First, it changed the destiny of Zhong Lei, forcing her to further squeeze her potential and create the song "Ashes", a song that spanned the age, which became the spiritual pillar of a generation and helped mankind complete it once Advanced technology.

Secondly, it has changed the fate of Ou Junlang, allowing Ouhe Group to create more technological achievements that span the age and become the core foundation of technological advancement.

Thirdly, more advanced materials science and basic science, as well as special researcher Ou Qinglan's detector in her spare time, have located the source of the explosion not from an external attack, but from the inside of the battleship.

Fourth, I personally invested in the front line of the war, trained a superb Azure Dragon Armor operation ability, and raised the level of mankind’s individual armor operation to a higher level. Although it seems useless in the ending, if it weren’t for day after day training and self-squeeze at any cost, Chen Feng would also be impossible to maximize the kinetic energy of Azure Dragon Armor-at the last moment, he would not be able to. At the last moment, I returned to the Tianxin and saw the explosion of the chess piece from the perspective of an onlooker.

The fifth and most important point.

Although I still don’t understand how the enemy hid the bomb into the chess piece, and what is the principle of the bomb, it’s only a little bigger and no energy fluctuations can be found, but it can crush dry weeds and at the moment of detonation. Destroy the entire huge battleship like smashing rotten wood.

This must belong to a technical field that he still can't understand and human beings have not mastered at all.

But this seems to be able to illustrate a problem in turn, the enemy is not invulnerable, nor is it so invincible and terrifying in fantasy!

Otherwise, there is no need for the enemy to use conspiracy!

The conspiracy has exposed weakness.

The enemy has a weak spot, which is not absolutely invincible.

Many things are illusions, and they are covered with fog.

With a light curtain sufficient to cover the solar system, its level of technology should be so high that the Earth people cannot understand it.

According to the Kardashev classification, at least it should be between the type II civilization-planetary system civilization and the type III civilization-star system civilization.

It is indeed invincible, unable to look up. It should be more straightforward and crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to destroy mankind like a Thanos snaps his fingers.

But when the other party actually took action, they adopted extremely conservative latent penetration and internal tackling.

These two situations are in conflict with each other, they are very contradictory and seem very unreasonable.

There must be vulnerabilities in the middle that humans can't insight into, waiting for Chen Feng to find out.

This is the answer that Chen Feng found during his journey through the millennium. It is also the answer that can only be experienced by standing on the frontline battlefield as a witness.

To look at the same thing from different angles, the perception is completely different.

When the subsistence allowance holders watch TV, they look at the fireworks in the sky full of space, which is the illusion of being snapped by Thanos.

But as a frontline warrior, he saw the chess pieces explode with his own eyes, and figured out the details and process, so he realized that for this destruction, the alien civilization had actually made perfect preparations.

This is the most important answer he has come up so far.

Although from the results, this answer is meaningless to human civilization, because mankind has been defeated.

But it was of great importance to him personally, which greatly encouraged his confidence.

The above five points are Chen Feng's comprehensive summary of his journey through the millennium this time.

This is the 1st Step deduction that he completed in his mind before waking up.

The focus of Second Step's deduction is on Tang Tianxin's tears and the chess piece in her hand.

He began to analyze what kind of conspiracy the alien civilization used and how to achieve it.

Tang Tianxin is not a weak person, and will never cry because of the fear of death.

Then there is only one explanation. At the last moment, she realized that the source of the explosion was her chess piece, and her Spiritual Plane changed drastically in an instant.

The emotional area that was frozen deep in her thinking became active again.

She considers herself to be the traitor who brought destruction, at least one of them.

The faith she inherited in her until now collapsed instantly, and she fell into intense regret and pain.

She realized that there was something wrong with her state for a long time.

It has been infiltrated, and its thinking has been tampered with in the unnoticeable influence. There is a senseless hobby of chess, and the bomb is brought to the battleship by himself, so that humans will not see the enemy at all. The next defeat.

Tang Tianxin's self-blame is because she is a fan of the authorities, and she has no time for reflection and deliberation.

Chen Feng is both a bystander and a witness, and there are opportunities for scrutiny and reflection afterwards.

He can see through the unsolvable cheat of time and space circulation, and see the trace of the real enemy from the past to the future.

Since all the captains except Tang Tianxin were forced to sprout an unreasonable but reasonable personal hobby, it shows that this kind of penetration is long-term and has no dead ends in all directions.

Tang Tianxin is not the only victim of infiltration.

