating quietly. When they are completely cooled, they will pass for as little as two hours, as long as three or four hours. The beetle that should have died can slowly regain its mobility, continue to search for resources in the battlefield, and then transport it to the cruise ship.

These beetles are just the primary level resource recovery machines of the purely mechanical life epiphysis that survive on the metal planet.

The total time for space garbage collection is close to one week.

The originally messy space environment has been restored to sobriety and calmness.

A giant transport ship about two hundred kilometers long slowly turned its head, and stretched out two huge wings with a width of thousands of kilometers, gently fanning, and floating to a nearby metal planet to revolve around the metal planet. Satellite.

This satellite has a diameter of nearly a thousand kilometers, and it looks visually not as big as a transport ship.

When the distance between the two continues to approach, the giant transport ship quickly retracts its wings, and a round hole like a vortex opens on the side of the satellite.

With the loud bang, smoke and dust scattered in the vacuum environment, the giant ship plunged into the surface of the satellite, half-submerged, and the two completed the docking.

The tail section of the giant ship slowly opens like petals, and piles of metal particles are pouring toward all directions.

In the middle of the giant ship, a horizontal fan spins up.

A large number of metal particles are floating up like dust.

The low G value makes some metal particles float in the air, flying far away, and the parabola is extremely slow.

The power of the horizontal fan is well controlled.

About a few hours later, most of the metal particles were evenly distributed to various areas on the satellite's surface.

The horizontal fan stopped spinning.

At the same time, those beetles that were responsible for collecting resources in space flew out of the mothership again, began to change forms, quickly assembled, and turned into tail section after another with its own "vacuum cleaner" "The shovel truck collects the metal particles evenly scattered on the satellite's surface and transports them to one tower after another.

In the tower, these metal dust particles will be re-refined into a whole piece of specific metal according to demand to meet the daily production and life needs of the epiphysis in the metal planet below.

"Captain, when will we start to act?"

In an unremarkable metal particle with a diameter of only 1 mm, there is an extremely weak quantum consciousness whispering.

"Don’t worry, wait for Li Qingqing and Punkert to complete the technical analysis of the beetle. Our first bionic target is this beetle."

"Okay. Li Qingqing Come on!"

"Edgar, don't bother me, I'm busy. Shut up!"


This one is shaped like sand The metal particles are the cockpit of the Flying Tigers who participated in the finals of the Imperial Military Competition and entered the third front.

Thirty nano-supermicro robots remotely controlled by the whole brain link are huddled together.

The primordial technology of these ultra-micro robots originated from the Lieyang 3 galaxy, and it was the first time it was used in a military competition.

Although its shape is extremely small, it can be called a cutting-edge creation of human technology, integrating remote control, high-energy simulation and other functions into one.

This is the first time that mankind has packed an all-round chip with ultra-high computing power into a nano-scale device.

Don’t look at the small size of ultra-micro robots, but the potential of integrated special warfare functions is not lost to large combat robots. It just takes time to continuously collect external resources, carry out bionic lurking, and expand its functions a little bit. It is the perfect choice for long-distance intervention on the third front to exert its true ability.

A total of 160,000 high-end teams control as many as 5 million ultra-micro robots, most of which have been disguised as usable space junk and carried on satellites by beetles.

The task of the high-end players in the 3007 class is to use this brand-new equipment to deal with the important metal line Star Into, which serves as the core of the silver heart chain formation. Cultivation conducts penetration, and then complete control.

The previous raid was Xiang Zhuangwu sword intent. In Peigong, he pretended to carry out an impossible and successful sneak attack. The real purpose was to send the cutting-edge agent equipment remotely controlled by several millions of human elites to the metal planet.

The Flying Tigers had good luck and were not accidentally injured in the previous raid.

But there are also unlucky ones. Novice Village has not yet entered, and as a result, they were eliminated early.

But it's not simply determined by luck. Each team has a long preparation time before the latent fleet departs. Each team can choose its latent position on the intelligent battleship.

Some teams chose the inner wall of the battleship SmartBrain hub compartment, thinking it was the safest place, but it turned out to be the enemy’s main point of attack. The enemy unit that rushed in threw a high-explosive impact bomb. Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot.

Some teams chose the medium engine injection port, and felt that after the fight started, they could mix in the particle stream from the engine injection port and blow it out directly. As a result, the battleship was caught by the enemy who suddenly appeared from behind. The huge artillery of the military ship stormed from the rear, but it was also in vain.

