Let him be at a loss to prevent under, choked, one mouthful spurted out.

"Shit! I'm Versace. You mean it

And Zhang Yuan saw his exquisite T-shirt. Actually by the other side was sprayed milk tea, at this time is also a fire. Direct hurtle Han Yang to roar a way.

This is just bought today. I'm going to show it around Su MuQing.

The poor loser must have deliberately interrupted himself and made a fool of himself when he heard that he was going to buy a house and was jealous that he had taken the limelight in front of the beautiful women.

Zhang Yuan at this time. Han Yang's eyes are even worse.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but don't worry. If there is anything wrong with your clothes, I'll pay for it, I'll pay for it! "

Han Yang is also a little upset at the moment. At the same time, he quickly pulled a paper towel to wipe the milk tea on Zhang Yuan's body and apologized.

It's a bit rash indeed. At this time, Han Yang felt a little sorry.

Versace should be very expensive! Fortunately, tomorrow will be rich, a dress is nothing.

"You pay! Five or six thousand pieces of Laozi's clothes, you're a business wreck. Can you afford it! Sell you all over. It's not worth a button! "

However, Zhang Yuan's mood at this time has been extremely bad. Directly regardless of the image of the breach on the curse.

In his opinion, he finally won the favor of Xue Ruyun, but was destroyed by Han Yang.

This guy is jealous of himself, on purpose!

Damn this guy!

Seeing that the good atmosphere he created was ruined by Han Yang, Zhang Yuan was almost furious at this time.

If it's not for fear of losing the opponent. I even want to teach Han Yang a lesson.

"Zhang Yuan, don't do that. I don't think Mr. Han did it on purpose! "

At this time, Su MuQing, seeing the friend she brought with her, was a little embarrassed to say that she was hurtful to Han Yang.

Su MuQing has been staying in school since graduation. She is always a kind of good girl, so her character is still very simple. She usually doesn't use malicious to guess others.

Like Zhang Yuan has been pursuing her, although she also feels that both sides are not suitable, but also embarrassed to refuse directly, just treat each other as a general friend.

After today's class, she had planned to come here by herself, but she had to follow her.

This also makes Su MuQing quite helpless, but embarrassed to refuse.

Can oneself and Zhang Yuan have been like this, estimate to be seen by other teacher, also can misunderstand the relation of two people.

Fortunately, I met Xue Ruyun, otherwise Su MuQing didn't know what to say to Zhang Yuan.

But this time, Zhang Yuan is a little too much. Anyway, Han Yang is brought by his good friend, and he doesn't seem to mean it.

But for such a small matter, Zhang Yuan makes a lot of noise and even scolds people. It's really a bit inappropriate, and it also makes Su MuQing a little embarrassed in front of her good friends.

In addition, the milk tea Han Yang sprayed just now was limited, and there were not many splashes on Zhang Yuan's body, just a little water stains on his chest.

So Su MuQing also felt that her colleagues seemed to make a fuss.

"Hum, don't worry about it. It's not about clothes. This boy is a little too much! I must let him know today

But at this time, because Zhang Yuan has a crush on the beautiful Xue Ruyun, he doesn't take Su MuQing seriously. He just turns to look at each other and says.

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