Chen Feng has not only read information about contemporary captains.

In his spare time, he also used his authority as the championship of the whole army to browse through the information of many previous captains with the mentality of reading novels and stories.

The earliest even can be traced back to the group of captains who were around 2500 years ago when the world government was just established.

Chen Feng discovered that since then, the captains have begun to sprout some strange hobby.

The degree of penetration is not to forcibly distort the personality, and it does not fundamentally shake and replace the thinking of the captains.

The person is still that person, but compared to his temperament, he has a little bit of private goods.

Then the answer comes out.

As early as five hundred years later, five hundred years ago, when the world government was established, mankind began to be infiltrated.

But this kind of penetration may have to pay a certain price, or because of distance and many other possible reasons, it can only be targeted at a small number of people, that is, captains, or some higher-level leaders. Body.

Moreover, in order to prevent being discovered, the penetration effect is not strong, but lurking in a very concealed posture, until the last moment it burst out suddenly.

No one knows that they have been infiltrated, and everyone thinks that there is no problem with their decision-making motives.

But the fact is that the invisible enemy plots against humans from the very beginning.

So many policies in the past five hundred years are strange and difficult to understand in Chen Feng's view.

Cloning humans and artificial gene synthesis, suppressing and stifling human emotions, connivance of broken low-income households, closing down the space for humans to rise and learn...

Look at these on the surface The strategy is to maintain stability and accelerate technological progress more efficiently, and it has indeed achieved good results.

But progress that can't directly lead to victory is always meaningless progress.

The so-called speed-up success is nothing but the result of the world government’s belief oneself infallible. It took a whole generation of lives as a price to exchange for a technological revolution.

When the history of civilization is drawn to an end, no one knows what the real speed-up should be.

Chen Feng now has a different view.

Sterilize human emotions, turn everyone into machines and parts, and the extremely refined division of labor, leaving only a social ideology with the continuation of civilization as the sole motivation, is actually not perfect.

The inspiration for thinking and creation like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, often does not come from specialization, but from the profound knowledge of many acquaintances.

Under the framework of the social system with the military system as the main body, human creativity has been stifled.

The so-called high-welfare system society brought about by seemingly excessive productivity meets only the basic needs of survival, but it is far from meeting the needs of solving the crisis and rushing out of the solar system.

Productivity is only a relative surplus, not an absolute surplus.

In order to prevent violence and terror, the truth of the doomsday can be hidden, but science cannot be hidden from the common people, so as to stifle creativity and upward space.

If everyone can link up, perhaps without the tragic story of the predecessor of Black Tortoise, it will be able to break through the bottleneck of technology.

From the very beginning, we shouldn’t let overly machined logic replace human emotions and make choices for the combination of human genes.

People born in this way have too high a probability of becoming a low-income household, and their willpower is too broken.

Like Tang Tianxin, human beings that seem to be freely combined have the same essence as the result of machine selection.

Among countless gene synthesis people, why is Chen Feng the only genius? That is because he is different from the others, but others do not have the blessing of this fate.

What determines the reproduction of the human race should be the reproduction instinct formed after millions of years of evolution, and the offspring should not be the so-called optimal solution calculated by theory.

Assuming that there are no enemies, assuming that humans can continue to exist, the final possible result of such an optimal solution is still to machine humans and eventually be completely replaced by machines. That is another kind of Conceptual demise.

Reproduction should be an emotional product, so that there are infinite possibilities.

Therefore, Chen Feng has reason to believe that in this timeline, behind the birth of a militarized world government with a completely unified ideology, there may have been the secret guidance of the enemy, which is a mortal astray.

Chen Feng deep in one's heart gave birth to an impulse. He should and must find a way to change the future pattern.

With his current ability, he is also impossible to think and practice another way out of thin air, because he doesn't know which way is right.

But there is no doubt that there must be a more creative social structure, which may be any of a parliamentary system, a monarchy, a democratic system, a federal system, and a pure military system.

But he believes that sooner or later he will find the right way because he has the opportunity for trial and error.

Try to change the future and observe the results of your changes.

If you make a mistake, just do it again.

Continuously find the wrong result, then eliminate the wrong choice, and finally condense the only correct way.

The moment he wanted to understand this, he opened his eyes.

He is no longer ignorant of future disasters.

Get up, wash, Chen Feng lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, and began to ponder the things of this era.

His goal in his mind has become clearer, and he also knows what the most important thing to do next is.