Zheng Feng was on a dangerous move, adjusting the metal particles controlled by the Flying Tigers to the forefront of the muzzle of the smart battleship telescopic gun.

The gun was dragged by the two cooperative units of the opposing team from top to bottom. The neat and tidy cut off. The Flying Tigers attached to the edge of the muzzle were connected to the broken barrel. Together they became a piece of unremarkable useless garbage in the battlefield at that time.

There is another unlucky one. I chose the shell of the hypernuclear baryon kinetic energy shell, but successfully left the ship. As a result, the epiphysis seems to be unable to use this hypernuclear baryon material, and the beetles never come to collect it. Up to now, those hapless team members are big eyes staring at small eyes, no one can help. The metal particles they belonged to are still floating in space alone, and I don't know where they will eventually go, but it's definitely no fun to participate in the competition.

Time flies very slowly. Three days later, when the Flying Tigers' metal pellet cockpit was about to be sent into the smelter, Li Qingqing finally completed a comprehensive analysis of the mechanical beetle.

The ultrafine robot controlled by Zheng Feng has a very fine cilia protruding from the surface, grabbing the micro-powered joystick in the inner corner of the cockpit, and gently pulling it.

The unremarkable particles were ejected a few meters upwards before being drawn into the feed port of the smelter, then fell on the metal floor with a snap, and then rolled away along the uneven ground.

Punker, who carried out the next analysis and design work, complained: "Li Qingqing, you are too slow."

Li Qingqing said angrily: "Can you blame me? You know Ma How low is the radiation flux of the tower’s scanner, and how ambiguous is the modelling for me? I can calculate the physiological structure of the adaptive metal in the beetle based on the blueprint of the ghostly painted peach talisman. Is it already supernormal?"

Morrison Scott, who is in charge of observing the game notification network at any time, interrupted and said: "Don't quarrel, I have seen some participating teams have completed the 1st stage bionic dynamics."

"What kind of team is so perverted!" Li Qingqing screamed.

Mata Nicklaus reminded, "We are now participating in the high-level competition."

Li Qingqing then reacted, "That's true. Alas... This is too."

"What do you mean? Bullying peers is not originally considered ability. Our Flying Tigers have come to make a name for themselves. If you say nothing, you have to get into the top one thousand."

Morrison: "Edgar said beautifully!"

Punkert: "Shut up, I have calculated the first material requirements. Mata, you can turn on the linear scanner, Sweep the larger piece of blue metal thirty meters away from us up ahead?"

A few minutes later, Punker let out a sigh of relief, "This is the material we want. Captain..."

Zheng Feng: "No hurry, first dig a 5mm deep hole in the ground and hide it in. Mata, when I go out with Edgar and Lev, you put the cilia fixed rope When you go out, you must remember to take root to grow more stable, don’t get sucked away."

Mata: "Good Captain."

One needs to use an optical Microscope to see On the edge of the small hole, three smaller dust particles rolled out.

"Edgar, you turn on the power of your early warning scanner to the maximum."


"Lev, you go the most In front, use your power first. I will use a light energy collector to supplement energy."

After all, it is a nano-scale ultramicro robot with a limited amount of energy. The three of you will use this. It takes a lot of energy to drag the alloy with a total mass of 2 grams with a small body.

Time passed by little by little. After evading two rounds of regular beetle patrols that seemed intentional or unintentional, the three ultra-micro robots finally moved to the piece of metal designated by Punkert.

The three robots are scattered first, forming a triangular position, enclosing the metal in the center, each extending out the cilia structure, coiling up in circles, and binding the alloy together.

At this time, Morrison’s noise came from the communicator: "OMG! Some teams have transformed into fist-big bionic camouflage robots! Go crazy!"

Pang Kurt: "In this size, it should be the epiphysis's smart mining instrument! So fast!"

Morrison: "There are already thousands of teams that have completed the 1st stage bionic!"

The atmosphere in the communication channel gradually became a little dignified.

Even Zheng Feng had to sigh that the competition is too fierce, and he deserves to be a high-end team.

But he pretended not to care and said, “It’s okay. Everyone is just on a satellite now, and they have not landed on the epiphysis metal star. The Long March is only the 1st Step. The first laugh is not a laugh, but the last laugh. It’s just a laugh. Compared to those so-called advanced classes that haven’t even finished the landing, we’ve taken the 1st Step very steadily, don’t undervalue oneself."


In another secret chat room, Zhou Donglai happily said: "As a sage, I am really good at boosting morale."

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