Zhou Yuan waved his hand indifferently to Han Yang's thanks. Seeing the distance, his face changed and he said directly.

And just when Han Yang was puzzled, a man had come out of the office not far away.

The man was wearing a floral shirt with round framed eyes. It looks a bit artistic, but the beard is a bit obscene. Let its image reduce a lot of points.

However, after seeing Han Yang, the guy directly pulled down his face and said to Han Yang

"What's the matter with you? You're late the first day you come back from leave. Do you want to do it or not? "

"Mr. Zheng! I... "

This person is Han Yang's boss and business director of the company. His name is Zheng Manchang.

In fact, this person is a complete scum. What he is good at in the company is deceiving and flattering the boss above, and yelling at subordinates like Han Yang.

What's more, all of them are big customers with oil and water in their hands. They also let the salesmen go out to expand new business. Once the salesmen find big customers with high profits, they will shamelessly take possession of them, and their character is quite poor.

Therefore, many employees privately give this person a nickname, called "Zheng Gouzi", which means "dogleg".

This time, Han Yang is determined to resign. It's also about this guy

Some time ago, I found several customers who just had some intention, but they were robbed by this guy in the end and complained that I didn't work hard.

"Come on! Don't say it. The company is just looking for you! I asked you. What's going on with that list from GW? Why doesn't the other side cooperate? Did you do something? Better be honest? "

But Han Yang has not finished, Zheng Manchang directly beard a pedal, continue to question Han Yang.

"GW? Mr. Zheng, isn't this always your own customer? "

After listening to each other's words, Han Yang's heart is even more confused. This GW is also a super customer of the company. Every year, the cost of advertising is more than several million.

It can be regarded as a major source of income of the company, and it can control almost half of the life and death of the company.

And like this kind of customer, Zheng Manchang has always been in his own hands, after all, the annual business commission is quite considerable.

Yes, of course. Because of this business, Zheng Mancang wants to be the father of GW's marketing manager. On weekdays, they go out to fool around every day. This guy has done a lot of things that are not good, and he even becomes a dish collector.

It is said that birds of a feather flock together. GW that manager is also a scum, very lecherous.

And this person also has a family. And it was by the power of his mother's family that he got this wealth. So it's also a little intimidated.

But for some time, this guy fell in love with a woman who was born in the dust. So he took Zheng Manchang with him and ran to the nightclub.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world, and the manager's family finally learned about it.

So when singing once, the other party's wife broke in directly with people. I'm going to catch the rapist on the spot.

This also scared the guy to death, and gave Zheng Manchang a wink.

And Zheng Manchang is just single, at that time in order to keep the list, this guy also has an idea. He went forward and hugged each other directly, saying that the woman was found by herself.

But GW manager's wife is also a little powerful. At last, I don't know how to make it. It forced Zheng Manchang to marry that woman.

But later, surprisingly, the woman still had a tryst with GW's manager, which also made Zheng Manchang's head green and became a well-known secret in the company.

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