It didn't take long before he made a decision. After waiting for another half an hour, he contacted Zhong Lei, who went to Zhonghai to do the song "Dull", and booked his own ticket to Zhonghai.

Yes, he will use a more shameless attitude to snatch away the part of the achievements that originally belonged to Zhong Lei.

The composition and arrangement of "Ashes".

It makes him seem shameless, but he has his own motives.

At least this time, he did not copy songs for money and fame.

The song "Ashes" can finally reach that height, which is determined by two main factors.

Words and music.

The lyrics have been written by Zhong Lei, so I can't copy them.

But Zhong Lei certainly hasn't completed the composition work that determines the other half of his artistic achievements.

Even if she has a rudiment in her heart, at least she hasn't leaked it out in front of Chen Feng.

So based on Zhong Lei's character, even if Chen Feng is plagiarized on the face, he will definitely not think about plagiarism and plagiarism, but will definitely think that the two have a good heart.

The "Ashes" completed in this way still has the same artistic achievements as the past, can still become a military anthem, and can preserve the achievements of the Black Tortoise Institute.

But another change occurred.

After Zhong Lei is deprived of this part of his artistic achievements, then her talent will be released from another song in a different but equivalent form!

So maybe in addition to "Ashes", Chen Feng can squeeze out a work that is equally deeply rooted and can inspire a generation for future generations.

In addition to Zhong Lei, Chen Feng has to firmly grasp another key figure, that is, his unpassed discipline, Ou Junlang.

Standing on the balcony, Chen Feng breathes deeply, looking at the rising sun in the sky.

Then he looked down at the contact information of Ou Junlang on the phone again, with a deep smile on his face.

This time I won’t give you a superstar of Heavenly Sovereign. If you can’t go back to Ouhe Group for the rest of your life, I’ll change my last name to Cheng!

Let’s go to Ou Junlang to sign the contract first, and reach a deeper cooperation, so as to control the quality of the works produced by this fatty.

After making up his mind, he jumped and flew out from the balcony.

"Weiwei, let the shuttle come and pick me up..."


Fuck, I'm back!

There is no shuttle in this world!

This is the fourth floor!

No one will catch me!

Think of Chen Feng, who is flying in mid-air and doing stable free fall motion under 1G.

I broke a ghost.


Chen Feng did not die, but fell steadily to the ground.

His feet are a little numb, but that's all.

Chen Feng stared at his hands blankly, then looked up at the top of his head.

On the balcony on the fourth floor, the underwear he was drying was dangling by the breeze.

He thoughts are revolving.

I did jump from the fourth floor, but I was unharmed.

What happened?

What did I do in the air?

He began to remember.

He quickly remembered his behavior in midair after he was completely subconscious.

The instinct gained from Azure Dragon Armor training in the past year allows him to adjust his posture involuntarily, as if he had fallen from the sky wearing Azure Dragon Armor.

He succeeded, using the bending of his feet when landing, successfully alleviating the impact.


He lowered his head and looked towards the basketball shoe that had exploded because of the momentary pressure, scratching his head straight.

The height of this apartment is more than three meters, and the total height of the fourth layer is about 15 meters.

After jumping off the fourth floor, after 15 meters of free fall, the speed when he touches the ground should be 12.12 meters per second.

In order to relieve the pressure, after squatting, the center of gravity moved down almost 30cm and then stabilized.

So during the period from bottoming to complete stabilization, I endured an acceleration of 247.34 meters per second squared, which is 25.23G.

It's basically the same as being hit by a truck, but in the end it didn't hurt, only the shoe broke.

Am I awakening the power?

Chen Feng has goose bumps all over his body.

Wait, how can I figure out the answer?

How can my mental arithmetic and logical thinking skills be so strong?

Chen Feng began to realize that it was wrong.

From the time I was killed to the present, I have been thinking clearly about the problem, even if I encounter doubts and difficulties, I can quickly draw inferences from one another and determine the correct answer from other aspects. I don’t think about it a little bit like before. I just got into the tip of the horns and couldn't figure it out, then I felt irritated and wanted to give up.

That’s why I can digest such a huge amount of information so easily, get a lot of answers, and make decisions quickly.

If you count the attempted jump off the building and the super strong mental arithmetic ability, there is only one explanation for his phenomenon.

He was injected with blood clotting serum shortly before he was killed, and he was still the perfect warrior at the time of death.

Every time you come back and past, physique will be retained.

It's the same this time, except that not only the results of exercise are preserved, but even the effect of blood clotting serum is completely preserved!

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